Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 14 Mar 1925, p. 21

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| ] 1 Milan 7 Ne AE een WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1925 21 HOMES FOR SALE IN THE WANT ADS r who are 'regular subscribers to e TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. papers. the line. No black face type used. WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 1 3 : Classified advertisements will General Notices 10 residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear ther 18 cents per line in one paper. Rates-- MINIMUM CHARGE S50c. Rates for Display type on application. 2 4 3 Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the be charged only in the telephone directory, or WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA 20 cents per line in all three Average of five words to o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Winnetka 2000-2001. 1 REAL ESTATE ; REAL ESTATE OWNER MUST SELL AT SACRIFI@E price his 7-rm. stucco home in best N. E. LOCATION. Very lge. sun. and slpg. pches; tile bthrm. (built-in tub and pedestal lav.). Extra lav. on 1st fl. Lot 50x185.] Must sell ds' owner has bought lgr. house. = PRICED FOR. QUICK SALE AT $18,500.00 BEST SOUTH-EAST LOCATION. brick and stucco constr.; $-rms.; sun pch. and slp. pchs.; 4 bdrms. on 2nd. fl.; maid's rm. and bath on 3rd. fl; 2-car gar. Lot 50x223. BARGAIN AT $30,000 ONE-HALF CASH. . PRACTICALLY NEW 6-rm. Kella- stone bung.; 3 bdrms. (room for fourth); Iv. rm. 27Vift.) "long; ge, firepl.; h. w. heat; nice lot, conv. to schools and markets. $15,000 . Five rm. stucco house, 2 lge. bdrms. with lge. closets; brkfst. and slpg. pehs.; furn. heat; 2-car gar. nr. schools, markets and conv. to trans. BEST BUY in Wilmette for $9,500. 'VERY EASY TERMS. FOR THESE AND .OTHER NORTH ! SHORE BARGAINS See or Phone Clore, Budinger & Smith. he Wilmette, Illinois 1177 Wilmette Ave. Wil, 1750 (Opp. Village Hall) 1LTN24-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED, MAY 1 TO "Aug. 31, inclusive, the wery unique and charming residence of Mr. A. W, Paulson, 1471 Tower Rd., Winnetka. This house is one of the show places of the North Shore; 2 baths, large living room, porches, etc. This house will only be shown by the agent, Mr. F. J. Franklin, of E. P. May- nard & Co., 8 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, to whom all inquiries should be address- ed. Do not phone the owner regarding this advertisement. List your houses with us for quick sale or rental. E.P. Maynard & Co. Hubbard Woods 1TN53-1te WINNETKA NEW BRICK HOME, BLOCK TO lake, tile roof, oil burner, 2 car att. 'htd. gar, 6 rms. 2 baths, $29,500.00. Branch office, 7 rm. stucco, h. w. heat, 4 blks. to station. $13,500.00. yt KENILWORTH ° 8 rm. Dutch Col; 2 baths; 60 ft. 'wooded lot. $21,500.00. VACANT . 8S. W. Cor. Lake and Woodlawn, 'Glencoe. Below market at $80 ft. 7 acres, nr. Winnetka, 3 blocks North Shore Electric; high, dry, level ground, a snap for quick buy. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Phone. Winn. 1800 10 Carlton Annex 3 1LTN24-1tc FOR SALE--NEW LISTING IN MOD- ern Stucco Colonial in choice, con- venient locality. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, hot water heat, extra lavatory and toilet on 1st floor, extra width lot, one car garage; basement is large and light, . extra toilet, 3 part laundry tubs, fruit room; Arco heat- ing plant, Minneapolis heat regu- lator, steel suporting posts. Living room. is large, with screened porch; center hall with library connecting which could be used for maid's room. We consider this home an excellent purchase at $22,500. HILL & STONE 543 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka 1T53-1tc FOR SALE 