Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 13 Jun 1925, p. 19

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 13 1925 19 WANT A HOME. 5 TRY OUR WA T ADS 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS \ FOR RENT--A COZY 5 RM. APT. 1ST CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS floor; fireplace; h. w. heat: best neighborhood; nr. trans. 752 Sun- rl i _ u d 1 set Rd. Phone Winn. 573-R. TE assified advertisements wi e charged only -tfe General Notices-- ~ to residents of the district from Evanston to v Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or FOR: RENT--3 RM. APT.; FURNACE who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA heat; $25 per month. 1814 Elmwood TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. avenues, Wilmette. Phong Keni). : 016. B -1tp Rat 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three X €S--papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50c. Average of five words to ||| FOR RENT--2 AND 4 RM. MODERN the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. apartments; Steam pase janitor Classified advertisements will be ac- service. . Phone 2393, Pa Deadline for Insertions-- cepted up Sony sanesaaY ne Delo fog i 3LTN24-tfe the WILMETTE or all three papers; Thursday o'cloc or the =~ oil >. 3 WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. [||FOR RENT-MODERN 4 ROOM APT: { Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 353 Adams St. Glencoe. 3T14-1tc . FOR RENT--2 RM. APT. WITH KIT- x chenette; bath and porch. Phone 1 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Wil. _935-MX. 3LTN37-1tc WINNETKA--FOR QUICK SALE Aw cIUBBARD WOODY ws 2 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS : BOARD; 4 BE 2 - a 5 7 RM. SOLID BR. IN S. E. WINNET-| baths; 1 yr. old; on wooded lot 50x |FOR RENT --2 VERY COMFORTABLE ka; h. w. heat with oil burner; large,| 160; a real buy at $17,000. Phone| Ims.; 1 with twin beds; suitable for well landsc. yard; owner has changed| Winn. 1226. 1LTN37-1tc| ¢ouble who are employed and busi- business. Cash will make change ness men. Phone Winn. 898. in price. FOR SALE -- HOUSE ON CREEN: 4LTN37-1tc wood avenue; stucco; 8 rms.; slpg vy 7 RM. HOME FOR SALE, TRADE OR| pch.; 75 ft. lot; 2 car gar. Phone|FOR RENT--2 FURNISHED WITH will rent; well blt; 2 yrs. old;| Wil. 685. ILYN3?-Tte |' "Dath op SR A; Wap lelp with work shgle.; adjoining business sec.; a n evenings as payment. Phone nice house and investment at one FOR SALE HOUSE I VILMETIE, Winn. 2032. 4TN14-1tc ti . Sell t $16,500 will rent or for rent a per mon at $135. Tio Ein ne in Win- Address Wilmette Life 582. FOR RENT--LARGE ROOM ON 3 FL; ' netka in trade 1LTN37-1tp priv. bath; in priv. house; suitable * 30 2; space for car. TI Ek IE S I R Il C LAKE FOREST BARGAIN; LOT 100x . 4 -1te 347 ft. with ravine; on Sheridan dmb tu ts €a. ty © road. Phone Wil. 2166. 1LTN37-1tp FOR RENT--LARGE BEDRM.; BATH; 3 10 Carlton Annex Winn. 1800 kitchen and dining rm. privileges 1LTN37-1tc | FOR SALE--WILMETTE, EAST SIDE; to right party. Phone Winn. 1189. Fa brick eal; 2 car brick garage. 4LTN37-1tc . 4480-M. - Vacant ny ds30M J Nso SY CENTRAL HOTEL_LIGHT, OUTSIDE 3 -- a rooms; for transients and residents. ; "HERE IT 1S" : yon BENT OUSES 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. 