rE Nae a ~~ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1925 9 SET MAY 12 AS HOSPITAL DAY President Coolidge Endorses National Event Caring for 32,281 patients daily at a cost of approximately $60,000,000 an- nually, a figure comparable to the run- ning expenses of the state govern- ment, the hospitals of Illinois ought to attract wide-spread interest on May 12 which has been designated as Na- tional Hospital Day, to quote Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state health direc- tor. National hospital day is an event commemorating the birth of Florence Nightingale, the mother of modern nursing services, and as such it has the endorsement of President Coolidge na- tionally and of Governor Small in Illin- ois. Hospitals throughout the nation and Canada will throw open their doors to the public on May 12. The insti- tutions of mercy in Illinois will be no exception. State Has 398 Hospitals "Public interest in the occasion ought to be immediate and general," says Dr. Rawlings. "The significance of the event in Illinois is indicated by the fact that there are 398 hospitals in the state with a total bed capacity of 52472. These hospitals care for an average of 32,281 patients daily at an estimated cost of $60,000,000 annually or about $10 per capita per year. "Out of the 398 hospitals 225 are gen- eral in character, 29 are for nervous and mental patients, 27 for tuberculo- sis cases, 32 for orphans, 20 for the aged and incurables, 18 for maternity patients, 11 for convalescents and 10 for contagious diseases. The others constitute a miscellaneous group rang- ing from army and navy patients to those among the blind and the deaf. "Only 174 of the 398 hospitals main- tain clinical laboratories while only AA W hn v NY He's a laundry =e scen-tist, ----- Bettersput him Lon your jist 4 HE science of laundering clothes in the proper manner is the art of application. Suds knows how. He transforms soiled clothes into revivified gar- ments that look like new and are comfortable and "easy to feel." Phone us to call. LOOK FOR SUDS & DUDS . D NTURME NL 171 have X-ray facilities. Nurses training schools are operated in con- nection with 119 of the hospitals. Cite Scarcity of Hospitals "There are 36 counties in the state that have no hospitals of any kind for the use of local people. "Federal, state or local governments operate 81 of the 398 hospitals in the state; independent associations oper- ate 125; denominational organizations 92; individual and partnership con- cerns, 89; industrial companies, 61; fraternal orders, 5. The bed capacity of the 81 governmental hospitals is 31,335 against 21,137 for 'the non- governmental group. 'With facts like these relative to the hospital service performed and the capital involved, hospital day ought to attract every general interest on May 12. It is a day when educational in- terest may mingle with messages of cheer and comfort." Kenilworth Youth Gets Place in Honor Society Paul M. Corbett, 78 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, was one of the Junior class men at Northwestern university to be pledged to the Deru senior honor frater- nity at the school this week. Formal pledging of the men was held at midnight on Tuesday following the secret ballot taken on Monday. The prospective members, most of whom were in bed, were roused from their slumbers, called out into the cold, foggy night by a group of visitors and informed of the honor bestowed upon them. The annual banquet of the ac- tive chapter of Deru takes place May 7 when the keys of responsibility will be turned over by the present members to the incoming ones. The Society of Deru was founded about 20 years ago and its mission is to work for the bei- terment of Alma Mater. SIX LAKE SHORE AUTO SALES Sales Room and Service Station 1010-16 Chicago Ave., Evanston, Ill. Phone Winnetka 32 16 Prouty Annex | WINNETKA TEAMING & SUPPLY CO. L. J. HAYES, Prop. 3ENERAL TEAMING AND EXPRESSING, BUILDING MATERIAL, DRIVEWAYS, GRADING AND BLACK DIRT Residence Phone 426 Winnetka, Illinois oF 4 panies. 556 Center St. y > J Feel Safe When You Ride I write automobile insurance in the old Aetna Life In- surance Company. A full line of Fire Insurance Com- CLARK T. NORTHROP Winnetka, Ill. PS o 750 Elm Street EET ee EE EX EL EL LLL LLL LL Al oo oe ee ee of ob ob ob ol deb bebe deok ob Bob oR Bk ld bok ob dokk dR db bbb kbd bd ddd PETE rr rr EEE LLL EE LLL LL LL LLL LLL Special Next Week SAN-TONIC $1.50 FEEL BETTER FEEL LOTS BETTER OR MONEY BACK Community Pharmacy C."R.*PATCHEN, R. Ph. "Smiling Service" FEY IIE EET LEE LE LL LL Phone Winn. 164 EXT TEL LL LL | | | I I rT ELLs 'a Over 7 oo 400,000%% Bee-Vacs in use-- The Bee-Vac is not surpassed in quality or cleaning efficiency. Yet, because can- vassers' big commissions are eliminated, the price is only $39.75. No cleaner, at any price, has a more dependable motor, more powerful suction, or more efficient double brush. The Bee-Vac handles easily, cleans thoroughly, quickly and safely. Be sure to come and see the Bee-Vac before you buy. ECKART HARDWARE CO. 735 Elm Street Phones 843-844 Shop Ew & Chestnut Sta A MAN LOOKS HIS BEST just after he has had a shave and a hair-cut. But the hair-cut must be right and the shave comfort- able. @ N ON NN ANS rer | 17 E TH = i To v ; B 7 . 41 NR RR Sa TERN - ; cr 4 Fg iL QY "The Home of the Well Groomed Car" WASH ~DAY Is not a pleasant day if you have to do it your- self, but if you have us do it for you, it will be pleasant to you to see what can be done in a garage especially equipped to do a first- class-job. Of course, we refer to your Auto- mobile. Richardson's Garage 726 Elm St. Phones 841 and 25 'Phone--and we will send a demon- strator va To J) <= ALL EYES FOLLOW THE NEW BEAUTY F HUPMOBIL Hanson Motor Co. 555-557 Chestnut Street Phone Winnetka 330 Se