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, HOT WATER heat; 2 acres of ground; 3 car ga- rage; chicken house, fruit trees. Terms $14,500.00 8 room frame house; furnace heat; garage. Lot 50x177. Bargain $8,500.00 J. H. Schaefer & Co. Ridge and Lake Avenues Phone Wilmette 364 1LTN24-1tc For Sale--Wilmette UNUSUALLY. HIGH GRADE WELL built Dutch col. home; 7 rms. and slp. peh.; located in very choice sec- tion of Wilmette; convenient to trans. and schools; glazed front pch.; beautifully landscaped lot. with abundance of shrubs and several fine trees; 1 car garage; owner leav- ing town; anxious to sell; open for reasonable offer. PRone Wil. 2066. 1LTN24-1tc SUMMER RENTALS IF YOU ARE GOING AWAY THIS summer and wish to rent your home just for the summer months--call the E. E. Stults Realty Company, Winnetka 1800. We are having a great many inquiries for summer rentals. 1ILTN24-1tc FOR SALE--9 RM. STUCCO HOUSE, 2 baths, sleeping pch.; Hot Water No Kol heat; garage; 2 blks. from steam and electric lines; half blk. of N. T. High Schoel. 72 Abhottsford Road, Winetka. Phone Kenilworth SB ILTN24-1tc BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE "HUBBARD WOODS HOUSE--ALL IM- provements in; 4 bed rms.; 2 sleeping 'pchs.; sun pch.; breakfast rm.; Arco h. w. heat; lot 50x159 ft. $16,500. _ Also vacant lot 50 ft. front adjoin- -ing for sale either with the house or separately, $90 front foot. Phone Winn. 1640, or address Winnetka Talk A-466. 1TN53-1te Pressed Brick Veneer Home $10,600 5 ROOMS; TILE BATH; LOT 50x254; $5,000 cash; liberal time on balance; . paved road near Forest Preserve, Phone Northbrook 11 between 12 and 1 P. M. H. Meyers. 1TN53-1tp FOR SALE--CHARMING NEW BRICK house. 7 rm.; 2 tile baths; ex. toilet; large dining and living rms.; fire place; h. w. heat; 2 car gar.; fine loca- tion; 3 blks. to trains and school; ready to occupy. 440 Drexél avenuc, .Glencoe. Terms; $25,000. Owner. 1TN53-1te 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR RENT--5 ROOMS; HOT WATER heat; fire place in living room; tile _ bath; large space for drying clothes; 2 bed rooms; unfurnished, $125. Phone Winnetka -785. SLTN24-1tc FOR RENT -- SMALL FURNISHED kitchenette apt.; possession April 1st or be.ore. Phone Wil. 1868. JLTN24-1tp FOR RENT--2 AND 4 RM. MODERN apartments; steam heat; janitor serv- ice. Phone Wil. 2399. 3LTN24-tfc FOR RENT--HAVE TO GIVE UP flat; lease for 13° months; 4 rooms and bath; $40 per month. Phone Winn, 578-JX. 3T53-1tp FOR RENT--A COZY 5 ROOM APART- ment, hot water heat; fire place. 752 Sunset road. Phone Winnetka 573-R. 3TH53-tfc FOR RENT--MODERN 4 RM. APT.; near trans.; h. w. heat; also garage. 353 Adam St., Glencoe. 3T53-1te FOR RENT--4 AND 7 RM. APT; reasonable. Phone Wil. 1183. 3LTN24-1tc FOR RENT--1ST AND 2ND FLOOR apts. 615 W. Kenilworth Ave. Kenil. 1146. Wm. R. Wilson. 3LTN24-1tp FOR RENT--5 RM. APT. 338 ADAMS and Randolph St. Phone Glencoe 885. 3LTN24-1tc 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS LARGE FURNISHED private family; near transportation, woman preferred. Tel. Wil. 832-R. 4LTN24-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM AND board; gentleman preferred. 973 Willow Road. 4LTN24-1tc FOR RENT -- front room, JUST PLACED ON MARKET 6 ROOM stucco residence, large living room, beautiful sun: parlor, and sleeping porch, 3 large bedrooms, tile bath, open fire place, bookcases. Oak woodwork, hot water heat. See owner, 923 Cherry street, Winnetka. 1LTN24-1tp FOR SALE--HUBBARD WOODS NEW brick col.; unusual house and loc.; 7 rms,; attchd. gar.; lge. slp. pch., in- closed; 2 baths and shower; h. w. heat, oil burner; incinerator; wired for elec. 'range; other modern conv.; attractive price; terms; quick sale. Phone Sheldrake 8159. 