Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 7 Mar 1919, p. 7

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+ of the fine work of the WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1919 7 | f= Fis YI 15 CARS SOL SOLD RIN CBY BY 1 1 . ». eg | 723 Oak Street, Winnetka | { id War Emergency Union Activities CUNNINGHAM AGENCY H WINNETKA TIRE SHOP TELEPHONE WINNETKA 1565 [a ll| In the past seven days R. D. Cun- | Vulcanizing - Repairing --- J | ningham sold the following cars | Ail tai Sienee | their } a ; Thee Ford. couvelets. two TF oa Hood, Mason and Firestone Tires Monarch Perfection Red Tubes y arge appreciative audien 1eir honorable discharge from serv- i RE Co Ferdi -ON-A- gathered in the Gymnasium of Com-| ice. LOUring. ong Yard fanabant 4 Foul! MILLERAD-ON-A-TREAD PUT ON YOUR OLD CASINGS munity House, Sunday ' evening, es om hoy Es rs > rl rye Srl 7 - . 2 on Jldsmobi 5¢ ! ls = Maren 2, to welcome back to Win- First lieutenant E. Dudley Brad- bile coupelet, two Oldsmobile gn | : netka from their War service, three! street is at Fort Sheridan hospital sportsters, three Oldsmobile "6" fF EE Sa rr fellow townsmen, Lieut. Col. Ray-| | He has seen a year and a half of| touring i | mond W. Hardenbergh, Lieut. George | service in France. and srrived in New) he amines of purchasers will not B. Massey and Chaplain E. Ashley| york. on the S. QC Finlar i dg Ae ANOS Ole PUIC ase IHL NOL gos Y ornaed 2 i, ie ». >. Finland, February | be published as heretofore, declares ||| Cm Hardenbergh told of his | 14, as a patient. He was able to Rly for the reason that cer- ||| Parisian Dye House, Inc. experiences in his work in the Gen- eral Staff College in France where he was daily associated with British and 'rench officers, spending one month | on the British front. He made a special appeal for more appreciation Jritish and I'rench. Lieut. Massey gave a vivid account of his work in connection with the] Mine Laying service off the 'coast of North Scotland, where he and his] American co-workers laid sixty | thousand mines in an area twenty- | five miles wide by about three hun- dred miles long. Chaplain Gerhard spoke briefly of his service in the large Debarkation hospital of New York. There he has | come to feel that to America belongs | the duty of interpreting to her sol-| diers the real meaning of the deep experiences they have undergone and of which many are only in part] conscious. He also made an appeal for an increasingly generous and] iriendly understanding of Great Bri- tain and showed 'that newspapers | which tried to rouse an antagonistic | spirit toward England were working | for an end distinctly favorable to German interests and against those | of World peace. | Mr. William S. Miller introduced! the speakers of the evening and the | audience was led in its singing of patriotic hymns by the Male quartet. | | WAR SERVICE RECORD In order that no effort may be | spared to make Winnetka's record | of men in service as complete as pos- sible, all Winnetka men returned from service or the families of such men are earnestly requested to come to the office of the War Emergency | Union to inspect their records there and see that they are as complete as possible. Room 8, Community House. Phone, Winnetka 1000. WAR PERSONALS Sergeant Elmer J. de Witte, of Co. A, 1st Battalion Edgewood Arsenal, Edgewood, Maryland his honorable discharge. Sergeant Milton Lyons has return- ed from overseas, and received his honorable discharge. He was with Co. C, 108th Field Signal Corps. From September 6 to October 21 he had full charge of the telephones in the trenches. He was in the hospital at the time the armistice was signed. Captain Henry F. Tenney and Captain James H. Linn have received ESSEX CAR ENJOYS INSTANT POPULARITY ALONG NORTH SHORE Essex cars have taken a hold on the north shore automobile public in a way that has been most gratifying, according to Louis J. Sherland, north shore distributor of this new car, as well as of the Hudson. | Sales of these two makes of auto- | mobiles have continued with a steady increase ever since the motor show, according to Sherland, and in the] 'last week he has disposed of eight | new cars as well as several used ones. | "One of the most notable things about the Essex is the way in which | it has sprung into popularity without a word being said in its praise by the makers," said Sherland. "No extra- vagant claims of any kind were made for the newcomer. The builders were | so confident of its worth that they were entirely