20. WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1925 CLASSIFIED ADS (Continued From Page 19) 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE NO, SHORE WINDOW AND HOUSE Cleaning Co. Yes, we have men for anything that is to be done around the house. Place your order now. Prompt service. 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. 27T6-tfe UPHOLSTERING SND CABINET WOR ANTIQUE FURNITURE REFINISHED and pgQlished; mattress making and renovating; antique furniture for sale. Jim MaLoney, 903 Linden Ave., near North Ave. Phone Winn. 942. 27LTN31-3te Wilmette Upholstering Co. ATTENTION! FIRST CLASS UPHOLSTERING Done at your home or at my shop. Prices reasonable; work guaranteed. 607 Main St., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 296. 27LTN32-Tte -- 28 PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING--REPAIRING FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO; VIO- lins; bargain. L. W. Foster. Phone Winn. 509-J. 28LTN29-tfe 29 PAINTING AND DECORATING Interior Exterior Decorating B.F. HOBBS Painting Decorator Estimates cheerfully given. Phone 1611 Sherman Ave. Univ. 401 Opp. City Hall Evanston, Ill. 29L.TN30-4tp IF YOU HAVE ANY PAINTING OR decorating to be done, it will pay you to get in touch with E. M. Brandt. Best references. Phone Glencoe 971. 29TN4-tfc Social Happenings 0) am 0am 04% BR The Associate alumnae of North- western university have issued invita- tions to a tea given for all senior women at the home of Mrs. Walter Dill Scott, 1729 Chicago avenue, Evans- ton, on Friday afternoon, May 22, from 4 until 6 o'clock. The officers and di- rectors of the Associate alumnae will be hostesses, and Miss Zoe Comer of the School of Speech, and Miss Meta Crow! of the School of Music will con- tribute to the program. On Wednesday evening, May 20, at the Wilmette Woman's club, Wini- fred Townsend Cree will present her puptls in recital, assisted by Marie Flentye and Frances Anderson, pupils of Mme. Eda Goedecke, by the New Trier High school orchestra, Mrs. Homer Cotton, conductor, and by Estelle Swigart, cellist. Among the violin pupils will be George Swigart, Rose Flentye, Marion Suits, Sara Page, Gordon Gibson, Effie James, Morton Mergentheim, Janet Buck, William and Robert Kruger, Chester Hanson, Francis Kubicek, Norman Eilertson, Helen Bractschi, Margaret Cree, and Robert Walker. --O-- Mr. and Mrs. John R. Nicholson of Glencoe announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, May 12, at the Evanston hos- pital. Mrs. Nicholson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Olwin of 820 Lake avenue, Wilmette. ---- At the luncheon and meeting of the Willow Street circle on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. H. I. Orwig, 548 Willow street, Harriet Mason, the 12 year old artist, gave two groups of piano selec- tions. --ke Mrs. George J. Barbery of 752 Center street, leaves Sunday evening for Cali- fornia, to visit friends and relatives in Long Beach and elsewhere, for the summer months. ---- Mr. and Mrs. William Crombie, for- merly of Winnetka, have moved to the Shoreham club, Sound Beach, Conn. JN Announcement Because of unsatisfactory lease, Miss Alice, of the Hubbard Woods Beauty Shop, has moved to the Rapp Bldg. 522 Linden Winnetka. 1 now ready to take care of Ave. am my patrons. Phone Winnetka 800 EL LL ET TET Ppp ppepepappeppp---- | Na pp a ® Donse BROTHERS COACH A popular and attractive addition to Dodge Brothers line of motor cars. Every coach convenience is provided: un- fettered vision on all sides, an intimate yet roomy interior, easy handling in traffic, protection for children against open rear doors, modish hardware and finish, bal- loon tires and smart whipcord upholstery. Built on Dodge Brothers sturdy chassis, the Coach will deliver years of dependable service at a very moderate annual cost. It is available both in the Standard and completely equipped Special types. WN I] Ra 1 Tay tr