Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 25 Oct 1919, p. 12

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"dd uel SU es bi LB 12 -- ts "WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1919 Armistice Day to Be Climax of Advise Soldiers of War | | Red Cross Roll Call Starting Nov. 2| Risk Insurance Pledges TEL. 1145 The Bureau of War Risk Insur- Greenleaf Ave. portance to service men of the pro- 1200 Armistice Day, November 11, is-al problems; 2,013 with compensation | Visions of the War Risk Insurance Call which opens" on November 2|allowante difficulties; 1029 with |™may depend the validity of their and closes on the anniversary of the. financial assistance and 1468 were |Ccl2im to compensation under the Act. time. . vice. Hundreds of others were aided | Vides that "No Compensation shall A half million members and $1,-|in securing bonuses. locating bonds, | P¢ payable for death or disability of ORIENTAL RUGS 200,000 in subscriptions is the goal set straightening out of financial diffi- which does not occur prior to or Céll and Third War Fund drive. This [crepencies in pay and discharge [3signarion Jom the Sihyice, CXeept . campaign is no less urgent than that | papers. Battwhere, iter a medicaliexamina. campaten iy no less urgent hn tha | pre ai ashian /3ros sske! for re-construction work at| Chicago and the north shore has|at the time of discharge or resigna- rn extended a welcoming hand to more | tion from the service, or within such : ance wishes to emphasize the im- WILMETTE W.LMETTE fittine climax for the Red Cross Roll | problems; 1944 with allotment and | Act upon the fulfillment of which v : énding of the greatest war of all|given employment and vocational ad-| Ihe War Risk Insurance Act pro- S PE CIA L RE DU CT] O N SA LE by the Chicago chapter in its Roll | culties and in .the correction of dis-] Within one year after discharge or COME IN AND SEE THEM % .- home and overseas was over-sub- scribed by more than $700,000. While than 1,074,149 passing troops during reasonable time thereafter, not ex- "the end of Red Cross ministration | t1€ Past Soar through its canteen ceeding one year, as may be allow- overseas is in sight, obligations here | 3¢7ViC¢: Some idea of the magnitude fed by regulations, a certificate has SE home to tie meh who served: it of this work is shown in the follow-| been obtained from the director to the war and to their families stil] re- | 18 facts: Meals served at the can-|the effect that the injured person at main ; teen in Grant Park total 112,748; 8,- the time of his discharge or resig- A vear ago, on October 31, 1918, 183.220 cigarettes have been distribut- | nation was uffering from injury likely the Chicago chapter had 30 branches ed while 336290 cups of coffee and to result in death or disability." with 152 auxiliaries in. Cook and Lake | 553290 doughnuts have been served Many discharged men are not counties. While activities among at various 'hours of the day and{ familiar with or are inclined to dis- the maiority of thess groups ceased night. regard this provision of law and are shortly "after the armistice, the| Future plans already formulated by | allowing their rights thereunder to machinery remains intact and can be | the Chicago chapter embrace a re- |lapss. : re-mobilized whenever an urgent Organization of the four Base Hos-| Request for the certificate men- heed atises pitals, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen and | tioned above should be made to the At last accounting the chapter | Fourteen, whose war record over- Chief Medical Advisor, Bureau of membership was 501,604, Campaign | 5€as reflected great credit upon Chi- | War Risk Insurance, Washington. officials believe that every member | cago. They will be equipped to func-[D. C. a To Get More Give More "Industry and Commerce are simply sup- o> will again pledge his or her sypport | tion in all emergencies so that any a ------ : ' : Yt agein sledge 1s op 18 I [heed rir Sor an, Br aay AT CATHEDRAL plying one another's wants or needs, and it men who have served their country | demic or other cause may be instant-} Reverend Father Michael Sester- does not consist in getting all you can and to resume placed in civilian life. [ly met. Extension of the Home | henn, who was recently ordained, has Registration places will open on Nursing courses, already available | been assigned to the Holy Name November 2 in each locality where | 0 the women of the city and sub-|cathedral, Chicago. The Reverend enrollment in the Third annual Roll | urbs, is to be arranged on a greatly Father Joseph Rengel is located at Call may be effected | increased scale. a parish in Jefferson Park. Calls for assistance are now. re- | ceived at the rate of 10 every hour: by the Home Service department, |! 5 in- Chicago, from returning men or! from the families of those still in| e service For the past three months Ends Al} an average of 22000 families have been in the care of the department. | The help extended, often in the form | of a gift or a loan, is not charity but | Gas due recognition for the service rend- | ered bv our men in the war. T roubles =n Tm . Leok at This Illustration in giving as little as possible in return, which is dishonest because it is unscientific, and unscientific because it is dishonest." The scientific way to get more is to give more, 'tis our belief. In the merchandising of "Exide" Batteries and Battery Service we feel that we will gel more--because we give more. A detailed story of one wesak's work, recently, revealed 17,308 in- stances of service. During that time 1,324 men were aided with insurance The man who said, "introducing a thing better than the people have been using is worse than war," had never formed the acquaintance of the good folks on the North Shore. STEWARD VisiBLE GASFILTER MILBURN ELECTRIC NEWS George H. Morris, north shore sales representative, reports the sale of Milburn Electrics to L. F. Hettling, Cet é 1 703 Sheridan road, Evanston; Walter ETT] IE a H. Van Zwoll, 6023 Kenmore avenue, OU can instantly see how the You take out the cup and flip | Edgewater; Dr. E. S. Meers, Kenosha gasoline comes in through the dirt a jiffy, | i Exide Batlerics are be!fer"--There are many LOOK FOR of the North Shore's most prominent THIS SIGN citizens who substantiate our believe in this. Fred W. Otto, Pres. [ BATTERY _ + [ExI0C SERVICE and James I.. Lee, Evanston. the intake tube, flows down ° Nothing but pure gasgline gets Re .