Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 23 May 1925, p. 23

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r ) : .) 1 isl | | WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1925 23 HOMELESS? JUST TRY OUR WANT ADS Glencoe TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. papers. the line. No black face type used. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS b Classified 'advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to inclusive whose names appear who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. MINIMUM CHARGE Rates for Display type on application. Deadline for Insertions--C'assified advertisements will in the telephone directory, or 20 cents per line in all three 50¢. Average of five words to be ac- 4 FOR RENT---ROOMS 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 19 WANTED----MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT--LARGE MASTER BED- room in new house or one smaller bedroom. 3% blks. from trans. Phone Winn. 555-J. 4T9-tfc FOR RENT--COMFORTABLE FRONT room; near trans. Phone Wilmette 2416. 4TN11-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM; NR. trans. Phone Glencoe 923. 4TN11-1tc FOR RENT--ONE FURNISHED ROOM. rr Le cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for Phone Winn. 533-M. 4LTN34-1tc e or a ree papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. FOR RENT--ROOM; REASONABLE. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. Phone Glencoe 1115. 4TN11-1te 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES 1 REAL ESTATE 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES ha Ge VT Bg 305 ELDER LANNE. 1% YRS | ou ae eoned CALL, FURNISHED | SL 4 3 3 ouse, screened porches; for the sum- aa old; 1 car gar.; bargain at $15,000. mer months; good location, reason- BOR REND STOREAT Sit LINCOLN 557 Elder Lane, 6 rm. stucco able rent. Phone Winn, 1755. ii : 5LTN34-1to net car gar. Very reasonable 2T8-tfc at " h LA KENILWORTH BARGAIN . §|FOR RENT--FURNISHED § RM. HSE.; |® YOR _hENfedanaors " . ) . vy all rooms are large and airy, screened he - rm., servants' cottage with modern porch; 1 block from station; $100 POR nT SARACY er an, conveniences on property. Priced| per mo. Phone Kenilworth 1854 or per month. Phone Winn. 521-W. extremely low. Ravenswood 2759. 2TN11-1te * ¥ 6T11-1t Te : ew rm. se.; aths; o , } : FOR RENT--FURNISHED 7 RM. HSE.; |FOR RENT--1 CAR GARAGE. 798 3021805 Stegm bts or dsleat 31a000 4 bedrms.; porch; garage; garden;| Cherry St. Phone Winn. 2087. VACANT " nr. trans. and public golf course. 6T11-1tp @lencoe--= lots, 100x190' each: $125 a month; June 19 to Sept. 19. -- adj, Comnmunity Golf Club, 7 bIooks Phone Winn. 624, 2T10-tfc FOR RENT ~CanaAoR. A58 wow ? . one inn. -R. -1te express station; $40 per foot. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Winnetka 1800 1LTN34-1tc FLORIDA WATER FRONT LOTS WE ARE OFFERING FOR SALE, lots in the most beautiful subdivi- sion on the Florida West Coast. Lo- cated as they are on Santa Rosa Sound at Camp Walton, adjoining a beautiful hotel and golf course and within sight of a new development upon which millions of dollars has been appropriated. These lots offer a wonderful opportunity to the in- vestor as well as a beautiful home site in the finest all year round climate in America. You can secure a lot 50x140 for as low as $300; one third cash and balance on easy terms. There are only 100 of these choice lots available at this price, so reserve yours now. Write for liter- ature describing this property. Ad- dress Wilmette Life A-565. 