i a sire -- A -------------- ES GI Y ESE i Sa. rr pe 20 CONSULT WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1925 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. MINIMUM CHARGE the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. { Hy : Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions-- te, up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the papers. WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 20 cents per line in all three 50c. Average of five words to o'clock for "he GLENCOE NEWS. 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED--EXPERIENCED STENO- grapher with general office exper- ience. Wilmette Chamber of Com- merce. Phone Wil. 63. 12LTN12-2tp FOR SALE_CONTENTS OF FIVE room flat; all new; used three months; can rent flat if desired. Address 450 Winnetka Talk. 17LTN20-1tp WANTED--MAID; WHITE: GENERAL hswk.; exp. and reliable; small family; no washing; best wages; must have references. PPhone Winn. 324. 12T49-1tc WANTED--COMFETENT GENERAL maid. Ref. required. Two in family. Call 1255 Asbury avenue. 12LTN20-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- Telephones: WILMETTE 1920- IA he : eral housework; no laundry; ref. » LMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001 rea. Apply 1033 Sheridan Rd. Wil- mette. Phone Wil. 2898. 12LTN20-1tc WANTED -- MOTHER'S HELPER; 1 REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE white; light housework; no laundry; one child; $10.00; phone Winn. 1478. BARG AINS FOR SALE--S8-RM. STUCCO HOUSE; 12TN49-1tc : £ xi 1 car garage; corner lot 100x210 ft.: em 5 ROOM AND BATH, SOLID BRICK Arco h. w. furnace, with oil burner: | WANTED--EXP. GENERAL MAID; 1 residence, Hardwood Finish, Hot instantaneous water heater; 3 bed small family; highest wages. Phone water heat, modern convenience, 2 rooms and bath on second floor: 2 Winn. 384. 12T49-1te - car garage, lot 100 by 207. Terms. liv. rms, dining rm. kitchen, | $14,000.00. maids rm. and bath; lav. on first|{ WANTED--MAID FOR GENERAL 5 room and bath, brick residence, floor; 2 open porches; 300 ft. beauti- hswk.; small house and family; ' hardwood finish, hot water heat, ful hedge; fine trees; garden; 2 blks. phone Winn. 1196. 12T49-1tc modern convenience, 2 car garage. west of station; 1 blk. from school. -- mm Lot 75 by 265, on_ State , road, Price $25,000. Phone Glencre 561. WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- (cement). Terms. $14,000.00. 1LTN20-1tc eral work; no laundry. Phone Glen- 5 room and bath shingle bungalow, ' hardwood finish, furnace heat, ga- | rage. Lot 50 by 145, in choice sec- tion of Glencoe, convenient to trans- . portation. Easy terms. 11,500.00. FOR RENT J 6 room residence, furnace heat, convenient to C. & N. W. Ry. and Siete line, immediate possession. J. H. Schaefer & Co. 909 Ridge Avenue Wilmette, Illinois. Phone 3864 1LTN20-1te ACREAGE 20 OR 40 ACRES OF HIGH WOOD- land, 6 min. from Winnetka station; accessable to all golf clubs; for country home or subdivision. Very reasonably priced. GLENCOE VACANT 82x196 opposite Skokie Club at $115 per ft. WINNETKA VACANT 50x160 wooded; So. front, Hubard Woods; all improvements paid. Cash $80 ft. or $85 ft. Terms. Will help you finance. iq KENILWORTH ome at a sacrifice price; D Colonial; 8 rms.; 2 AAA 60ft. Duith : . ou owe it to yo this home at $21,500. Yourself to see E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 10 Carlton Annex Winnettka Phone Winnetka 1800. Country ated garage attached; choic OE nnetka--all for $20,500! fe FOR RENT March to October--Beautiful 8-rm Pres colonial ¥. sleeping porches, e attached. Choi i Ra ach cest Winnet Heinsen & Kroll, Inc. 556 Center St., formerly W.R.R. Ave. Winnetka 254 1LTN20-1tc NEW 7-RM. BRICK HOME ENGLISH Colonial type with 3 baths; 2 car garage; in excellent location, on 75 ft. lot; lge. trees; nicely land- scaped; conv. to transp. and lake. Open all day Sunday for inspection. Price $35,000. Phone Winn. 1226 for appointment. 1LTN20-1tec IF YOU ARE FLANNING TO RENT your home furnished or unfurnished, get in touch with us as we have a number of reliable clients. Gilbert D. Johnson & Bros. Phone Glencoe 971. 