1TNG53-1te FOR SALE--OWNER . WILL SELL bungalow; 5 rooms; slp. porch; tile bath; built-in tub with shower; hard- wood floors; fireplace; Holland furn- $9,750. Terms. Phone Winn. 755. 1TN53-1te FOR SALE--NEAR INDIAN HILL Club modern 8 rm. stucco house, 2. yr. old; 2 vaths:; -h..'w, "heat; 'oil burner; 2. car attchd. garage; finest fixtures; lge. lot nicely ldscpd.; fine garden; reasonable. Address Wil- mette Life A-486. 1TNG53-1te FOR SALE--GLENVIEW, LAKE AVE, near Sherman Rd.; 7 rm. house; sun pch.; electricity; 3 car garage; acre land; fruit and shade trees; large garden. Price, $15,500 cash. Phone Glenview 38W-1. 1TN53-1tp FOR SALE--NEARLY NEW 5 ROOM bungalow; if sold this mo. vou will get a genuine bargain. Moderate down payment; an unusual oppor- tunity. For particulars address Wil- mette Life A-485. 1TN53-1tc FOR SALE--HOME; EAST SIDE, WIL- mette, 8 rooms; frame; south front; near trans.; fine trees; lot 47x187 ft. Owner 1224 Elmwood Ave. Phone Wil. 2108. 1LTN24-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSE; 8 RM. STUCCO; sun pch.; h. w. heat; No Kol burner; bath and lav.; garage; desirable loca- tion; 50x150; $15,000. 840 Foxdale Ave. Phone Win. 1699. 1T53-1tc FOR SALE--240 ACRES OPPOSITE golf club on Rand road just west of DesPlaines; $500 per acre. Phone Wilmette 3041. 1L'PN17-tfc FOR SALE--55 ACRES ON KOTZ road north of Willow; sell as a whole or in 5-acre tracts. Phone Wilmette 3041. 1LTN17-tfc FOR SALE--7 RM. STUCCO; H. W. heat; 2 car garage. 477 Elder Lane. Phone Winn. 1595. 1ILTN24-1tc FOR SALE-- 50 FT. LOT; 1050 CHERRY St.,, Winnetka. Phon Winn. 1710. 1T53-1te _---- -- 2 FOR RENT---HOUSES FOR RENT--6 RM. HOUSE; 3 GLAZED pchs.; 2 car garage; wooded lot; lease for one yr. or more; furnished or unfurnished. Phone Glencoe 541. 2TN53-1tp FOR RENT--8 RM. HOUSE, 968 ELM St., Winn.; $135 per mo.; immediate possession; owner Frank Pavlik, 606 Railroad Ave. Phone Kenilworth 2016. 2T53-tfc FOR RENT--4 RM. HOUSE; LIV. RM. kitchen and 2 bed rms.; closed in porch and garage. Address Winnet- ka Talk A-487. 2TNb3-1te FOR RENT--5 ROOM HOUSE, POS- session May 1, small family only. Inquire 631 Temple Court, West Kenilworth. 2LTN24-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED 5 ROOM bungalow during summer; poss. June 1st; con. to trans. Phone Wil. 789. 2LTN24-1tc 3 RMS; FOR RENT--BUNGALOW; bath; slp. porch; rental $65; imme- diate possession. Apply 1045 Pine St. Phone Winn. 752. 2LTN24-1tc FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT IN Winnetka, 6 rms.; Col.; sun porch; sleeping porch; garage. Tel. Win. 1781. 2T53-1te FOR RENT--MODERN 6 RM. HOUSE in very good locality. Phone Wil, 515. 2LTN24-1tp - ace; newly decorated; 2 car garage; | FOR RENT--LARGE. FRONT ROOM; suitable for two; near trans. Phone Winn. 1468. 4LTN24-1tc ROOM. Winn, 2328 after 6 P .M, 4TN53-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM; gentleman preferred; 928 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods. 4T53-1tp! F * RENT--FURNISHED hone [1] S FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT--HALF, ELEGANT LARGE store; Wilmette avenue; reasonable. Phone Wilmette 2399. SLTN16-tfc 'T WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--WILL LEASE 1 vear or longer, 6 or 7 rm! unfurn- ished house; immediate possession if possible; must be desirably located; con. steam trans.; best references; describe; state location and rent de-' sired. Address Winnetka Talk 488. TTN53-1tc WANTED TO RENT--8 OR 9 ROOM house on North Shore; in a desirable location; will take 1 or 2 year lease; not more than $150; possession May 1st. Eastman, 128-6th St., Wilmette. - Phone Wil. 1792. TLTN24-1tc house; and Glencoe; WANTED--WHITE MAID TO PRE- pare and serve dinners in small family, $10 per week. IPhone Winn. 1759. 