4 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1925 LOCAL STUDENTS AID N. U. CIRCUS Annual Northwestern Uni- versity Frolic Includes North Shore Talent "PLAN HUGE PARADE Kenilworth Youth in Charge of Procession A number of north shore young peo- ple are prominent in the management of the big fourteenth annual Northwestern University Circus, scheduled for May 1 and 2 at Patten gymnasium, in Evanston. The mammoth street parade will be in charge of Paul McLain Corbeit, 78 N. Abbottsford road, Kenilworth. Hazel I. Fraser, 645 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, is a member of the commit- tee in charge of decorations. George K. Budd, 208 Glencoe road, Glencoe, is to be in charge of lights. The show is being staged by the cam- pus Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A, each appointing one member of the circus committee, Circus Solly and Circus Sally, vespectively. View Champ Swimmers Gail C. Belden of St. Joseph, Mo., prominent in undergraduate life and a senior in the college of liberal arts, is this year's Circus Solly, and Elsie P. Brown, 2519 Harrison street, Evanston, popular co-ed and also a senior in the college of liberal arts, is Circus Sally. Neil D. Skinner of St. Joseph, Mo. is the performance manager and Lester C. Jacobson, 5520 Glenwood avenue, Chica- go, is business manager. Four Olympic champion swimmers, Caroline Smith, Sybil Bauer, Dick Howell and Ralph Breyer, siudents at Northwestern, will give swimming and diving exhibitions and clown acts in the water - circus which is part of the big show and is to be held Saturday after- noon in Patten pool. Trick Riding by Cavalry The outdoor matinee performance and the evening performance on Saturday will be featured by a trick riding exhi- bition given by the 14th United States cavalry from Fort Sheridan, Capt. David Blakelock commanding. It is expected that three seaplanes from Great Lakes 'naval training station will also be on hand in the afternoon to give an exhibi- tion. The evening performance Saturday will be a regular three-ring circus, planned and executed entirely by univer- sity students with the exception of the cavalry exhibition and a professional act, the nature of which has not yet been announced. Eight campus fraternities and sororities, the Wranglers, Sigma Chi, Acacia, the Monacoans, Chi Omega, Del- ta Delta Delta, Kappa Alpha Theta and Alpha Gamma Delta, will put on various stunts in a cup competition, and fourteen others will stage novelty stunts in com- petition for another cup. The organiza- tions that will compete for the novelty cup are Phi Mu Delta, Sigma Nu, Phi Nu Beta, the Scribblers, Dot and Circle, Delta Mu, Omega Upsilon, Alpha Ep- silon Phi, Sigma Alpha Iota, Delta Gam- ma, Alpha Xi Delta, Kappa Kappa Gam- ma, Alpha Phi and Kappa Delta. Ten High School Bands Ten high school bands, all from Cook county schools, including New Trier high school, are scheduled to play in a band competition for a circus cup just before the evening performance, and these ag- gregations, together with the university band, will provide the necessary circus music. Individual clowns and clown teams, composed entirely of students, will be on hand throughout the perform- ance to lend a further "circusy" atmos- phere to the proceedings and to amuse the crowd with the stock antics of their breed. Evanston's streets will be invaded Sat- urday afternoon hefore the matinee by a: circus parade composed of floats en- tered by the various fraternities and soro- rities, the 14'h cavalry, co-eds on horse- back and clowns. A merry-go-round and a ferris wheel will be in operation on the campus all day Friday and Saturday. Building of New Village Hall Pushed as Weather Smiles Work on the new Village Adminis- tration building has been progressing very rapidly due to the favorable weather conditions which have pre- vailed. The work of excavation has been completed and the cement foun- dation is being poured. Everything indicates that the building will be finished by November 1, the scheduled time. It is the plan of the village of- ficers to have all departments in- stalled in the new building before the first of the year. PLAN CIRCLE PARTY The West Elm Street circle will close a very busy season with a party to be held