WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1925 SEARCHING AND FINDING, GOOD Richards' Lecture Provides Fine Study By L. T. D. The questions propounded bv "Chief" in last week's issue of WINNETKA TALK, might prove puzzlers to many. Was Abraham a tribe or an individ- tal? Why did he leave Ur? What is there in the study of Abraham of old that has value for us today? Why is he called an adventurer for God? owever baffling these questions might be, all would: agree that an honest inquiry for answers to them would be time well spent. It is good to search. 1 After attending Rev. James A. Rich- rds' lecture last Sunday evening one eels that he can answer. these ques- ions, not only with some degree of intelligence, but with deep satisfac- tion in his findings. . i" Abraham was an individual; one whose name, though shrouded in the mists of time, has ever had mystical over: one who is the father of a ace which has possessed spiritual nius ' above all other people; one who contributes to our religious ex= perience an ideal of faith in God, as valuable today as in ages past, as nec- essary ages hence, as now. Abraham left Ur, not for adventure, not for economic reasons, but because he heard God's voice and was willing to leave all behind him to go whither- soever He willed. Enduring long years of sojourning and exile, he was an adventurer for God, faithful always to the Voice, and basing his life on what he understood of God. His character was not ideal. There were things in his life we should like to forget. But we do not look to him for the ideal. When we look for an ideal, we look further--even to One of Nazareth. But this one thing his life can teach; faith in God's voice and the will to follow it at any cost. A timely parallel drawn in all reverence by Mr. Richards between Abraham of old and our own Abraham Lincoln, will never be forgotten by those who heard it. Both lived for the thing that was not yet, but should be. Each saw a picture of a nation reborn, a race begun. Their greatness was based on faith. : Yes, it is good to search; and it is good to find. Music Education for ¢ Children is Subject "Music Education for Children" will be the subject of an address given by Miss Florence Newcomb at the regular monthly meeting for parents and teachers at the Hawthorn school, Glencoe, on Tuesday, February 17, at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon. Miss Newcomb is well equipped to handle her subject and should prove a very interesting speaker. A cordial invitation to attend is extended to any one interested; it is not necessary to have affiliations with the school to take advantage of this opportunity and a warm welcome awaits any friend of children or music who cares to attend. This address is the first of a series of short addresses on different phases of education which are to be given at the school on the third Tuesday of each month. | humorous without clowning; WERRENWRATH IS NEXT MAC DOWELL ARTIST (Continued from Page 1) returned to London next season for two more recitals. He appeared there again June 3, 1924, and in Paris June 10, besides giving a concert in Cop- enhagen, winning instant recognition from the Danish critics. Art is Wholesome Werrenrath"s art is sane, wholesome, and healthy. There is a virility about all that he does which strikes a re- sponsive chord in the hearts of his hearers. To be tender without laps- ing into mawkish sentimentality, to be forceful without vulgarity, to be always to uphold the dignity of the most beautiful of the arts--in these quali- ties Reinald Werrenrath has no peers. The American press is unanimous in its praise of Werrenrath as a great vocalist and a great artist. A few of the many appreciative notices are given below. ' "Reinald Werrenrath with the 'ex- ception of John McCormack enjoys a larger and more faithful following 'than any of the non-operatic singers." "One of the finest and best loved American baritones." "Mr. Werrenrath is a great artist." "Without a Flaw" "Without a flaw of any kind Werren- rath sang." "Reinald Werrenrath. is worthy of all the praise a critic could give." "He has a vision as few singers have: Werrenrath is a master of intelligent phrasing." "He can sing a Negro spiritual better than any other white man." Master of His Art "His message of song could hardly be