EY Spt F S---- WINNETKA WEEKLY TA Nearly Everybody In Winnetka Reads The Talk LK VOL. VIII, NO. 36. WINNETKA, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1919 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26, WINNETKA'S BIG DAY Great Reception and Dance For Win- netka's Service Men Is Schedul- ed To Take Place At Com- munity House Then ALL RESIDENTS INVITED . Men Will Be Identified By Service Dance and Refresh- ments Provided Buttons; Winnetka's service men will cer- tainly "travel in style" when they enter Community House Wednesday evening, November 26, for the big Reception and Dance. No frills or formalities but just a genuine, good time for the men and their "best girls". There'll be a big time in the old town that night: Someone asked how the service men were to be known when the big gymnasium of Community House is filled with happy people. Well, it will be a game of "Button, Button, who's got the But- ton"! It is expected that every serv- ice man will wear either his service button or the American Legion but- ton in the lapel of his coat. Welcome the Boys Wednesday evening, November 26, will be Winnetka's great night. Every man and woman will be on hand to welcome Winnetka's "very best". The entire main floor of Community House is to be utilized for the even- ing's activities. Refreshments are to be served from 9 to 10 o'clock in the Assembly room. The reception will be held in the gymnasium from 8 to 10 o'clock. There will be danc- ing from 9 o'clock until midnight. Spamer's five-piece ; orchestra has been engaged for thé occasion. Ela- borate programs of unique design are to be presented to the service men as keepsakes. As the floor space is limited no children under fifteen years of age will be admitted. CALL WINNETKA 794 TO GET SHERIDAN MAN FOR HOLIDAY Reservations For Men To Be Invited By Winnetkans for Thanksgiving Should Be Made Today Several residents have informed Mrs. Frederick Thomas that they "thought" of taking a Fort Sheridan man for Thanksgiving Dinner, and would let her know more definitely later. If you want-a Fort Sheridan man for Thanksgiving, you must make that fact known NOW and not wait until next week. It is no simple task to get fifty men down from Fort Sheridan and back--that's the num- ber already invited--so arrangements must be made in advance. Call up Mrs. Thomas today (telephone Win- netka 794 and tell her "yes" or "no". It isn't quite fair not to inform her definitely until the eleventh hour: Don't make it more difficult for her than you can help! PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION OF THE NEW FIRE APPARATUS The Fire department will exhibit the new American La France pump- ing engine in action at the Village Commons on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27, at 3 o'clock. All persons in the Village interest- ed in the efficiency of our fire pro- tection are invited to be present. H. L. Woolhiser, Village Manager. INVITATION! It is the desire of the committee to have every Winnetka service man receive a personal invitation to the Reception and Dance at Community House on Wednesday, November 26, and if any service man fails to re- seive an invitation it is simply be- cause the committee had been unable to get his name on the list, but he is inyited just the same--and wanted. NOTED DIVINE HERE The Reverend Herman Page, Bishop of Spokane, Wash., will con- duct the services Sunday, November 23, at Christ church chapel at 7:30 o'clock and at Christ church on Sher- idan road at 11 o'clock. He will ad- dress the Sunday school on Oak street at 9:30 o'clock. PARENT-TEACHER ACTIVITIES The lower grades of Horace Mann school will have a meeting Wednes- day afternoon. Mothers are invited to visit rooms during the last period and then to assemble in the primary room for a program ahd a cup of tea. \ ' Wildy, , Nom £18 -e ® iL vy PR "SCARED TO DEATH" WELL! JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENED Mrs. Frederick Thomas Is Some Provider fcr the Wounded Men at Fort Sheridan "Scared to Death!" Yes. that was about the size of it, when Mrs. Fred- erick Thomas set out to give a dinner at Community House for one hun- dred Fort Sheridan hospital patients a couple of weeks ago. How could she get the money? Well she decided on a "Bridge Party" and everybody came to help along in such a good cause that the result was one hundred men had a tip-top dinner. But Listen--When all the bills were paid Mrs. Thomas had one hundred real