| | A I | 12 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1925 ii { "'F. L. B. ART SHOP formerly Gairing Fine Arts 1642 Orrington Ave. Evanston and Frames, Mirror Resilvering, Gifts and Greeting Cards Phone Univ. 770 Picture Framing--Regilding--Canvas Repairing The New Good "MAXWELL Power 2) AXWELI Speed 5 to 25 Miles in 8 Sec. 58 Miles Per hour. Economy 25 Miles to the Gallon. Evanston Motor Sales W. D. Reagan, Mgr. 1017 Davis Street Phone University 2277 Fountain Square Evanston "TROUBADOUR" By Alfred Kreymborg Bont Averight lt. csc ic ids vc swido ve $3.00 "Troubadour" is the intimate human record of an artist's life in America. Opening with his birth in the heart of New York, this autobiography in the form of a novel carries the reader through a succession of events as romantic as the adventures of Don Quixote. Poverty, idols, dreams, de- feats, achievements crowd the canvas in a constant kaleidoscope, while peo- ple come and go in a dramatic series of contacts. First Floor, Davis, South NORTH SHORE BOOTERY 529 Davis Street at Chicago Avenue In the North Shore Hotel Bldg. The Store of Good Shoes y. > JR ga SAA Settle a Lifelong Question "Once d Finall nce -- an naiily Your home----is it now what you hoped for ten years ago? Is you home ideally. located, exquisitely beautiful, a home to which you proudly escort guests? Or is it a home about which you apolo- : ERE tl : Income from independent sources getically explain: "Yes, we're looking dttraine. to THE JOHN for a place more suitable than this. ern : ; (And you've been looking for years, EVANS practically assures in baffled here by location, there by price, perpetuity that tenant-owners again by undesirable neighbors, another will never pay one penny for place by the responsibilities required.) heat, janitor, general upkeep, or : repairs Haven't you dreamed of an ideal home : and meanwhile lived in several decidedly Where can you buy another not ideal? home free from these expenses? Settle this lifelong question once--and 5 Rooms--2 Baths for Invest- finally --by investigating THE JOHN ments as Low as:$7,800. EVANS (Co-operatively owned) be- fore you rent, buy, or build. Two chambers, 3 tile baths with shower, living room 23 feet by 16 feet 6 inches, dining room 15 feet Ghe 4 inches by 14 4 inches, complete kitchen with mechanical refrigeration, incinerator and service elevator. Heaviest cost per month about $112.12, p including all expenses. By far the best and most substantial co-operative AD ariment Homes proposition in this vicinity. See the Lye owNED plans now. Telephone Greenleaf 501 1600 HINMAN AVE. at Davis St. In the Heart of Beautiful Evanston " a) IN SOC CC Pre-nuptial Affairs for Bride-Elect NUMBER of affairs are being given for Miss Elizabeth Greeley prior to her marriage on May 30. On Thursday of this week Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Blackwood entertained at dinner. Thursday afternoon, May 21, Mrs. Hibbard Casselberry will give a bridge and shower for Miss Greeley and Miss Dorothy Magie. Miss Dorothy Day will entertain at dinner at Indian Hill club on Saturday, May 23. Following the after-rehearsal supper Mrs. Frederick K. Copeland will give on Friday evening, May 29, Mr. and Mrs. Morris L. Gree- ley, the birde-elect's parents, will be hosts at a small dance at the Woman's club. Mrs. Norman Harris will entertain at luncheon on Saturday, May 30, before the wedding. Summer Xmas Tree Party Takes Place Soon HE season for the summer Christmas Tree is again approach- ing, and the pupils and friends of the Winnetka Congregational church school are preparing tor the event with added zeal because of the evident happiness which last year's gifts brought to the boys and girls of India and China. This year the celebration is again to take place at the Frank Ferry home on Sheridan road. The exact date will be announced by the committee in next week's issue of the TaALk, when completed details will be given. Announce Betrothal of Wilmette Girl NNOUNCEMENT is made of the engagement of Julia M. Ricketts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ricketts, 87 Ash- land avenue, Wilmette, to Jasper S. King, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. King of Beverly Hills, Chicago. A group of Freshmen girls from New Trier belonging to one Adviser room, who have chosen Arden Shore as the object of their community service throughout the four years they will be in school, and who have spent one or two afternoons a week sewing for the babies, were hostesses at a "Stunt Party" for 40 of the boys of the Win- ter Camp on Friday last. About 20 persons, the girls and their chaperons, went from here laden with foods for a picnic supper of roasted frankforts, buns, salad, and chocolate, to spend the afternoon and early evening at Arden Shore. The boys entertained their hostesses with two stunts, and the girls reciprocated with a like num- ber, all of which were alternated by a short program of music. One of the boys, a whistler of exceptional ability, delighted the visitors between stunts. After the program of an hour's dura- tion, 60 hungry young folk enjoyed an outdoor supper. The young hostesses on this occasion composed the same froup that gave the boys such a suc- cessful party in February. Oa The Senior league of the North Shore Congregation will present at 15 act