in the Scout room, Com- munity House, Tuesday afternoon, April 21, at 2 o'clock. All women of the circle are invited to attend. Those wishing to play are requested to bring NEXT WEEK IN WINNETKA (As scheduled at the office of Com- munity House) Monday Evening, April 20 Indian Hill Improvement associa- tion--New 'I'rier high school. Tuesday, April 21 Motion pictures--Community House. Wednesday Evening, April 22 Parenis' Meeting--Skokie school. Friday, April 24 Noon--Rotary club luncheon--Com- munity House. Evening--North Shore Congrega- tion--Hubbard Woods school. Motion pictures--Community House. GREELEY PUPILS ACT PLAYS NEXT WEEK The Greeley school plays, announced for Friday evening, April 24, at 7:30 o'clock will be given an extra perfor- mance at a matinee Wednesday, April 22, at 3:30 o'clock to accommodate those who cannot attend Friday eve- ning. "An Egyptian Cinderella," a new play worked out in the dramatization periods, will be given by the fourth grades who are studying Egypt. Since a large cast is used, the third and fifth grades are assisting. The play is based on a myth woven around the name of Queen Nitokris and takes place several thousand years ago. Scene I. Nitokris and maidens play on banks of Nile. The sandal is carried away. Scene 11. The king holds court of justice. The sandal is seen again. Scene III. Bazaar scene. The search for the wearer of the sandal is vain. Scene IV. Near the temple of Ra. The king finds the owner of the sandal and proclaims her queen. The pupils of the Misses Thais, Baer, Luetke, and Clark will be seen in this play. The fairy and interlude scenes from "Midsummer Nights Dream" will be given by all the fifth and sixth grade children of Mrs. Claire Bernhard and Miss Reine Bubbett. The following are cooperating with Miss Douglass Whitehead, Supervisor of Socialized Activities, in giving the plays: Art, Miss Lois Towne; Music, Mrs. Philemon B. Kohlsaat and Mrs. Morton Mergentheim; Rhythms, Miss Patricia Taylor; Lights, Willard Beatty. Mrs. Ruth Martin, principal of Greeley, and the pupil committee of the auditorium are doing their share. Costumes, properties, and primitive Egyptian musical instru- ments have been made by the chil- dren. A nominal charge has been made for admission to pay for costumes and other materials' and to add to the permanent play equipment for the school. A large number of tickets have already been sold. "Doctrine of Atonement" Christian Science Topic The subject of the lesson-sermon at the First Church of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday morning, April 19, will be "Doctrine of Atonement." Services are held in the Masonic temple building at 708 Elm street at 11 o'clock. Sunday school convenes at 9:35 o'clock and a testimonial meet- ing is held on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The reading room at 526 Linden street is open daily except Sunday from noon until 5 o'clock and on Wednesday evening from 9 to 9:30 o'clock. BURN Your Rubbish and Garbage TTT rrr pr Tyr TIT I TT TT TOT ITA A TT Get Ready For Clean-up Week. Clean-up Week--or fifty- two clean weeks? It's easy to keep premises clean the year round with the Home Gas Incinera- tor. Rids the basement of the rubbish barrel and the back yard of the gar- bage can. Burns rubbish and garbage without smoke or odor, fuss or muss. Simple, easily op- erated, automatic shut-off end trouble-proof. Come in, let us demonstrate. NORTH SHORE fi GAS COMPANY Ines as TTT bARARRIRERSSN IRI LASSER HIE] HS = Hi - Hi = = - = ES H = = H Hi = = = = = = - = = TIT 1108544 T Y T CO rr Ra TT TT their own cards. iA LE rib fr {TOM MEIGHAN IS MOVIE FEATURE Pat O'Malley Also on Next Week's Bill Next week's motion picture programs at Community House will present Pat O'Malley in "The Fighiing American," on Tuesday, and Thomas Meighan in his latest picture, "Coming Through," on Friday. "The Fighting American" anteed not to make you think. tended only as a masterpiece of non- sense--just to entertain you, nothing more. Pat O'Malley plays the part of Bill Pendleton, an adventurous college youth, who suddenly finds himself mixed up in a Chinese revolution. On the same program, "Our Gang" will appear in "Derby Days." The feature picture of the Friday per- formances, "Coming Through," gives