4 - NICELY WOODED RAVINE LOT 157x| FURNISHED HOUSE--WINNETKA Tis-dtc 121 ft.; 2 homesites; east side; 2|680 WALDEN ROAD--4 BLOCKS TO|ROR RENT--TWO RMS. WITH BATH: blks. Braeside stations; 3 blks. lake;| station, modern home, A-1 condition,|" single or double; private home.: L located in Ravinia; $65 ft. Owner| enamel trim, L. R. 16x7; large liv-| breakfast. Phone Glencoe 805. i' wants $5,000 cash; balance easy ing porch, tiled floor; 1 very large 4LTN37-1tp terms. Must sell. Owner wants of- masters chamber with dressing room fer. LOOK where you may, you will and 2 other family bedrooms; large| FOR RENT--COMFORTABLE FUR- fine nothing like this bargain. bath, shower bath; E.E.StultsRealtyCo. garage; 166 ft. frontage. to good tenant. sleeping porch; double maid's room and bath; 2 car Cheap rent Phone owner, Main nished room; conv. to transp. Phone Winn. 1769. 4T13-1te FOR RENT--3 ROOMS AT 338 ADAMS 3122 or Winnetka 794. 2LTN34- t., Glencoe. . 10 Carlton Annex Winn. 1800 ig $ Phone Glencoe Nan: ttc 1LTN37-1tc ] FOR RENT--IDEAL FOR HONEY- a -- mon; month of July, furnished sev-| FOR RENT--LGE. LIGHT FURN. RM KENILWORTH $p-zoom ack home; peeutifully Phone iL 1723. 4LTN37-1tc FOR SALE BY OWNER--BEAUTIFUL- L Noe INE | R00 ed SOPs Or Fasox UH Us electrical, including refrigerator, | 5 oT I RENT--STORES AND / stove, washer, dryer, . ironer, etc.; FFICES ; Oxford road; triangular in shape,| garage, side entrance driveway: . with 220 feet on Essex ave. and 287| Nippon china, solid silver: linens. feet on Oxford road; plans now com-| piano, radio. Four blks. from rail. pleted for a beautiful Colonial home| road station. Wooten, Main 5100 or HUBBARD WOODS on this property, or will build to| Winnetka 1777. 2T14-1te STORE TO RENT suit buyer. Price, $14,000. Phone = ST TR ET NE SA woos arr y - Prison 36-2tc SUMMER COTTAGE Wide concrete pavement and gh power street system where Z HIGHLAND PARK At Linden Hills on Michigan business will increase rapidly. FOR SALE BY OWNER--CORNER OF shore; 6 hrs. drive from Chicago; Store is 22x30 ft. Excellent op- Ravine Drive and Hawthorne Lane; beau. beach; running water, portunity for retail shoe store beautifully wooded lot in most se- toilet and bath; very attractive. and shoe repair shop. The lect district in Highland Park; 190 $100 for July. Phone Winn. 690. only shoe store in that locality. feet on Ravine Drive and 120 feet 2T14-1te Suitable also for any one of on Hawthorne Lane; plans completed a dozen other retail lines. . _ for an ideal home on this property, Rent $50 per month. Call on ; or will build to suit buyer. Suitable| por RENT -- BRICK, 7 RMS.; 2 phone or see Philip Baumann for two homes. Price, $16,000. Phone baths: ex. lav.; laundry; oil heat & Son, 652 Vernon Ave. Glen- Winnetka 2419, Winnetka 1696, or steam; sun pch.; slp. pch.; attic hrd. coe. Phone Glen. 164 or H. H. Harrison 3993. 1LTN36-2tc| wd. finish; Irge. lot; trees; shrubbe- Brown, Wilmette 218. 4 ys 2 oar gar; $160 DoF no, begin, 5LTN37-1tc d ct. 1; long lease i esired; mus For Sale by Owner rent JRE Week, Unsual rent bargain. SOUTH GLENCOE; 3 YR. OLD WHITE / er ernon avenue. |= col. 8 rm. house; 2 baths; 1 lav.:| Phone Glencoe 206. 