5 ol " - a aa WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1925 11 GRADS ARETOLD OF THEIR DUTY Kindergarten College Class Hears Scherger Dr. George I. Scherger of Armour Institute, in addressing the mid-year graduating class of the National Kinder- garten and Elementary college last week, gave several valuable suggestions for everyone who has graduated--once or a dozen times. "Graduation," said Dr. Scherger, "simply means taking a step. It does not mean. that anything is finished or that you have reached the end. When anyone comes to the point where he has realized his ideals and thinks he has fin- ished something it is time to call the un- dertaker. The most glorious thing is any life is growth--continuous develop- ment. It seems that this thought of growth, of development, of evoluation, is in the air today and the great thing is not so much what you are as what you are growing to be. Unparalleled Age "We are living in an age without parallel in the history of the world," continued Dr. Scherger. "Our desire is for fullness of life. We like to do big things. Students in architecture are con- tent with nothing less than learning to build sky-scrapers, and even the criminal has to steal a million before he is given any sort of recognition, "In the turmoil and change of this age the hope of the future lies in our truly cultured classes. I believe in an aristo- cracy, not of blood or of wealth, but of true culture--of people who, by the training of their intellect and more par- ticularly by the training of their charac- ter, are qualified to go up and become leaders. We are constantly talking about democracy, but we certainly do not be- lieve in a democracy which regards one person as being as well qualified as an- other .for leadership. We believe in a democracy which raises up, not in one which levels down. The world cannot get along without this sort of leadership of people who, by the excellence of their gifts and the quality of their training arc qualified to lead the multitude. The multitude never got anywhere without leaders. Under Obligation "It is a wonderful call--that to this aristocracy of culture and of training for leadership, and it puts us under an obli- gation to live up to it. We are given the opportunities, but it is especially true of young Americans that we often for- get that we are constantly put under obligation to family, school, society, for the educations which we receive. What does your training mean? Not the abil- ity to speak on this or that abstruse sub- ject, not only a training of the body or a training of the mind, but a training of character as well; the harmonious de- velopment of every God-given faculty and power. If an education means anything it means training for life, and for a receptivity to all that is worth having. And above all things, education never gets to the point where we say 'It is finished' 7, Ford Plants Attract Thousands of Visitors The Highland Park plant of the Ford Motor company continues to be the big attraction for visitors in De- roit and they come from all over the world. Last year more than 122,000 people were escorted through the plant. Guides are always on hand to show visitors the interesting phases of Ford manufacture, for the company invites inspection not only of its great plants in Detroit, but also its assembly plants throughout the country. Sum- mer months bring the largest number of visitors and in 1924 August held the record at Highland Park with 30,640. Among the distinguished visitors last year was the Prince of Wales and the youngest of the notables was Jackie Coogan. Most every country was represented among the visitors. To_the average person the final as- sembly holds the most interest. See- ing a car grow in a few minutes from chassis to the finished article has the greatest appeal of all the interesting sights at the Highland Park plant. Next, the conveyor systems register strongest on the imagination, after which interest is divided among a number of major operations. Of Interest Only to Our Advertisers FULL PAGE ROLL OF HONOR "And, now, ladies and gentlemen, I should like to call your attention, to the wonderful, etc." That's all advertising is--"calling your attention" to something. Your mind, occupied with other things, is now called to notice something else. You've been thinking about motor cars, and you're asked to pay atten- tion to spring suits. The competition between demands was well worth calling attention to. We believe that our readers think so, too. Here is the Roll to Date Lake Co. Construction Co. .......... Wilmette Shoe Store Pierce Radio Co. ........ rir Hubbard Wd. Lumber & Coal Co...1 rN Meyer Coal & Material Co. ........ 1 R..H. Schell &.Co. ..xvs.. Suivi . . oa 1 John Evans Apt. Homes ........... 1 Winnetka Coal-Lumber Co. ........ 1 A Starr Best *...... 0 0 FN 1 Pierce" Radio Co. "iv. icici, 1 Fifth North Shore Organ Concert Tuesday, Feb. 17. The fifth concert of the North Shore organ series on the great organ of St. Luke's church, Evanston, will be given Tuesday, February 17, at 8 o'clock. The organist is Herbert E. Hyde, dean of the Illinois Chapter American Guild of Or- ganists, and he will be assisted by Mme. \ Edith Bideau-Normelli, soprano, and Miss Frances Mapes. The program includes the Bach Pre- lude and Fugue E Minor, Boccherini "Minuet in A," a group of Wagner fa- vorites; Thiele's "Chromatic Fantasie ;" Paderewski "Minuet"; and the stirring Mendelssohn "War March of the Priests." Mme Normelli will sing Schu- bert's "Omnipotence," and a group of negro spirituals. The concert is free. Dr. Williams Sanatorium for cancer. 219 Carrol St.,, Waukesha, Wis. Write for Free Sanatorium Booklet. --Adv. on your attention is keen. The strong- est demand will win. One of the strong- est of all demands is that of the Full- Page Ad. It gets almost every reader. That's why we recommend its use for calling attention to merchandise or service that is especially good. The advertisers named below be- lieved that they had some thing that Oriental Rugs Dry Cleaned The Finest of Radio Outfits SUPER HETERODYNE ATWATER KENT SUPER ZENITH OPERADIO BRUNSWICK RADIOLAS Pierce Radio Co. 522 DAVIS STREET Across from North Shore Hotel Univ. 5067 Better than washing! In fact you don't know how an Oriental rug should look after cleaning unless you have had them dry cleaned. It is absolutely the correct way. This also applies to carpets, draperies, lace curtains, etc. We are the only concern in New Trier township equipped to do the work in their own plant, and we are doing it direct to the household only--with one responsibility. Gentlemen's suits cleaned and pressed $1.50; hats cleaned and blocked $1; caps cleaned and pressed 50 cents. Ladies' apparel of all kinds including furs, given extreme care at proportionate prices. Evanston Illinois OO For Cleaning and Repairing Rugs Call Phones l727 INN Greenleaf Wilmette Winnetka Sl 25 per cent. Discount during February = LT RAUSS CLEANING @W& DYEING Phone Wilmette 3400 -- 4 trunk lines Fasy to Remember 1215 Washington Avenue JOHN NAZARIAN Plant 578 Lincoln Ave. WINNETKA | 0 Reg. U. S. Pat. Office Wash special process. ALAA 22% 7 7/7 Z Fast to Sunlight 7 2/7 7 7/7 %% % 72% 2% NS Fast to Washing 2220027777777 - And The Pity of it is-- "The GENUINE i 43 Everfast Fabrics ATTRACTIVE wash fabrics dyed by They hold their original beautiful color through every phase of wear and laundering. Let us show them to you. There's an interesting display in the Wash Goods Section. Fast to Everything CARTERS KNIT 1125-27 Central Avenue Wilmette TAYLOR'S THE SATISFACTORY STORE LADIES', MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S FURNISHINGS It Need Never Have Happened. All her time and work and money gone for nothing! "The dress was ruined--its pretty color faded and streaked in a single washing. If she had only made it of EVERFAST--it could have been boiled without fading a particle. EVERFAST fabrics are fast to washing and boiling, fast to the strongest soaps and washing powders, fast to sunlight and perspi- ration and fast to everything. That is the satisfactory thing about EVERFAST--it is fast color under all conditions; so sure are we of this that every EVERFAST Fabric is sold under the following guarantee. If any EVERFAST Wash Fabric fades, for any reason whatsoever, we will refund not only the purchase price of the material, but all making cost of the garment as well. We have many lovely EVERFAST Fabrics to choose from, exquisite voiles, linens, ginghams, (plain and checked) suitings, broadcloths, fine weaves, jersey weaves, alpacotes, shantones, etc. You'll love these colors of which there is a wide range. EVERFAST Wash Fabrics cost a trifle more than ordinary cotton materials and yet, how much more they give you. 'This year make all your clothes of EVERFAST, the Fabric that will not fade. Call and get a sample, take it home and give it your test. 2 00% 2 % 7 7 ZU 7 2// 7, 7, Z 7 7 % 20 ZH zL % 7 7 7% 7 777 00 7 ZH 70 72/7 N Sy 0 7200. SA A UNDERWEAR, SHOES THAT WEAR WE DELIVER 07 ZH Wilmette 1914 Z 7 7 NZ N