Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 3 Jan 1920, p. 7

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 120 i ._ RA rman - -- PNA sy: Bor per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ sertion, 5¢ per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News. Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News. 20c per line Copy must bein by Classified Advertisements | | | i for ficst insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. H : Aa = frees EN RA Sota HELP WANTED--FEMALRE FOR RENT---4-ROOM FURN. FLAT. Phone Win. 1é21. T4z2- itp YOUNG WOMEN "wan EDT 0 nv IY HOMES a = a WANTED TO BUY---A HOUSE OF 7 8 room n Winnetka, southwestern ges oe pa part preferred; small initial pay- pi ment; balance monthly payments, or r "Hq ; ' aver investicated would like to meet owner who will ave vou ever investigate build on these terms; will furnish what we have to offer vou? every assurance of reliability. Ad- 4 Y dress Winnetka Talk A-505. T42-1te -" al "WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD t GOODS 3 : , WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK,.OLD Our work is easy to learn. We| clothes and shoes. J. wi 1705 hin RAP bor valle Forest avenue. Phone Wil. 50. "He teach you how tohandle calls he-| JT Aye Oe A acon. fore you are sent to an office T4-tfe 1 We give you a liberal starting| _! salary-and advance you frequent- "ly thereafter. ae ne 2 § gi 4 Cozy, attractive rest rooms are OR SE i] T--HOU SE- description; also best prices. 1644 Maple avenue, HKvanston, Telephone van unston 103 « 12, LTG50-tfe Tron SAL E--HOU! SEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY hold goods; any buy old clothes: FOR SALE--USED PIANOS TAKEN IN trade on our new pianos, $65 up. Large assortment; easy payments. Patterson Dros. 828 Davis street, Ev- anston. LTG41-tfe FOR SALL----USED SEWING MACH- ines, all makes, $5.00 up; guaranteed. _-- i 1 Rd" 1200 CARS SOLD IN YEAR; 1400 REPAIR JOBS SINCE MARCH It is now the Gage Motor Sales Co. Benjamin Gage and his asso- ciates having bought out C, E. Bridg- es' interest in the automobile firm of Bridges & Gage, have now changed the name of the concern. At what is usually the dull period of the year, this concern is continu- ing to add mechanics to its force in the service station. Already there are fourteen men working there and the expectation that by the time the 1920 season has started in full swing there will be twenty men cm- ploved. A telephone switchboard is installed in order is Demme to take care of the business better, and other improve- ments are being added. In reviewing the past year's husi- ness, Mr. Gage reported today that the firm and its predecessor sold 200 automobiles in the year 1919. The records show that 1.400 repair jobs went through the service station since last March. | AUTCMOBILE SALES NOW OWN BUSINESS OF L. J. SHERLAND CO. What for years has been the sales- | | i No matter how well you liked the | room of the Louis J. Sherland Co. is now occupied by the Automobile Sales, which has bought out Mr, Sher- land's business. Mr: Sherland plans to go with the General Motors to Michigan avenue and sell the Dor- ris. The Automobile Sales has for its officers, W. D. Stearnes. president; wv. L.. Laughlin, vice president, and . B. Clayton, secretary-treasurer. Jt is i 'the Chandler, Cleveland and . . so. | : 81 Crispo 1s waiting for you. Mrs. Stephens Salient Six cars. Sherland's old office and service sia- tion staff remains intact, with Gordon in charge of the office and Billy Fry in charge of the service station. Sora oR wn m---- own © mr roan crenes Na Basi wb "Ove N AOI mv 7 Come to our store and see our new provided ior your enjoy ment. Sner. We have no door to door g agents. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis i street, Evanston. LTG49-tfe : FOR SALE---0AK "CHINA CABINET; : wi fine condition. 1243 Scott ave. Hub- |/ Visit our othce and see what af bara Woods. __ LTGs-1te sit 1 3 2ans to VC FOR SALE--WEATHERED OAK DIN- position with us means to you. Hn tabie. And sidehonrd. gas range, two-seated sleigh. Phone Win. 58. T42- ite FOR SALE LAUNDRY STOVE. GAS r range, ice box, garden implements, Young women, 16 years of age] aouble bed with mattress. Phone i Foo 1 > Ti 3 T42-2tc | or, over, wanted for this work | Win 46 pe CHICAGO TELEPHONE CO. FOR SALB--. a r to Chief ar 1 "HANDLER 17 SEDAN; "BEXCELLEN REY a \- | CHANDLER 17 S Appts to. Chief Operator at Wis condition: upholstering, tires, motor, netka. fenders, paint, etc, like new. Call Svanston 6581 after 7 p. m. any