WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1925 SPOILED! Driving a Chrysler Six actually spoils a man. He is not satisfied driving any other car. The following North Shore owners, not content with any other car, drive two or more Chrysler Sixes: The Mercer family, Glencoe The Phalen family, Evanston H. G. Rice, Evanston N. C. Flint, Evanston C. A. Rich, Evanston John Burnham, Evanston Dr. H. F. Horan, Evanston Guy Youngman, Wilmette Frank Whiting, Glencoe L. L. Buchanan, Winnetka * RR I {eT Te EAT a Evanston Motor Sales W. D. Reagan, Mgr. 1017 Davis Street CHRYSLER Phone Univ. 2277 JUNE IS ROSENBERG'S MONTH IN EVANSTON 'S | Rosenb erg The North Shore's Greatest Store Miss Helen G. sketched in one of our Jantzen Swimming Suits at the Wilmette Beach last Sun- day. Je RET LLL Mermaids, Attention! Are you a true mermaid, romping gleefully with the rollicking, boisterous surf? Or do you like to sit upon the sands? In either case, we've news of importance to you. Come into the stoxe and let us show you the trim, beautifully woven Jersey suits, brightly colored or smartly black. Take your dip a la Rosenbergs. 32.95 to $6.95 THE VOGUE OF CRETONNE North Shore like wildfire--Cretonne for for beach capes, for beach pajamas, for Choose the most vivid pattern--you'll be in Prices begin at 49¢ a yard. Draperies--Third Floor Is sweeping the dresses, for ensemble, children's rompers. fashion. Bathing Suit Section on the FIRST FLOOR A complete section devoted to swimming suits for every member of the family, as well as, all beach accessories. Swimming makes Healthy Youngsters No sports will physically develop a child more than swimming. Our suits are woven of warm worsteds and will stand the strain of waves and sand. $2.95--$4.50 Men's Jantzen Suits $6.50 The very finest made. One-piece style in plain colors with bright contrasting skirt stripes. Truly, suits made to swim in. Men's Two-Piece Suits Very popular on every beach. Trunks of dark blue flannel. Shirts of worsted in white or striped pat- terns. Shirts Trunks 32.50 32.50 Bathing Suit Section, First Floor War. Winnetka. RS. DAVID S Morrison, formerly of Winnetka, day has not been announced. On Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Thompson of Oakwood circle, Wilmette, entertained the members of their daughter's bridal party at dinner at the Edgewater Beach hotel. Their guests on this occasion were Mrs. Norman Weyl, Miss Elizabeth Kerr, Elizabeth Munro, Miss Betsey Shapker, Miss Nelle Brown, Miss Frances Brown, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wisdom, Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Adkins, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mathews, Alien Bulley, John Keith, Alfred Mc- Dougal, Tack Taylor, Robert Ely, Rus- sell Thompson and Miss Helen Thomp- son and her fiance. The wedding will take place tomorrow. --Q-- The Wednesday golf days at Indian Hill have been greeted with enthusiasm by members this year, as usual, and this season the remodeled and redeco- rated clubhouse has proved an added attraction. Next week the match will be 18 holes of medal play with handicap. On Wed- nesday, June 10, Mrs. T. K. Webster won the first prize, with Mrs. Henry Stanton, the second, and this past week the honors went to Mrs. Fletcher Marsh and Mrs. Horace Armstrong as winners of the first prize, with Mrs. Paul Noyes and Mrs. Robert Ripley carrying off the second award. Ont Miss Marion Fulton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank David Fulton of 884 Hill road, who attends Syracuse uni- verty, is awaiting her father and mother, her brother Edmund, and her sister, Helen, who left Friday to motor east to meet her. From Syracuse they will motor to Poughkeepsie to attend the races, and will then tour the east- ern cities for a number of weeks. They expect to pass the late summer in their home here. ---- One of the most delightfully interest- ing and instructive meetings of the Winneka Garden club was held Tues- day afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Willoughby Walling of Private road. Mrs. John Hardin presided as presi- dent in the absence of Mrs. William P. Sidley, who is ill. Mrs. Walter Brewster of Lake Forest delighted her audience with her talk on her trip to Holland and the Dutch tulip beds, in- ternationally famous. