WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1918 x on Ii by ocial H FEE N Shore Ruth Risley appenings N*THE SPRING, A YOUNG MAN'S FANCY -----" the one act will be presented at Wednesday evening by the a comedy in There will also be a.number of vaudeville acts in addition to the comedy. C The proceeds are to be devoted to the work of the Navy League, in entertaining the men from the Lakes each week-end. x x : ; % : I'he cast of characters include the Misses Arline Hayes, Katherine Arnold, Margaret Hayes, Lillian Felt, Harriott Salveson,. Virginia Shepherd, Virginia Noe and Lucille Curtis. Later in the evening there will be dancing. o-- D O YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY, as the govern- ment is requesting us all to do! Come to the Vegetable Market on Saturday mornings and purchase some of the trinkets which have been donated for sale. Next week will be your last op- portunity to take advantage of these sales, as the Market closes September 28. Mrs. I. M. Stein will be in charge of the sales this week, and Mrs. John Nash Ott will be in charge on the closing day. An excellent assortment of pumkins, squash, green tomaties for pickling, and other late vegetables will be on hand, at "under-war" prices. Anyone wishing to sell cookd goods, jellies, jam or dried fruits, for the benefit of Dr. Alice Brown, may bring them to the Shop Saturday morning. Captain and Mrs. Walter H. McDonald of 562 Oak street, an- nounce the marriage of their daughter, Amy, to Dr. G. F. Tierney, Jr., of Chicago, on September 2. The ceremony was performed at 'the McDonald home, Reverend Edward Williams, officiating. The Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union met with Mrs. L. C. Nor- ton, 370 Walnut street, for the an- nual meeting on Tuesday. Mrs. Nor- ton, president, and Mrs. I. G. Moody, treasurer. were re-elected; Mrs. Wil- liam Hamm was elected secretary, to fill the vacancy made by the resig- nation of Mrs. V. C. Drake, to be- come secretary of the Mission society of the Methodist church in Wilmette. Reports for the year were read, by the varius chairmen. Twenty dollars was received through the tin cans 'placed in the stores, and the Union wishes to thank those who helped toward the support of a French orphan. It will be necessary to in- crease this amount to $36.50, in or- der to totally support an orphan for the entire year. Any donations for this cause will be gratefully received by Mrs. L.. C. Norton. A request:is made for the return of the can and its contents, from the Sweet Shop on Lincoln avenue. Mrs. Drake and Mrs. Hamm were elected delegates to the State convention to be held in Aurora, October 22--25. Ws en Who does not reverently salute the valor of this great people? Who does not sorrow at thoughts of the awful price they have paid in the cause of liberty and justice? The ardorour fighters of France include many of the most talented men of a talented nation. Great artists are bearing the vicious at- tacks of an unspeakable foe. And as they fight, their families suffer an equal burden. At Chicago's Art Institute, now. are being shown a wonderful collection of paintings made by these artists while on duty in the trenches. Thousands view them daily and mar- vel at their vitality and historical significance. Your love of France and her sac- rificing sons may be given a practical demonstration by purchasing one or more of these masterpieces. Every penny realized from this sale goes to the suffering families of artists who are fighting for you and for me. See these remarkable pictures now. Then buy! ---- The East Willow Street circle met with Mrs. Herman B. Meyer on Tues- day afternoon, Mrs. M. K. Meper, presiding. During the program, which included a number of piano solos by Miss Mary Meyer, and vocal solos by Miss Gladys Madsen, the members worked on Red Cross work, provided by Mrs. Pitkin. Letters from overseas were read by Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Snell and Miss Lillian Norton. The next meeting will be held on October 15, at the home of Mrs. Charles S. Thorne. RR a. Mr. and Mrs. E. IL. Weinstock. ac- companied by Mrs. Weinstock's mother, Mrs. F. A. Deily, 850 Pine street, motored to Marietta, Ohio, this week for a ten day's visit. wd ie Miss Hazel Bohnen, who has been spending the