excelled." "Enthusiasm reached the proportions of an ovation." "Brahms given flawlessly by Mr. Wer- renrath." "In Chicago Reinald Werrenrath is as welcome as the Spring." Mr. Werrenrath is a fine interpreta- tive artist. His traits easily account for his great popularity with his listeners. As many encores as numbers on the program." Winnetkans Interested in Near East Colleges Much interest has been associated, particularly by Winnetka and north shore people, in the movement to pro- vide funds for near east colleges. A nation-wide campaign has been organ- ized to secure a $2,500,000 endowment fund for Owens and Roberts colleges in Constantinople, the American uni- versity at Beirut, and the International college at Smyrna. Dr. Byron Dodge and Dr. Mary Mills Patrick, who are speaking in behalf of the drive in the west, are expected to be in Win- netka in a few weeks. A national committee has been ap- pointed, and at its head is Cleveland H. Dodge, philanthropist, of New York. Of the Chicago committee James A. Patton is at the head, and other members are Mrs. Emmons Blaine, Mrs. William Michell Blair, Mrs. James Morris Ely, Mrs. John R. Winterbotham, Jr., Mrs. Paul Blatch- ford, Harry Pratt Judson, Clifford W. Barnes, Charles T. Crane, Louis F, Swift, and a large number of other prominent friends of "Christian Ed- ucation" in the Near East. The students of these colleges pay nearly 50 percent of the entire cost YES We have the new Crosly "51" Special a beautiful self contained set. $23.50 Operates a loud speaker. Coast to Coast on Phones. The Radio Service Shop 18 Prouty Annex WINNETKA, ILLINOIS Phone 1840 of their education, it is explained, This compares favorably with any of the institutions of higher learning in the United States. Mrs. Laird Bell, 1352 Tower road, has been spending a few weeks in New York. Mrs. William G. Hibbard broadcast a talk on "Women's Share in Public Opinion" Wednesday afternoon, from the Sears-Roebuck station on the Hotel Sherman. --_---- F. W. Schwall of 797 Cherry street is convalescing from a recent illness. MANY A MAN MAKING A SHORT CUT TO A "SAVING" IS CUT SHORT! There are some butcher shops in Chicago advertis- ing some mighty low prices on meat. I'll have to call my wifes attention to them. Phone Winnetka 920-21-22 Hold on, Happy. It isn't the prices that count the most. Anybody can ad- vertise low prices but mighty few give good val- ues. If you want "A No. 1" meats at reasonable prices and good service as well, ask your wife to try PETERS MARKET. They are close to you here in Winnetka and are anxious for your business. 7 PETERS MARKET "Of great singers who make the Eng- lish lancuage beautiful in song." "Mr. Werrenrath has mastered the art and thereby has gained strong hold on popular good will." Not one person on the north shore should fail to hear this wonderful sing- er. On Thursday evening, February 19, New Trier assembly hall should be crowded. YOU are cordially invited to look over our stock of MEN'S FURNISHINGS John Dethloff Men's Furnishings 786 ELM STREET Phone Winnetka 1077 Hours: 2-6 P. M, 7-9 P. M. And By Appointment 1120 CENTRAL AVENUE LEWIS, CARPENTER & LEWIS Doctors of CHIROPRACTIC Palmer School Graduates Phones: Wilmette 3204 Winnetka 697-W. WILMETTE, ILL. Phone Winnetka 32 WINNETKA TEAMING & SUPPLY CO. L. J. HAYES, Prop. Residence Phone 426 16 Prouty Annex GENERAL TEAMING AND EXPRESSING, BUILDING MATERIAL, DRIVEWAYS, GRADING AND BLACK DIRT 'Winnetka, Illinois 550 Center St. of all kinds. PAINT Rasmesen's £Toxe AINT Tubes and Special colors HELPFUL MONEY SAVING SERVICE FREELY GIVEN ON ALL YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS Painting and Decorating 34 II 7 III III IAAI III ELIT TIT ILL IL LAY eI IIIA IIIA IIIT ILE IEEE LL LLL ELLE EAE LLL LLL LALA Ir ZZ iiis 27 1st, % Safe and Dependable and also exempt from personal property Illinois. An Investment in these shares will pay you 134% quarterly, 7% annually. Dividends are payable January April 1st, July 1st October 1st. Get in touch with us and let us explain to you this very attractive proposition. NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY NE Ad taxes to residents of rT 2 2 2 ZZ zz zzzzrzrzzzzzzzz IIIA OA el ZL zz: 73] PAL IIA IIL Cllhad did AER HL Our 7% Preferred Shares are free from Normal Federal Income Tax 7 ZZ. Ir "AL ig YIN 7 UIT 22% and