-------------------- into the glass trap cup, and then through the mesh. ! YILLAGE OF WINNETKA ' goes upward through the mesh You can't keep this stuff out | and out through the shank to of your gasoline, but you ean | SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE i the vacuum tank. keep it out of your carburetor pr | This is a time honored trap and engine. In the Superior Court of Cook County, system. In this case the cup is We carry a large stock of Iitinois, General Number 347,811 of glass, and you can see what Miller, Fisk, Kelley Springfield, |] . A | : you are trapping. Goodyear and Brunswick Tires. Notice is hereby given to all persons! | -- == [Evanston "Exide" Battery Service Better Battery INC. Service at fair list prices. 1007 Davis Street 3 Prouty Court EVANSTON WINNETKA interested that the Village of Win- Fi IR oa ER et i ind For sale by ELAN E The North Shore G Trent i the Vilinie of Wipmatin. Gown | € INOr ore Garage Oraiman cr for which said imnrovement | 611 West Railroad Ave. Phone Wilmette 628 et Bnd Wg Fine Y our present battery (regardless of its make) placed in our hands is The Local Chicago Telephone Directory DL Goes to Press Soon In the interests of " good service subscrib- ers are requested to call ue IN the west line extended of Ridge Ave- ---- assurance that you will "Cet More". easterly from the intersection of said center line of said Hill Road with the = south line.of Section twenty (20), < ° Township Forty-two (42) North, Range : Thirteen (12) East of the Third Prin- == including preparation of subgrade, parkw s, draining, constructing Port- r= ent concrete base, construct- co W as h er or structing concrete end walls, curb- hs a = 9 way, all in the Village of Winnetka, | NP p Fs; § | f 30 County of Cook and State of Illinois, | WR ( 10me or Board of Trustees of the Village of | proceeding was known as General of the Village Clerk of said Village, assessment to pay the estimated de- nue, southwesterly to a line running at! right angles to the center line of said | cipal Meridian, including all street re- turns as far back as the street lines HHH digging side ditches and grading the lana ing and paving with a bituminous | gis £ S Po, | macadam wearing surface on said con- P « a Ll = - roner to your and which said ordinance was passed | 5 pw days. Balance Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois. on | a y ¥ the eleventh day of September, A. D. = Number 333,500, in the Superior Court : of Cook County, Illinois, the ordinance \ : " . \ mont y pay- and the said village having applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, : A RR Re: an . ig: flelency in the cost of the work and |! N : CUUM A interest of said local improvement, ac- - i VA . CLEANERS aH cording to the benefits, and a supple- ey he N Hill Road =-at a point 16.25 feet north- of soid Hill Road extended, by grading, na HH . brings a Thor ing reinforced concrete culvert, cou- ------ crete base an eighteen (18) foot road- | and approved by the President and | | ; 1917, and which = special assessment = ~ 1 n S m a ] ] for the same being on file in the office ments. - Illinois, for a supplemental special mental special assessment therefor [PR The Teleph ne Company =X 9903 ve R having been made and returned to said' Court, General Number 347,811, thé final hearing thereon will be held % 8 'the 'third day of November, A. D. | { ff « ] 1 a y 131, or hs soon Iperesdier as the 'busi- h ' Ri OR. PR ¥ : ni . of" the sai ourt will permit. . All persons desiring may file objec- NORTH SHORE BRANCH tons in said Court betore 15a day, - : a may appear on e hearing and § : make their defense. Said ordinance he provides for the collection of said sup- 1728 Sherman Ave. E Lowi plemencal special assessment in ' five (5) annual installments with interest EVANSTON vanston thereon at the rate of five per centum | (5%) per annum. { Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, October -- | 17, A.D. 1919. and give notice of any changes or ' corrections that should be made in their listings HARRY I. ORWIG, SCOTT JORDAN, Pres and Treas. ESTABLISHED 1854 WILMOT WHITAKER, Forson appointed by the President | CADY M. JORDAN, Vice-Pres. and Sec'y Assistant Sec'y of the Board of Local Improvements | 3 . of the Village 'of Winnetka, Cook C,H. JORDAN $ CO, Funeral Directors ounty, Illinois, (and such appoint- | apel at Each Establishment { ment app.oved and confirmed by 1 C 7} Li iF IF ms . CHICAGO TELEPHONE ! the Saperies Court of Cook Coun- omplete Line of Funeral Furnishings COMPANY : 5 y, inois) to make said supple- i ih pains iiss Davie St, Evanston. Phone Evanston 419 | RR A RRR RTORe "KINSON . : LVD., sve es 1522 E. 53rd STREET, HYDE PARK i ! FREDERICK DICKINSON, . Phone Randolph 1346-1347 Phere Byl Park ios x ! Village Attorney. T31-2te te lr Pp i | J . i lee

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