WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1925 w~ GUILD TO GIVE THE YOUNGEST Guild Rehearses for Per- formances on May 2-4 "The Youngest," by Philip Barry is to be the last play of The North Shore Theatre Guild this season. It is to be given in Winnetka on May 2 and May 4. "The Youngest" is playing in New York City at the present time by a pro- fessional company. The Guild was able to procure the right to produce it at this time after great effort and through personal maneuvering. Henry Hull and Genevieve Tobin are playing the leading parts in the professional company. Both are well known in Chicago. The play opened last December and is still run- ning. The Theatre Guild will be the first group to produce it, except the original company . Philip Barry is a Yale graduate, who studied play-writing with Professor Baker at Harvard. He came into great prominence by winning the Richard Herndon prize with "You and I". This play ran in the Playhouse in Chicago, it will be remembered, last year for three and a half months. "The Youngest" deals with an Ameri- can family and the relation of the oldest children to the youngest. The amusing situations and lines result from the turn- ing of the downtrodden worm. It is a combination in its appeal of "Mary the Third," "You and I" and "The Goose Hangs High". It is entirely different from any play, which the Guild has given this year, is delightful and is the popular type of play with which to close the season. Dr. J. E. Fonda Elected Rotary Club President Dr. J. E. Fonda was elected president of the Winnetka Rotary club Friday of this week at the regular luncheon of the organization. Other officers chosen to serve in the ensuing club year are Rev. James A. Richards, vice president; Vic Killian, treasurer, and H. I. Woolhiser, secre- tary. Members elected to serve as di- rectors with the officers were Frederick E. Clerk, retiring president; Harold D. Hill, and A. Lee Adams. The Rotary club is planning to have a large representation at the conference of the Fortieth district of Rotary In- ternational, to be held in Moline on April 30 and May 1. Soldier-Traveler Will Speak to Church School Lieut. C. Wayland Brooks, of the United States Marines, who has made a great record in his army and navy travels around the world, will speak to the Con- gregational school in its opening hali- hour at 9:30 tomorrow morning. Lieut. Brooks will describe especially his ex- periences in Turkey and Palestine. The regular class work will follow this ad- dress. 4 é % 4 ¢ 4 4 4 ¢ 4 g fy / 4 ¢ * 4 f ¢ 4 / ¢ 4 f 4 f / / ¢ 4 ¢ ¢ J : g g é ¢ 4 ¢ 4 / / ¢ ¢ ¢ 4 é ¢ 4 é 4 ¢ 4 ( ¢ ¢ ¢ 4 4 fy ¢ ¢ g 4 ¢ ; / BASS SNS ANNA RNR ANNA RAIA rn WINNETKA STATE BANK Do Your Banking in Winnetka Help develop and strenghten you local commu- nity by building up the financial condition of the village. The more money deposited in the local banks the greater the amount available for use in the develop- ment of local business and affairs of the people of the village in which you live. Open either a checking or savings account NOW. We will be happy to serve you in any way that we can. ot "s Banking Hours Officers and Directors HENRY R. HALE President L. B. KUPPENHEIMER, Vice-President ? SANBORN HALE, Cashier GEORGE W. McKINNEY, Asst. Cashier VICTOR ELTING CARLTON PROUTY NOBLE HALE, This Bank is open for the transaction of business from 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. daily ex- cept Saturdays. Saturday hours 8 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. and 7 p. m to'8 pm, Deposit Boxes for Rent $3.00 per year and up. Vault for storage. ELM STREET, EAST OF LINCOLN AVE. RR A ASS SO SOO OO NN SN NN SN NNN NS SNS SS NN NA NAN SS SS NAS SSN AN eee SPECIAL 2 re Three - Layer Brick For the Garden and Lawn For Painting C AR AM EL For Making gd Repairing between two layers of NEW YORK-CHERRY ) ICE CREAM Reliable Screening Carden Tools Screen Paint Roofing Cement Lawn Mowers Whether you use the Po lain wire, the oxid- Screen "Purer Full Ds or tinned wire ; Wheel Barrows Because Quart or the bronze or cop- Molding We have them in wood »"» per wired screening, hn' d and ' in" metal. For Carbonated Brick we can give you just Vaug ns an garden or for general the very best of long Ferry's Seeds excavation work. They Adams Pharmacy, 782 Elm St. Ristow Confectionery, wear in our Jersey are built f or good, hard G. Matteoni Bros., 742 Elm St. Hubbard Woods Pharmacy screen or any of the Grass and Clover usage. Detter get one North Shore Pharmacy Kenilworth Pharmacy other screening we now when you need it Hubbard, Woods offer. : Seed most. Division of National Dairy Products Corp. Tel. ECKART 135 wt HARDWARE CO. =