Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 8 Nov 1919, p. 7

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1919 p---- -- " " -- N) |ent pavement at the west line of Trier | corners at Bertling Lane and Winnetka | ing applied to the Superior Court of Center Neighborhood Subdivision; that |Avenue shall be thirty (30) feet; the | Cook County, Illinois, for a supplement f ® ® portion of Winnetka Avenue within the |radius of the easterly curb of the road- | al special asstssment x pay py ie Village of Winnetka from the north- Way herein proposed to be con- [estimated deficiency in the cost of the easterly line extended from the morth- | structed at the west end of the most | work and interest of said local im- wost of the right of way of the Chi-| Westerly Public Park in the Remy |provement, according to the benefits, cazo, North Shore and Milwaukee Rail- | Park Subdivision shall be thirty-seven |and a supplemental special assessment el A iY " he i i 3 > i en made and re- {road to the west line of the southeast | (37) feet six (6) inches; the radius of | therefor having bee [adnrtor Tht Renton twart oon (21), | the westerly curb of the roadway here- | turned to said Court, General Number anes a (42) Ny Range in proposed to be constructed at the | 349273, the final hearing thereon will WATES--I10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- rani CD) rat: CE) Winnetka | ast end of the most easterly Public |be held on the twenty-fourth day of yr] 1i Minis 3 line Corp ust be in b AG AY a fey Ay <b i Park in the Remy Park Subdivision November, A. D. 1919, or as soon there- oh Soper ine. SR aum ines yous Pan y pt ro Po sed bide line of ine shall be thirty-seven (37) feet six (6) after as the business of the said Court . 8 J vertis i e Lake Shore Southeast quarter of Section twenty- |S y = in! : ei to | Wednatay Rasgs for sama so Siementin 30¢ per line one (21) and from the west line of the inches; the radius of the most easterly | Will permit. All persons desiring ii Er netra Weekly Yolk and Glencoe News, per northeast quarter of Section twenty- [curb at the east end of the pavement |file objections in said Court before said for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10¢ per line. | cicht (2%) Township and Range afore. | herein proposed to be constructed at |day, and iy ghpear on the bearing t said, to the east line and the east line |the east end of Sunset Road in the|and make their defense. Sai Jlorgi= } -- 13 | » IRemv Par {visi 3 fifty--{ nance provides for the collection of { 2.1 ended of the west half of the said | "emy Park Subdivision shall be End TH 9 ; A v : = en mi===l | norihenst auarter of Section twenty. |SiX (56) feet six (6) inches; the radii] said supplemental special assessment » ye MAT ht 19%) aforesaid also that part of | Of the reverse curves where the two I len 0 annual instalments with ne Oy "ALF -- SCE JANE Ss LLP JANTED----MALRE | i i ba) fh A 7IVE el hranches sv pave srei r0- | teres nereon at e rate ive <3 TOR XA PRATT UL r TE ) A il -GRADW VIAL | Winnetlea rom the eas ine extende 1 DC Sec [ > COTY A 1 20 3 se vos ach oy } >, 70 " a " dross ple LT nt salesman i experience on |r aig ag halt ine Spd 1% R ny Pars Suh roi ae a 7, A D. 1919 oer te ni Winr ation Ve bil North Shore for 3 » of Old] nts f Section Two Lr oq the single pavement herein proposed | 7. A. hh BLA, 2 lining. 'Winnetka Neal eatabil hed fo Eo Ths Coithaonty=-Sight (3%) to be constructed at the west line of | WILLIAM E. DAVIS, -- -- ee i ! the nor thee rt of Sheridan | Sid Rer Park Subdivision shall be Person appointed by the President 0 ALE--GENUINE STERN ertling Lane from the: Daves fifty-six (56) feet six (6) inches: the | of the Board of Local TImprove- Mink muff and choker; . con- i h inp oeed to. he col Strat radii of all other curb corners shall be | ments of the Village of Winnetka, dition; bargain at $30.00. Winnet- | Ww FOR NG Rie to and feb { nty-five (25) feet. The rc dways | Cook County, Illinois, (and suena ka 529-J. T34-1te} V rh ohh phage dite *$..4-0f all et returns to be covered with appointment approved and Sai pe mit » per month. Apply 8 1 3 ing ORCC E DAVE a Shall Np | appoilr en appr ( and con- = ES GC igh School, Kenil- Bertling T.ane (58) | [1¢ concrete pavement shall be of the firmed by the Superior Court of FOR --HOUSEHOLD GOODS STR : X : : { same width as the present pavements Cook C« tv, Illinois t ak -- -- Biesemeier. t north of and parallel with they 0 Wiath i presen: wo me] yok unty, linois) to make R SALE--BUILT-IN CHINA CLOSET LTG52-1tc | north line extended of said Winnetka | Dich co 3 ith wid stieat returns, sald supplemental special assess- +2 ie ric a San 3 op 3 Aa { the v th of all other roadways, t ras heater, box-couch and chairs. -- == = = - | enue; also the street returns of Win- including integral curbs, hepsi 2 ment. Phone Win. 531-M. T33-2tc LP WANTED-----FEMALR |netka Avenue at Wilson Street, War. | ICluding integral curb: a ei DPIo- | pREPRERICK DICKINSON. i -- i= mt imi A ick Avent A ttsford Roz |posed to be constructed shall be nine- | Fille ri pe] 4 133.9¢ FOR SALE_SECOND HAND HOT |¥a RXV OOK AND SECOND | rr ners Mobotistord ond, tard teen (19) feet; all in the Village of| ~ Village Attorney. T33-2 Tries Fro a. Saba sort Woe creer | ood, Phone Winnetka 15. Tails | "Pt Tostion of the somth street 'sox | of etka, County of Cook and RT ES wore haa Tus T343te INTE AoE, . R EFINED Frases toad within the Village of Winnetka, | wag passed and approved by the my ee wld waniea lor general housework or t0,as far back as the stroct line of Win- | Seg. ang al > >S ; FOR SALE --THRER PIECE LIVING assist with housework in family of] niin sack 2 extended, by adiuseins dent ANd Board of TTustses of the Yi1- | -- room suite, mahogany finish, rock- two adults and a child of two years. !rpecant 'er Sue in 8 in hid innetka, Cook County, Illi- | . : 3 3 5 3 (Present manhole covers, adjusting pres- nois, on the n t th d Fa 0) | LJ ing chair, and white enamel dresser, Phone Win. 582. T34-1te ent eatchbasin covers, adjusting pres- Sar A D 1918, pr Th ry BU Sood condition; ean be seen anv GF FRR WOMAN OI GIRL FOR 3len. jSoncrete sidewalk approaches, Te-[isseasmiont proce wes ions ox | Small male brindle Boston time; delivery free. Phone Highland hours each morning; small family, [setting present fire hydrants, resetting | General Number 335942 in the Superior | Bull dog; left side of head white, Park 1355. en T34-1tc 759 Burr avenue, Hubbard Woods. |Dresent electric light poles, furnishing | Court of Cook County, Illinois, the! Skin eruption on neck. Phone FOR SALE--COMBINATION GAS AND| Phone Win. 890. ______T3t-lte|and setting new cast iron manhole |ordinanos for the same being on fils | Winnetka 581-R. 310 Woodland coal range; large; in good repair. | WANTED WOMAN TO ASSIST WITH covers ang cast iron catchbasin covers, in the office of the Village Clerk of | Avenue. Reward. Phone Winnetka 1342. LTG52-1te| housework mornings. Phone Win, |constructing brick masonry valve |gsaid village, and the said village hav- | FOR SALE--USED PIANOS TAKEN IN| 638-J. i T34-1te | VAUItS, constructing new concrete side | trade on our new pianos. $65 up WANTED--A FIRST CLASS STEN iy CR a ririded a 3 . 4 'D-- FIRS y SS 87 N- | sa aze i i - Large assortment; easy payments, ographer. First National Bank oF =. 5 e Lo Toad drains and con A A A BH FL A A A res Patterson Bros, 828 Davis street, Ev- Wilmette = nections, constructing brick masonry anston. = LTG41-tfc LTG52-1te | manholes with cast iron covers, con- FOR SALE--USED THOR BLECTRIC washing machine at a bargain; also used mangle. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG49-tfc FOR SALB--_USED SEWING MACH- ines, all makes, $5.00 up; guaranteed. Come to our store and see our new Singer. We have no door to door agents. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evanston. LTG49-tfe FOR SALE--TWO ANTIQUE ROSE- wood melodians and one antique rosewood spinet. Phone Win. 512-W. LT52-1tc FOR SALE--AUTOS FOR SALE--ELECTRIC CAR; GOOD condition; leather upholstery; al- uminum body: no batteries. Price $125. Fhone Highland Park 207 515 South Sheridan road. H. P. T34-1tc FOR SALE--FORD COUPE; LATE 18; good condition; 6 wire wheels and other extras; for quick sale, $580. Phone Win. 690 T34-1tc FOR SALE--1917 DODGE TOURING WANTED--LAUNDRESS FOR MON- day and Tuesday of each week; $3.50 per day. Call Wil. 1353. 