ready to leave the final verdict to the public. In this con- | nection the following article printed | in Automobile Topics is interesting: "The Essex is not only a car but a type, that will bear close study. Its | lines are graceful and attractive, its bodywork well put up and comiort- able, while it is equipped in every de- | tail according to the purchaser's re- quirements. "Mechanically it is built along lines of safety, in the Sens that there is nothing experimental about it. On | the other hand, its great winning characteristic is performance. In this it excels many cars of much higher price and more pretentious aspect. = "Hence, in it's introduction, Essex dealers were urged to return to the old system of demonstration before | purchase. There are cars that de-| monstration will not help sell. The Essex is not one of these. Add to this the fact that its appearance 1s enough to pull a good share of at- tention on the prospective buyer's part, and enough has been said to in- dicate that for a newcomer its pros- pects are uncommonly bright. "In fact, having nothing in the way | of reputation to live down, but much in 'its favor. | I netka. | has received IN spend a few days with his 335 Ridge avenue en route. Lieuten= ant Bradstreet's first life in the trenches was with the British in Flanders in December 1917, and later with the Ameri army in the Vos- Argonne opposite Metz, where he when the armistice was signed. family at nd ges, was who was Spartans- Captain' Thacher Nelson recently at the R. O. T. C., burg, has received his honorable dis- charge and spent Sunday in Win-| insurance. solicitors, real estate| salesmen, car dealers and others. pester the new owners at all hours | 1tte pte to sell their wares. Celor ot Pure Copper T of a Swiss investigator 1 sts that aisoln tely pure copper | y have a 1t gray color like that f most other metals, since it is} found that copper which has been |} ten times distilled in vacuo has only a pale rose coler, while the yellow co lor of gold becomes much lighter under similar treatments. Take the word of 1000 and more automobile owners in Wilmette, Glencoe, Winnetka and other North Shore communities 'They have tried our live-rubber Dr-Kured retreaded tires and found them successful. Smart, snappy In appearance, guaranteed for 3500 miles, good for 5000 to 7000 miles, our re- treaded tires will save you from one-half to two thirds on your tire bulls. Have your worn tires retreaded by an estab- Telephone us. lished, reliable firm. Evanston Tire OPPOSITE CITY HALL 1613-1615 Sherman Ave., Evanston Phone Evanston 6537 Treading Co. DEVOE Lead and Zinc Paint It contains no whiting, silica, china clay or other such stuff. pure ingredients that the old-time painter used: Pure White Lead, Pure White Zinc, Pure Linseed Oil, and nothing else. Devoe is mixed by machinery, 1000 gallons at a time. That makes it absolutely uniform in strength, "Our Boss' the satisfied customer We are always anxious to save money for our customers by showing them how to get more years of wear from their paint jobs. always recommend LL LF SF HF LR SRR SRR SR SFR SFR RRR RRR, That's why we The Guaranteed Fewer Gallons--Wears Longer It is made of the same color and covering capacity--always takes fewer gallons, too. | Let us show you the real economy of pain | ing Devoe paint. you copy of the practical booklet--*'Keep Appearances Up and Expenses [> E. B. TAYLOR & CO. | Winnetka, Illinois Will be glad to send » which is now under new management of B. Nazarian Bros., would like to announce to all the community of the North Shore that we are ready to serve them, and fill their de- mands for cleaning and pressing of their wearing apparel. We are experts in French Dry Cleaning, Dyeing, and Pressing. Our prices are reasonable and our service is in- comparable. DYE Housk INCORPORATED | Phones: Wilmette 803. Winnetka 150 1 4 CARLTON BLDG., WINNETKA | | RRR Quality--Economy--Comfort Louis J. Sherland Co. Tel. Evanston 578 1019 Davis Street : MOTOR iinet aka 4 CARS DETROIT U.S. A THE HUDSON SUPER-SIX We carry the complete line Evanston @ The word "Good-by" at the end of a telephone conversation is not only a courtesy between those who have been talking but it is definite indication that the conversation is terminated, and that the receiver may be returned to the hook without discourtesy. Don't forget to say Good-by when you have concluded your tele- phone talk. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY

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