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Arlan W. Converse, 396 Hawthorne lane, and their chil- dren left Winnetka for the East last week, to sail from New York to pass the summer abroad. After visiting France and England, and spending some time in Scotland, they will re- turn by way of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Browne of La Grange, have rented the Converse home for the sea- son. --Q-- Announcement was made in New York, June 11, of the marriage of Miss Alice B. Crystal of that city, and Robert M. Felsenthal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli B. Felsenthal of Hubbard Woods. Upon returning from their brief wedding trip in the Fast, Mr. and Mrs. Felsenthal will reside for a time at the residence of the bridegroom's parents. --_--Q-- Announcement cards have just been received by many Winnetka friends of the marriage of Eric Delamarter, form- erly ,of Ash street, to Mrs. Alice Youngmain, on Tune 10, at the resi- dence of the bride's sister, Mrs. Ruth Silliman of Colorado Springs. Mr. Delamarter is assistant conductor of the Chicago Symphony orchestra. Charles B. Klotz, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Klotz, 722 Prospect avenue, has graduated from the Morristown school at Morristown, N. J., and will arrive home Sunday, after completing his college board examinations. He had the good fortune of winning the tennis championship played at the school last week. --_--O-- Miss Lorraine Thoms, 863 Lincoln avenue, returned from the University of Wisconsin Thursday of this week. IN SOC Winnetka Girl to Marry Resident of France R. AND MRS. EDGAR STANTON, of 30 Locust road, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Nichols, to Monsieur Robert Dupeyre of Grenoble, France, son of the late Gen. Charles Dupeyre who was killed early in the World Miss Harriet Monsieur Grenoble is a graduate of the University of Grenoble, one of the oldest universities in Europe. Winnetka Girl on List of Future Brides R. AND MRS. R. S. CHILDS, of 906 Oak street, Winnetka, announce the engagement of their dauyhter, Harriet, to Burton H. Atwood, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Atwood of 839 Elm street, Marion Lasier to Wed Former Winnetkan . LASIER, of 731 Lincoln avenue, announces the engagement of her daughter, Marion, to Donald Kenneth now of Evanston. The wedding Miss Marjorie Newburgh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Newburg, became the bride of Clarence W. Edinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F. Edinger of 627 Garland avenue, Winnetka, Tuesday afternoon, at the homeof her parents, 832 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette. Her maid of honor was Miss Thelma Barthold of South Dakota, and Ralph Mrs. Clarence Edinger Edinger, the bridgroom's brother, was best man. The Rev. George P. Magill, pastor of the Presbyterian church, read the service which was witnessed by rel- atives and a group of intimate friends of the young people. Several delightful pre-nuptial parties were given in honor of the bride and last Saturday evening Miss Newburgh gave a charming dinner-dance at the Edgewater Beach hotel for a number of her friends. After their honeymoon trip, Mr. and Mrs. Edinger will reside in Evanston. ------ - Miss Doris Hanville of 840 Foxdale avenue, entertained at bridge and a miscellaneous shower last Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Caroline M. Davis of Chicago, whose marriage to Carl Peterson of Muskegon, Mich. was solemnized at the South Side Presby- terian church Wednesday evening. A dinner at the Southmoor hotel fol- lowed the ceremony. --Q-- Mrs. Philemon B. Kohlsaat enter- tained the teachers of the Skokie school at her home on Woodland av- enue Monday evening. Supper was served in the house and on the lawn, with the evening's entertainment pro- vided by Helen Wing, Grace Holder- scheid, and Hal Swenson, who recently received his M. A. degree at North- western university. --O-- Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Baumann of 279 Linden street, with their son, Edward, have motored east for the commencement of their daughter, Christine, at Smith college, Northamp- ton, Mass. Mr. Baumann also at- tended the reunion exercises at the Boston Institute of Technology. They plan to spend the remainder of the month in the White mountains. --(-- A number of alumni living here journeyed to the far end of Chicago last Friday to attend the annual uni- versity "sing" at the University of Chi- cago, which was attended by thousands of former students who joined their fraternities to march around the foun- tain in Hutchinson court singing the traditional hymns of the Greek letter societies. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevenson, Jr. former residents of Winnetka, who have been living in New York for a year, are coming back to Winnetka to again take up their residence. They will occupy the Marcus Richards' home temporarily while the Richards are away. f > >