305 Central avenue, Wilmette. LTG52-1te PROTESTANT TO ASSIST WITH housework and partly care for child _0f 4. Phone Win. 129. LTG52-1te SITUATION WANTED WANTED --LAUNDRY WORK FOR Wednesdays and Thursdays. Phone Glencoe 329-W, T33-2tp WANTED--FURNACES TO TEND TO; also general work in north part of Winnetka. Phone Glencoe 329-W. T33-2tp I DO EMBROIDERING AND TATTING at reasonable prices. Fine linens and children's clothes a specialty. Call Win. 774. T33-4tp WANTED --CARE OF FURNACES AND work by day or hour. Phone Win. 1549, T34-4tc SITUATION WANTED --FEMALR SITUATION WANTED--A FEW MORE engagements in family by day for LH dress making; experienced. Phone car; good condition, Phone Win. 1050. J . LTG52-1tp Glencoe 618. T34-1te --_-- -- WANTED TO BU Y--HOUSKHOLD FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOMES GOODS FOR RENT---FURN. HOUSE; IN GOOD neighborhood; 6 rooms and bath; wiil add 2 more rooms in spring if taken for a year and desired; room for one or two cars; 10 min. walk from H. W. station, and less to street 'car; room to have chickens and garden. Address Winnetka Talk A-371. LTGb2-1te FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT ---PLHASANT FURNISHED room, with private family Address Weekly Talk B-25. T34tfc WOULD LIKE TO COMMUNICATE with C. 8S. or Prot. couple desiring two rooms in north shore suburban home; $60 per month. Br. and I. pr.; dinner optional. Address Winnetka Weekly Talk B-36. T34-1tc BRIGHT WARM ROOM TO RENT TO business woman; refined people. Tel. Winnetka 198. T34-1tc FOR RENT--FLATS Sa FOR RENT--T-ROOM FLAT. C. F. M. Miller, 188 Chestnut street. Phone Winnetka 1065. T34-1tc WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK, OLD clothes and shoes. J. Golinsky, 1705 Forest avenue. Phone Wil. 1150. "He has his name on his wagon." _._LT44-tfc WANTED TO BUY OR SELL--HOUSE- hold goods; any description; also buy old clothes; best prices. 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Telephone Evanston 103 or 6512, LT50-tfe WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY--BICYCLE FOR girl of nine years. Phone Win. 676. T33-2tp LOST AND FOUND WILL THE PARTY WHO IS KINDLY caring for my black Angora cat call Mrs. Otis Skinner, phone Wil. 1051, or Address Winntka P. O. Box 71. T34-1te __ MISCELLANEOUS : NOTICE--WE TAKE LIBERTY BONDS at full value in payment on pianos talking machines, washing machines, Vacuum cleaners, sewing machines. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Bv- anston. LTG41-tfc VILLAGE OF WINNETKA Special Assessment Notice. In the Superior Court of Cook Connty, iilinois. General Number 340273 D Notice is hereby given to all persons Interested that the Village of Win- netka, Cook County, Illinois, having ordered a supplemental special assess- ment *to pay the estimated deficiency in the cost of the work and interest for the construction of a local improve- ment in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance for which said improve- ment provided as follows: For the improvement of Walnut Street from the present pavement in Willow Street to the pavement here- in proposed to be constructed in Hawthorn Lane; Poplar Street from the present pavement in Oak Street to the present pavement i the northwesterly portion lic Park in said Subdiv 'a straight Street; also Poplar Street from the present pavement in Cherry Street to the present pavement in Ash Street; also Poplar Street from the present pavement in Ash Street to the present pavement in Willow 'Street; also Poplar Street from the present pavemeni in Willow Street to the present pavement in Wilson Street; Myrtle Street from the pres- ent pavement in Willow Street to the pavement herein proposed to be constructed in Hill Road; Fairview Avenue from the present pavement in Ash Street to the present pave- ment in Willow Street; also Fair- view Avenue from the present pave- ment in Willow Street to the pave- iment herein proposed to be con- tructed in Elder Lane; Woodland Avenue from the present pavement in Willow Street to the pavement herein proposed to be constructed in Winnetka Avenue; Crescent Ave- nue from the pavement herein pro- posed to be constructed in Haw- thorn Lane to the pavement herein » oposed to be constructed in Elder an Essex. Road from the pave- Dic herein proposed to 'be :con- structed in Elder Lane to the pave- ment herein proposed to be con- ucted in Winnetka Avenue; Fir Street from the prescut pavement in Wilson Sireet to the pavement here- in proposed to be constructed in Fairview Avenue, except the pave- ments herein proposed to be con- structed at the intersections of 1d Fir Street with Walnut