12T53-1te WANTED--FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS for Monday or Tuesday; W. J. Con- rad, 914 Elmwood Ave. Phone Wil. 1867. 12T53-1te 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SIN UATION WTD.--EXP. GARDENER and all around handy man desires permanent position or work by day or hour; references. Phone Winn. 639-W. 14T53-1tp SITUATION WTD.--YOUNG COLORED, man desires position as chauffeur; willing 'to assist with housework. - Phone Winn. 252, 14LTN24-1tc SITUATION WTD.--CHAUFFEUR DE- sires permanent position with family on No. Shore; references. Phone Victory 5902, 14LTN24-1tp SITUATION WANTED--HOUSE AND garden work. Address Winnetka Talk. A-483. 14LLTN24-1tp 15 SITUATION WANTED FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--EXP. SCHOOL girl desires a position in a Protest- ant home; preferably no small chil- dren. White Miss A. Roeser, 563 Washington Ave., Glencoe. 15LTN24-1tc SITUATION -WTD.--LAUNDRESS DE- sires work at home; finished, rough dry; wet wash; will call for and de- liver. Phone Wil. 1351. 15LLTN24-tfc SITUATION WTD.--NEAT COLORED woman desires. general work in private. family; good references. Phone Winnetka 1432. 15LTN24-1tp SITUATION WTD.--EXP. RUG AND carpet weaving. Mrs. John Puets, Gross Point Rd. north of Harrison. 15LTN20-4tp SITUATION WTD.--WHITE WOMAN wishes ironing or mending or any other kind of day work. Phone Winn. 1719. 15TN53-1te SITUATION WTD.--RELIABLE SWED- ish woman desires cleaning or laun- dry work by the day. Phone Winn. Furniture For Sale Baby Grand, Welts Mignon re- producing piano, almost new, sacrifice for $1,000 on account of moving; also many other bar- gains including Velour Karpen parlor suite, couch and arm chairs, $295; Velour Wing chair, $45; walnut din. table, buffet and 6 chairs, $45; Simmons steel twin beds, deluxe springs and mattresses, walnut dresser and chiffonier, entire set, brand new, $125; walnut dresser and chiffonier, $50; Fiber couch, $15; Walnut - Four Poster bed with spring and mattress, $20; walnut bed, spring and mattress, $15; walnut dresser, $12; walnut chif- fonier, $8; Iron bed, spring and mattress, $5; 2 Axminster rugs, $44 each; Tapestry rug, $25; refrigerator, $10; electric wash- ing machine, $20; and many other items at very low prices. 374 Laurel Ave. Highland. Park none Highland Park 1325 17LTN24-1tp FOR SALE--ORIENTALS, 9 by 12 Mahal," $110; 9 by 12 Serapi, $90; modern mahogany. dining room set; table, 2- arm chairs, 2 side chairs, $50; solid mahogany smaller table, $30. Phone Winn. 1203 before Tues- day. FOR SALE--I HAVE FINE OLD MA- hogany couch and other mahogany pieces, from private home. Prices reasonable, Address J. A. Odh, 933 Linden avénue, Winnetka. . L17T53-1tc FOR SALE--5 PIECES OF BED RM. furniture, ivory finish on mahogany; 1-52 in. glass top table desk; 1 ma- hogany dresser; 1 nickle and white enamel bathroom scale. Phone Winn. 1819. 17T53-1te FOR SALE--ROYAL VAC. CLEANER; fireless cooker; rose velour drapes; also cretonne; iron bed; pictures; dress form; everything in ladies' and girls clothing sizes 40 and 10. Phone Winnetka 938. 17T53-1te FOR SALE--PAINTED DIN. ROOM vour sewing in your home. Phone Winn. 515-W. 15TN53-1te SITUATION WTD.--LAUNDRY WORK to take home. Phone Winn. 666-M. 15T5H53-1tp 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS Fea furniture; 10 pieces. Phone Winn. Se 2015. 17TLTN24-1tc SITUATION WTD. -- HIGH, SCHOOL " girl wants to take care of children AL - S090 CON- in the afternoons. Address Winnet- dition; reasonable. nn, 2 s3-1te ka Talk A-481. 15T53-1tc SITUATION . WTD. -- FIRST CLASS |18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOUDS laundress; and cleaner; references. - - Phone Winnetka 1516. 