Thomas Meighan the role of chief clerk in the ofiice of a large steel corporation. His idea of the height of fame is other than that of pen-pushing. He elopes with the president's daugh- ter and is shipped off to Colton by the irate father. Now there are many rough-and-ready mining camps in the company's holdings, but none quite so rough as Colton. Tom is given an un- heard of schedule of production to keep up and his father-in-law fixes things with the foreman so Meighan might not "come through"--a case, as the girl's fa- ther things, of returning evil for evil. But Tom does "come through"--and he does it in what is said to be one of his finest pictures to date. is guar- It is in- Otto Dovidat Ladies' and Men's Tailoring 794 Elm Street Over Vollmann's market. I am in the new building and ready to serve you as before with the very best made to order clothing; also cleaning and pressing. A specialty is made of Ladies' Tailoring and Fur work. Clean-Up Forces Make First Raid in Hubbard Woods The environs of the Hubbard Woods station will present a busy scene this afternoon when a score or more of the members of the Hubbard Woods Im- provement association will appear garbed in blue denim and armed with rakes, hoes and spades for the purpose of mak- ing a concerted attack upon the Station Park with a view to transforming that locality into "a thing of beauty and a joy forever". WINNETKA TALK sometime ago in- formed its readers of the plan of the Hubbard Woods Improvement association to institute a general clean-up of the gateway to the north neighborhood. Today finds the members actually at work on the scheme. Under the expert direction of professional gardeners and landscape architec.s the workers will not only "iron out" the rough spots in the park and its environs, but will proceed with the setting out of some thousand shrubs, and the building of new walks. Residents of Hubbard Woods have contributed liberally in time, money and materials in cooperating in the plan to augment the beauty of their neighbor- hood. When the clean-up campaign draws to a close, the north section defies any neighborhood in the north shore to claim a more attractive "village center". Mrs. Sibert Dietz Dies at the Evanston Hospital Mrs. Sibert Dietz, 683 Center street, passed away at the Evans on hospital Wednesday, April 15, following an illness of two weeks duration. Services will be held at the Winnetka Congregational church this afternoon and burial will be at Memorial Park. Mrs. Dietz was well known to hun- dreds of Winnetkans, she having been actively engaged in the cleaning and dyeing business here with her husband. Besides her husband, Mrs. Dietz leaves a -son, William. "QUALITY AUTOMOBILE PAINTING and a guaranteed job WINNETKA AUTO PAINTING CO. E. LYLE, Prop. 562 Lincoln Avenue Rear Wersted Motor Co. Phone Winnetka 165 deohddobdbdb dd ddob db bbbdbbbbhbbdbddbdd bbb bb bbb bbb bbdbbddd 750 Elm Street of of of of oe oe oe ode ode of of of of of fe obs obs oe oF ob fe of oe of of obs of obs oe fe of led op Special Next Week SAN-TONIC $1.50 FEEL BETTER FEEL LOTS BETTER OR MONEY BACK Community Pharmacy "Smiling Service" oF ojo of ofe ok obs oe ode oe oo obs oF ode oo ode ob oo oe oF ob oe ode obo ob obo ol ob ob oe ood ke oo dook Boo ob ole ol Bole ele bo obo do doo ook Phone Winn. 164 ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW SON Brunswick Records It's Here- just the thing for Summer! PORTABLE KODAK PHONO- GRAPH at '123 Good tone-- convenient to carry -- Plays all records. a "Always Something New on Brunswick Records" Gene Rodemichs Orchestra plays When I think of Yon" A New Fox Trot | NOTHER Brunswick feature fox trot by the composer of '"'Linges Awhile." Onthereverse side another popular fox trot, "Everybody Loves My Baby."' Ask us! We'll gladly play this and other Brunswick records for you--any time. We have added a line of Vocalion Records to our stock--come in and hear them. Winnetka Ggreamaeich: Shor 564 Lincoln Avenue A New Ship- ment of Ukes' and Banjo Ukes' UKELELE'S 3:0 tp $1g0 BANJO ' UKES' 62 to $180 x ae aa Ls lL, A a a ---- 3 ogo ogo oe of oe oe oe oe oe of of of oe os os obs ob oe of of oF oe of of of of of of of ob oo Try our stock first -- it is al- ways complete. Phone 2129 I A -----_-- L.A UL