dollars left over. Now what do you think is going to be done with so much money? Why Mrs. Thomas has made up fifty boxes containing candy, fruit and cigarets for just that many Fort Sheridan men who are bed- ridden for Thanksgiving Day. But those boxes only cost one dollar a piece, so she will have fifty more boxes for distribution at Fort Sher- idan on Christmas. We consider that some pretty good work and if you don't agree, just go up to Fort Sheridan after Thanks- giving and ask the men who got those boxes. LOOK OUT THERE BANDIT, HE'S SURE ON YOUR TRAIL George Imes, Winnetka contractor, left his automobile stand in Elm street on Armistice Day. Somebody came along and pilfered the spare tire. "Gosh! that's what you call a co- incident, isn't it? he inquired of some consoling friend a little later. Last year on Armistice Day someone swip- ed the lap robe in my machine, I'm pretty near sure who the person is, but of course, I'm not saying just now." UNION SERVICES The Unton Thanksgiving Day serv- ices will be held this year in Christ church, Sheridan road and Humboldt avenue, at 10:30 o'clock. The Rev. James Austin Richards will be the preacher, and Mr. Davies, Mr. Clover of the Swedish Lutheran, Mr. Fornes' of the Norwegian Lutheran church, and Mr. Gerhard will assist in con- ducting the services. COMMUNION There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion in the chapel of Christ church on Thanksgiving Day, at 9:30 o'clock. : cr ' | | I ! S. J. DUNCAN-CLARK MEN'S CLUB SPEAKER | Expert On The World War and Suc- ceeding World Movements As Represented in Peace Confer- ence, To Speak The Men's club of Winnetka has scheduled a dinner and social even- ing for Tuesday, November, 25, at Community House. Dinner will be served at 7 o'clock. S. J. Duncan-Clark, War expert for the Chicago Evening Post, who, during the war, was selected as one of the representative American jour- nalists to study war conditions in Europe upon invitation of the British Government and. who made a close study of the events immediately fol- lowing hostilities, including the Peace Conference at Versailles, is the speaker for Tuesday evening. His subject will be, "The International Situation". He will discuss, among other things, the relationship between ! the United States and European countries with regard to the settle- ment of problems concerning the establishment of peace and peaceful intercourse between nations. Important Organization Every man in Winnetka is invited to membership it the Men's club of Winnetka. This meeting will com- mand the attention of .every man in the Village. The Men's club is one of Winnetka's strongest and most important organizations. The meet- ings are well worth the 'interest of every man. AN OPPORTUNITY | Dr. Alice Barlow-Brown, not- ed Winnetka war worker, who recently returned to the Village after two years cf service among the destitute women and children of France leaves next week for Serbia. Every resident of Winnetka is to be given an opportunity to meet Dr. Alice Barlow-Brown in the Assembly room at Com- munity House cn Sunday, Nov- ember 23, from 4 to 5 o'clock. The account of Dr. Brown's new work in Serbia will be found in the "Social Happen- ings" columns of the Weekly Talk. DON'T' HUNT WILD TURKEYS! BUY THEM IN THE VILLAGE Meat Markets, Greceries and Fruit Stores Well Stocked for Thanks- giving Dinners Don't go out hunting wild turkey's for that Thanksgiving dinner. Win- netka meat markets, . groceries, bakeries and fruit stores are stocking up an ample supply of everything customarily brought into the annual family feast. Rip At Thanksgiving time, not ouly, but throughout the year Winnetka gro- cers. and market men 'are offering special sale inducements to house- wives through the advertising col- umns of the Weekly Talk. Each week the housewife may, at a glance, become apprised of real bargains in a great variety of commodities. These "specials" announcements appear in the advertising columns of the Week- ly Talk every week. It would pay the housewife to watch closzly these extraordinary advantages in home buying. Winnetka marketers have all and as good products as the Chicago stores. The cost of buying here is less and saves a lot of time. THAT LIL' GAME OF STUD STOPPED BY PRYING COPS William Bergdorf, night policeman and John Iverson, special policeman, sauntered in the vicinity of a livery stable at 730 'Elm streét, Tuesday morning at 3 o'clock. They peeped through one of the windows