15TN53-1tp WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND. furniture and other household goods. HAVE AN EXP. DRESSMAKER DO| Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTN24-tfc N. FELL--NEW AND USED. tore bought and sold. 1644 Ave., aple FOR SALE--TURKISH RUG, -8x11%; excellent condition; not made now; would be attractive in a study or room preferably used alone; pre- 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WINNETKA FURNITURE % [ buys and sells rugs, stoves, V ENT -- M.| dominating color red; Oriental rug| pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash WANTED TO RENT-9 OR Jj I) dealers claim it is worth $600, but| Street 19LTNS-tfe will make 2 yr. lease.| Will take fess for quick sale, @o¢| WANTED_LADY'S BICYCLE. PHONE Phone Stein, Monroe 1080. further information phone Glencoe o 7T53-1te 403. 17LTN24-1tc Wil. 2165. 19L.T24-1te 10 WANTED TO RENT---ROOMS WANTED TO RENT--YOUNG:. MAR- ried couple desire room and board with fine christian family; no other roomers; private bath ° preferred. Address Winnetka Talk A-489. : 10TNbS3-1tc WANTED--BED-ROOM, BY PRIVATE chauffeur. $5-6 per week, near depot. Phone Winnetka 609. 10T53-1tp WANTED--TWO ROOMS AND BATH for light house keeping. Address Winnetka Talk A-484. 10T53-1tc 11 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--A REAL ESTATE SALES- man to work Highland Park, Deer- field, Lake Forest and contiguous territory on a very liberal commis- sion basis out of a prominent real estate firm's Highland Park Office. Address Wilmette Life 441. 11LTN24-1tc WANTED---RELIABLE MAN AS GAR- dener and all around help. God ref- erences. Phone West 1315. 11LTN24-1tc WANTED--RELIABLE WHITE MAN to do general work around place; must have references. Phone Winn. 635-W. 11LTN24-1tc WANTED--EXP. GARDENER 2 DAYS a week. Phone Winn. 1113. 11LTN24-1tc -- 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--YOUNG WOMAN TO SEW and assist in tailor's shop. Apply Bonnem, the Tailor, 1131 Greenleaf Ave.,, Wilmette, or Phone Wil. 1944. 12LTN24-1tc WANTED--APRIL 1, WHITE MAID for gen. hswk.; must be competent, clean, neat and willing; 2 in family; priv. rm. and bath. Phone Winn. 94, 12T53-1tc WANTED--EXP. ENGLISH SPEAK- ing girl for general housework; no laundry; good wages; references re- quired. Phone Winn. 1843. 12TN53-1te WANTED--BRIGHT YOUNG GIRL AS mother's helper; all or part time; small family. Phone Wilmette 633. 12LTN24-1tc WANTED--2 MAIDS; WHITE; EX- perienced; cook and second girl; no laundry; references. 550 Cedar St., Winnetka. 12LTN24-1tc WANTED--COMPETENT GEN. MAID; 2 in family; reference required; 1255 Asbury Ave., Hubbard Woods. 12LTN24-1tc 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--APARTMENT; SECOND floor; 5 rooms; steam heat; furnish- ed; near Catholic school and church; also transportation; N. W. corner Tower road and Burr avenue. Rental $75. Possession May 1. McGuire & Orr. Phone Winnetka 672. 8 3LTN24-1tc small family of adults. Phone Wil. 38. 12LTN24-1tc WANTED -- COMPETENT, WHITE, second maid; A-1 references required. Phone Winn. 1425. WANTED--MOTHER'S HELPER IN| 12LTN24-1tc| FOR SALE--EARLY AMER. WALNUT parlor set, 7 pieces, original Horse Hair cover; Godey; Sporting; Pewter; Glass; Old Violin; Rookwood Vase; many other antiques; rare books. 808 'Washington St, Evanston, IIL Phone University 2509-M. ; 17TLTN22-tfc FOR SALE--LONG NARROW MAHOG- any liv. rm. table; Colby hand made, $45; Love seat, blue velvet, $40; 2 mahogany cane and tapestry chairs, each $15; baby's bed and high chair, $5; Pennsylvania lawnmower, $18. Phone Wil, 241. 17LTN24-1te FOR SALE -- ANTIQUES; PATCH- work quilts; old blue and red home- spun coverlets; black lace shawl; pine blanket chest; pair maple post beds; round cherry din. table; two cherry stands, refinished. Phone Winn. 462. 