even- in. Ask for Mr. Feeley. _LTGEs-1te FOR SALI--OLDSMOBILE, 4 CYL. touring, in perfect condition; © good hs tires. Phone Wil. 335. TGi2-1te OVERLAND I) DAN. | -------------- DODGE 18 TOURING, | HUDSON SEDAN, 18, | CHANDLER 19 I aon ! A CHANDLER 18 TOURING. i YELIE 19 TOURING, 5 PASSENGERS. T40-3te These cars are all exceptional bar- ST TET oR ET TTT rp gains. Terms can be arranged; call WANTED GIRLS TO SEW. APPLY! Rianston 575-579. Automobile Sales Servu Shop, 743 Elm street, Winnet- 1019 Davis street. LTG8-1te ka. TG42-1te WANTED--A COMPETENT LAUND- FOR CALE MISCE BLLANEOUS ress to do one day's work either at' ~~" TE ASKA i i OR SALE--BEAUTIFUL AL! Sk home OF Wat, Aine. Pong a | r hearskin robe; 3 perfectly matched Cea ate skins; suitable for car or floor mat, | WANTED--A MOTHER'S HELPER; Phone Wil TG42-1te home nights preferred. Thomas, 277 - rr Ridge avenue. Phone Win. 1538. ae aap Er TABLED TOST--XMAS BE iy ON LINCOLN AVE. WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST | ",{ [im street station Milwaukee, | with housework. 1320 Greenwood Electric, or on southbound car Seal- | avenue, Wilmette, Phone Wil. 1928. ¢kin muff; please return same to 604 | LTS-1tp lincoln ave, Winnetka or telephone | SITUATIONS WANTED Win 68: Tena a =| NOW 78 THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR | FOUND--B Ne sk ON ri ite | old furniture painted over. All kinds |_ '¥ street. Phone Wi Hamdan] ol of refinishing, staining, varnishing | FOUND---TUESDAY NEAR TN AN and polishing done. O. A. Anderson, Hill tracks woman's sweater; owner 1025 Oak street. Phone Win. 1472, may claim by calling at 561 Haw- | Tae ite thorne Lane and paying for Joos WANTED--CARR OF FURNACES AND notice. : a T 42-110 ! work by day or hour. Phone Win. |T,OST--AIREDALE PUPPY, ABOUT 9 1549. T42-5te months old; suitable reward for any = = informati regarding him. Phone | "FOR RENT--ROOMS AND FLATS dal : : Pasz-te | FOR. RENT--FURN. ROOM. PHONE f.---- ime > Ain, 898. T42-2tc MISCET HEY S nt | FOR RENT_VERY DESIRABLE | NOTICE WE LIBERTY BONDS | arge front bed-room, with private 4 value in ayment on pianos, | bath and sleeping porch: best loca- nachines, washing niaching on; references. hone Wil. 2162, ers sewing machine hi LTS8-1tc Bros. $28 Davis street, nat LTG4i1-tfe.l 3 Po---- = | f o | ° FX ! | i | ~ 1] thly pe | ) monthly pay- || : | ment:. | | { b= 4 i hor Sales Company ] NORTH SHORE BRANCH 4 7 1 1728 Sherman Ave. TELEPHONE | EVANSTON Evanston 877 {! i © | ° i © | a © | Phone Haymarket 8359 Will Pay $2 to $15 for Second-Hand Suits or Overcoats A. MARKOWITZ 1532 ROOSEVELT RD., CHICAGO A GYPSY SMITH STORY Gypsy Smith, the evangelist, said on his recent voyage from Liverpool: "There are some men who can make a success even of failure. Thus there was a certain peer once who rose to make his maiden speech--a speech granting to all accused persons the his hand in his pocket for his notes they weren't there. The peer guiped. He looked about him wildly. Gulped again. Then he said: "If I, my lords, right of counsel--and when he put) who now rise only to give my opinion | z on this bill--if I am so confounded that 1 am unable to express what I had in miad, what must be the con- dition of that man who, without any assistance, has got to plead for his fife?" Then the peer sat down to the cheers of a converted chamber, and his biil passed almost unanimously," Miss Passe (playfully)--1'm older than you think I am. Mr. Blunt--{I doubt it.--Boston Transcript. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY 4 How Do You Like Crispo? } in town has tried To judge from the demands of | your stores for more Crispo everyone kinds you tried, you have not enjoyed all the pleasures of eating Crispo until § you've tried them all. Hubbard Woods Cash Grocery Ragganti Confectionery, Gage Street, Indian Hill Inn, Winnetka Avenue at least one kind. 901 Linden Avenue ; Hubbard Woods | i CEE: universally admired. mate satisfaction out ERPS 9) reomieabamiaine { 8 ) es {0 } saeco ps ep r-- ro exchange battery. North Shore Sales Room FASHION AUTO STATION, Inc. Bensen Ave. and Clark St. Telephones: Evanston 1047-1048 .-. LIGNT, ELECTRIC Fe 0.b. Toleda. The Modern Electric Beautiful Its external beauty is a source of pride---it 1s ts internal beauty is an inti- Come in and look the Equipped with an electric EVANSTON, LL. Rogers Park 761 BUY your Electric FROM the EVANSTON Branch WHERE YOU GET YOUR SERVICE (Demonstrations cheerfully given without cost or obligation) Milburn over---inside and brake and quick

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