and, lo! beheld a regular stud poker game with money on the table and every- thing. An alarm clock nearby hadj been set against the time when the coppers were scheduled to make the rounds in that neighborhood. The fool clock stalled and the deal was of such absorbing interest that the group of four gamesters were caught red landed. Justice Northrup assessed fines as follows: Lloyd Voltz, $10; David Wood, $10; C. L. Darst, $10; John Bodman, $5. STILL LOOKING FOR CHECK A law waiting for passage in the state of Wisconsin may mean an ad- ditional bonus of $217 for Hugh Krebs, pharmacist at the Winnetka pharmacy. The bill calls for an ad- ditional $9 monthly bonus for all men who served in the army of the state. Mr. Krebs recently received a check '6f $241 for the 24 months he served but states that he will not refuse the additional money. ; . ; FAMOUS WAR WORKER HERE SUNDAY NIGHT Dr. Samuel Watson, Winner, of Dec- orations From Three European Nations, Speaks at Community Service IN FRANC® SEVEN YEARS Recently Reiurrcd To America From Many Ye:»s' "Vork in Religious Fields in France "Religion in France" will 'be the sub- ject for the Community Sunday Even- ing address to be given at Communi- ty Mouse tomorrow evening.: Dr. Samuel! Watson is the speaker. The meeting begins at 8 o'clock. Dr. Watson lived in France from 1912 until his recent return to Am- erica. In appreciation of his 'work while abroad hewas decorated by the French, Belgian and Serbian nations being honored with tac Legion of Honor, Order of Leopold and the Order of Saint Sava, respectively. Real Opportunity This is a real opportunity for Win- netkans from one who brings a message of personal experience from the war zone. Dr. Theodore G. Soares, head of the Department of Practical Theo- logy at the University' of Chicago, interested a large audience at €om- munity House last Sunday evening. The Community Sunday Evening meetings, conducted under the joint auspices of the Protestant churches of Winnetka, have proven such a de- cided success as to be regarded prae- tically as one of the permanent in- stitutions in the Village. Every res- ident of Winnetka is urged to attend these meetings where important top- ics of the day are discussed by ex- perts in many fields of activity. There is always an excellent program of music in addition to the lectures. WEEK MARKED BY SERIES OF MINOR HOUSE-BREAKINGS 'Four burglaries and one attempted burglary were reported in the Vil- lage this week. } On Saturday between the hours of 6 and-7 o'clock in the evening the home of H. Von Hofsten was enter- ed. Small loot in jewelry. was taken. : Later in the evening of the same day the home of Herbert J. Kreiter, 1041 Oak street was entered.- The loot was a pair of gold cuff buttons. The thieves next entered the Carle- ton W. Washburne home at 820 Linden street. Silverware. and: a child's bank comprised the loot.' On Tuesday evening the home of George Higginson, 224 Spruce street, was entered. The family has moved away and the burglars found the place empty. ty All the families were away the burglaries occurred. : when E. B. TAYLOR HARDWARE STORE TO BE ENLARGED Work will commence soon on th enlargement of the E. B. Taylor har ware store on Center street. The store will be approximately doubles in capacity. When the: changes are completed the place will be enabled to-handle a complete .line. of hardware. The frontage is to. be enlarged from 40'to 70 feet, doubling the floor space. The" enlarged establishment is expected to: . be completed by next.spring. :" Since the transfer of the storelim 1918 to Mr. Taylor the business has increased with such rapidity. as to make necessary increased space to take care of th constantly increasing volume of business... er HEI THANK YOU! Mrs. John Miller and family. of Oakdale avenue, Glencoe; wish te thank their many friends and'bLene-' factors for the extreme kindness shown them and their husband and father, Mr. John Miller, during their recent troubles, occasioned by the fact that Mr. Miller was confined iw the hospital owing to injuries receiv- | ed while attempting to save the lives of Mr. and Mrs. William Tar- | ner of Hubbard Woods. : HOLIDAY FETE =. | Preparations are being made' by the Episcopal church. for their big annual bazaar to be held early in. December. The bazaar is known as the Holiday Fete. CH MONTHLY DANCE The North Shore British-American society will hold its monthly danee : in Community House, Saturday, Nov: ember 29.