2LTN37-1tc{ FOR RENT WINNETKA STORE. 563 Lincoln avenue. Ayres Boal, 122 So. tiled sun rm.; canvassed and panelled Michigan avenue, Chicago. ] walls; best fixtures; excell. cond.;| FOR RENT--NORTH EVANSTON; 2 lot 75x236; beau. oaks and ever- aEhTRoLively furnished $rtooin Rouse 5T13-3te greens; close to trans. and H. W. wit car garage; June 26-Sept. 12; 5 x school; vapor heat. $28,000; terms. Rust pave refs. ; SLs0 per month, VE hd FOR RENT--GARAGES 141 Euclid ave. Phone Winn. 1792. . aningan, 817 Hartze st. | y = » OR RENT--GARAGE AX 458 SUN- \ 1LTN37-1tp Phone Univ. 1504. 2LT37-1tp set Road, Winnetka; $10 per month, FOR RENT--JUNE 19-SEPT. 1; FURN Call Lee Walker, Randolph 2442, For Sale in Northbrook ished house; 6 rms.; 1 blk. e. main 6T14-2tc BA now; Bric oar Be aw geben Adivesy Up M57 Sor | FOR RENT. Z GARAGES: ONS Dow: : . H y x . ru . e, ; " 0. 989 bath; "fireplace; 'arched opening: Phone Glencoe 165. ITN1-1tel Qi BY ne Wing. 502-7. pruse clothes chute; sun rm.; Ige. pch. off | pop RENT -- FURNISHED HOUSE 6T14-tfc din. rm. Price $11,000. $2500 cash. for 3 months begining about June|= - WYATT & COONS 20; 7 rms.; 4 bedrms.; slpg. porch, DE a DOU OR as _ Northbrook 104 TLINAY-1to|« Juparior and oper porch goresned li ote Winn. 2000. 6T14-1tc SYNDICATE OF NORTH SHORE PEO-|{ FOR RENT--FURNISHED HSE. FOR | FOR RENT--GARAGE AT 576 HAW- ple now being formed to purchase| summer months; $200 a month; 5 Phone Winn. 2414, 6T14-1te thorn Lane THE VOICE WITH A SMILE is exemplified by Telephone Operators Because they are happy and well Paid Vacations with Pay Pleasant surroundings A liberal benefit plan We Need Operators Now Call in person and talk it over with the chief operator Day or Evenings [llinois Bell Telephone Co. 12LTN37-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE 14 SITUATION WANTED EXP. MAN wishes to work out doors as gar- dener; steady job or by hour; can drive car. Phone Winn. 1492. 14T14-1tp SITUATION WANTED CLEANING and decorating by the day. George W. Dabney. Phone Univ. 3308-M. 14LTN37-1tp SIT. WANTED--SUMMER WORK IN afternoon for high school boy; mow- ing lawn, light garden work, ete. Phone Wil. 953-J after 6 P. M. 14T14-1tp 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE French native teacher gives private lessons and forms classes for adults and children. For in- formation call Wilmette 763-M. 15LTN37-tfp SITUATION WANTED -- RELIABLE col. maid; in adult family; suburb or summer resort; good plain cook- ing; no objection to some laundry; willing and obliging; city refs. Ad- dress Lillian Somerville, 3440 In- diana ave., Chicago. 15LT37-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- AMERICAN dressmaker specializes in working for young married ladies and girls; also understands making all Kinds of window curtains and drapes. Best Winn. refs. P...0.. . Boxi. 11% Evanston, Ill 15T14-1tp BONTON SHOP DRESSMAKING AND REMODELING, patterns made to order. Best of North Shore references. 24 Frouty Annex, Winn. 2106. 15TNS8-tfe SITUATION WTD.--LAUNDRESS DE- sires work at home; finished, rough dry; wet wash; will call for and de- liver. Phone Wil. 1351. 15LTN24-tfe SITUATION WTD.--YOUNG GOVERN- ess, 6 yrs, exp. wants to take care of 1 or 2 children, can be babies. Phone Univ. 934. 