nee IT o a hd ot - ER TT re TA WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1925 VARIETIES LURE N. U. THESPIANS Give Annual Vaudeville Bill This Week The second All-University Vaudeville will be given this Friday and Saturday at Annie May Swift hall on the Evans- ton campus. The show is being pre- sented by the board of governors of the University theater, which is composed of the heads of all the dramatic organiza- tions on the Northwestern campus. Talent for_the show has been picked from the stars of all the dramatic so- cieties. Included in this list are some of the brightest luminaries of the re- cent W. A. A. show. Florenceada Gan- dre, who was such a success as the "babe" flapper in the "Tenth Attempt," will double with Dorothy Walcott, an- other School of Speech maiden in a singing and dancing act. Elinor Rice, a graceful dancer with this year's all-girl show, will team it with James (Jimmie) Griffin, who coached that show as well as this year's and last year's University Vaudeville, in an exhibition of legmania. Abe Latkir, star of the first Univer- sity Vaudeville, will have a new act. Abe is one of the funniest clowns that anyone could wish to laugh at. Other featured entertainers billed to appear are Bob Redfield and Dell Hair in a syncopated act; Laura Lenfesty, Helen Scudder and Jean Melville, who were three of the four singing and dancing "Quads" starring in the W. A. A. show, Margaret (Brownie) Bracken and Vir- ginia (Bunny) Knapp, in a singing act, Tim Lowry, football captain and wrest- ling star who will show his versatility, and Harriet Allyn will give impersona- dons. The annual vaudeville bill is be- ing coached by James (Jimmie) Griffin, assisted by Alexander Dean, of the School of Speech faculty. Sn ER vou or the children come in drenched by an April shower the best remedy is a glass of hot milk. Insure a steady supply by leaving your TTT orders for daily deliveries. PRAISES FIREMEN FOR PROMPT WORK AT BLAZE The Village council received the fol- lowing letter this week from Ayres Boal, whose home at 701 Sheridan road was damaged by fire last week. Mr. Boal also sent Chief G. M. Houren of the fire department a check for $50 in appreciation for his work. The let- ter, addressed to President Miller and the council, follows: "I wish to congratulate you on the work of your Fire department in con- nection with my house, 701 Sheridan road, Winnetka. Mrs. Massey swears that she left my house the morning of the fire, before the fire occurred; that she walked directly to her own house, 100 feet, and as she entered the door the telephone bell was ringing and a friend on the other end asked where the fire engines were going. Be that as it may, the fact remains that the department answered the call in re- markably quick time; they found an intense fire in the basement and put it out with a minimum of loss by fire and water to the furniture and house." COMMUNITY HOUSE CALENDAR Saturday, May 16 8 P. M. In the Assembly room--Dance --Scandinavian Pleasure club. 8 P. M.--Gymnasium--Camp Girls--Grand Ceremonial. 8 P. M.--Matz hall--Senior League of the North Shore Congregation: presents "Cross Word Frolics of 1925. Fire he Monday, May 18 9 A. M.--Room 5--Kindergarten. 4 P. M.--Room 4--Joy Givers (girls' club). 6:30 P. M.--Matz hall--Annual dinner Reserve Militia. 8 P. M.--Gymnasium--Men's Volley ball. -- Tuesday, May 19 9 A. M.--Room 5--Kindergarten. 4--7:15, and 9--Matz hall, Motion pic- tures, Reginald Denny in "The Reckless Age." Our Gang com- edy. 8 P. M.--Rooms 2, 3,4, 5, 6,7, 9, 10, 11, Classes in English. 8 P. M.--Neighborhood room, Friend- ship Circle. a. Wednesday, May 20 9 A. M.--Room 5--Kindergarten. 10:30 A. M. Neighborhood room-- Board meeting. 8 P. M.--Czecho-Slovakian club. 8 P. M.