1LTN20-1tp FOR _SALE--SEVEN ROOM STUCCO; hollow tile construction; h. w. heat; beautifully wooded lot; choice east side location; con. to trans. and schools. Phone Glencoe 71. 1ILTN20-1te BEAUTIFUL 7 ROOM BRICK HOME; attached garage; deep wooded lot; 2 blocks from steam, electric, and schools. $20,000.00; make an offer. Call Mr. Campbell, Glencoe 971. . 1LTN20-1tp WANTED TO BUY--HOUSE NOT necessarily new; good location in Winnetka or Glencoe; approximately 4 master bed rooms; 2 baths; 2 serv- ants' bedrooms and bath. Address Winnetka Talk A-453. 1TN49-1tp FOR SALE--240 ACRES OPPOSITE golf club on Rand road just west of Desplaines; $500 per acre. Phone Wilmette 3041. 1LTN17-tfc use. My (31 Y er, 936 Elm St. Winn. Phone Winn. 1065. 1LTN20-1tc FOR RENT--FROM JUNE 1ST UNTIL Sept. 15th. new; furnished house; six bedrooms; three baths; 1 blk. north of Scott ave., Hubbard Woods. Address P. Box 35, Hubbard Woods, Ill 2T48-tfc FOR RENT--5 RM. FLAT AND BATH; 2nd. floor; stove heat; 491 Madison Ave., Glencoe. 3TN49-1tc FOR RENT--8 ROOM HOUSE; - cated at 968 Elm St. Winn. Phage 'Winn. 1920. 2LTN20-1tc Two Attractive Offers $3,000 CASH WILL BUY BEAUT. § rm. brick bungalow in N. Evanstotn; water heat; fire pl.; modern bath; 2 glazed and screened pchs.; lge. attic and basement; best const.; 2 car ga- rage; price $13,500. 6 rm. Dutch Col.; water heat; 2 ex. lav.; lge. liv. rm. with real fire- place; glazed and screened sun par. and slp. pch.; 2 car garage; land- scaped lot; best location in W. Wil- mette; price $16,500; easy terms. A F. Coleman Burroughs & Co. 1157 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wil. 640 1LTN20-1tc Y Buy Acres Now. CONSERVATIVE INVESTORS ARE buying acres where the future city will be. We will be glad to show you some :choice property available 'now at attractive prices. You will need to act quickly. Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. 746 Elm Street, Winnetka, Ill 1LTN-1te FOR RENT EAST SIDE OF WILMETTE; MODERN 8-rm. Colonial; h. w. heat; 2 baths; extra lav. and toilet; glassed and heated sun parlor; 2 car garage; convenient to both "L"" and steam; may be had on two year lease, from May 1st or sooner. $250 per month. R. M. Johnston & Co. 340 Linden Ave. Ph. Wil. 68 1LTN20-1tc FOR SALE WILMETTE UNUSUALLY WELL BUILT HOUSE with 8 large light rooms; located in the very best extreme east section of Wilmette; convenient to both steam and "L" transportation; also to schools and churches; beautifully landscaped lot with abundance of shrubs and several fine trees; hot water heat; garage; splendid buy at $18,000.00. For appt. phone Wil. 2066. 1LTN20-1tc 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--4-ROOM APT.; STEAM heat; janitor service; available March 1st. 627 11th St. Phone Wil. 2900. 3LT20-1tc ROOMS, KITCHEN Furnace heat, newly dec- Call 969 Willow road. 3TN49-1tp FOR RENT--MODERN 4-ROOM APT.: near transportation; h. w. heat; also garage. 353 Adams St., Glencoe. 3T49-1tc FOR RENT--APT. ABOVE GARAGE: furnished; occupancy April 1st. Phone Winn. 2323. 3T49-1tc FOR RENT--SMALL FURNISHED apt.; W. W. Grant. Phone Wil. 1868. SLTN20-1tp FOR RENT--3 and bath. orated. 4 - FOR RENT--ROOMS coe 212. 12LTN20-1tc FOR SALE--OAK COLONIAL ROUND dining table; 6 chairs, Spanish leath- er; also server, $25. 609 Cherry St. Phone Winn, 1453. 17LT20-1tc FOR kK SALE--MISSION DINING SET; table and 6 chairs in good condition; very reasonable; phone Wil. 1668. 17LTN20-1tec FOR SALE--9x13 ORIENTAL RUG; brass bed; odd chairs; settee; lamp; etc. 485 Sunset Rd. Phone Winn. 1663. 17T49-1tc FOR SALE -- "RELIABLE" GAS stove; 4 burners. In good condition, Phone Winn. 625-M. 17TN49-1tp IS WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTN24-tfc N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave. Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 18LTN19-tfc WANTED--FIRST dress 2 or 3 days. Phone Lincoln 3403. WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl for small family; references. Phone Winn. 1888. 12LTN20-1tc WANTED--YOUNG GIRL FOR NURSE. Ref. 351 Linden street. 