Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 22 Aug 1919, p. 4

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4 TALK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1919 WINNETKA WEEKLY -- I Clif Ad: | Rates for classified advertising THE LAKE SHORE NEWS WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK GLENCOE NEWS 10c. per line first insertion in any paper. VILLAGE OF WINNETKA SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE WINNETKA SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NUMBER 279 COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN THE given to all persons Notice is hereby » of Winnet- interested that the Village Bc per lime for each succeeding inser-}ka, Cook County, Illinois, having or- tion. 1Bc per line first insertion in| gered the improvement of the north any two papers. 7 1-2e per line for|gjge of Oak Street in front of the west- each succeeding insertion. 20e perl .prly eighty-five (85) feet of Lot Four line first insertion in three papers. 10¢| (4) in front of Lot Three (3), an in| er line for each suceeeding insertion. | f.oht of the easterly forty-one (41) | inimum charge on one time Ad 30¢.|f..t of Lot Two (2), all in Prouty's | Count five average words to.a line Homestead Subdivision; also the im-| Advertisements for the Lake Shore provement of the southerly side of Oak ews must be at our office by Wednes- | Street, from the westerly gutter in| ay nqon; for the Winnetka Weekly | Walnut Street to the present walk Talk and Glencoe News by Thursday | along the easterly side of Cedar Street, noon. and from a line eighty-eight (88) feet | An E- westerly from and parallel with the | FOR SALE We srly line of Maple Avenue to a FOR SALE--USED PIANOS TAKEN IN | lir 440.5 feet westerly from and | trade on our new $65 up. | parallel with said westerly line of Large assortment; ea payments. | Maple Avenue, by the construction of Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street. Bv- | a Portland coment Sour ete sidewalk | anston. LTG41-tfe | five (5) eet four (4 FOR SALF A THRER BREST BLBOTRIC | 1ve ©) Oe eT thioress ac] washing machines made; Thor, Bden, Li "edges 1Aid on a bed of cinders, Almpeiat; dsiiongtration every dq > gravel or crushed concrete of an aver- AS Tee vaNSION ee Ll luding all labor and 1 pierials, ai ind the Village of Winnetka, 'ounty of | TOMOBILES FOR SALE Cook and State of Illinois, the ordi- 1917 FORD WITH 1918 | nance for the same being on file in the g r body. $350. Inquire 278 |office of the Village Clerk of said Vil- Linden street, Winnetka. T23-1tp {lag and the said Village having ap- A mn plied to the County Court of Cook HOUSEHOLD 600DS County, Illinois, for a special assess- 3 n--54-IN T™E OAK | ment to pay the cost of said improve- FOR SALE_at Non FUMED a ae ment according to the benefit, and ar hairs Hair mattress, ete. 1011 Oak assessment therefor having been made Share Wi etka Phone 666-1 and returned to said Court, Docket Street Yan 53 T23-1tn Number 279, the final hearing thereon | Sy -- -- will be held on the eighth day of Sep- | FOR SALE--FURNITURE: PIANO, tember, A. D. 1919, or as soon there- | parlor rug. dining room set, library | after as the business of the said Court | table; chiffonier and dresser, stove | ill permit. All persons desiring may and ice box. 1140 Chatfield road, |file objections in said Court before said Hubbard Woods. T23-1te | day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordi- REAL ESTATE nance provides for the collection of FOR SALE--THE "HOUSE IN TIE | said assessment in one payment, with | WOODS". 362 HAWTHORNE LANE, interest thereon at the rate of five per WINNETKA. $15,000. APPLY TO jcentum (5%) per annum. . MPS FRANK R. FULLER, PHONE Dated. Winnetka, Illinois, August 22; T23-1te 1 A.D. 1919. WINNETKA 6. | | FOR SALE--7-ROOM HOUSE WITH HARRY I. ORWIG, . garage on west Spruce street. Pel. Person appointed by the | Win. 558. ~T32-3tp President of the Board of | e1n; S25 -- = Local Improvements of the | WANTED Village of Winnetka, Cook EE Luk LS NS FOR County, Illinois, (and such | NTED--TW d x en : ointment 'oved and Gl a house keeping in Winnetka or A me Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. g70-M. Court of Cook County, Illi- Sy i T2310 nois) to make said assess- WANTED TO RENT--6 TO 10 ROOM ment. house, furnished or unfurnished. FREDERICK DICKINSON, long or short lease. Address 5407 ¥ Village A TLOTNEY. 4 : T23-24 ireenwood avenue, Chicago. or tele- BEL Ff Cis phone Hyde Park 5172. T23-1te I ---- VILLAGE OF WINNETKA AEG WANTED | | | | | | | WAR BD_COOK_BY SEPTEMBER 1; SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE four in family. Tel. Winnetka 608. Co 0 ___T23-1tc | WINNETKA SPECIAL ASSESSMENT | WANTED--COMPETENT MAD FoR IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK cooking and taking care oO rs % Sen " i floor. Apply Mrs. F. A. Potter. 