--Room 7a--Chamber of Com- merce. Thursday, May 21 9 A. M.--Kindergarten. , " 7:30 P. M. --Assembly room--W innet- ka Boy Scouts, Troops 1, 2 and 3. Friday, May 22 9 A. M.--Room 5--Kindergarten. 4 P. M.--Camp Fire Room. Bluebird group. 4--7:15 and 9--Matz hall, Motion pic- tures--Douglas Fairbanks in "The Thief of Bagdad." Saturday, May 23 2:30, 7:15 and 9--Matz hall, Motion pictures--Douglas Fairbanks in "The Thief of Bagdad." Borino Studio Pupils to Appear in Recital John Borino will present the pupils of his Winnetka studio in their annual recital Sunday, May 24, at 2:30 o'clock MONEY MAKES THE MARE GO--AND MONEY GOES AS FAR AS YOU MAKE IT! Phone Winnetka 920-21-22 in Jane Kuppenheimer Memorial hall, at the Skokie school. Among the pupils to take part in the recital are: Betty Bertoli, Dorland Davis, Meredith Cutting, Earl Wein- stock, Rosie Russo, Allan Rosenthal, Philip Hoza, Helen Anderson, Agnes Erickson, Helen Anderson, Delma Caldwell, Mary Russo, Hazel Gotaas, Buster Mayers, Herbert Coppel, Mina Lazar, John Waidner, Margaret Cobb, Helen Fulton, Betty Angdahl, Nicasio Borino, William Salmen, Marima Rus- so, Albina Kristof, Emilie Eckhart, Dorothy Rubin, Frieda Rosenthal, Martha Abrams, Clothilde Rosenthal, Hazel Knox, Marie and Louise Eckart. Congregational ATA « M.;.The ments. First The Men's Sunday led by Mr. 00 A. M. The Sermon by Mr. for the Times." Church Chorus, tion,"" Sprague. Quartet, *"O with violin. Junior Church, 3:00" P.M. "Service TI: 3200 P XM. "Young Club invited topic, "The M. Sunday "Science and Richards. creed; seeks to mane science, the day's work." SUNDAY, MAY Church at School; year lead the opening service. Religion and Our Children"--Dr. Davies. The Women's Bible Class: "Life of Elijah," Morphett. Church Richards, "Behold, Divine sermon by secration of children. People's to Blue Quayle of Wilmette. Evening the "h' church practices Christian union; has ro religion as fascinating as art, 17, 1925 all depart- High School Girls "our. Morning Class: at Worship: "Jonah---A Tract God Is My Salva- Redeemer," Gounod, Mr. Davies. the baptism and con- Club: supper and Laws," led by Wilmette meeting: Edward Club: supper; Bible," led by Mr. as intelligent as and as vital as MINISTERS James Austin Richards James William Frederick Davies KEavinond Allyn Smith, Musical Director Gee, Careful, you look like dollars in that new outfit. 1 bet it set you back a a: million I wish [ could afford to dress as you do. small fortune. nin; Hin MARKET Being able to afford things is generally a matter of careful buying, Happy. The average family spends al- most 50% of its income for food. I buy all my meats from PETERS MARKET. Watch their Special Sales consistently and save con- siderable in the course of a year besides getting high quality meat and excellent service. 726 Elm St. "The Home of the Well Groomed Car" WASH ~-- do it for you, it will be pleasant to vou to see what can be done in a garage equipped to do a first- class job. we refer to your Auto- mobile. ~DAY Is not a pieasant day if you have to do it your- self, but if you have us especially Of course, Richardson's Garage Phones 841 and 25 N \ \ N PULL, Anything in 546 Center Street ra ra Za 2a TZ Zr Lr Ir 27 27 Fr Fe FZ 27 ZT a F277 F272 Fa 2 El Td EL 2b didi ddd ddd dll 7. » me can do a surprisingly GOOD JOB YOURSELF at very little cost--and the lasting qualities exceed the original finish on your car Varnish and Enamel Line ---You will find we have the highest grades obtainable Blaylor& HARDWARE Phones Winnetka 998-999 ppd ddd LL LL Ld 2 2 227777007, (SL/L SSL LS LLL S SSSI ISLS SSIS ISLS SSSA ISLS SSSI SSS SITLL ISLS ALLS LLL SLL LISS SL LSS LSS FSSA SSIS SSS S SSSI SSIS IAS SSS SILI SASL TST A the Paint, III RZ ez zzzzzzzzzrzzzpizziziraarprrziiiiz YLT 7 77707 Arr, IZ ' ZL CLL