15LTN37-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- CHRISTIAN Science nurse desires opening on the north shore for the summer. Phone Kenil. 918-J. 15LTN37-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- CATERING; week's cleaning; will do other house- work by day or hour. Phone Wil- mette 1080. 15LT37-1te SITUATION WTD. -- YOUNG COL. woman wants position as gen. maid or cook; good refs. Phone Glen. 73. 15TN14-1te WANTED -- LAUNDRY WORK TO take home; wet wash; rough dry; or ironing. Phone Winn. 859. 15TN14-1te SITUATION WANTED -- WORK BY the day. Phone Winn. 2288. 15TN10-tfe FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND jgrations call Miss Carlsteng Tall 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED -- DEPENDABLE WOMAN or high school girl to stay with 2 children Mon.,, Wed. and Fri. after- noons . Call Mrs. John Ritchie, 565 Arbor Vitae rd. Phone Winn. 1579. SITUATION WANTED -- MAN AND wife; as butler, chauffeur, gen. houseman and cook; exp.; best of refs. Phone Atlantic 0095. 16L.TN37-1t WANTED--BRIGHT GIRL TO TAKE care of boy of 4; go home nights. 1357 Asbury ave. Phone Winn. 1825. 12LTN37-1te WANTED--HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO assist with work in smail family; to go home nights. Phone Glencoe 1058. 12LTN37-1te 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--3-FCE. MAH. UPHOL- stered parlor suite; settee, rocker and chair; Simmon's bed, box spring and mattress; small light oak dress- er;, pedestal; baby bug all very reas. Phone Wilmette oar Tne 1tp WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE FOR SALE--FOR_ SALE--UPRIGHT charge of 2 young children from piano and bench; in good cond.; 7:30 A. M. to 12 M. Phone Winn. dark oak case; very reas. Phone 847. 12LTN37-1tc Winn. 1803. 17TLTN37-1tc WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE |FOR RENT--GAS RANGE, RIGHT maid; gen. hswk.; no laundry; small hand oven; splendid baker; $20; house; good wages Phone Winn. sideboard, $10. Fhone Wilmette 9 12TN14-1tc 701-R. 17LT-1tp yory choice acreage property west bedrms.; 3 baths; sun porch; garage; WANTED -- COMPETENT HIGH of Indian Hill Golf club. If you nr. station. Phone Mrs. Paul Starr, |, HELP WANTE MAL school girl for mother's helper for want a future homesite and a good Winn. 1765. 2LTN28-tfe = ANTED--MALE summer months. Phone Winn. 1205. Hrrestment, Jira pay You to in- SALESMEN 12LTN37-1te gostisate. Ca r. Dodds at our| por RENT -- SMALL FURNISHED : y MI Pe enn, ipaan & Tyson. |" house, screened porches; for thel fobality who know a Neal Estate | WANTED--NEAT, RELIABLE oI # ' ' {LTN37-1te summer months; good location, rea- opportunity when they see it, Io Ten, a i, RET no sonable rent. Phone Winn. 1755. and want to make some real gary. one mR. ST TNST- 12 FOR S SALE 2TS-tfe honey Ris summer. The fant e 4 7 TRAN - Q es selling property on the WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN FOR RENT--FURNISHED 5 RM. HSE.:| North Shore.) Bvery coopera. NTED--WHITE MAITI R GEN. BEST PIECE OF PROP-| screened peh.; very desirable. 320 tion given, part time or full hee, Wotks 3 i familys Ne washing; Richmond rd. Phone Kenil. 1854 or time. For appointment call Ard- rers One: Winn-t (ug, ; erty on Elm Street. Nel-| Ravenswood 2759. 