Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 4 Oct 1919, p. 4

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OC TOBER 4, 1919 ad ati Am Winnetka Weekly Talk ISSUED SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK he by . The Lake Shore Publishing Company 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, IIL elephone «vv evn-- Wilmette 1920 Winnetka Office Telephone Winn. 388 SUBSCRIPTION ........51.00 A YEAR Strictly in advance All ¢ommunications must be ac- companied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication should reach this office by Thursday afternoon to insure appearance in current issue. ARE YOU WILLING TO BOOST THE MILLER FUND? .Continued frocm Page One) go; August C. Magnus, Winnetka $15--John W. Thomas, Evanston A. A. Beebe. Winentka; Mrs. Isaac K. Frircdman. Winetka. $10.50--Collected by Mrs. S. Fisen- drath, Winnetka. $10--Mr. and Mrs. Allan 1. Wolff. Winnetka; R. Floyd Clinch, Hubbard Woods; Mrs. George Pope, Giencoe; Alired E. McCurdie, Winnetka: Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Dallas. Winnetka; C. S. Miner, Glencoe; P. D. Helium, Glencoe; J. A. Armstrong, Glencoe: Have you tried the Delicious 75¢ Table d'Hote Dinners served from 5:00 to 7:00 P, M. at the Gingham Tea Shop, '110 S. Wabash avenue, near Monroe street. We also serve an 50c¢ Supper and .| A La Carte Luncheon from 11:00 to 2:00 '{ P. M. Everything Home Cooked. .Elsie H. Brooks and Mabel H. Kennedy. N. J. FELLOWS REGISTERED OPTICIAN 796 Elm Street RE A 20 2 2 dR 77 dd Di did did dad dL ddd ddd ld lll lll dll ddl dll ld le 7. It isn't what you pay for food that really counts- It's the good you get out of it. LLL CET ET VOLLMAN'S MARKET Winnetka, Illinois AS LSS SS SSSL SII S SSL ESS ISIS SSSI SAS SLL SLA SSL SIS SS S677 ak gr Nall Mii RR EA rr o Tesolutions of condolence, cards of --Cash Evanston. : Eyes Tested. Frames Fitted - hanks, ituar) potry, tices 5--M : rin etlsa ' nary, CART einige Wik Ho Rush Pre Janey Lenses Duplicated Fi Imitte e charge ill be > or pb o yA Dal AR . ate ong eR Ci hid Weod. Winnetka; Mrs. Frank Sclo Frames Repaired at regular advertising rates. man, Winnetka: Mrs. M. M. Anning, our 2 > rn : -- | Winnetka; H. T. Spiesberg, Winnet- Phone Room 3 Yired in the Postale a YN innstlkn, ka; Luther S. Hammond, Winneika: Winnetka 85 Prouty Bldg. class, under the act of March 3, 1879. Mrs Ls i TR onan E [) Mrs. au . Fowler, Nilmette; SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1919 Mrs. Edward W. Smith, Highland vVenings Park; Mrs. M. J. Stein, Hubbard : Woods; Mrs. Henry E. Hirsh, Hub- The Short Working Day bard Woods; Miss Elizabeth E. OO Lo Packer, Glencoe; Charles F. Boal, There are just two characteristics, Cimon i i ye Roswell I M . 3 : ; Mason, innetka; Edgar F. Alden, the possession of which make a man Winnetka; W. F. Wallace, Winnetka ; 2 Uusic successful, the lack of which keeps Royal Del SV isaela Yoon i " iv : : Christ Church, Winetka; Mrs. W. A. at the him Gown. Given healing, industry Bair Glencesr RM. McDavid and thrift are the essentials to finan- | Glencoe; J. S. Root, Glencoe; Frank Mon. and Tues., Oct. 6 and 7 Evanston Woman's Club ciai wellbeing. Lacking either or both | Payne, Bisfone] M Sens i Evenings 7:30 and 9:00 A di of these qualifications a man need goes Ril: Roseaherd Ss Matinee, Tuesday 3:30 uditorium Jauer, Glencoe. : not expect to arrive. And it is in- om Wi Bowe, Naas Center. DOROTHY PHILLIPS Direction, Mary S. Marshall A . $2--Georg St TW, tka; 3 ; dustry and thrift that it seems to be My rs, William C. A Star of Hesrs of Humanity 1139 Ras Avenue the endeavor of the radical leaders | Winnetka; Mrs. E. R. Jones, Winnet- 3 ¢ : Rvanston . . ka: Hugh Mottschall, Winnetka. in Destiny Telent > in the present struggle of that body $1--Sunday school children, Win- PATHE NEWS elep 10m 219 of men who work with their hands | netka; Mrs. TF. W. Edwards, Win- MAX ROSEN Course Tickets Only Si netka; Miss C. Kolb, Winnetka; R. p Ord Tak N 1 to eliminate. The demand of then ofp. Winnetka E. K. Blair, Yin. Weds and. Thurs, Oct. 3 and' 9 ' rders aken Now hort king day, six | in some | netka; Mrs. A. Kumstader, Chicago; Event 7:30 and 9:00 = A SR . | Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Day, Winnetka; Yenmg® an OCTOBER 17, 1919 ' lines of work, twenty hours a week in Mrs. John Ritchie, Winnetka; Mrs. H B WARNER . some, they seem to think to be thelC. J. Block, Winnetka; Thomas Lath- . . Mabel Garrison royal road to munificence. They do ToD: Winastlen, ey ht in "The Pagan God" IT deg teity 3 not see that the long period of idle- aia, subscription. for north shore, ; : hat delightiul young soprano with the unaffected ness each day and each week is not $3685.71, EXTRA, HAROLD LLOYD'S manner and attractive personality." ig ; § 3 conducive to the improvement o A ----. TRAVEL NOVEMBER 7, 1919 the conditions against which they H Mit h il a. a o gan think they rebel. = ry i Yi.i an at, Oct. an * y } ar itche Evenings 7:00, 8:20 and 9:30 Jascha Heifetz No one who has reached a point of . Matinee, Saturday 3:30 a Feta on. rg ' ¥One Heifetz in a century." pe Tr nh JANE GREY and Sven Cute | rie S . . N bd number of the hours of the day that |= Kiddies in "Let Katy Do It DECEMBER 11, 1919 he has- spent in the prosecution of Do you remember this big hit od his business affairs. More of this EXTRA PATHE NEWS Josef Lhevinne group of men work eighteen hours While there was but one Rubinstein, there 'is today out of the twenty-four than work 3 COMING : but one Lhevinne." . ' six, and all those who are able to > Anita Stewart in "Her Kingdom Teshpiee Delt 0 I h Alice doves in The Third De- JAIUARY 8,1920 M R short business day have served their £ gree" A ; apprenticeship in the school of ex- Mary Pickford in "The Hood- Ethel Leginska we ax osen perience where the long day and|g 2 "The Mi Vow" : The slender boy, with poetic hard work were the order of the i Ll 3 "The Paderwski of Women face, who has proven him- oo I RIGHT NOW A pits self to be one of the great It requires a higher mental train-|3 Rr 5 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE violinists of the day. : 2 =» Regular $60, $70 and $80 = ing to be able to use leisure profit-| : $--§--8$--$§--$%--5--85---§5---35 ably than for almost any other ob-[] ali and Winter K ligation that the good citizen must | { Suits Made 8 ¢ 3 acknowledge. Eighteen hours out of v the twenty-four left with no employ- | = to Order ORLY = ment except the period for sleep and ' ' the daily meals offers a fertile field Extra Pants FREE for mischief which those who are With EVERY Suit advocating such a reduction of the working day ought to take into their | @ EVERYTHING wOUARANT £20 = P e n e X u n a Y considerationi It is as serious a OVERCOAT a and' ; part of the labor problem as "the : ® ki t of a system by which MAE T9.985ER i, O ct 0 b e 5 th 19 1 9 in Sa venin r the rate of production necessary for | § HARRY MITCHELL. ' the supplying of the demands of the g 15-18 F. Jackson Uoulovard, Chicago & whole public may be maintained. 50 ELE § SERIE THN ¢ CIERED BY : i C i H Food B Ga d ommuinity riouse 00 argains. Corner of Pine St. and Lincoln Ave. For Week Starting Saturday, October 4th, E Wi k teiinvitid and and Ending Friday, October 10th very Winnetkan 1s Invited an Try Our Best Bulk Ccffee, potied Bu, i Lr asd es 40c expected. This 1S the first of a Series Evaporated Milk, choice of five brands, tall can 15c; small can ...8¢ of Sunday Evening get-together meet- Crisco, pound CAR ,........itvrvrrrtaseessonasasase sumanresseseens 35¢ . f 1 Wi k A . ShyeddediWhieat, pig: 1465 ZRGP bw inns dihai ili iviy aris 27¢ Ings ror a innetka people. n in- Kellogg's and Armour's Corn Flckes, package .................... 12¢ teresting program has been prepared Puffed Wheat, package iii iis citi nni nen. 13c f C d M pi Baker's Cocoa, 1-2 pound can for ................. cocina, 25¢ or you. 00 usic. : Pure Fruit Preserves, Ei {TE PU SO Te Rei 32c¢ ol AD 8.07, JRL os ss HE sean Seis sa vi 2H en Suni 30c R | S k dR 1M ; Apple Butter gee 28 Nea peaKers an ea €ssages Richelieu Chile Sauce, 10 0z. Jar ...... % cu eriasn sors ansnrsinees 30c : Tomatoes, size 2 1-2 can, regular price 25c; special one week for 18c BISHOP THOM AS OF WYOMING Richelieu Ripe Olives, tall can .................ooniiiieinn 60c MAJOR GEN ERAL WOOD Call and Inquire About Our Special Line Of Fresh Fruits and And other speakers of note to be announced soon v - & Vegetables - POTEET LL CTL LL LLL ELLE LL Ce TTT I In The Hubbard Woods Cash Grocery Conducted jointly by all Protestant Churches in Winnetka SALVATCRE DI FRANCESCO, Proprietor 901 LINDEN AVENUE HUBBARD VV, Q0DS Telephone, Winnetka 400

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