vaudeville named "The Crossword Frolics of 1925" at Community House, Winnetka, on May 16, at 8:15 o'clock in the evening. There is a cast of 35 under the direction of Martin J. Hill of Wilmette. Dancing will follow the play. Soine of the acts which will be seen are: "The Drunken Sisters," "Van and Skunk," "Is Zat So?" and "Apache Dances." Tickets may be purchased from H. B. Axman of 1151 Chatfield road, Hubbard Woods. : --O0-- ' The annual guest evening to which members of the Winnetka Music club, formerly' the MacDowell club, may invite their friends, will be held at the home' of 'Mrs.. Asa B. Cooley, 1258 Scott avenue, on Monday evening, May 18. A departure will be made at this time; for instead of having club talent only, three Chicago artists will appear on the program: Wally Hey- mar, violinist; Miss Marta Milanow- ski, pianist, and Miss Bessie Andrus, vocalist. JE Gwynfa Thomas, Betty Schwartz, Grace Hayden, James Griffin, Arthur Hedenschoug and Robert Baker of the Alpha Phi sorority and Phi Delta Theta fraternity, respectively, motored to Madison on Friday, May 8, to at- tend the Phi Delta Theta formal din- ner dance at the University of Wis- consin. The party was chaperoned by Mrs. Charles Schwartz of Winnetka. --_--Q-- Mr. and Mrs. C. Ives Waldo and their son, 81 Ash street, will motor East the first of June, taking the Hud- son River route, to attend commence- ment at Yale university, and Mr. Waldo's twentieth reunion festivities. From Yale, they will motor to Marble head, Mass. and to Maine, returning home through the Berkshires. They expect to be away six weeks. AO Dr. John Stout of the department of religious education, Northwestern uni- versity, will give the weekly lecture at the chapel service of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college at Trinity church, Michigan avenue and Twenty-sixth street, on Wednes- day next, at 3 o'clock. The Winnetka members of the governing board are cordially invited. --_--O-- Mrs. Florence Downs, 841 Sprucg street, has sold her home and moved into her new residence on the corner of Foxdale avenue and Summit street. "The Stitch in Time" club is about ready to serve you. It meets for busi- ness Thursday, May 21, and offers to make plain undergarments, kitchen aprons, (to order or from stock); they will hem your most exquisite linen as it should be done, and make your kitchen towels. Best of all, the mem- bers will do your mending regularly Think of that word, 'regularly' as you look at your overflowing stocking bag, or your basket of mending which waits so remorsefully for just that 'stitch in time. "Work will be called for and de- livered, the only requirements being, first, that it is absolutely clean; sec- ond, that it is in a bag or basket; third, that it is ready when the driver calls. "Mrs. John Bunker is chairman, Mrs. Fred Sterling, associate; Mrs. David Lasier, timekeeper, Mrs. Leslie Dodds, Mrs. Ayres Boal, drivers. "The proceeds are to go toward the new church building fund. Send in your orders at once, or arrange for your work to be done regularly by ex- perienced workers." The above notice comes from a group of women eager to fill a need, and raise funds for the new Congregational church. ---- The annual dinner that brings to a close the season's activities for the Ash Street circle, will take place on Wednesday, May 20, at 6:30 o'clock, at the North Shore hotel. This is al- ways one of the most popular affairs of the circle year, and always attracts a large attendance. The after-dinner hours will be spent in playing bridge, bunco and five hundred, with a "fare- well" 'to the original Ash Street cir- cle. Reservations can be made with Mrs. Edwin Thompson of 1067 Oak street. J, Mrs. Eugene Addison Howard of 1015 Pine street, entertained at tea on Wednesday afternoon in honor of James Gilbert. Mr. Gilbert has just finished a portrait of little Mary Katherine Howard. A large number of Mr. Gilbert's other paintings re- cently made in Mexico were hung as well as many painted during a year and a half spent in Spain, previous to his trip to Mexico. Mr. Gilbert re- cently won the Robert Rice Jenkins prize at the exhibit of American art- ists held at the Art institute. ---- The Ideal Club of Chicago, of which Mrs. Frank Fulton is president, is sponsoring a daughters' auxiliary, and has appointed Mrs. Edgar Foster Al- den of 358 Linden avenue, chaperon, with the assistance of Mrs. Paul Jor- dan and Mrs. James W. Bennett of Wilmette. Mrs. Bennett will give a luncheon and bridge on Saturday, May 23, at her home, in honor of Mrs. Alden and the auxiliary members. The hostess will entertain about 40 guests. -- The Ridge Avenue circle had a de- lightful party in the Camp Fire room, Community House, last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. E. J. Allesbrooke, 747 Lincoln avenue, and Mrs. Fred Sterling, the new general circle chair- man and her associate, respectively, were the guests of honor. --Q-- Miss Veda Henry of the Columbia School of Music will leave June 13, for her home in Buffalo where she will spend the summer months. She will return to Winnetka in the early au- tumn to resume her work. ---- Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Childs of 906 Oak street gave a dinner party last Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Simpson of 725 Walden road. £4