Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 27 Dec 1919, p. 5

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: Esther WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1919 Loy RL EE TE CT TLR RR LY POTEET eT) fii] nnn of Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Leonard, will be introduced at M MARY ELIZABETH a "the dansant" on New Y residence in Winnetka. Miss I, Wellesley, is a member of the Gle the hockey team. Mrs. Leonard by Mrs. Morris Larned Greeley, James F. Porter, Mrs. John S. Miller, Jr., Mrs. Charles H. Matz, and the Misses Elizabeth Kales, Nancy Porter, Elizabeth Carpenter, Carol deWindt, Margaret Fisher and Elizabeth Prindiville. J TR Re Hel Ferm rE a or Jocial Winnetka s Hubbard Woods. Eh Lia AA 1 1 MB EE ny tend -- J mi, ELE CE EE TE TE TET TRC TORR RTT LE TIAL, > arn {ll Happenings 2 mw Ruth Risley ®o wl] ITI LEONARD), debutante daughter ear's Day at Wildacre, the family eonard, who is a sophomore at e and Mandolin clubs, and also of aud her daughter will be assisted Mrs. Heyliger A. deWindt, Mrs. Mrs. James F. Porter of Hubbard Woods, gave a dinner dance on Tuesday evening for her'daughter, Nancy, who has returned from | Bryn Mawr for the holidays. Among the Winnetka folks who were in attendance at the Aryan Grotto last evening, when the Princeton players presented "The Isle of Surprise", were Mr. and Mrs. T. Philip. Swift, Mr. and Mrs. William B, McIlvaine, and Miss Louise Thorne. . a 4 Annouiicéinent "made of the engagement of Miss Dorothy Rae daughter of M¥. Robert Rae of Wilmette, to Clafton F. Lasher, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lasher of Wilmette. folks attended New Trier High school. Both of these young Mr. and Mrs. George T. Steen of 233 Essex road, Kenilworth, announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Ayers, to C. Earl Palmer of Cleveland, son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Palmer of Columbus, Ohio. : & be 4 Proceeds from the sale of "The University circles will be interest: House of the Good Neighhor," by Lovejoy, up to date have amounted to about one hundred dol- lars, and are to be turned over to the Serbian relief committee at an early date, according to Mrs. Morris IL. Greeley. Dr. Alice Barlow Brown, who sailed a fortnight ago for Ser- bia, is working under the Reconstruc- tion committee of the Medical Wo men's National association, which is affiliated with the American Red Cross, the American Committee for Devastated France, the National Teagve for Women's Service, the Ser- bian Relief Committee. the American Committee for Relief in the Near T ast. and thc Wellesley College Re- li: Unit in France. A clipping from tiie Buifa's Evenine News describes the story as feilows: "It is not a novel, but deals with facts, presented in such a vivid, im- pressive style that you are not satis- fied to leave a page unread. for here is a human document. free from the rather narrow sectional glimpses which too many of our war books give us. and throbbing with life, the spiritual essence which touches our sympathies, broadens our mentalities and gives us a new grasp on a little of what all this destruction has meant to woman. "For instance, it is a woman's book, frank and open discussion of woman's contribution to the horror cf war, her priceless gift of woman- Tond, "No one has approached this, the most vital of all issues, as Dr. Love- joy has approached it. She treats the national problem of 'Infant Industry as the women and mothers have faced it. and must face it in the pres- ent and future if war continues. "Here is the war at a new anegle-- the one we want most to know abont. for, after all it is woman's arony and pain that delivers her first born and dedicates him to what? Life or death, peace or war, the Moloch of man's greed for more monev and more power. or for the Great Broth- erhood of Man? Which shall it be? "Tn the end woman must decide all future wars as Dr. Lovejoy's book concludes and every woman and