summer in Pasadena, Cal, will move October 1 to Oak- land, Cal. Miss Kathleen Air has returned from a month's Mountains in Kentucky. Miss Harriet Houghtelling, daugh- ter of Mrs. James lL. Houghteling, 731 Prospect avenue, is preparing for overseas war work. The date of her departure is uncertain. but she will sail "as soon as possible after the wedding of Miss Virginia Cannon Le Seure, and Captain William Hough- teling, which is to take place Oc- tober 12. Fer Mr. and Mrs. Francis Payne Ma- son and family, 567 Ash street, have returned fro the Adriondack Moun- tains, where they have been spending the summer. it Mrs. Edward Yeomans and family have returned from the east and re- opened their home in Hubbard Woods. -- af Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty, 565 lincoln avenue. has returned from a month's outing at Hamlin Lake, 'Ludington, Michigan. pe Miss Virginia Buchanan, 591 Cher- ry street, will leave next week te enter Devon Manor, Devon, Penn. a Mrs. Phelps B. Hoyt and daughter, Miss Emilie, of 180 Sheridan road, are visiting in New York. -_--tmyswdbi Miss Mary Blanchard left this week to attend Guinseppe school. ------ The Misses Dorothy Hardenbrook, 1101 Forest avenue, and Mildred Latham, of Evanston, Katherine Co- dy, 908 Greenwood avenue, and Katherine Orde of Glencoe, will at- tend Wells college this year. Fe Mrs. Mortimer B. Skinner, 723 Central avenue, will entertain at luncheon to day for Mrs. Harry Gris- wold of Madison, Wis. Mrs. Griswold is a guest at the home of Mrs. Kerry Meagher, on Central avenue. --e---- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jordan have rented their house on Elmwood ave- nue, and will spend the winter at the home of Mrs. Edward B. Robin- son, 630 Central avenue. ime Mr. and Mrs. Fred White have given up their home on Central -ave- nue, and will reside at Dr. Lester E. Mees' home on Chestnut avenue, this winter. mA it Miss Roberta Skinner, 723 Central avenue, accompanied by Miss Vir- ginia Buchanan of Winnetka, will leave next week to attend Devon Manor at Devon, Penn. ---- Mr. E. C. Latham of Brooklyn, N. Y. is a guest. at the home of his sister, Mrs. Lewis Springer, 430 Hill street. ee We One of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs will meet next week with Mrs. Thomas Knox, 519 Forest avenue. --_-- Miss Genevieve Pegg returned to Creston, Ill, after spending several days as the guest of her sister, Miss Edythe Pegg, 829 Greenleaf avenue. itz PA Miss Katherine Beaumont, 519 trip to the Blue Grass | Greenleaf avenue, has entered train- 'ing at the Evanston hospital. i Vinnetka Woman's club next | Junior Navy League of Winnetka. | | | | FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST ILLINOIS WILMETTE, Announces a LLL 7 ON hristian BY Club Oak Street Corner Maple Ave. a TE 27 a 2 2 Za Za 2 rari 7227777777777 772727 77 777 Zr ZL i N WLLL Zl dd 2 ddd de Td dd dd ddd ddd dd ddd ddd a dd dd ddd dd dd Ze lo 777 77, FREE. LECTURE Scienc DR. JOHN M. TUTT, C. S. B. OF KANSAS CITY, MO. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday Afternoon, Sept. 22 AT 3:30 O'CLOCK Winnetka Woman's Winnetka, Illinois Take C. N. S. & Milwaukee Elec. Ry. to Cherry and Oak. Sts. Lili iiiiiiidid iii iidded 0 TT Aaa razz azrziriiziaizrzazzzzzrazzzizzidziz dia a Za aaa Tra ziziiiiriiiiiiniiiiiiiiizigaizadaaiiiiuiii lizzie AFTER THE WAR Had America Remained Neutral SALUTE AND BUY SALUTE AND BUY | (LLL ELLIS SSL SSSI SS SSIS SAAS SISSIES AAS SSAA SASSI SS PII FORT DEARBORN Fireproof Storage Company 4615-29 Clifton Avenue Wilson Ave. L Station Phone Ravenswood 100 Have You Decided? To place your household goods | and valuables into storage, or possibly to change your loca- tion, if so Arrange Now For Storage Packing Moving Shipping An important feature is our private Elevated Switch Track which runs Directly to Ware- house Doors, thus saving extra Handling and Hauling of your belongings For Infor :aticn as to Rates and Estimate Phone R: -enswood 100 Day or Nigh control of the State Utilities Commission of Illinois A 2 a de Za ered aiid udu daduddan Under Public AIST ILIS I Ys 7722 27 2a 2 da a Edd er dre DR. W. W. VANCE Dentist | Successor to the late | DR. D. SWAIN Phone Glen. 54. Glencoe, Ill Ziesing Block Hours 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Nee