1LT34-1tp UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE BUY--T7 room house located N. HE. section; convenient to "L", schools and trans.; 2 blocks from Sheridan Rd. and the lake; 2 baths; sun porch and sleeping porch; beautifully landscaped; snap at $18,000. See us for particulars. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 424 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 3450 1LTN34-1tc 10 Carlton Annex FOR RENT--UNFURN. 7 ROOM HSE. in best 8. W. Sec. Winnetka. Ga- rage, choice lot; poss. June 1st; rent $150. P. W. Bradstreet, owner. Phone 162. 2T11-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED HSE. FOR summer months; $200 a month; 5 bed- rms.; 3 baths; sun porch; garage; nr. station. Phone Mrs. Paul Starr, Winn. 1765. 2LTN28-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ATTRAC- [re-- 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED--UNFURNISHED 7 OR 8 rm. hse. in Kenilworth or Winn. nr. New Trier. 1 or 2 yr. lease; will pay up to $200 month; garage; 2 car pre- ferred; anytime between now and Oct. 1 7T11-1tc WANTED TO RENT--AN UNFURN- ished house until May 1; must have 5 bedrooms; or 4 bedrooms and a Typewriting COPY WORK; LETTER WRITING; and addressing; done at home; will call for and deliver. Phone Winn. 173. 15LTN34-1tc SITUATION WANTED -- RESIDENT- ial appointments for graduate mas- seuse; body and facial massage; manicuring and pedicuring; sham- pooing. Phone Winn. 2106. 15LTN34-2tp SITUATION WANTED -- DESIGNER makes exclusive gowns in your home; remodeling; charge by gown; take 3 meals. Phone Univ. 1379. 15TN11-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- 2 GERMAN girls wish position together in priv- ate home as cook and second girl; experienced. Phone Univ. 2255. 15TN11-1tp SITUATION WANTED--EXFPERIENC- ed colored dress maker desires posi- tion as residential seamstress or sew- ing by day. Phone Glencoe 758 or Kenwood 4505. 15LTN384-1tp SITUATION WTD.--LAUNDRESS DE- sires work at home; finished, rough dry; wet wash; will call for and de- liver. Phone Wil. 1351. 15LTN24-tfc CATERING EXPERIENCED WOMAN WILL COOK and serve dinners and lunches. Phone Wil. 1080. 15LT34-1tc SITUATION WANTED -- GIRL WILL take care of baby nights and Sun- days. Phone Winn. 2070 between 7 and 8:30 P. M. 15LTN34-1tp SITUATION WANTED--1 OR 2 LARGE family washings; can call and de- liver same. Phone Rogers Park 5333. 15LTN33-2tp SITUATION WANTED--DAY WORK. Essie Williams. Phone Greenleaf 790 before 7:30 A. M. and after 6 P. M. 15LTN34-1tp J. H. SCHAEFER & CO. 909 Ridge Avenue Phone Wilmette 364 3LTN34-1tc FOR RENT--A COZY 5 RM. APT., 1ST floor; fireplace; H. heat; best neighborhood; nr. trans. 752 Sun- set Rd. Phone Winn. 573-R. 3T5-tfe FOR SALE -- ENGLISH COLONIAL house in Winnetka; six rooms and bath; living room and one bedroom, very large; porch; heated garage; hot water heat; automatic water heater; heat regulator and water control; one block from school and three blocks from station; 65 ft. frontage; wooded lot; built for a home but removal from city puts this desirable property on market. Address Winnetka Talk A-512. 1T3-tfe FOR SALE--GOING ABROAD; WILL sacrifice our newly built tile and brick home; facing lake; 9 rooms; 5 baths; sun room 20x35, marble floor; large sleeping porch; beautiful liv- ing room 20x35 with leaded glass casement windows; H. W. heat: 2 car heated garage. Phone Wil. 1070. 1LTN34-1te FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW HOUSES; 5, 6 and 7 rooms; near lake, golf and transportation; large lots; price $10,000, $16,000 and $21,000. W. Ot- ten, County Line Rd., Glencoe. Phone Highland Park 898-Y3 1LTN26-tfc FOR SALE--AT A BARGAIN; 2 HSES. on one lot; 1-6 rm. stucco house; 3 bedrms.; H. W. heat; other house 3 FOR RENT--MODERN 4 ROOM APT.; near trans.; H. W. heat; also ga- 353 Adams St., Glencoe. 