16 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1925 = = -- ---- At Last! A Perfect Gravity Feed Is Here! Dependable Heat at Low Cost Why put up with coal any longer? Why tolerate the inconvenience of hauling ashes, firing up your furnace or boiler, and all the mess, bother and dirt that goes with coal. Now--at last--you can install an oil burner AT LITTLE COST to give you all of the same advantages of the higher priced burners. The Crown is even better because it is POSITIVELY FOOL PROOF. You do not have to bother with gas and electricity. There are no complicated parts--no mysterious mechanism--nothing to go out of order when you need heat the most. The Crown is safe, simple and sure--it is a GRAVITY FEED burner--the only dependable kind made. 5 Simple Reasons Why "You Should Prefer A Crown Oil Burner 1--The first cost is low-- 2--The operation is simple-- 3--The operating cost is low-- 4--The heat is dependable-- 5--There is nothing to go out of order-- 1 This Is the Burner The air intake is bridged in the cen- ter so as to effect even distribution of » 2, air in the two sep- EREENEEEEX = arate chambers. SESSA = SSNS. The air and oil come in contact only at the mix- ing point. This This Is the Heat Regulator and Oil Con- trol Valve with Automatic Shut-Off This is a most in- genious device, and is approved by the Na- tional Board of Fire eliminates fluctua- Underwriters. ow is a tion and uneven combination oil reg- fire ulating and anti-flood- ; : 2 50 00 ing device and is used By simply turn- ® in the Crown gravity ing a notched ; feed oil burner. wheel, you regulate the amount of heat you want--from just Complete with 200 Gal. Storage tank and 50 Gal. It is intended to cut a flicker in milder weather to a roaring flame when the wind Service tank Including Installation off the oil supply and howls and the thermometer hovers around zero. EASY PAYMENTS IF DESIRED prevent flooding of NO EXTRAS TO BUY rounding floor space Fits Any Kind of Heating Plant if A a It makes no difference what kind of heating plant you now The complete Crown Oil Burning Unit installed in fire is extinguished or have--hot air. furnace, steam, hot water or vapor boilers-- your home, store or building for the reasonable sum the oil flow is greater the Crown will fit it. : of $250.00, consists of the Crown Oil Burner assem- than the burner is capable of consuming. _ Without making any change in your present heater, we will bly with the approved heat regulator valve with au- install the Crown Oil Burner. Do not wonder if a Crown tomatic shut-off, pipe line strainer, two oil tanks with will fit your furnace or boiler. It will! Install one and you Sills, Gauges, Pump and all necessary inside and out- will appreciate what it means to have greater comfort and side fittings. No details overlooked. convenience than you ever thought oil could supply. Note the compact system of oil storage. It com- No Electricity--No Gas plies with the regulation of the fire underwriters. The tanks are attractive, efficient and neatly finished. The pump is used for pumping oil from the storage : J UST OIL to service tank. Gauges on both tanks indicate the amount of oil in the tanks. Selecting an oil burner requires careful consideration. Cost is important. The Crown Oil Burner is most economical. No G U A R A N T E E gas or electricity is used. Oil is the only fuel you need. The Crown is the lowest priced high-grade oil burner on the market. It is a gravity feed burner with no intricate parts-- no motors--fans--suction pumps--dynamos. It is absolutely free from all risky appliances. Owners of Crown Oil Burners never have to worry about parts going out of order. Clean, { References: First National Bank of Chicago, Ill. odorless, comfortable uniform heat is assured. If upon installing the Crown Oil Burner in your home you are not thoroughly pleased with it we will remove it and refund your money. Send the Coupon for Further Facts It costs you nothing to investigate. Simply fill in and mail coupon. Let us tell you more about the Crown Oil Burner. Now, when Spring is here, is the time for you to think of next winter's heating problems. Oil is the modern + : fuel for heating. High prices plus undependable performance have kept many folks from installing oil burners. But This AL gil Dramer screen-- the Crown solves that problem, because it is not only lower in cost, but absolutely dependable. We back it with the providing an unusually large straining area. liberal guarantee as stated above. It is attached directly to the bottom of the MAIL THIS TODAY fuel tank. rrr rrr rr rr rr rE rT ET EEE EE ET TT EE TT EEE It will overcome any possibility of line Ae : : e wi ctive agents to rep- becoming clogged with dirt. The strainer Agents --we gegire: to comumical with prospe g ! CROWN OIL BURNER CO, may be removed and cleaned in a few resent us in this section. Write or call. 5720 W. Madison St., seconds. Chicago, Ill. Gentlemen : Without any obligation to me, please send further information about the Crown Oil Burner. CROWN OIL BURNER CO. 5720 West Madison Street, Chicago-- Phone Mansfield 3230 Name AEE Address