Street, P'cp- lar Street ané Myrtle Street; FHaw- thorn Lane from the present pave- 'ment in Wikson Street to the south- i Public Park to a point in Cherey | WSL line of said westerly line extended of Sheri Road, except the pavements toda broposed to be constructed at the intersections of said Hawthorn Lane with Poplar Street, Myrtle Street Fairview Avenue, and Woodland Avenue; Elder Lane from the pres- ent pavement in Wilson Street to the southwesterly line extended of Sheridan Road, except the pavements erein proposed to be construct. the intersections of said Elder Hs with Poplar Street, Myrtle Street and Woodland Avenue; Sunset Road from the pavement herein proposed to be constructed in Poplar Street and from the present Pavement in Wilson Street to the west line of the Remy Park Subdivision, except the pavement here- i $ to be constructed at intersection of said Sunset Road with Myrtle Street; also Sunset' Road in said Remy Park Subdivision from the | Subdivision easterly and northeasterly along curved lines to a point north of and opposite the east end of the curved line bounding of the Pub- ision lying west {ents thence east in ; h ine paraliel with the! straight line and said straight line tis tended bounding the north side of the several public parks in said subdivision to a point north of and opposite the west end of the curv :d line i I € ine bounding | of Woodland 2 portion of the i Parkin said Subdivision lying anni Essex Road, thence easterly, south- | erly and westerly parailel with "the said curved line bounding the engi. erly end of said last mentioned C sout f a Obposite the -vegt end of AF a ed boundary line, thence west in a straight line parallel wich the straight line and said straight line extended bounding the south side of the several Public Parks in said Subdivision to a point south or and opposite the east end of the curved line bounding the southwesterly por- tion of the =aid Public Park 1y1 Wes of Woodland Avenue, than nerthwest erly and westerly along curved ing to and connecting wilh the pavement hereinbefore proposed to be coustruct- ed in said Sunset Road aw! the west line of said Remy Park Subdivision, except the pavements herein proposed fo be constructed at the intersections of said Sunset Road with Woodland Avenue, and except the pavements hercin pro- posed to be constructed. at 'he inter- | sections of said Sunset Road with Es-|{ sex Road; Hill Road from the present § pavement in Wilson Street to the pres- structing brick masonry combination manholes and catchbasins with cast | iron covers, constructing brick masonry catchbasins with cast iron covers, con- structing cast iron sewer inlets each on a concrete base, refilling tile road drain trenches under proposed _pave- ments with sand, refilling all "other tile road drain trenches in said pro- posed improvement with equal parts ctnders and earth, excavating, grading and preparing the subgrade to receive the proposed pavement, grading and leveling the parkways, grubbing, re- moving all surplus excavated materials and paving with a one (1) course rein- forced Portland cement concrete pave- ment with integral curbs with asphalt- ic felt filled joints, including a two (2) inch earth covering upon said pave- ment, the wetting and cleaning of the said concrete wearing surface of said proposed pavement, including all labor and material, and engineering and supervision during the construction of the said proposed improvement. The width of the roadway to be cov- ered with the proposed concrete pave- ment, including the integral crub in that part of Winnetka Avenue within the Village of Winnetka from the northeasterly line extended from the northwest, of the right of way of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad to the west line of the south- east quarter of Section twenty-one (21), Township forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) east, shall be fourteen (14) feet. The width of the roadway to be covered with the proposed concrete pavement, including the integral curbs in that part of Winnetka Avenue from the west line of said southeast quarter of Scction twenty-one (21) and from the west line of the northeast quarter of Section twenty-eight (28) in the Township and Range aforesaid, to the east line and the east line 'extended of the west half of the northeast quar- ter of