12T49-1te CLASS LAUN- Aftetr 6 I'. M. 12LTN20-1tp 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED COMPETENT COUPLE: white; man for chauifeur, yard work and ete.; wife for cooking and down- stairs work. References required. Phone Wil. 1142. 13LTN20-1te WANTED CAPABLE, ENERGETIC young man or lady as Asst. to office manager; Village of Winnetka. Ap- ply Mr. Noe. Phone Winn. 2196. 13LTN20-1tc 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE Dance Music | For All Occasions Booking Agent for TED MORSE'S ORCHESTRA E. BE. BIGELOW. Tel. Wil. 3035 14LTN4-tfp SITUATION WTD.--POSITION BY EX- perienced man as chauffeur or gar- dener. Any kind of work round the place. Tel. Winn. 1936. . 14LTN20-1tp SITUATION WTD.--EXPERIENCED man to do work around house and garden. Very best ref. Telephone Superior 7134. 14LTN20-2tp SITUATION WTD.--COLORED MAN desires position as chauffeur; can do own repairing. Phone University 7665. 14LTN20-1tp SITUATION WTD--GENERAL CLEAN- ing, calcimining and painting. Phone University 7508. M. Ganaway. 14LT20-1tp -------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WTD.--WHITE WOMAN desires cooking, sewing, ironing, weeks cleaning, or care of children by day or hour. Phone Wil. 3129. 15LT20-1te SITUATION WANTED -- LAUNDRY work done in private home; rough dry or finished work done satisfac- torily. Phone Winnetka 550-J. 15LTN20-2tc SITUATION WTD.--COLORED WOM- an wants work on Wednesdays. Ad- dress Miss Adams, 1817 Ridge Ave, Evanston. 15LT20-1tp SITUATION WANTED--HIGH SCHOOL girl desires work afternoons; will stay or go home nights. Phone Greenleaf 1142. 15LT20-1te SITUATION WTD.--EXP. RUG AND carpet weaving. Mrs. John Puetz, Gross Point Rd. north of Harrison. 15LTN20-4tp FOR RENT--2 WARM FURNISHED rooms with kitchenette and private bath; nicely located home for two people. Phone Winn. 729. 4T49-1tc FOR RENT--WARM ROOM; TWO blocks from transportation and restaurant. Phone Winn. 730. 4T49-1tc qENTRAL HOTEL ~LIGHT, OUTSIDE oms; for transients and resid y 629 Main St, Phone Wil. 1080. 4LT15-tfc FOR RENT--SMALL SUNNY. RO near transportation; reasonable, 3 Oakwood Ave. Phone Wil. 3014. 4LT20-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED OR - furnished room. Phone Winn. 1333, 4TN49-1te RENT---ROOM; GENTLEMAN Phone Winn. 2338. 4T49-1tc FOR only. 3 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE HOME; 6 rms.; sleeping pch.; 26 ft. liv. rm.; Humphrey heater; 85 ft. frontage in fine resident section; exceptional lo- cation; house has many unusual fea- tures. Address Winnetka Talk A- 452. 1TN49-1tp WANTED--BEST SMALL HOUSE IN choicest Winnetka location, that $20,000 will buy; must have 7 rooms. Address 216 So. Scoville Ave. Oak Park. 1T49-1te FOR SALE--55 ACRES ON KOTZ road north of Willow; sell as a whole or in 5-acre tracts. Phone Wilmette 3041. 1LTN17-tfe FOR RENT--HALF, ELEGANT LAR store; Wilmette avenue; nan Phone Wilmette 2399. . SLTN16-tfec -- ------ 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT--SPACE IN TWO CAR garage. 1066 Ash St. Phone Winn. 2289. 6T49-1tc 11 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--ONE SALESMAN; PART time; well known; call Mr. E. D. More, Winn. 144, between 8 and 9 or Lake Forest 1431 between 6 and 7. 11TN49-1tp SITUATION WTD.--GENERAL HSWK. in small family by white girl; no washing. Phone Glencoe 851. 15LTN20-1tp SITUATION WANTED--LAUNDRESS desires work by the day; Phone University 2918, between 6 and 6:30. 15LTN20-1tp SITUATION WANTED--PLAIN SEW- ing and dress making. Phone Univ. 5569. Elizabeth Wells. 15LTN20-3tc SITUATION WT D.-- RELIABLE ¥ GIRL wants day work. Phone after 5 P. M. Winn, 2258. 15LT20-1te SITUATION WTD.--ROUGH ~ DRY washing to take home. Phone Wil 765R-X. 15LTN20-1tp SITUATION WTD.--EXP. WHITE woman desires laundry work. Phone Winn. 2298. 15T49-1te SITUATION WTD,--YOUNG GIRL DE- sires position as nurse girl. Phone Winn. 1769. 15T49-1tc rere-- 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE STORE stoves, autos, 1045 Ash 19LTNS-tfe WINNETKA buys and sells rugs, pianos, anything useful. Street. WANTED TO BUY--1 PAIR OF BOY'S ice skates on shoes size 1. Phone Winn. 2031. 