Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 22 Nov 1919, p. 7

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gaa | | { { | { I | | } WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1919 AS Er T rr Classified Advertisements ; I Eo. per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ sertion, 5¢ per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Copy must be in by og Aili FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--CHINA; JAPANESE TEA set. Mrs. Hilly, 563 Provident ave- nue. T36-1tc FOR SALE--SECOND HAND HOT water boiler; capacity 1100 ft. In- quire Fred E. Ellis, 1071 Vine street. T34-3tc FOR SALE--GAS STOVE; IN PER- fect condition; also lawn mower Apply 563 Frovident avenue, Win- netka. T36-1tc FOR SALE--USED PIANOS TAKEN IN trade on our new pianos. $65 up. Large assortment; easy payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis street, Ev- anston. LTG41-tfe FOR SALE--USED THOR ELECTRIC washing machine at a bargain; also used mangle. Patterson Bros, 828 Davi et, Evanston. LTG49-tfe FOR SALE--USED SEWING MACH- ines, all makes, $5.00 up; guaranteed. Come to our store and see our new Singer. We have no door to door agents. Patterson Bros, 828 Davis stret, Evanston. LTG49-tfe FOR SALE--STICKLEY FUMED OAK, genuine leather davenport; also liv- ing room table to match. Phone Win. 806. LTG2-1te FOR SALE--CHEAP; USED EDEN and Thor washing machines; in good condition. 554 Railroad avnue. Phone Winnetka 44. : LTG2-1tc TOR SALE--OAK DINING ROOM SET; round table; six chairs; early English finish: perfect condition; bargain; $40. Phone Win. 1153. LTG2-1te FOR SALE--AUTOS 4-DOOR SEDAN ; MAXWELL DEMONSTRATOR 5 This car has been driven only 1,200 miles and cannot be told from new. Bquipment---Spare tire, front and rear bumpers, white wire wheels. C. H. BRIGGS, > or Phone Evanston 140. 1549 Sherman WANTED--NURSERY GOVERNESS; refined; for two boys, two one half and four and half with older girl; French preferred. Phone Dr. Hamill. telephone Win. 447. LTG2-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL FOR CLERI- cal work. Lake Shore Publ. Co. Phone Wilmette 1921. LTG2-1tc YOUNG WOMEN Have you ever investigated what we have to offer you? Our work is easy to learn. We teach you how to handle calls be- fore you are sent to an office. We give you a liberal startingi salary and advance you frequent- ly thereafter. Cozy, attractive rest rooms are provided for your enjoyment. Visit our office and see what a avenue. LTG2-1tc YOR SAL 917 TOURING | EB DODGE Ne able repted. Ct any reasonable offer accer Phone Winnetka 1050. LTG2-1te 1517 MODEL 75-B OVERLAND ROAD-| "ster: exceptional shape; good tires! and paint. C. H. Briggs, 1549 Shere man avenue. Phone Evanston 149. io ) ) [ER N YOUNTRY 918 MODEL 90 OV ERLAND COUN RB ) i refinished; perfect mechanical condition; five tires (nearly how) red wire wheels. C. H. Briggs, 15 sherman avenue. Phone Evanston 340 Ta LTG2-1tc NST OR IX DEMONSTRATOR COLUMBIA S Ee model; 'bargain; here is your chance. C. H. Brigas, 1540 Thepman ave id » Evanston y avenue. Phone Eva TrGe-1te FOR SALE--ELECTRIC CARS 3 SARGAIN, PNEUMATIC TIRES, 2 wheels, paint like new; good position with us means to you. Young women, 16 years of age or over, wanted for this work.! Apply to Chief Operator at Wil- mette, Winnetka or Glencoe. BR atteries 1dress Lake Shore News hatte ries. Addr 4 Trarette SRI US DEFORE BUYING A USED i Beni. We have a fine selection of rebuilt cars at moderate prices. Fashion Auto Station, Benson ave- nue and Clark street. Those Evans- 048 ogers Park 761. ton 1048. Roge traits FOR SALE--HOMES FOR SALE--6 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE; hot water heat and all other con- venience; 4 blocks from depot; fine 748 Center street, LTG2-2tp SD TO BUY--HOMES locality; $6,500. Winnetka. WAN WANTED L V ing distance of Indian Hill, Winnet- ka or Hubbard Woods Station. Will take old house if it can be modern- ized. State terms. Address Winnetka Talk A-39T7. T36-1tp ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD. KENILWORTH T36-1te Inn, Kenilworth. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM WANTED--BOARD AND ROOM FOR boy 6; girl 8; in good family; willing to pay good price; would consider furn. heme. Phone Win. 567. Mr. Hamilton. LTG2-1tp FOR RENT--ROOMS oe FOR RENT---PLEASANT FURNISHED room with private family. Address Weekly Talk B-25. T34-tfc FOR RENT--SUNNY SOUTH ROOM; suitable for gentleman or woman employed; near transportation. Ad- dress Weekly Talk A-398. T36-2tc FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--FINE GARAGE. PHONE Winnetka 513-W. T36-1tc HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--COMPETENT, RELIABLE couple, for cook and houseman, in home where good service .is ap- preciated; position open after Thanksgiving; ref. required; protest- ant. Phone Win. 941 or address 815 Mt. Pleasant road, Winnetka, : T36-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO HELF IN home afternoons and evenings, from three o'clock on. 625 Willow street. Phone Win. 662-J. _ T36-1te WANTED--SECOND: GIRL; WAGES $10 to $12, according to experience; will train inexperienced girl; near Catholic church. Phone Win. 1082, T36-1tc WANTED--WOMAN TO ASSIST WITH housewerk, mornings. Phone Win. 638-J. T36-1te WANTED--WOMAN TO WASH DISH- es and care for children from 1 to 6 PP. M. 692 Bluff street, Glencoe, Tel. Glencoe 784. TG36-1te WANTED---GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework; mornings. Phone Win. 1224. 