2LTN37-1tc more 3020, Mr. Gruenberg 12TN14-1te son Bros.. 806 Elm St FOR RENT_FURNISHED HOUSE; 1 1TLINST-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. id 4 1714 1 blk. E. main station, Glencoe; for WANTED--HOUSEMAN AND GAR- hswk.; no washing; good wages. -1tc summer months. Refs. requested. dener on north shore; white; must Phone Qien. 1142 12TN14-1tc OPEN FOR INSPEC. SAT & SUN. Phone Glent- 1165. 2LTN36-2tc| know how to drive car; furnish |\WANTED EXP. GEN. HSWK. GIRL, 490 Hazel Ave. Glencoe - - hest refs.; wages $100 per mo. with refs.:: 8 in family. Phone Chris- I will sacrifice my almost new 7-rm,| FOR RENT--FURNISHED 7 RM. HSE. fine rm. and board. Phone Kenil.| topher," Winn. 1296. 12T14-1t stucco with sun and sleep. pchs.; p) iE Aer hi 2 ay ha Aug Rear 2742 any time Monday. pl p A 2 " -1te ~~ ' ew Trier high schoo one en- T14-1tc A I ti OC Anat WANTED CONTRTENT NATD OR at $3,000 below cost; or trade for WANTED--EXPERIENCED GARDEN-|. Yvinn, 369. © 12TN14-1t fHcome. 'producin ronerty FOR RENT--5 RM. BUNGALOW; GA- ner who will take care of porches, 2 lk ite p g; proper YiTN14-1te| Tae: screened porch; nice yard;| etc; to live on place. Phone Winn WANTED -- WOMAN FOR GENL foe Lpses. 1010 Ash st. Fir 84. - 11LTN37-1tc| * hswk.; mornings only. Phone inn. FOR SALE--KENILWORTH'S MOST po. 31 LTTE sewace 1665. 12TN14-1té Stacoor d mer 8 baths: 3 oar #or| FOR RENT--12 RM. HOUSE ON - WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN ISL SER160. Worms: og ontyres Doon lake, Winnetka; pch.; slpg. pch.;| SALESWOMAN -- TO MAKE GOOD honk aor doundry.. Uh Winn, Blo. co]. Per Sad Sherid | Peach. Phone M. Ferry, Winn. 1000. money selling Peter Pauw Candy--| 7 ¥. on ora an. Bs Heoers Tong ton or vgs an 2T14-1tc he highest grade chocolates ade. i ~i5e : 1 " w Se-- e want an exclusive agent in n- J Broker. ITN Iw FOR oF ENT--FURN. COTTAGE IN| netka to sell direct to consumer. If ND na Et OR GEN, stes Park, Colo.; all modern conv. ntereste in earnin exceptional K POR PS ALE--ANTIQUE TUBNITURE If interested call Wilmette 1643. money easily, call AD foepuiona 12TN14-1te Rooks: Godey Prints; Hooked rugs, | Zr steel Soin Pony: Candy Co, 748 122 Sol WANTED WHITE MAID: 2 ADULTE: etc. 808 Washington St, Evanston, | pOR RENT--8 RM. AND SUN PCH.; g i. 80. 12T14-1te| ™M© laundry; refs. Phone Winn. 803. Nl. Phone University 2500-W. gar.; h. w. heat; near trans. Phone a 12TN14-1tc 17LTN34-4te Wir 730-J. 2LTN37-1tc | WANTED--SEVERAL REFINED LA- FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW HOUSES; 5. 6 and 7 rooms; near lake, golf and 995 Linden avenue, FOR RENT--HOUSE WITH 2 FLATS. Hubbard Woods. dies to take orders in north shore towns for the well-known Detroit- Princess line of women's, misses' and transportation; large lots: price Phone Winn. 128. 2TN14-1tc children's wash dresses. Dignified §15.000 2nd S21.000. Ww. Osten, _- Ih Soa income, Full or yv re encoe, 3 ely ANT-- par me all or write mgr, Rm. Highland Park 898-Y3 1L/N26-tfe|3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 812, 30 No. Dearborn, Chicago, - - 12LTN37-1t FOR SALE--OWNER WILL SACRI- Thur-1D fice for quick sale 7 rm. hse.; sun FOR RENT WANTED -- YOUNG WHITE GIRL; porch; 2 baths; modern; newly dec- light hswk.: no washing; small fam- arated; immediate possession. 