3T11-1te FOR RENT--SMALL KITCHENETTE apt.; married couple or 2 young men; $45. Phone Wil. 935-MX. 3LTN34-1tc FOR RENT--5 ROOMS AND GARAGE; furnace heat; $80. 1410 Hill St. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 883. : 3LTN34-1tp FOR RENT--2 AND 4 RM. MODERN apartments; steam heat; janitor service. Phone Wil. 2399. 3LTN24-tfc FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED 4 rm. Kitchenette apartment; bath; space in garage; near transp. Phone Wilmette 300. 3LTN34-1tc FOR RENT--4 ROOM APARTMENT; well situated. HEckart Bldg. Phone Winn, 843. 3TNI11-te FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE rage. apartment; Nelson Bldg. Phone Wil. 1800. 3LTN34-1tc FOR RENT---5 RM. APT. 1730 WAL- rm. bungalow. Reas. terms. 887| nut Ave. Phone Wil 1797. Ash St, Winnetka.' 1LTN32-tfc 3LTN34-1tc WANTED TO BUY--MODERN 6 OR T|4 FOR RENT--ROOMS rm. hse. in Winn. or Glencoe; good location; state price and full par- ticulars. A. Pratt, 903 Elm St., Win- netka. 1TN11-tfc FOR SALE--150x185 FT.; S .W. COR- ner of Rosewood and Pine St. Will sell separately. Phone Winn. 515-W. 1LTN34-1tc FOR SALE--BRAND NEW 6 ROOM residence in attractive location; $14,000. Phone Winn. 1470. 1LTN34-1tc -- 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE--WINNETKA 680 WALDEN ROAD--4 BLOCKS TO station, modern home, A-1 condition, enamel trim, L. R. 16x27; large liv- ing porch, tiled floor; 1 very large masters chamber with dressing room and 2 other family bedrooms; large bath, shower bath; sleeping porch; double maid's room and bath; 2 car ROOM ABOVE GARAGE IN EX- change for 1 day's or 2 half days' work; single man. W. A. Popp, 526 Laurel Ave. Wilmette. 4LTN34-1tc FOR RENT -- NEWLY FURNISHED rm.; 1 blk. from trans.; next door to restaurant; 2 gentlemen. 556 Cen- ter St. Phone Winn. 1588. : 4T11-1tp FOR RENT -- FURNISHED FRONT room; large closet with window; twin beds; business men preferred; one smaller room; near trans. Phone 'Winn. 898. 4TN11-1tc FOR RENT -- ROOM AND BRKFST. for lady; Summer months; quiet, clean, airy room in new home; 2 in family. Phone Glencoe 114, 4LTN34-1tc FOR RENT--COMFORTABLE ROOM IN garage; 166 ft. frontage. Cheap rent private home; young business man; to good tenant. Phone owner, Main east side; near all trans. Phone 3122 or Winnetka 794. 1LTN34-tfc Wil. 2098. 4LTN34-1tc FOR RENT--GLENCOE, 557 LONG-|{FOR RENT -- 2 FURNISHED ROOMS wood Ave.; very attractive well built 7 room modern 2 story stucco house; 4 bedrooms; 2 baths; sleeping porch overlooking lake; use of large, well kept grounds; bathing beach; ga- rage; prefer small family; rent $200 per mo. Phone Glencoe 210. 2LTN34-1tc with bath on 3rd floor in exchange for help with work evenings. Phone Winn. 2032. 4T11-1tc FOR RENT--ROOMS IN A PRIVATE home convenient to trans.; also ga- rage space. Phone Wil. 738-W. FOR RENT--9 ROOM HOUSE; 2 baths; suitable to be used as 2 apts.; $100 per month. 995 Linden Ave. . Hubbard Woods. Phone Winn. 1066. 2LT34-1tc FOR RENT--ALL OR PART OF A small furnished house; centrally lo- cated; reasonable rent; adults only. Phone Wil. 253. 2LTN34-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ALMOST new 7 rm. colonial; 2 baths; superb condition; only $200 per month. Phone Winn. 254. 2LTN34-1tc FOR RENT--6 RM. HOUSE; CHEAP if taken subject to vacancy in case of sale. 887 Ash St, Winnetka. 