1030 COUNTY; ILLINOIS = Hubbard Lane, Hubbard Woods GENERAL NUMBER 346864 T23-tfe WANTED--MAID FOR LIGHT SEC- Notice is hereby given to all persons ond work; good seamstress: best |; forested that the Village of Winnet- wages. Phone Win. 58. T23-1te ka, Cook County, Illinois, having or- WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST WITH [dered the construction of a vitrified, walking child and upstairs work, glazed tile pipe sanitary sewer, in- where cook is kept; ref.; protestant. | cluding brick masonry manholes with Phone Win. 941. SITUATIOX WANTER WANTED--DAY WORK OR STEADY Write to F. O. care of as gardener. Winnetka Weekly Talk. T23-1te | tended west of = Nine SH jn Bleck : WN : Two (2) of Alles' First Addition to GARDEN AND La of: WORK: paLY Winnetka, north in said Chestnut Places nd J H. Walsh 375 | Street for a distance of nine hundred Jour ROURE Suncare ners |aixty (080) feel, all in the Village of Medison 053 reels encoe; TG16-tfe Winnetka, County of Cook and 'State of IF YOU WANT AN EXPERIENCED gardener to attend to your flowers, vegetables and garden call Winnetka 694 and get expert service, T20-4tc MISCELLANEOUS T23¢1tc cast iron covers and vitrified tile pipe junctions closed with vitrified tile discs, in Chestnut Street from and con- necting with the present manhole in Chestnut Street at the south line ex- IMMMnois, the ordinance for the same be- ing on file in the office of the Village Olerk of said Village, and the said Vil- lage having applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for a special assessment to pay the cost of said improvement according to the POMESTIC SERVICE BUREAU FURN- ishes domestie help. Rhone Hvamnston 6998. LTG37-tfe WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK, OLD, elothes and shoes. J. Golimsky, 1705 Forest avenue. Telephone Wilmette 1150. "He has his wagon." LT40-tfc name on his benefits, and an assessment therefor for having been made and returned to the said Court, General Number 346864, the final hearing thereon will be held on the eighth day of September, A. D. 1919, or as soon thereafter as the busi- ness of the said Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day, and may NOTICE--WE TAKE LIBERTY BONDS at full value in payment on pianos, talking machines, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, sewing machines. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Ev- anston. LTG41-tfe YF INTERESTED IN SMALL CLASS two hours each morning with visit- ing kindergarten in ® WwW. HA of HARRY I. ORWIG, town, please communicate wi Mrs. Person appointed by Lloyd C. Whitman, °till September RL Svea 10th at Edgartown, Mass., thereafter Local Improvements of the at 686 Hill road, Winnetka. T23-5t Village of Winnetka, Cook "s8-olC County, Illinois, (and such WANTED ENTRANCE TICKETS TO appointment approved and Ravinia Park to be used for picnic . confirmed by the Superior of voung women and girls from the city on August 30. Kindly send them to Mrs. R. Gregory, 1219 South Sher- appear on the hearing and make their 4 defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in ten (10) annual installments with in- terest thereon at the rate of five per centum_(5%) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, August 22, A.D. 1919. Court of Cook County, Illi- nois) to make said assess- ment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, idan road, Highland Park, Illinois. = . T23-1tp Village Attorney. T23-24 (i "TE a Obey that Impulse ern EEE THE RUE | OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT THIS NEXT IN WINNETKA WITH THE | WINNETKASTATE BANK ELM STREET AT Resources Over $400,000.00 Bank opens at 8:00 A. M. Save yourself that extra time by ll allowing us to serve you before your each your office. WEEK LINCOLN AVENUE IR Will Travel in East Mrs. Laurance P.® Robinson, 528 Elder lane, will leave. next week for an extended trip through the East. FURS furriers and every garment guaranteed LEAVE ORDERS NOW "MEYER MILLER Now Displaying a Complete Line of Furs for Fall and Winter Every article made in my own establishment by expert Anything in the Line of Fur Wraps made to order promptly Phone Randoiph 1768 15 E. WASHINGTON ST. Venetian Bldg. CHICAGO WILMETTE Mon. and Tues., Aug. 25 and 26 Evenings 7:30 and 9:00 Matinee, Tuesday 3:30 Bessie Barriscale in"The Woman Michael Married" EXTRA ....... PATHE NEWS |! EXTRA, CHRISTIE COMEDY FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR MOTOR Wed. and Thurs., Aug. 27 and 28 Evenings 7:30 and 9:00 H. B. WARNER THI { in "The Man Who Turned White" Less More EXTRA LLOYD'S LATE ay 51 Carbon EXTRA ...:..0...00. TRAVEL Fri. and Sat., Aug. 29 and 30 No Evenings, 7:00, 8:20 and 9:30 Matinee, Saturday 3:30 CHARLES RAY in "Bill Henry"' Friction WH THE Mileage - Reduce Repair Bills THHHTHIH IW EXTRA cate PATHE NEWS || COMING The Best Friend Your Motor Ever Had Enid Bennett in "A Virtuous Thief" : Wm. Russell in "This Hero is Stuff" . WINNETKA MOTOR COMPANY sie Ferguson a The Society xile GOING AWAY? Travel via the NORTH SHORE LINE You'll save time and bother if you use the North Shore Line when going to the resorts of Wisconsin or Michigan. Its convenient Milwau- kee will eliminate much of the vexatious delays and discomforts that often spoil a trip or an outing. Connections at Milwaukee can be made with electric lines for famous resorts like Oconomowoc, Cedar Lake, Beaver Lake, Waukesha, Watertown, Dela- field, Pewaukee Lake, Lake Beulah, Sheboygan, Port Washington, Plymouth, Crystal Lake, etc. Daily connections at Milwaukee with steamers for Ludington and Manistee, Michigan. Hourly Service North Shore Limited trains for Milwaukee leave Winnetka every hour daily, beginning at 6:29 A. M. Splendid dining-car service is maintained. For further information apply to the nearest .office of the CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Chicago Office 66 West Adams Street Phone Central 8280 ° Milwaukee Office 187 Second Street Phone Grand 1136 J a

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