ev- woman's son should read this volume even though it wrenches from ns all our last barbaric taste of war in any form, under any cloak. "Dr. Esther Lovejoy, the author, is an American woman, a physician of international reputation and stand- ine and a writer of powerful genius. She calls, her book "The House of the Cood Neighbor' and the title has a symbolic 'meaning "which carries through .every chapter." ' erv Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beveridge Jud- ssn of Evanston, have issued invita- 'tions to the marriage of their daugh- ter. Helen, to Robert E. James. The ceremony will take place on Wednes- day evening, Décember 31.. Miss Jnd- spn is a gnemgber oi the Pi Beta Phi L)orority, and has many friends on the north shore. Mr. James sérved overseas with Hospital Unit No. 9. The Young Ladies' Auxiliary of the North Shore - Catholic ~ Woman's league gave a Christmas party at the \' netka Woman's club last eve- Ring. 8 : hs : Miss Ruth Iongfellow, 'domestic, mono teacher at the Horace Mann, "school, left early 'this weck toispend tie fe , ed in the marriage of Miss Elise De Celle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. De Celle, of San Francisco, Cal. to Matthew Beaton of Rogers Park. which is to take place on Saturday afterncon, December 27. Miss De Celle attended Northwestern univer- sity. where she was a member of the Alpha Phi sorority. .Mr. Beaton was a member of the Phi Kappa Psi fra- ternity at Northwestern and at the University of Wisconsin. -- Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Scott of Sheridan road gave a tea dance at Indian Hill club on Monday aft- ernoon for their daughter, Miss Isa- bel Scott, and on the same evening were hosts at a dancing party at the club in honor of their eldest daugh- ter, Miss Emily Scott. -- Mrs. Carlton Prouty, 746 Lm street, gave a real old-fashioned Christmas party on Christmas eve to twenty-six youngsters, in honor of her three children, Richard. Dorothy and Junior. A grab bag containing gifts for everyone, and a spelling hee were features of the evening's enter- | tainment. ------ Mr. and Mrs. John Borino, 859 Elm street, had as their guests at lunch-! con on Wednesday of last week Mr. ! and Mrs. Gino Manazzi of Chicago. | Mr. Manazzi is to succeed Campanini | as director of the Chicago Grand Op- | era association and was a hoyhood | chum of Mr. Borino's. Wf Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schildgen of | 1703 T.ake avenue have issued invita- | tions for the marriage of their daugh- | er Catherine Anna, to Christ Hen-| richsen, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Henrichsen of Winnetka. on | Wednesday morning, December 31. at! nine o'clock, at St. Joseph's church. a The Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity of the University of Illinois will hold! a dinner dance at the North Shore hotel on the evening of Friday, Jan-! uary 2. ---- A -- The alumnae of the Sphinx club of! New Trier high schoo! gave an in- 'ormale dancing party on Monday! :vening, December: 22, at the Ouil-| nette Country club. v Faas | The Delta Tau Delta fraternity of Northwestern university held a din-' ner dance at the North Shore hotel: mn Friday evening of last week. ef Mr. and Mrs. P. Wentworth Brad- treet and Mr. and Mrs. IN. Landon Hoyt. 435*Flm street, gave a Christ- mas danée at their home on Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Josephine Hoyt and Mr, Brownell Bradstreet. Tol ef Mr. and: Mrs. Oliver S. Picher, 735 Sheridan road, will entertain at dancing party on Saturday evening 'at the Winnetka Woman's club for her. son Oliver, who has returned from Taft's 'school, Cannecticut, for the holidays. : -- - Mrs. Samuel! B. Thomas will give a dinner party for her son Samuel at her home, 277 Ridge avenue, on Sat- urday evening, preceding the dance given by the Pichers at the Winnet- ka Woman's club. } gy A subscripticn 'dance will be given the AW tka Woran's club' or arg re 3 ixteen For sixteen