19LTN20-1tc 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES Used Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove Su Willys-Knight and Oveiland Dealers Evanston 140 20LTN24-tfc FOR SALE--APPERSON 7 PASSEN- ger; driven less than 14,000 miles by private family; new battery; bumper; automatic windshield wiper; spot light; clock; rear seat light; rear view mirror; 5 disc wheels; tools; price $550.00. Phone Highland Park 1098. 20T49-1tp FOR SALE--NEW FLINT TOURING; fully equipped; have paid $300 down on Flint; will sacrifice this to any- one that will pay balance. No deal- ers or trade in considered. You get delivery. Good reasons for selling. Phone Glencoe 300-R. 20LT20-1te FOR SALE--CHEVROLET COUPE; 4 passenger 1924 Superior model .milage less than 5,000; looks and runs like new; cost $900; will sacri- fice at $600. Phone Winn. 1804. 20LTN20-1te FOR SALE CHEAP--1925 FORD TON truck and 1 Stutz touring car with 8 good tires. Inquire 552 Linden Ave., Winnetka. 20LT20-1tc FOR SALE--1923 CLEVELAND SE- dan; 5 passenger; ex. condition; full equipment; driven 12,5600 miles; $650 cash. Winn. 1721. 20LTN20-1tc FOR SALE--1923 FORD SEDAN; A-1 condition. $200.00. Can be seen at Hostetters Garage. Phone Winn. 188. 20T49-1te 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--FORD TOURING, $30.00; Ford tools, $6.00; Boy's sleigh, $5.00; mahogany glass panelled screen, $10.00; cabinet with two heavy glass shelves, suitable for store, (worth $25.00) will sell for $18.00; A few imported black and white etchings left, at b50c each; several furniture articles; a combination Moving Pic- ture Machine and Stereopticon com- plete with special lenses; 800 watt lamp and films, for best cash offer, or will trade for "Radio Receiver"; garden implements; electric grills; vacuum Sweeper; sewing machine; beds; etc.,, etc.--many other excep- tional offers. Phone Glencoe 1008. 21LT49-1te FOR SALE--LADY'S COON COAT; beautiful skin; practically new; cost over $400, sell for $150. 2 tube radio set; splendid tone and long distance reception; complete with lamps and batteries, phones, etc, $32.00. Phone Winn. 1781. 21T49-1tc FOR SALE--PUPPIES; MALE AND female; have five German Police Dog puppies with pedigree; call at 905 Foster St., Evanston. Price reason- able. 21TN49-1tc FOR SALE--S$-TUBE, SUPER HETRO- dyne with storage A and B. bat- teries; loud speaker and loop; coast to coast range; price $100. Phone Winn. 522-W. 21TN49-1tp FOR SALE -- MOTION PICTURE machine; complete with 3 reels; practically new; price $10.00. Phone Winn. 200. 21LTN20-1te FOR SALE--7 MO. OLD AIRDALE; thoroughbred stock; will sell reason- able on account of owner going east. Phone Glencoe 71. 21LTN20-1tc FOR SALE--A VERY GOOD VIOLIN with bow and case. All in good-as- new condition. Call Winn. 237. 21LTN20-1tp Sn ---- 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--GEN. HSWK. by the week; all day or half day; couples or maids; good references. Phone University 7665. 16LTN20-1tc 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--TO CLOSE AN ESTATE- Ivory bed and vanity case, springs and mattress; mahogany four post bed, springs and mattress; chairs; Electric Columbia Phonograph. Phone Winn. 1763. 17LTN20-1te FOR SALE--DETROIT JEWEL GAS Stove. $20.00. Phone Wil. 519. 17LTN20-1te FOR SALE--CHIFFON AND NET evening dress; in perfect condition; modern. Phone Winn. 1721 21LTN20-1te FOR THE FULLER BRUSH MAN call J, C. Stone, 829 Sherman Ave. Evanston. Phone University 6964. 21LTN20-1tp THE FULLER WALL BRUSH WILL clean without streaking. Phone University 6964. 21LTN20-1tp 23 PERSONAL LADIES--THE SPRING MODE IS IN. European dressmaker, 916 Ash St. Phone Winnetka 1758. J. B. Ander- sen. 23TN49-1tp 24 LOST AND FOUND WILL PERSON WHO ACCIDENTALLY exchanged galoshes at the Commun- ity House Mon. at the League lunch- eon, kindly return new Zippers and lai their own. Phone inn. . claim their a: LOST--FEMALE CHOW; BLACK; IF vou find or see this dog please notify Mrs. E. J. Hayes, 435 So. St. Johns Ave. Highland Park. Liberal reward. Phone 810 W. 24LTN20-1tp LOST--WHITE COLLAR PUPPY; female; 7 months old; brown spots around right eye, name Patsy. Reward. F. W. Bond. Phone Winn. 1688. . 24T49-1tc LOST---3 WKS. AGO; YOUNG IRISH (red) Setter; without collar; reward; 643 Walden Rd. Phone Winn. 1513. 