2LTN32-tfc 4LT34-1tc FOR RENT -- ROOM; GENTLEMAN preferred; in good location; $4 per week. Phone Wilmette 821-J. 4LT34-1tp FOR RENT -- LARGE FURNISHED rm.; suitable for 2 gentlemen. Phone Winn. 524-M. 4T11-1tc 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--MAID, WHITE, FOR GEN- eral housework; good plain cook; private room and bath; country home near Deerfield, Ill. Good wages; references required. Apply Mrs. Walker, Apt. 715, Orrington Hotel, Evanston, Ill Phone University 8700. 12L'TN34-1tc WANTED--2 SISTERS OR FRIENDS; white; one for upstairs work and help in care of children, 7 and 12 years; one for downstairs work, cook- ing and sewing; must be neat, intel- ligent and willing. Phone Winn. 12TN11-1te WANTED--EXP. CHILDREN'S NURSE for 2 children in Hubbard Woods; must have at least 1 yr.'s training; protestant; give refs. and salary ex- pected. Address Winnetka Talk A-566. 12LTN34-1tc Bonton Shop DRESSMAKING AND REMODELING, Patterns made to order. Best of North Shore references. 24 Prouty Annex, Winn. 2106. 15TN8-tfc WTD.--YOUNG GIRL; ASSIST HOUSE- work for summer in Winnetka. In- quire Landauer, 625 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago, or phone Lincoln 2574. : 12T11-1tc WANTED-- WHITE MAID; GEN. HSE. work; 2 adults; no laundry. $20 per week. 352 Linden Ave., Winn. Phone Winn. 803. 12T11-1te WANTED--GOOD GEN. HSWK. GIRL; exp. necessary; must be good cook; ref. required; good wages. Phone Winn. 1881. 1LTN34-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID; GENERAL hswk.; protestant; 4 in family; no washing. Phone Glencoe 192. 12LTN34-1tc WANTED--GIRL TO DO GEN. HSWK. in protestant family; good home and pleasant surroundings. Phone Winn. 512-W. 12LTN34-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE maid; small house; good wages. Phone Winn. 904. 12TN11-1te WANTED--SECOND MAID; FAMILY of 3 adults; wages $16. Phone Winn. 94. 12T11-1te WANTED--EXP. WHITE MAID; GEN. hswk.; 3 in family; no laundry; ref. req. - Phone Winn. 495. 12T11-1te WTD.--YOUNG GIRL TO HELP WITH housework in afternoon. Phone Wil, 850-M. 12TN11-1te WANTED--GOOD COOK; WHITE; 3 IN family; ref. required. Phone Glencoe § 12LTN34-1tc i . slp. porch; not over $175 per month. August: "1887 Washinton. "sven | Phone Wil. 277s. TLT34-1tc | WANTED--TO TAKE HOME; LAUN- Wilmette. Phone Wil. ©3059 ? ; dry work; wet wash; rough dry; or 2LTN34-1tp 10 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS ironing. Phone Winn. 35% Sy tHe WANTED--FURNISHED ROOM FOR Roh BENT IVE RM. BUNGALOW; chauffeur (German); near or south {SITUATION WANTED -- WASHING; ont Sl WL be $75.00 per| of Tower Road, Winnetka; from June experienced; will call for and de- ' e Winn. :255. 5th to Sept. 15th. Phone Winn. 121} liver. Phone Glencoe 1155. 2T11-2tp| after 6. P. M. 10T11-1tc |) 15TN11-1te 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 11 HELP WANTED---MALE SITUATION WANTED -- WORK BY the day. Phone Winn. 2288. a i TR BEA Coo. a Re 4 ROOM MODERN ; | Apply JAMES . a -- Hot Water Heat, a An AE ENY Hubbard Woods school, Chatfield Rd. |SITUATION WANTED -- GARDEN Bath. In Glenview, 1 Blk. from and Burr. 11TN-1te work and yards; by day or hour. Transportation, $35.00 per month. Phone Glencoe 314-J. 15TN11-1tp SITUATION WANTED--BY COMPE- tent maid and cook. Phone Glencoe 23. 15TN11-1tp FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- terations call Miss Carlsten, Winn. 2213. 15TN10-tfe SITUATION WANTED--EXP. COOK; references. Phone University 5711. 15LTN34-1tc SITUATION WANTED--PLAIN SEW- Phone Glencoe 183. ing by the day. rd 15LTN34-1te 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--BY COUPLE; chauffeur and gardener; cook; No. Shore references. John Smitherman, 1154 Central Ave., Wilmette. 