years, stantly perfecting the Ford One Ton Truck. of steel best fitted for hard, fllint-like metal; of softer, springy steel. Genuine Ford part is. But there are also thorized Ford Dealers. either passenger car or ice in all repair work. | Of all kinds in large and small cans R. D. CUNNINGHAM M. P. LOUEN, Sales Mgr, Phone EVANSTON 4834 concerns in no way connected with the Ford Motor Company and retailed as side-lines by mail-order houses, down-town stores, and many garages. unsuspecting customer accepts them because they are calied "Ford" parts. To make sure of getting the genuine Ford-made parts, buy them only from Au- repairs, replacements, and general "tuning up." We are Authorized Ford Dealers. We can supply you with Ford parts for Years Experience a corps of metallurgists have been studying and con- steel that goes into every part of the Ford car and the Each separate part has been studied to learn the type it. Parts receiving constant surface-wear are made of parts subjected to great vibration or resilience are made Every part is made according to its use--that is, every counterfeit "Ford" parts. These imitations are made by The Likewise bring or take your Ford car to our garage for truck. And our shop is equipped to give real Ford serv- Exclusive Dealer 2 Tord } THF Ad Sy SLATER Insist on Genuine Ford Parts 810 Church Street EVANSTON + Mrs. Carl Earl Miller of 7 Indian} Hill road entertained at tea yester- day afternoon between the hours of four and seven o'clock for her daugh- ter Miss Virginia Miller, who has re- turned from Bryn Mawr college for the holiday vacation, and a group of her friends. ------ Mrs. M. H. Lieber and son Perry, 088 Elm street, spent Tuesday in Ken- osha, Wis., as the guest of Mrs. Lie- ber's mother, Mrs. L. Cooke. INQUIRE about my work in Permanent Waving I must say that I am a pupil of Mr. Felix Coune of Chicago, best expert in that Mne. { have the most up-to-date apparat- us. All my work is guaranteed and very reasonable prices. Call for in- formation. H. Delebecque, 747 Elm street, Winnetka. Tel. Winnetka 528. --Adv. PAINTS WALL PAPERS, PAINTING & DECORATING Floor Finishing a Specialty | RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE FREE PAINT INFORMATION FREE Third Annual we Masquerade Tuesday, January 6th L NES' HALL, WILMETTE Bulla Bulla Club N. J. FELLOWS REGISTERED OPTICIAN Eyes Tested. Frames Fitted Lenses Duplicated Frames Repaired Phone Winnetka 85 Room 3 Prouty Bldg. DO STOP IN TO.SEE MY ULTRA-FASHIONABLE | EVENING AND AFTERNOON GOWNS And Ready-to-Wear Street Dresses [ also have for your d@pproval som? tvery Schic" TRIGOTINE Dresses. . and JERSEY WAISTS. edb OE 0 Emmy OE O ns © HOUSES WANTED FRANK A. REID Member Chicago Real Estate Board WINNETKA HUBBARD WOODS REAL ESTATE 933 Linden Ave. GLENCOE Hubbard Woods Tel. Winnetka 1300 ANNOUNCEMENT! ST To our numerous satisfied patrons and to the prospective customers at large, we anncunce a new department, in 'addition of our dry cleaning, rug cleaning and repairing department. Upholstery and Drapery Works New furniture made to order, mattresses and box springs renovated. Cushions of all kinds made to order. Try us with your next order. We guarantee to save you money and to give you satisfaction. We will safeguard your interest. PHONE WINNETKA 150 PARISIAN DYE HOUSE 4 Carlton Building Winnetka -------- el © EX © Emmy | | | EVERY SIX MONTHS we add interést at the rate of 3 per cent yearly ta. vour savings in this bank. This in- terest which your money earns 1s compounded twice a year and in a few years it makes quite a tidy sum. Put aside a few dollars every week in this Lank and inside of five years you will have a small fortune, The interest grows with your Savings. J WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK We close at 12:30 om Saturdays or10 or10% Formerly BANK OF M. K. MEYER Established 1894 CAPITAL $35,000.00 feb {Fs 100 ) mid) -- {+} {o} -- | BET A RT «8

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