iit f COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE SERVICE TELEPHONE WINNETKA 165 BROTHERS CARS 562 LINCOLN AVENUE / rrr, LULL LLL LLL LLL LLL TLE ET i ET 2 EZ ZT a rrr v Rev. James Austin Richards of Win- netka addressed the Kenilworth Union church Friday evening, on the occa- sion of the annual church dinner. His subject was "The Mission of the Church." ------ Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Ely of 592 Cherry street, have rented their home and have taken rooms at the Orrington hotel in Evanston for a short time, be- fore going to their summer home at Land O' Lakes, Wisconsin. --O-- Mrs. Fred C. Wilcox, 708 Willow road, was hostess at a miscellaneous shower last Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Gwendolyn Pritchard of Wilmette whose marriage to Ralph Tilden takes place June 3. --O-- Mrs. William Dow Harvey of 88 Indian Hill road, has returned from a two week visit in Cambridge, Mass. where she was the guest of college friends and relatives. She was accom- panied by her son. Teeth gosto DENTISTS That Fit igEd (i Till May 30 TEETH $10.50 8 gear These plates are held firmly in place THE PETRY PATENTED sOCTION cups. Reatgres the Arte voice, facia) expression ives real comfort. We challenge world on wor FORCED 22k Gold Crowns. Regular $10 value, for. .... GAS Teeth extracted without pain. A brief nap and your molars are out. Plates made tn 24 hours when desired. Dear Sirs: I had two plates made elsewhere before I received the one you made. Ome cost $175.00 the other $75.00. Compared with yours they are not worth a dime. Your Bate" simply delightful und | assure you I will send my friends to you. E. J. DILLON. 3826 Wilton Ave. To those who have loose and wobbly teeth: Come to us and get a Super Suction. All Work Guaranteed. Car Fare Allowed BOSTGN DENTISTS 135 S. State St. Opposite The Fair 1214 N. Ashland Ave. 1928 Milwaukee Awa, 800 Ek. Sh 6300 S. Hal BRIDGEWORK REIN- 5 d Se Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J, Brach and family of the Edgewater Beach hotel, have moved into their new home at 595 Sheridan road. gus Little Ann Palmer, 655 Elm street, entertained a few of her friends at a party at her home last Saturday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Langhead and family of Rogers Park, have moved into their new home, 496 Oakdale ave- nue, Glencoe. cp John Vander Vries, 968 Pine street, leaves Saturday, May 16, to spend two weeks on business in Washington, DC the price is right. PA f= T i128 BLACK DIRT We have plenty of exceptionally Good Black Dirt--Dirt- that does not require a steam roller to level it off--and ead 7" (OAL WOOD FEED S, TNE AEAND BUILDING MATERIAL HUBBARD WOODS. ILL. YOU WON'T MIND IT A BIT when your wife asks you to get a 'scuttle of coal, if it has come from our yard. For our coal is free from dust and dirt and also from those big unsightly lumps so often found in common coal. And our coal burns better and longer too. Even one ton will be enough to convince you that our coal is different and better. Shall we send one to you? NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY LLL LLLLLS LLL LASS LS LSLSL LISS SS SSS SLL SSS SILLS LSS SSS SSIS L LA SITS S SIS SIS SSIS IIASA SD What about your finances? Does you money earn as high a rate of inter- estas 7%? Is it invested here at home where you can watch it and know at all times what it is doing? Is it invested in securities of which the income .1S not taxable? If not, then we advise you to get in touch with us and let us tell you about our high grade 79% non- taxable investment. See any of our employes or send us the at- tached coupon. Gentlemen : call and furnish information regarding your 7% in- vestment. Name Address LLL dl TZ. LULL 2d Pd 27 7 2777770077 COUPON Please have your representative me with further vr : LLL LTT 2 L277 Ll ZT 22d ddd dd ddd dll ddd ZT Td 7 77 77 7777, TZ ZZ 77a Zaz. 7 a a a Ze Zr va ea re rr, oF at