16LTN34-1tp WANTED TO BUY--LIGHT WEIGHT canoe. G. B. Massey, Jr. Phone Winn, 2122, 19TN11-1te WANTED--PONY PHAETON; MUST be reasonable. Phone Glencoe 377. 19LTN34-1tc 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES Used Cars--All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 20LTN24-tfe FOR SALE--MILBURN ELECTRIC; needs painting, otherwise in splendid condition; batteries practically new, $375. 630 Central Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wilmette 417. 20T11-1te FOR SALE--$225; MAXWELL BUSI- ness coupe; 1921 model; excellent gondition: After 6 P. M. phone Winn. FOR SALE -- 1924 FLINT SEDAN. Skokie Motor Co., 712 Elm St, Win- netka. 20LTN34-1tc FOR SALE--STUTZ CAR IN A-1 CON- dition; inquire Richardson garage, Winnetka. 20LTN34-1tp FOR SALE -- HAYNES CAR; GOOD condition. Phone Wilmette 775-M. 20LTN34-1tp FOR eSALE--4-DOOR FORD SEDAN; 1924 model. Phone Winn. 859. 20T11-1tc 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--BUICK D44 1917 ROAD- ster; also porch swing; wicker chair; extra large leather upholstered ma- hogany rocker; small upholstered rocker; 2 baby carriages. Phone Winn. 1638 for appointment. 21T11-1te FOR SALE NEW WARDROBE trunk, $22.50; 3 piece chaise lounge, $20; lady's cape, cost $95, bargain at $15; genuine Navajo robe, $15. Call Saturday, 1040 Pine St, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 752. 21LTN34-1tec FOR SALE--LARGE, STURDY PER- ennials from 10 to 25¢ per clump; also blooming pansies, 40c per doz.; Pinks and Sweet William plants, 25c per doz. 424 Prairie Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2227, 21LT33-3tc FOR SALE--GREYHOUND; MALE; 10 months old; faun color; Sire, Ch. Nevada, Wild Bill stock; Dam, Oak- land stock. C. M. Stokes, 724-12th St., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 907-J. 21LTN34-1tp FOR SALE--A FEW SELECT CAN- aries; wonderful singers; would make an attractive addition to any sun parlor. Phone Winn. 263. 21LTN34-1tc FOR SALE--EGGS; FROM tion stock; S. C. W. Leghorns; fer- tility guaranteed. Phone Wil. 708-M. 21LTN34-1tec FOR SALE--VICTOR ADDING AND calculating machine; good as new; half price. Phone Winn. 1949, 21LTN34-1tp BICYCLES; 1 FOR SALE--2 GIRLS' small size and 1 large size. Both bargains. Phone Winn. 264. 21TN11-1tp 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- ELECTRIC COOKER, gift, tag never off, half price; chair, $4; gas range, $8; baby stroller, $2; electric grill, $3; Morris chair, $8; curtain stretchers, $1; ash sifter, $1.50; electric stove, $4; wringer, $2. Phone Wil. 1615. 17LTN34-1tc FOR SALE -- LYON & HEALY UP- right piano; excellent condition, $250; Scholle overstuffed tapestry daven- port, $65; walnut high-boy dressing table; double brass bed. Phone Winn. 1999. 17LTN34-1tc FOR SALE--BABY'S BED AND MAT- tress; bassinet on wheels; go cart; child's toilet seat. Phone Winn. 670-W. 21T11-1te FOR SALE--MANURE. PHONE GLEN- coe 220. Largest dealer on the North Shore. 21TN4-tfe FOR SALE--BABY BUGGY AND A stroller; very reasonable. Phone Winn. 1468. 21TN11-1te FOR SALE--FRESH EGGS FROM sanitary fed chickens. 352 Linden Ave., Winn. 21T11-1te Rr - FOR SALE--ANTIQUE FURNITURE in 12 room house; Glass; Pewter; Books; Godey Prints; Hooked rugs, ete. 808 Washington St, Evanston, Ill. Phone University 2509-M. 17LTN34-4tc FOR SALE--VERY OLD AND TUN- usual slant top cherry desk; also old round cherry extension dining table. Phone Winn. 462. 17TN11-1te FOR SALE--AUSTRIAN CHINA DIN- ner set; 46 pieces; $8; stone jars; gas stove; dining table; chairs; other things. Phone Winn. 234. 