756 Foxdale avenue. T36-1te WANTED--YOUNG LADY TO TAKE charge of office; general repair shop; state salary and experience. Address Weekly Talk A-399. T36-1tc WANTED---YOENG LADY FOR STORE work: steady position. Apply 554 Railroad avenue, Phone Winnetka 44. LTG2-1te CHICAGO TELEPHONE CO. SITUATION WANTED or I DO EMBROIDERING AND TATTING at reasonable prices. Fine linens and children's clothes a specialty. Call Win, 774. T33-4tp WANTED--CARE OF FURNACES AND work by day or hour. Phone Win. 1549. T34-4tc LOST AND FOUND LOST--SILVER LAVALIERE, BLUE stones, on November 11. Finder please return to 777 Burr avenue, Hubbard Woods, and receive reward. T36-1tc LOST--MOLESKIN SCARF BETWEEN Hubbard Woods and Winnetka. Ad- ; dress Weekly Talk A-395. __T36-1te LOST--ON TUESDAY, AIREDALE puppy, about 4 months old; black tail; 8 inches long. Phone Win. 475 or notify W. D. Rumsey, 643 Walden road; liberal reward. T36-1te WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD »00DS WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK, OLD clothes and shoes. J. Golinsky, 1705 forest avenue. Phone Wil. 1130. "He has his name on his wagon.". LT44-tfc WANTED TO BUY OR SELL--HOUSE- hold goods: any description; also buy old clothes, best prices. 1644 Maple avnue, Kvanston. Telephone Evanston 103 or 5512. LT50-tfc WANTED TO BUY--MISCHLLANEOUS WANTED--SECOND HAND REED doll carriage for child 8 years old. 692 Bluff street, Glencoe. Phone Glen- __Ccoe T84. TG36-1te x MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE--WE TAKF LIBERTY BONDS at full value in payment on pianos, talking machines, washing machines, vacuuin cleaners, sewing machines. Patterson Bros. $28 Davis street, Ev- anston. LTG41-tfe ( WHAT THE SUN DOES Letting the sun shine for a given time upon the blackened cover of a hox filled with water or some other liquid, and noting the rise in tem- perature, affords us a method of ap- preximating the amount of heat given off by the sun. By such a method it is estimated that the earth receives every second from the sun enough heat to raise 600,000,000 tons of ice water to the boiling point, or to melt 480,800,000 tons of ice without any change in temperature. If this is the amount that the earth receives, think of the amount that must be passing off into space and other planets. This amount has been com- puted to be 2,200,000,000 times as that which the earth receives. Sciéntists have shown that the amount of heat received by us from the sim may vary ' WANTED--RXDP. COOK; WAGES $18. Phere Win. 58. JTG2 Tee . i as much as five per cent ia less than a week. CUBS UPSET SOX; REDS TRIM GIANTS Pale Over-Confidence Main Cause of Overwhelming Defeat; Paul Kreger Fans Seventeen Hose The Reds' 14-6 victory over the Giants and the Cubs' 24-9 triumphant mauling of the over-confident White Sox evened up the standing of the Community House league Wednesday evening. The first game between the Reds and Giants was a nip and tuck race until the fifth inning when the Reds forged ahead and drove in a lead that couldn't be headed off. Flossie Voltz was the hero of the victors while Goody shared honors with him." John Dehtloff landed on the ball with his' terrific strength for four hits out} of six times to bat. Goody also slapped four hits off Charlie Dehm- low's delivery. The second game was a complete upsetting of the dope. Nash Cazel and his cohorts were extremely con- fident of romping away with another victory and a firm grip on first place. They figured Paul Kreger would be an easy mark for their slugging abilities and were completely upset by his pitching. Their bullet-proof offensive was punctured sevénteen times during the seven innings of the slaughter fest and the Sox were so dazed by the unexpected turn of events that they were unable to give proper support or make any defense. The standing of the league now is: W.'L.. Pic Sox . 2:2 1.000 Cubs 2 2:2 1.000 Reds 2:2:.1000 Giants 2-2 1.090 Next Wednesday will witness the Giants and Sox competing in the first battle and the Reds will battle the Cubs in the afterpiece. MARSH IN NORTH DAKOTA Don E. Marsh, of Windes and Marsh is busy in Bismarck, North Dakota, on a water appraisal con- tract. Mr. Marsh was in the north- western city three weeks age on the same work and was called back for additional work. Best Prices Paid For Second-Hand Military Clothes Phone Evanston 1576 &giere, CAR IS STOLEN The car belonging to J. F. Eckart of Winnetka was stolen from Wash- ington park during the football game Sunday sometime between 2 and o'clock. "EVANGELINE" The big feature picture "Fvangel= ine" will be shown at the Community, House Wednesday afternoon. "When Bearcat Went Dry" will be shown Friday evening and Saturday after= noon. Hit a) element. guidance. i able. Everything Known in Music Men Prefer the Genuine Pianola-Piano Because it possesses exclusive expres- sion features--the Metrostyle and the Themodist-- that are of the great- st assistance in making one's play- ng artistic and full of the human You can make colorful interpreta- tions, give expression to your own musical ideas, all under the simplest No practice necessary. Terms: A small down payment and moderate monthly installments accepr- Old instruments in exchange. Reservations should be made now for Christmas Larne) Wabash Ave. at Jackson Tel. Wabash 7900 Get Our Prices on Fine Wisconsin Turkeys, Geese and Home Dressed Ducks and Chickens. You will find our prices right WINNETKA MARKET A. PETERS, Proprietor 734 ELM STREET TELEPHONE WINNETKA 922-921

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