Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 19 Sep 1919, p. 8

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I Classified Ads Rates for classified : advertising in THE LAKE SHORE NEWS WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK GLENGOE NEWS . so com s--" 10c per line first Insertion in any paper. be 2 line for each su ng Inser- tion. 16c per line gt insertion in any two papers. 7 1- per line for each sueceeding Insertion. 6 Der line first insertion in papers. 10c per line for each suc 2 insertion. Minimum charge on ome time Ad 3bc. Count five average words to a Tne. Advertisements hake Shore News must be at our effice by Wednes- day neon; for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News by Thursday noon. FOR SALI In Prouty Annex Martin Engel, expert shoe repairer, who was formerly located on Elm street and whose shop. was destroyed by fire on August 31, is now continu- ing his business at 24 Prouty Annex. Ee eS a Don't let careless expenditure make a sieve .of your purse. Buy wisely and increase your money holdings by investing in W. S. S. FOR RENT--LARGE BEAUTIFULLY furn. home, SI. P. h. w. heat. East Evanston, $225 per month. Mrs. Taylor, Evanston 317. T27-1tc WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT OR BUY-- TWO good pianos for school use. Phone Win. 850. ae T27-1te WANTED--BOARD AND ROOM FOR little girl 3 1-2 yrs. old, and father. Address Weekly Talk B-60. T27-1tp FOR SALE--FIVE SCOTCH COLLIE pups, 10 weeks old, males, bred from best pedigreed stock in Middle West, raised with children. The best dog companion children could have. Pric- LOST AND FOUND REWARD OFFERED FOR RETURN of ring, diamond in heavy setting egreen gold; may have been dropped % , T46 between Oakley avenue and 937 ag BL i Tk dag A Gordon Terrace. Communicate Liha street, Evanston, Ill. Phone Evans. | _1V Talk. __T27-1te 3689. LTG45-1tp MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--SEVERAL YOUNG HENS; Ferris Leghorn breed; also Buff Leg- horns; price each $1.50; original cost more than $3. Apply to H. W. Foote, 247 Beach road, Gleneoe. LTG45-1tc FOR SALE--USED PIANOS TAKEN IN trade on our mew pianos, $85 up. Large assortment; easy payments. Patterson Bres., 828 Davis street, Bv- anston. LTG41-tfc HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE BREAK- fast-room furniture, table, four chairs, buffet, $90. Phone Evanston 6484, LTG45-1te FOR SALE--ENAMELED IRON BED; 3/4 size; mahogany tea table; ma- hogany shaving stand, and antique carved Italian walnut hall chest. Phone Winnetka S883. T27-1tc FOR SALE--9x12 RUG; DRESSERS; bed and box spring; porch chairs. 495 Greenleaf avenue, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 90. T27-1tc AUTOMONELDS FOR SALE FOR QUICK SALE--191¢ FORD TOUR- ing car, almost good as new. Phone Win. 165. Winnetka Moter Co. Spot- light battery, new spare tire. LTGA45-1tc FOR SALE--BIG SIX PAIGE, 7 PASS, 1916 model; seat covers; tire fine; 8 brand new; see Saturday and Sunday at 461 Maple street. T27-1tp BLECTRIC CARS FOR SALE BARGAIN--WOODS ELECTRIC CAR, with or without charger; owner leav- ing town. Phone G. H. Morris, Ev. 1048 or Glencoe 203. LTG45-1te BARGAIN--COLE 8; IN GOOD CONDI- tion; must sell at once. G. H. Mor- ris, 857 Greenwood avenue, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 208. LTG45-1te TT HELP WANIEB ue! WANTEP--YOUNG MAN TO TAKE care of stock and put up orders. A. S. Van Deusen, groeer, 1154 Central avenue, Wilmette. LTG45-1te WANTED--GROCERY CLERK, EXP, steady positien. A. S. VanDeusen, 1154 Central avenue, Wilmette. LTG45-1te WANTED--COMPETENT COOK; REF. required; telephone Evanston 162. 1120 Forest avenue. LTG45-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GENL. HOT'eW. work; best wages; telephone Winn. 986 or call at 640 Blackthorn Road, Winnetka. . LTG45--tc WANTED--COMPETENT MAID FOR cooking and taking care of first floor. Apply Mrs. F. A. Potter, 1030 Hubbard Lane, Hubbard Woods. ad T23-tfe WANTED--AT ONCE EXP. SECOND girl with good ref.; wages $13.00 per week. Address Weekly Talk, A-95. T27-1tc WANTED--GIRL, NOT UNDER 17, TO assist with light housework in small bungalow and care of 2 1-2 year old child; small ironing; every Thursday and every other Sunday off; must be willing to stay 2 or 3 evenings each week; can sleep at home or here; $8 a week. Phone Winnetka 1114. T27-1te WANTED--MAN TO CARE FOR furnace in Kenilworth"™and Winnetka. Daniel Thomas, Kenilworth 1215. a Eh T27-6te WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework and care of children hone Win. 638-W. 245 e, Winnetka. GARDEN ANB LAWN WORK: PRIV, places taken care of; summer or all year around. J. H. Walsh, 375 Madison street, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 251. TG16-tfe SITUATION WANTED--DRESSMAKER Miss Axelson. 