Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 25 Oct 1919, p. 7

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nm WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1919 Classified Advertisements Eo. per line for first sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. insertion. Each succeeding in~ Copy must be in by and Glencoe News, 20c per line = FOR SALE--~HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--USED PIANOS TAKEN IN te ade on our new pianos, $65 up. ge assortment; easy payments. r itterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Ev- ranston. 4 LTG41-tfe FOR SALE--FINE SOLID MATIC DG 4 ANY table; 42 inches long, 27 inches oval top. $12.00 Phone Wil. 36 3 LTG50-1tp | FOR SATE DUOFOLD DAVENPORT. John Smith, 819 Oak street, Wi LEAVING TOR CJ sell houschold dale avenue, ALTF( goods. OR NIA: Call 802 ff FOR SAL E--AU1 TOMOBILES FRANKLIN SERIES 9 TOURING; LOOKS LIKE a new car. Phone Evanston 5712. LTG50-1te BEAR CAT 1918 STUTZ 3 RUN 3700 MILES; PRICE REASON- able. Phone Eaton 5712. rs LTG50-1te PIERCE-ARROW MODEL 36; VICTORIA T0F,; tric starter; as good as new. Evanston 5712. SI MPLEX EXCELLENT CONDI- Phone Evanston 5712. LTG50-1te ELEC- Phone LTG50-1te 4-PASSENGER; tion. g re i TLL T32- 1te nl required. i FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--ROOM WITHOUT BOARD in refined home 3% blocks Winnetka Station, given from at nominal figure to young woman of good | character, employed during days for | | any for wife in husband's ab- | HE Phone Winnetka 1102. a fer See LTG50-2tc | FOR. RENT--FURN. FRONT ROOM, | suitable for lady. Phone Win | | T WANTED TO RENT--FLA' i NOV. 16, IF > or flat suitable 2 4, 1 uding two child- | 8 years. Phone Wil. 948-M LTG50-1tp iM ALE GOOD PL AIN [COOK ond girl is employed; also will do mending; young- 3 oood | . V P Wilmette LTG50- ite NTRY OR BILL ain penman part time. A. S. Central avenue, LTGH0-1te full or oe usen, 1154 Wilme WANTED--MAID | house ork; small family; good wages; room and bath; references Winnetka 1029. LT50-1te | WANTED--A GIRL FOR GENERAL no cooking; Saturday FOR housework; evenings and Sunday off. Phone Wil. 909-R. L50-1te WANTED--COOK AND 2ND Maid OR general housework girl; 4 in family. 13 Linden street, Winnetka. hone Win. 608. T30-3te WANTED--MAID, LIGHT SECOND work; good seamtress. Phone Win. 58. T32-1tc WANTE D--COOK; EXP.; WAGES $18 per week. Phone Win. 58. T32-1te WANTED--A YOUNG GIRL TX TO CARE for children, from 9 to 5, except Sun- F OR BY ALE--MISC CELL. AN EOUS FOR SALEZTWO 7th ROW BALCONY for alternate Saturday evenings at Chicago Symphony concerts; for in- formation call Winnetka. 1175, 771- 2te Address __T32-1te FOR SALE--PONY Winnetka 1 COAT. Talk A- _A-360. WOR SALE--HOMES FOR SA] SALE--HUB BARD WOODS; MOD- ern room house, sleeping porch; hot water heat; garage; lot 50 by 150 Nice trees: close, to depot; price $8,000. 4 room house, stove heat; lot 100 by 280; lot is planted with apple, pear and plum trees, berries and grapes and there is a nice garden, a little farm; price $3,600. F. A. Reid, 933 Linden ave- nue, Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. 1300. T32-2tc TO BUY-----HOMIS WANTED TO BUY--A HOME about §& to 12 rooms, large grounds, overlooking the lake; between Wil- metie and Hubbard Woods; will pay up to $50,000. Address P. O. Box 124, | Wilmette, 111 LTG5H0-1te WANTED--5 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE IN between Pine and west Winnetka, from $5,000 to $7,000; no ob- WANTED Willow, jection to old house if it can be put in good condition. Talk A-366. WANTED TO BUY--IN or Hubbard Woods 6 or 7 room mod- ern house,: hot water heat, $8,000 to $10,000. Address Winnetka Talk A-365 T32-1te WwW rs KA __SITUAT ION WANTED HOM AT WILL COPY BRIEFS, MANUSCRIPTS, address envelopes, write circular letter S or do any type writing de-; sired; experienced. Phone Win. 3. LTG47-4tc FURNACES hour. Ph "GARE OF work by day or 1549. MAN WANTS and Win OF | Address VWeshlv) | -2te | | at full -- | anston LJ] SAE 1 ques days. Call Win. 946. T32-1te WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK, OLD clothes and shoes. J. Golinsky, 1705 Forest avenue. Phone Wil. 1150. "He has his name on his wagon." LT44-tfe WANTED TO BUY OR SELL--HOUSE- hold goods; any description; also buy old clothes; best prices. 