17LTN34-1tc FOR SALE -- LARGE, MAHOGANY, liv. rm. table; also 4 white book- cases; very reasonable. Phone Winn. +856. 17TLTN34-1tc FOR SALE -- SOLID OAK DINING facta set; good as new; 54 inch able. Phone Winn. 2361. i 17LTN34-1tc FOR SALE -- GENUINE LIMBERT'S Arteraft dining room suite; other furniture; also girl's bicycle. Phone 'Winn. 553. 17TN11-1te FOR SALE--BRASS BED; BOOKCASE; oat sprouter; fence posts, reasonable. Phone Wil. 2627. 21LTN34-1tc 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST--BAR PIN; DIAMOND CENTER; platinum top; green gold bottom; be- tween Park Ave. Glencoe and Win- netka. Reward. Phone Winn. 2110. 24TN11-1te LOST--DOG, CURLY BROWN SHEP- herd; male; reward for information. E. H. Yonkers, 911 Sheridan RAJ, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 353. 24TN11-1tp LOST--DUOFOLD FOUNTAIN PEN .marked Jean Forrest. Return to 485 Willow St. Phone Winn. 1163. ° 24T11-1tp LOST -- ON THE BEACH, NEAR Waterworks, eyeglasses, dark shell rims. Phone Winn. 1515. 24LTN34-1te LOST--CAMEO PIN SAT. MORNING. Reward. 860 Summit St. Phone Winn. 213. 24T11-1tp 26 GARDENING FOR SALE--THOR ELECTRIC IRON- LANDSCAPE GARDENING, HAULING 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED WINDOW washing; wall cleaning; painting; calcimining; whitewashing base- ment; odd jobs. Phone Wilmette 1971. 14LT34-1te SITUATION WANTED--EKP. HOUSE- man and butler; good references. Phone Greenleaf 790 before 7:30 A.M. and after 6 P. M. 14LTN34-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED RM.; NR. trans.; kitchen privileges if desired. Phone Glencoe 642. 4LTN34-1tc SITUATION WANTED--HSE. WORK; or garden work by hour. Address Winnetka Talk A-567. 14T11-1te $10. Phone iron bed and springs, 17LT34-1te Wil. 974-W. 18 WANTED HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTN24-tfc N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 18LTN19-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED RM.; GEN- tleman preferred. 928 Linden Ave. Winn, 4T11-1tp SITUATION WANTED--HOUSECLEAN- ing; floor waxing; window washing. Phone University 8517. 14TN11-1tp FOR RENT--3 ROOMS AT 338 ADAMS St., Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 885. 4TN11-1te SITUATION WANTED -- GENERAL hse. work and gardening. Phone Victory 5513. 14LT34-1tc 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash Street. New Store, 1500 Willow Rd. 19LTNS8-tfe 'TED -- AND ing machine. Price reasonable.| plack dirt. Phone Glencoe 885. 13 JAELP A TID ALE AND . Phone Winn. 2278. 17TN11-1tc 26LTN28-tfc NTED-- ERER TO|FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY PIANO; |27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE hg Bog BN La Ta man OF dining room and bed room furniture. - = woman; by day or week. Phone( Phone Glencoe 659. 17TNIL-1te | Wilmette Unholstering Co. CL ISLIN34 1 | FOR SALE FULL SIZED WHITE ATTENTION! FIRST CLASS UPHOLSTERING DONE at your home or at my shop. Prices reasonable; work guaranteed. 607 Main St., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 296. 27TLTN32-Tte UPHOLSTERING AND CABINET WORK ANTIQUE FURNITURE REFINISHED and polished; mattress making and renovating; antique furniture for sale. Jim MaLoney, 903 Linden Ave. near North Ave. Phone Winn. 942, 27LTN31-3te NO. SHORE WINDOW AND HOUSE Cleaning Co. Yes, we have men for anything that is to be done around the house. Place your order now. Prompt service. 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. 27T6-tfe MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 24 20LTN34-1tc EXHIBI- } 3 Fd ati 5 Lal a Na OP Nd a a 4

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