i i madly, Tam WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1925 3 RAVINIA OPERAIN GALA OPENING TONIGHT (Continued from Page 1) Saturday night, June 27--"L'Amore dei Tre Re"; Flora, Lucrezia Bori; Avito, Giovanni Martinelli; Manfredo, Giuseppe Danise; Archibaldo, Vir- gilo Lazzari; Plamino, Giordano Pal- trinieri; Handmaidon, Philine Falco. Conductor, Gennaro Papi. Sunday night, June 28--"Martha"; Martha, Florance Macbeth; Lionel, Tito Schipa; Nancy, Ina Bourskaya; Plunkett, Virgilia Lazzari; Sir Tristan, Paolo Ananian. Conductor, Louis Hasselmans. Monday night, June 29--Concert: Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Eric Delamater, conductor. Soloists, Mario Sundelius, soprano; Margery Max- well, soprano; Jacques Gordon, violin- ist. Reserved seats free for this con- cert. Tuesday night--"Aida": (fourteenth anniversary observance) Aida, Rosa Raisa; Madames, Giovanni Martinelli; Amnoris, Ina Bourskaya; Amanasro, Giuseppe Danise; Ramfis, Leon Ro- thier; King of Egypt, Louis D'Angelo; Messenger, Giordano Paltrinieri. Con- ductor, Gennaro Papi. Wednesday night--"The Barbar of Seville": Rosina, Elvira de Nidalgo; Almaviva, Marie Chamlee; Figaro, Giacomo Rimini; Dom Basilio, Virgilio Lazzari; Dr. Bartolo, Vittorio Trevis- an; Berta, Ada Paggi; Fierello, Gier- dano Paltrinieri. Conductor, Gennaro Papi. Children's Concert Thursday Thursday afternoon: Children's con- cert and entertainment. Chicago Sym- phony Orchestra, Eric Del.aMarter, conductor. Children under twelve vears old admitted free. All reserved seats free to everyone. Thursday night -- "Faust": Mar- guerite, Marie Sundelius; Faust, Giov- anai Martinelli; Mephistofeles, Leon Rothier; Valentine, Desire Defrere; Siebel, Margery Maxwell: Martha, Philine Falco. Conductor, Louis Has- selmans. Friday night--"Madame Butterfly": Cio-cio San, Rosa Raisa; Pinkerton, Mario Chamlee ; Sharpless, Marie Basi- ola; Suzuki, Ina Bourskaya; Soro, Giordano Paltrinieri; Bonze, Paole An- anian; Yamaderi, Louis D'Angelo; Hato Pinkerton, Philine Falco; Regis- trar, Louis Derman. Conductor Gen- naro Papi. Saturday night--"Manon": Manon, Lucrezia Bori; Chevalier Des Grieux, Tito Schipa; Count Des Grieux, Leon Rothier; Lescaut, Desire Defrere; Nor- fortaine, Paolo Ananian; DeBretigny, Louis D'Angelo; I'Hotelier, Giordano Paltrinieri; Pousette, Margery Max- Hato Pinkerton, Philine Falco; Regis- Ada Paggi. Conductor, Louis Hassel- mans, "Christian Science" to Be Christian Science Subject The lesson-sermon at the First Church of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday morning, June 28, will be "Christian Science." Services are held in the Masonic temple at 708 Elm street at 11 o'clock, Sunday school convenes at 9:35 o'clock and the testimonial meeting is held on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The reading room at 526 Linden street is open daily except Sunday from noon until 5 o'clock and on Wednes- day evening from 9 to 9:30 o'clock. ADDRESS EDUCATION MEETING Mrs. B. F. Langworthy, Winnetka Village trustee and president of the Woman's City club, of Chicago, will attend the convention of the National Educational association, to be held in Indianapolis Ind., next week. While there she will address a section meet- ing of the National Parent-teacher association. BE WELL GROOMED Well groomed men delight in selecting the materials for their clothes. They display good taste in the choice of patterns. We cater to the fastidious. Our tailors are expert workers, and we guarantee perfect fits. Come and see oru new materials for custom made suits and coats. H. E. ODHNER Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing 1050 Gage St. Phone Winnetka 278 HUBBARD WOODS, ILL. nN HD 72204 77722222777 7% 77777777 70 % LUT, $1) HHS i HIN III SE TT Celebrate the Fourth of July by Writing your own Declaration of Independence by making regular consistent deposits in a Savings Account. Would you not like to "look the whole world in the face and owe not any man"? The only sure way to accomplish this end is to be able to save. Start an account in our Savings Department, or, if you already have one, make the attempt to put aside a fixed amount each week and save for a definite purpose or a set amount. Regular Persistent Savings Will Always Win Officers and Directors HENRY R. HALE, President Banking Hours LOUIS B. KUPPENHEIMER, Vice-Pres. SANBORN HALE, Cashier GEORGE W. McKINNEY, Asst. Cashier This Bank is open for the transaction of business from 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. daily ex- VICTOR ELTING cept Saturdays. Saturday hours 8 a. m. to CARLTON PROUTY 12:30 p. m. and 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. NOBLE HALE WINNETKA STATE BANK Elm Street East of Lincoln Avenue MI IH] THIGH nme HTT Hn Hm nm LTH oe oF oe ob ok of oe ode ode obs oe oe of ofe oe os oe os ob ob ois obs obs oe ole ob od ob ob ob ob dob odes ode ole be bode ob ob ob oo eB BoB lob dl Bol Rd ob dob oR doko bd oR dob dR dk oR RR RRR REE + FRIGIDAIRE BUSY ? YES, INDEED . Electric Refrigeration We have to keep on the jump to give our customers the prompt personal service that we want to give. Our stock of Toilet Articles, Drugs, and Medicines is big and fresh; and our Fountain is gaining new friends every Product of General Motors Announcement We have a Display and Demonstration Room at 725 Oak Street, just east of tracks. Estimates will cheerfully be given on every household refrigeration problem. You are cordially invited to call on us. day. Telephone Winnetka 122 Stover Company Community Pharmacy C."R. PATCHEN,R. Ph. "Smiling Service" 750 Elm Street Phone Winn. 164 EET EEE EE ETT EET EEE EEE EL EE LEE LLL] hekechpdihdddbddd dd dddhddddd ddd dd ddd ddd dbdh dd hbddddobbbd Everybody Moves The FOUR SEASONS once in a while, especially at this time . . of the year. Moving day comes America f, Finest Resturant around every so often in most house- holds. Operated by We specialize on really superior WwW moving service; service that is care- . H . F I S H E R ful, prompt and economical. You'll find it pays to call Winnetka 232. -- DANCING -- Chinese and American Dishes Prepared by Chinese chefs SCULLY STORAGE Chicken and Steak Dinners Sandwiches & TRANSFER Co -- CHOP SUEY -- ) ® Moderate Prices No Charge for Dancing Ta i - Fire -Proof No Cover Charge ls AH lorage RT ee fill Phone Glenview 126 ; sen erence | £. 5 wihene Located on Waukegan Road, 4 miles west of Wilmette 1Y4 miles north of Glenview