17LTN24-1tc FOR SALE--GAS RANGE; CLARK Jewel; practically new, $35; lawn mower, $6.50; also other household furniture in good condition; very reasonable. Phone Wil. 2098. 17LTN24-1te 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES Used Cars--All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 20LTN24-tfc USED CARS FOR SALE 1924 Moon Touring; like new juin 1918 Dodge Sedan 50 1923 Dodge B Sedan . $ 650 1923 Ford. Roadster. .....coven $ 125 And others Wersted Motor Co. 20LTN24-1tc FOR SALE -- GARDNER TOURING car; ance Phone Winn, 1015 for demon- stration. 20TNb53-1te FOR SALE--5 PASS. TOUR. CHEVRO~- let; 1924; almost new; $550. Address Wilmette Life A-480. 20LTN24-1te FOR SALE--WICKER PORCH FURNI- ture; swing; four chairs, nicely up- holstered; pillows; table; all in good condition. $100.00. Winnetka 459. w+» 17TH3-1tc FOR SALE--NEW ADAM PERIOD twin beds; complete; other household goods; 2-50 ft. hose and other garden tools. Phone Wil. 777-M. 17LTN24-1tc FOR SALE -- 8x10 FIBER RUG; 814x10% Axminster rug; 9x12 Wil- ton rug; also Underwood typewriter No. 4 in good condition. Phone Winn. 472. 17LTN24-1tc FOR SALE--FURNITURE OF 9 RM. house; owner leaving town; every- thing must be sold before April 1; reasonable. 1109 Central Ave. Phone Wil. 3277. 17LTN23-3tp FOR SALE -- HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture; leaving the city. 1530 Wash- ington Ave. Phone Wil. 1978. ' 17LTN24-1tc FOR SALE--TWO GENUINE LEATHER : upholstered chairs; Karpen make; cost $95 each; will sell reasonable. Phone Wil. 3120. 17LTN24-1tp FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO AND bench in good condition; excellent tone; very reasonable. Phone Winn. 1 17LTN24-1te FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE HOUSE- hold - furniture in good condition. 611 Vernon Ave. Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 579. ; 17LTN24-1tc FOR SALE--MAHOGANY LIV. RM. table, $15; curly birch table, $8; both pieces in excellent condition. Phone Winn. 1998. 17LTN24-1tc 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--GERMAN POLICE FUP- pies; silver gray; beautifully marked; mother imported, wonderfully train- ed. Inquire of H. Garbrecht, 795 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. : 21TN53-1te FOR SALE--RADIO, ARMSTRONG 3 Circuit in self contained cabinet; built-in loud speaker; complete with batteries, phones and charger, $160. Phone Wil. 1868 after five evenings. . 21LTN24-1tp FOR SALE -- CLEVELAND MOTOR- cycle; practically new; excellent con- dition; a sacrifice. Phone Winn. 943. 21LTN24-1te FOR SALE -- HORSES; OTTO H. Grosse, River Rd., % mile S. of Mil- waukee Ave. Phone DesPlaines 147. 21LTN21-4tc FOR SALE--BLACK SATIN DRESS; size 38; never worn; original price $55; for quick sale ' $25. Address Wilmette Life A-482. 21LTN24-1tec FOR SALE--BOY'S BICYCLE, 8-10 vear size. Bargain. Jack Thomson, 576 Ash street. Winnetka 1072. 21T53-1te FOR MANURE--PHONE GLENCOE 220. Largest dealer on. the North Shore. ? 21TN53-tfe FOR SALE--EXCELLENT SOD, 4c per square foot (delivered). Fhone Winnetka 1433. 21TN53-2tp FOR SALE--PEDIGREED PEKING- ese puppies; sable color; 5 mo. old. Phone Wil. 753-M. 21LTN24-1te FOR SALE--FUMED OAK DINING room set and buffet; tea cart; six chairs; in good condition. Phone Winnetka 1099. 17T53-1te WANTED--YOUNG WHITE GIRL FOR unstairs work and help with children. Phone Winn. 1261 T53-1te of 5 rm. house; moving April 1st. Phone Winn. 1694." = * * FOR SALE--MUST SELL FURNITURE | 17TLTN24-1te | 24 LOST AND ¥YOUND LOST--POLICE DOG; MALE; DARK gray and tan; name Prince; liberal reward. Phone Wil. 1825. : Co - A 24LTN24-1te (More Want Ads or Next Page) - 17TTN53-1te RNI- Evanston. Phone Univ* Aur 18LTN19- hh a me si perfect condition and appear-.

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