24T49-1tc ---------------------- LOST--CHILD"S WHITE FUR NECK piece; lost in or about Winnetka Post Office Bldg. Phone Winn. 1703. 24T49-1tc LOST--PAIR OF CHILDREN'S GLAS- ses; bi-focal lenses. Call 590 Willow. Reward. 3 24T49-1tp re ---------------------- 7 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE [5 HOUSECLEANING; WINDOWS, walls and woodwork washed. Also furniture polishing, floor waxing and odd jobs. A-1 references. Phone Wil. 3428. 27LT15-tfc 29 PAINTING AND DECORATIN TH. RelFoy Interior Decorating PAPER HANGING 1st Class Work only. 524 Ridge Ave. Ph. Wil. 2489 G | 29LT20-1tp [F YOU HAVE ANY PAINTING OR decorating, now or in the spring it will pay you to get in touch with me. Best of Winnetka references. E. M. Brandt, 4414 Ne. Shaniding "Av "hicago. Phone Irving % AVE Chicas 29T48-tfc 31 BUSINESS SERVICE OOP DENTIST WILL EXCHANGE services for interior painting and p ating. Phone Wil. 2054. decorating OS ante NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO: MRS. L. DILLARD : and to all others thal may be inter- ested herein that there will be sold at public auction at the warehouse rooms of the IREDALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, 560 Center Street, Win- netka, Cook County, Illinois, beginning at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the 5th day of March, 1925, to satisfy the warehouseman's lien now held by the resigned against wndervie MRS. L. DILLARD covering the goods, chattels and merchandise and all other effects and things whi¢ch are now in storage will then be offered for sale to the highest and best bidders in separate or bulk lots, as follows: Couch, davenport, chairs, rockers, pictures, paintings, rugs, wash machine, tables, beds, porch swing, springs, sewing machine, wringer, mirrors, stoves, bedding and other household goods. Rights reserved to reject any and all bids. i i IREDALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE 560 Center Street, 7i , Illinois. Winnetka Tis-2te NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO: H. L. LANG i and to all others that may be inter- ested herein that there will be sold at public auction at the warehouse rooms of the IREDALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, 560 Center Street, Win- netka, Cook County, Illinois, beginning at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the 5th day of March, 1925, to satisfy the warehouseman's lien now held by the ndersigned against bi E i" L. LANG : covering the goods, chattels and merchandise and all other effects and things which are now in storage will then be offered for sale to the highest and best bidders in separate or bulk lots, as follows: : Beds, mattresses, box Springs, fern- ery, victrola, card table and other household goods. Rights reserved to reject any and all bids. IREDALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE 560 Center Street, Vi Illinois. Winnetka, in T48-2tc NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO: GEORGE LESLIE and to all others that may be inter- ested herein that there will be sold at public auction at the warehouse rooms of the IREDALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, 560 Center Street, 'Win- netka, Cook County, Illinois, beginning at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the 5th day of March, 1925, to satisfy the warehouseman's lien now held by the rsigned against haere GEORGE LESLIE covering the goods, chattels and merchandise and all other effects and things which are now in storage will then be offered for sale to the highest and best bidders in separate or bulk lots, as follows: Willys Knight Touring Car. Rights reserved to reject any and all bids. [IREDALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE 560 Center Sireeh i ka, nois. Winnet A Winnetka Scouts Defeat Rival Wilmette Troops Winnetka Boy Scouts won from Troop 2 of Wilmette in a meet held at the troop headquarters at the Wilmette Congrega- tional church last Tuesday evening. The score was 33 to 21. There were three events, O'Grady drill down, signaling and knot-tying. Two teams were en- tered by each troop. THE WANT ADS FOR HELP i By