WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1925 MUSIC FEATURES EASTER SERVICE Christ Church Welcomes to Worship Two services will be held at the Christ Church Easter day. The first will be at 7 o'clock in the morning and the other at 11 o'clock. The early service will be a full choral service, with the special choir of men and women in attendance. There will also be a carol service at 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon for the children. Following is the program for the main services : 7:00 a. m. Holy Communion and Address Processional Hymn 172. ..Lyra Davidica Ryne a Tours CHomin Mbit, rs Ganett Flymnall73.,..... 0. iii, Palestrina Anthem: "The Hope of the Resur- Gon le BRR eSB ES Marzo Ch SE Gounod Agnus Del using Cruickshank Gloria in Excelsis........... Old Chant Sevenfold Amen................Stiiner Recessjonal 171... 5... 0... Haydn y 11:00-2. m, Morning Prayer, Holy Communion and Sermon Processional Hymn 172...ILyra Davidica "Christ our Passover is Sacrificed for Us." Festival Te Deum in E Flat....... Buck Byrn 076.1... cid hasan Gauntlett Shorter Kyrie...... 0 0nuinens Loveday OT wi HE a ti Loveday Hymn alZ3.0. 5 fui in 000 5 Palestrina Offertory Anthem--*"Behold, ye De- DIS S ia a Parker Sanctus. in G..,... 5 Moir aontst Dei in:D...... 0 Lo Moir Gloria in Excelsis........... Old Chant Sevenfold *Amen................ Stainer ELLA A Sullivan | a mosquito eradication campaign ap- ACT TO WAGE FIGHT AGAINST MOSQUITOS (Continued from page 1) tion for the latter opinion. The real responsibility for the expenditure of township funds lies with the Town- ship Board of auditors, and not with the Township meeting, as such, it was stated. Therefore, the auditing board, comprising the five justices of the peace in the township and the town- ship supervisor and clerk, would be held to account should it be found that the surplus funds were illegally ex- pended. Auditors Meet Tuesday This question will arise at the an- nual meeting of the board of auditors to be held in the Wilmette Village hall Tuesday evening, April 14, when it is confidently expected thdt strong op- position to the action of the Town meeting in appropriating the $7,500 mosquito fund will be encountered. The board of auditors, it is felt, will consider the matter from the angle sug- gested by a prominent citizen who was among the scant score of citizens who attended the Town meeting, namely, that the proposed campaign in all its phases, should be thoroughly discussed at a more representative meeting of citizens than was the Town meeting, such meeting to be widely and ade- quately advertised to insure a repre- sentative attendance, the consensus of opinion at such meeting to deter- mine the method of procedure, should pear necessary and advisable. It was the suggestion of the state's attorney's office that the actual work of eradication be competitive or, in other words, that the township board advertise for bids for the work, rather than hand out the job arbitrarily. Competitive bidding, it was pointed out, would have the effect of curtail- Near Steam and JUST RECEIVED A Stock of Beautiful PEARL NECKLACES Bradford's Jewelry Store 4 Carlton Block--Just off Oak Street Phone Winnetka 1144 Electric Stations in Colonial Drapery Drapery Fabrics T match the season, new designs have been developed and carefully executed showing. Nature's smiles reveal bright colors gathered in these to create a spring wardrobe for your home. G. L. ZICK :& CO. Winnetka and Hubbard Woods Fabrics we are now ing the cost, without jeopardizing the effectiveness of the work done. It was particularly emphasized that the entire responsibility for the dis- position of township funds rests with the board of auditors, and, therefore it is imperative that that body investi- gate the matter with utmost care to avoid any possibility of illegal pro- cedure. Leading citizens anticipate a large attendance at the meeting of the board of auditors next Tuesday evening. That the contemplated campaign will meet with determined opposition has been strongly hinted in various sec- tions of the township. A BRIGHT REFLECTION F you want your mirror to give you a bright and happy re- flection each morning, your best course is to order a plentiful and regular supply of delicious, nour- ishing milk from our dairies. Civil Strife Results in Fine for Local Sculptor Charles O. Haag, sculptor, who lives at 897 Cherry street, was fined $5 and costs before Police Magistrate Clark T. Northrop on a charge of assault and battery, preferred by his wife, this week. According to the police they re- ceived a call last Saturday afternoon from the Haag residence, and when they arrived found Mrs. Haag bleed- ing from the nose. She declared her husband had struck her but he was not to be found and she refused to sign a complaint at the time. Later, however, she appeared at headquarters and signed the complaint and Haag was arrested and fined. GETTING THE BEST DEPENDS UPON THE DIRECTION IN WHICH YOU WALK! Yes Sir, I want fresh meat no matter what price I have to pay, but it's a hard job to find a place where you can get good fresh meat reasonably! CS Fw Phone Winnetka 920-21-22 x) PETERS MARKET Well, I haven't found it very hard, Happy! 1 buy PETERS is always my meat at MARKET! It fresh, choice and tender-- absolutely Al in quality and the prices they charge are as low as you'll find Give anywhere. them a trial. #23 i Dope BROTHERS COMMERCIAL CAR A passenger car under repair may simply mean inconvenience. A work car under repair means costly loss of time. The Commercial Car saves its owners money by remaining steadily on the job. With reason- able care it rarely calls for expert attention. Dodge Brothers workmanship and materials are capital insur- ance against expensive delays and interruptions. MOTOR CARS COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE SERVICE TELEPHONE WINNETKA 165