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Telephone Evanston 103 or 5512. LT50-tfe Ww ANTED ED TO BU Y--MIs! LL ANE ZOUS WANTED TO ) BUY--WICKER DOLL carriage; good condition. Phone Win. 625-J. '32-1tc WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD furniture, living and dining room rug, Davenport one or two comfort- able chairs, kitchen cabinet, table, etc. Address M- 303, Winnetka Talk. . _T32-1tp WANTED--WICKER BABY STROLL- er. Phone Wil. 1992. TG32-1te AND FOUND LOST---3818 ON SUNDAY, BETWEEN Winnetka Motor Company and North Shore Health Resort, on Elm street or Sheridan road. Phone Win. 1240 and receive reward. T32-1te MISC ELL ANEOUS E TAKE LIBERTY BONDS payment on pianos, talking machines, washing machines, vacuum eleaners, sewing machines. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Ev- I'G41-tfe HUBBARD WOODS P HARMACY been authorized by the Winnet- Weekly Talk to solicit yearly subscriptions and sell copies of the paper. '31-tfdh LIBERAL JEWELRY stolen 466 Drexel avenue, Heirloom. No TG32-1te | NOTICE has | | ka | f | REWARD FOR from residence, Glencoe. tions asked. BIG BLACKS FAIL TO HOLD PUNTS; LOSE TO DEERFIELD Deerfield trimmed New Trier Sat- urday for the simple reason that the Blacks could not hold on to the ball. The score was 14-0 but should have been in New Trier's favor instead of their. northern rivals. Roth and Wright played exceptionally well, the latter playing the second half with a broken nose. That defeat is expected to be wip- ed out Saturday when New Trier meets Oak Park at Oak Park. OAK PARK WINS Oak Park played soccer Saturday morning and went home with a 6-2 victory tucked under their clothes. They took advantage of all the coming their way. They win the game as their offensive game was much stronger than that of New Trier. New Trier journeys to Oak Park in two weeks and Jack Patter- son expects to see his men turn the tables. The team still has an ex- cellent chance for the honors of the Suburban league. From Evanston to Glencoe RU % Fe WINNETKA 524 LINDEN STREET Tel. Winnetka 1544 FOR SALE North Shore Property REAL ESTATE OPERATORS Vacant and Improved STONE WILMETTE 404 LINDEN AVENUE Tel. Wilmette 1644 and | GENE RAL | breaks | 1 + deserved to | EDITORIAL STAFF FOR NEWS IS WELL CHOSEN Many applications poured in for the various positions on the -editor- ial staff of the New Trier News and after a careful perusal of the qualifi- cations of the applicants Douglas Flood wags elected editor-in-chief and Harlan are, assitant editor. Five associate editors were chosen and an art staff with Art Wright in charge. Delwin Worthington was named business manager and Wesley Ala- back was appointed as his assistant. Ten assistants have also been ap- pointed to help in various ways to make of the News the best high school paper in existence. FE INVESTMENT As illustrated and in foes copies of this pa we will soon have a warehouse in Warehouses good dividends reason why true in this ) telephone Wilmette 32 for further particulars. described per our vicinity. fail to pay 1s no this would not be territory. Kindly never 1 and there irri Pr dry LISLLLLLIAL SSSI TISLS SL AAA LIS ILIA SL 125 ¥ NORTH SHORE RUBBER CO. NOT INCORPORATED Auto Tires and Tubes Repaired PHONE EVANSTON 2037 1620 MAPLE AVE. EVANSTON, ILL. J. O. HAYES, Proprietor So SLE LGPL 250 SETS SISS SIS SA SS 4 WA ELIS ALIS VIII IRA ro a I Pa dy 8 The North Shore Studio The Home of Good Photugraply A RTIS TIC PORTRAITS :: MODERN EQU iIPMENT AND METHODS { NEWEST STYLES IN MOUNTINGS :: HOME AND STUDIO WORK CHILDREN'S PORTRAITS VISITORS ARE WELCOME W. J. ROOT, Photographer ! For twenty-five years owner of one of leading studios in the Chicago Loop Telephone Evanston 2228 Hoyburn Theater Building Brin and | specialize in Children's, Growing Girls" and and Boys' Shoes. line of Street Boots for Women. Shoes That Are Right- S. POOL 1608 Chicago Ave. | also have a wonderful g your children to Evanston have them fitted correctly in | OPPOSITE NORTH SHORE HOTEL Evanston, Illinois || wait until s Remodeled or Repaired : 1 the snow flies to have your re Tie. time has come when your should b be brought to us to be remodeled or repaired. Either service will that devotion to furs that we furriers conceive to time has come. be here rendered with as practical work. The be our life imem--r----n; | Special PricesPrevail Diving October: A uf 77 1% - a. \N H. A. ROPINSK 916 Chicago Avenue ] MANUFACTURER of FINE FURS OPEN EVENINGS \EVANSTON 'Telephone 3722

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