Section twenty-eight (28) afore- said shall be twenty-eight (28) feet, except between the proposed pavement in Woodland Avenue and the proposed pavement in Essex Road where the proposed pavement, including integral curbs, shall be thirty-nine (39) feet in width, fourteen (14) feet of which said proposed pavement shall be laid south of and adjoining the center line of Winnetka Avenue and the remaining twenty-five (25) feet of said proposed pavement shall be laid north of and adjoining the center line of Winnetka Avenue. The width of the roadway to be cov- ered with the proposed concrete pave- ment, including integral curb, in that part of Winnetka Avenue within the Village of Winnetka from the east line extended of the west half of the north- east quarter of said Section twenty- eight (28) to the southwesterly line extended from the northwest of Sher- idan Road shall be fourteen (14) feet. The width of the Roadway to be covered with the proposed concrete pavement, including integral curbs, in Woodland Avenue shall be nineteen (19) feet, except from the proposed pavement in Winnetka Avenue to the south line of Remy Park Subdivision where the proposed pavement, includ- ing integral curbs, shall be twenty- seven (27) feet six (6) inches in width, nine (9) feet six (6) inches of which said proposed pavement shall be laid west of and adjoining the center line of Woodland Avenue and the remaining eightecn (18) feet of said proposed pavement shall be. laid east of and adjoining the center line of Woodland Avenue. The width of the roadway to be cov- ered with the proposed concrete pave- ment including integral curbs, in Es- sex Road shall be nineteen (19) feet xcept from the proposed pavement in Winnetka Avenue to the south line of Remy Park Subdivision where the pro- posed pavement, including integral curbs shall be twenty-seven (27) feet si (6 i nine (9) feet which said proposed laid cast of and ad- 1 avement shall be ning the center line of Wssex Road and ti remaining eighteen (18) feet of said proposed pavement shall be laid west of and adjoinirg the center corner at {he northeast corner of Wil- son Street and Winnetka Avenue shall be sixty (60) feet; the radii of the curb Why Not Eat at the Home Cooking Wilmette Inn? 726 ELEVENTH STREET Quick Service BREAKFAST - LUNCHEON - DINNER - - LIL LILLLL LS HAS S LIAS LS ILLS LSS LS ALLL LS LISS S LL EASES LISS LALIT SISAL A ASS SSH SA A ATI TILIS 1 11S LL LSLSL SALSA S IY SATAY AISI ASA SS SIL PI SS AI ILS Special Sunday Dinner, 1:00 to 2:30, "MAKE RESERVATION "HEN POSSIBLE Telephone Wilmette 1868 Lo LLS ILS LLL LLLL LE LLSS LSAT ITLL PISS SFA 7 17h ALT? m7 LIAL IIIT IIIIII IY. i rT I 2 AL 7 7, SIS LL 2 that of a doctor or them." "Service That Makes Friends and Holds Them" RA OER A ESE A [t is our belief that the relations of a Battery Service Station to its clients is in no wise different from The vanous members of this Battery Service institution appreciate the fact | that unless you return again and | again as the result! of :atisfactory | service rendered, we are not attaining | a definite place in the business world. | lawyer, in that in | order to prosper they must serve faith- fully and well----rendering "service that makes friends and holds SOE ER EARLE ORR sb SOLE EER tO 66 ° 9" + ' ° rs Xig2 atiorv der ce he width of the roadway to be ' Rll 7 URES covered with the proposed concrete 3 " pavement, including integra! curbs, in| INC. Poplar street shall be twenty-four (24) J feet ~ 'I'he roadway at curb corners shall | Ii} Pd be widened along' urved lines; the] 1 li, radius of the eurb « r at the north- |i' _ oy . i Ey 7) re jeast eorner of W nnd Avenue and || 4 4H Davis Street ([eareRy . i 3 4 Jule Cn wt | Winnetka Avenue suall be ten (10) | 1k » Tuy | \ th 1 eA | feet; the radius of the enrb corner at li EVANST ON 88/354 (he Wy NNE $A {the nort} st corner.of Essex Road | { Yast? SERVICE {and Winnelxa Avenue shall be ten (10) i fo vn {feet; the radius of the curb corner at {the soulhwest corner of Essex Road fang, th ag. SAA be Sy ch) We're an ambitious lot of young fellows--vith 5 mentality that's | "he southwest corner of Hawthorn appreciative of your patronage--and try mighty ane and Tajrview Avenue shall be V d to prove it to vou twelve (12) feet; the radius of the curb rard to j» e y -

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