926 Ash street. Phone 'Win. 1570. T27-2tp WANTED TO BUY WANTED--BEDROOM, LIVING ROC furniture, writing desk for Sa be furnished October 1st. Phone Win, 1184. T24-tfc WANTED--BEDROOM, LIVING ROOM furniture, writing desk for house to be furnished October 1st. Phone Win. 1184, TG26 -tfe WS NTTn ED VELOCIPEDE; IN 200d condition; for 3 year i Phone Win. 517-J. : ol. Sua FRANZ KRENN, LANDSCAPE GARD- ener, housework, tree trimming and expert = gardener. 804 Elm street. Phone Winnetka 694. T26-4tc NOTICE--WE TAKE LIBERTY BONDS at full value in payment on pianos, talking machines, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, sewing machines. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Ev- anston. LTG41-tfe WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK, OLD clothes and shoes. J. Golinsky, 1705 Forest avenue. Telephone Wilmette 1150. "He has his name on his wagon." LT44-tfe NOTICE--BUY A SONORA GRAPHO- phone. Received first prize at World Fair for tone. We carry Grafonolas, Brunswick and all makes. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG45-1te WANTED--A GOOD VIOLIN. CALL Glencoe 634. LTG45-3te [F INTERESTED IN SMALL CLASS two hours each morning with visit- ing kindergartner in S. W. end of town, please communicate with Mrs. Lloyd C. Whitman, 'till September 10th at Edgartown, Mass. thereafter at 686 Hill road, Winnetka. T25-3tc (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Winnetka State Bank located at Winnetka, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 12th day of September, 1919, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES 1. Loans and Discounts ....$170,555.90 2. Overdrafts -........c0v2. 285.55 4. Liberty Loan Bonds 44,342.04 5. Certificates of Indebted- TIEBE (he 3 a rvg ale ihe Wow ecuzd aie' 7,000.00 6. War Savings Stamps .... 1,034.00 7. Other Bonds and Stocks . 134,654.43 8. Banking House ......... Furniture and Fixtures . 700.00 9. Other Real Estate ...... 753.41 10. Due from Banks ..... . 82,056.13 I, CABAL Faiveavy vn olivaie sia sas 8,866.73 12. Exchanges, Checks and Collections ... ov. co evissis 16,999.87 Total Resources ........ $468,143.06 LIABILITIES 1. Capital stock paid in..... $ 25,000.00 2. Surplus fund............, 5.000.00 3.' Undivided Profits (net) .. 4,147.34 4.0 Deposits ".... 0 5c dveiee sun 428,916.82 6. Dividends unpaid ....... 25.00 7. Reserved for Taxes and Interest. cud evesivivinion 58.90 8. Contingent Fund ....... 5,000.00 Total "Liabilities ....... $468,148.06 I, Henry R. Hale, Cashier of the Win- netka State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belfef. HENRY R. HALE, Cashier. STATE OF ILLINOIS. 1 COUNTY OF COOK, 88 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of September, 1918. (Signed) JONAS H. MADSEN, (SEAL) Notary Public. (Official Publication.) REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Winnetka Trust ane Savings Bank located at Winnetka, State "of Illinois, at the close of business on the 12th day of September, 1919, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES 1. Loans and Discounts ....$167,458.69 2. Overdralts: ~... oasis 66.37 2 0. 8. Bonds: ....u. ih feels 4. Liberty Loan Bonds' .... 51,665.00 5. Certificates of Indebted- YVCEE ls viviaiiin vs iniere ovis aie oe 6. War Savings Stamps .... 54.22 7. Other Bonds and Stocks. 144,593.91 8. Banking House, Furnit- ure and Fixtures ..... 9,000.00 9. Other Real Estate ....... 3,461.67 10. Due from Banks ...... 47,174.13 11. Cash Oo dnv ivan ont, 16,042.67 12. Exchanges, Checks and Collections vives sis von 11,503.29 13. Other Resources ....... 14. Revenue Stamps ....... Total 'Resources ....... $451,019.95 LIABILITIES . 1. Capital stock paid in..... $ 35,000.00 Burpluy FUNDA re cre " ,450.00 3. Undivided Profits (net) 4,740.45 4, DepoSItE ii. ovine 408,829.50 . Total Liabilities ........ $451,019.95 I, M. K. Meyer, President of the Win- netka Trust and Savings Bank, do solemnly swear that the above state- ment is true to the best of my knowl- edge and belief. M. K. MEYER, President. STATE OF ILLINOIS, | gg COUNTY OF COOK, { 2 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 17th day of September, 1919. P. W. BRADSTREET, (SEAL) Notary Public. WILMETTE Mon. and Tues., Sept. 22 and 23 Evenings 7:30 and 9:00 Matinee, Tuesday 3:30 Mrs.Charlie Chaplin in "Home"' EXTRA ...... PATHE NEWS COMEDY Wed. and Thurs., Sept. 24 and 25 Evenings 7:30 and 9:00 TOM MOORE in "City of Comrades" EXTRA ....LLOYD COMEDY EXTRA TRAVEL Fri. and Sat., Sept. 26 and 27 Evenings 7:00, 8:20 and 9:30 Matinee, Saturday 3:30 WARREN KERRIGAN "A White Man's Chance" EXTRA PATHE NEWS COMING DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS "His Majesty the American" All Kinds of Automobile Repairing No charge for Estimating Repair Work. IVERSON'S GARAGE & TAXI CO. Wes Poo Phrase Win. 355.750 Gage Street, opposite Hubbard CHILDREN'S PORTRAITS Telephone Evanston 2228 The North Shore Studio The Home of Good Photography ARTISTIC PORTRAITS :: MODERN EQUIPMENT AND METHODS NEWEST STYLES IN MOUNTINGS :: HOME AND STUDIO WORK 4 W. J. ROOT, Photograpkter For twenty-five years owner of one of leading studios in the Chieago Loop VISITORS ARE WELCOME Hoyburn Theater Building WANTED TO BUY--OLD WASH BOIL - vit for use as ash cans. Phone Win. | 50. me T27-1te WANTED--FIRST CLASS PIANO: IN good condition. Phone Win. 1033. i. Wy Cena T27-1te WANTED--9x12 RUG, ALSO SMALL oak heater; reasonable. Call Glencoe 778. T27-1te WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND: large sized velocipede. Phone Win. 551-W. as T27-1tc . FOR RENT a FOR RENT--FURN." 2 ROOMS AND private bath. 158 Bertling Lane, In- a dian Hill station, Winnetka. T27-1tc FOR RENT--FRONT FURN. ROOM. 1044 Elm street. Phone Win. 547-W. Sa T27-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM; HOT water heat. Phone Win. 513-W. | . T27-1te Our Idea of Service Is to give our customers the best Quality it is possible to get and make delivery in a satisfactory manner. WINNETKA MARKET A 5558s on Telephone Winnetka 320821 A PEE Vip NI LAA IAA ISIS SIS SASS IAI LISI S ISI HEMSTITCHING TELEPHONE WILMETTE 2354 7 A 2 ZT Zl ld Ladd La dd Zed dd dd deeded id BUTTON COVERING PLEATING TUCKING QUICK SERVICE A. M. CARY 222A TE. Agency Singer Sewing Machines and Accessories \ 1131 GREENLEAF AVE. WILMETTE, ILL, Ld dd dead priirrniiiriiziiieididdd ALTE SS SITIES ALIAS LSI LLY, re SA LLL dd dr Fd ld a 1620 MAPLE! AVE. RD a PRR ddd re 8 2 0 of Bd 2 ied il LL Bl Leds NORTH SHORE RUBBER CO. NOT INCORPORATED Auto Tires and Tubes Repaired PHONE EVANSTON 2087 EVANSTON, ILL. J. O. HAYES, Proprietor From Evansten to Glencoe WINNETKA 524 LINDEN STREET Tel. Winnetka 1544 : FOR SALE North Shore Property Vacant and Improved HILL & STONE 404 LINDEN AVENUE Tel. Wilmette 1644 Why 0 = 5 6 7 Ten Reasons THE MILBURN ELECTRIC is growing in popularity every day: Graceful appearance. Light weight. 8 The first model Milburn Elec- tries put out six years azo are still running satisfactor- Maintains higher average i s speed for greater distances 1y howing it is durable. than any other electric. 9® In six years time The Milburn Electric Co. have gone from the lowest to the Iargest Electric Car producers in the world. Attains higher speed quicker than any other electric. Greater mileage per charge. Easiest riding car on the '10 Milburn owners are "Mil- market. burn Boosters" The greatest Easy to drive and holds the selling argument im the road. world. The Milburn Electric now has an Evanston Salesroom at the Fashion Auto Station, Clark street and Benson avenue. Also Milburn Service will be rendered here to north shore owners. North shere purchasers should buy their Milburn Cars from the Ev- anston office where they get their service. Arrangements can be made for demonstration without cost or obligation by telephoning our Evanston office. GEORGE H. MORRIS TELEPHONES: OFFICE EVANSTON 1048 t HOUSE GLENCOE 203 NORTH SHORE SALES REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR MOTOR HH WHR More Mileage Reduce Repair Bills Tn Less Carbon No Friction LUTTE] The Best Friend Your Motor Ever Had WINNETKA MOTOR COMPANY a

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