879 4-room apartment; hot water; ilv of adults; good home; exp. not Willow st, Winnetka. steam heat; in good location; 'necessary, refs. 423 Central ave. 1LTN37-1tp $75 per month. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2833. ECKART HARDWARE CO. 12T14-1te LEAVING TOWN, BARGAIN; NEW 735 Elm St.,, Winnetka cor house; 7 rms.; 2 baths; slpg.; Fhone Winnetka 843 or 844 WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. sun and brkfst. pchs.; 2 car gar.; 3LTN37-1tc hswk.; cooking and downstairs work priv. drive. $30,000. Immed. poss. only: no laundry: 4 in family; new Phone Kenil. 648. 1LTN37-1te FOR RENT--GLENGLABLES 2 AND 3 house eauipned with everv conveni- ence; $20. Phone Winn. 1561. 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND oh 4 SALESMEN AND WOMEN LIVING IN NORTH SHORE TOWNS to work full Fe part time selling George F. Nixon & Company proper- tv on the beautiful high ridge just west of the present North Shore towns and on the new extension of the North Shore Rapid Transit line. Assistance given in closing and car furnished to property. See J. H. Johansen, Sales Manager. Room 351, 4554 Broadway. 13LTN37-1tc WANTED--EXP., WHITE COUPLE; wife must be good cook: man as houseman and gardener. Must have good city refs. Phone Winn. 1669. 13T14-1tc 14 STTTUATION WANTED--WALR SITUATION WANTED--CHAUFFEUR; exp.; refs.: willing to do other work. Address Winnetka Talk A-586. FOR SALE--REFRIGERATOR: CAPA- city 100 1b.; practically new; $15. Phone Wil. 1655. 17LTN37-1te FOR SALE -- LLOYD BABY CAR- riage; #0 90; good condition. Phone Wil. 17TLTN37-1te FOR SALE -- NAPANEE KITCHEN Phone Wil. 1910. 17LTN37-1te FOR SALE--BRUSSELS RUG. 9x12. Phone Winn. 1022, FL Tnat 1te FOR SALE--ICE BOX; 75 LB. CAPA- citv. 962 Pine St. 17T14-1tp 1S WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTN24-tfc N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple cabinet; 40 inches. Ave.,, Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. vl 18LTN19-tfe 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, nianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash Street. New Store, 1500 Willow Rd. 19LT8-tfe HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED AT Winnetka Shoe Shining Parlor. 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. 19TN1 i-1te 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES Used Cars 1923 CHANDLER SPORT 7 PASSEN- ger sedan; reconditioned and re- painted: excelient condition through- out; $950 1924 Moon touring; like new; $950. We recommend the pur- chase of either of these cars on the basis of good value and fatlsinctory service. Wersted Motor Co. Winn. 165. 2OTTNST Sto Used Cars--AIll Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 20LTN24-tfe WINNETKA--FOR QUICK SALE rm. apts.; each with bath and Kkit- 12LTN37-1te 6 RM. STUCCO; S. E. WINNETKA: 1 chenette; for summer months; tea- % yrs'. old; sun rm. and brkfst. room adjacent; ideal for summer WANTED--COMPETENT MAID FOR nook; gar.; $15,000. 565 Elder Lane. rents; occupancy June 23. Phone general housework; refs. rea. Phone Phone Winn. 1226. 1LTN37-1te Glen. 319-M. 3TN13-2tc Wil. 585. 12LTN37-1tc 14T14-1tp

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