3D ost oan ~ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1925 BOYS PATROL _ PROVES WORTH Chicago Now Has 5,000 for i Traffic Duty The proudest "cop" in all Chicago is a 15-year-old boy. His name is Frank Brasseh. Frank is a captain in Chicago's Boy Safety Fatrol. The 'patrol was organized in 1920. It has 5000 members. Its duties are to regulate traffic near schonl buildings and keep children from being hurt. Since it was brought into being in 1920, the patrol has reduced such ac- cidents to school children from an average of 30 a week to less than five a week. Members of the patrol wear badges of bright-colored ribbons. Autoists must heed any man's command. Failure to do so means arrest and a heavy fine. Fach year some member of the patrol is signaled out for services deserving of special recognition. Frank is the lucky boy this year. The board of education has recom- mended that he be given a medal. The chief of police has thanked him and the principal of his school has con- gratulated him. Frank won these distinctions for ex- ceptionally brilliant work with the patrol during 1924 and 1925. The boy patrol idea has spread from Chicago to several other states and cities. In Chicago it has become a perman- ent institution performing an effective piece of co-operation. Regular police drill masters put the patrol through periodic drill and ex- amination. boy patrol- Only honor students high in their studies are eligible to place on the patrol. According to Frank, if autoists would stop, look and listen before stepping on the gas there wouldn't be any accid- ents. "Those fool guys who like to speed cause us all our trouble," he says. "And believe me, we report em and we're tickled to death when the chief soaks them heavy when they appear in court.' ATTENDS KIN'S FUNERAL Mrs. Frederick Gillette, 1103 Spruce street, left earlv last week for northern Wisconsifi, to attend her brother's funeral. Mr. Gillette will join Mrs. Gillette in Milwaukee where they will remain with friends for a week. Play Finals Today in Indian Hill Net Meet Hill Country club held its annual Invitation Tennis tournament this week, with more than 100 en- tries. The semi-finals were played off yesterday and the finals were sched- uled to be played today. Many prizes are offered the winners of the various events. The games to be played off today are the finals in the men's sin- gles, the ladies' singles, the junior boys' singles, the junior girls' singles, the junior boys' doubles and the mixed doubles. Prizes include cups, racquets and other articles. Ohio College Honors Well Known Villager Merritt Starr, 695 Prospect avenue, received the Doctor of Laws degree at the commencement exercises at Oberlin college held June 14. Mr. Starr was attending a reunion of the class of 1875 this season. There were 16 members present at the reunion. He was a trustee of Oberlin college for 31 years, having retired only last year. Plan English Lutheran Service Here Tomorrow An English Lutheran service will be Indian held in the Christ Church Parish House Oak and Elm streets, Win- netka, Sunday evening, July 12, at 7:30 o'clock. The Rev. D. A. Lofgren, field secretary of the Illinois Confer- ence, Augustana Synod, Chicago, will preach, and Mrs. Iiden of Evanston and Mr. Hedlund of Chicago will sing several solos. All are invited to attend. START JULY TOURNEY Skokie Playfield golf players held a blind bogey last Saturday and Sun- day, with 20 entries. Four players, James Connelly, Samuel Rodemel, El- mer Nelson and G. R. Regtie tied for first place. The first round of the July tournament will be held over this week-end. The Excel more hours than all of your other will work with your page 4.--Adv. Otto Dovidat Ladies' and Men's Tailoring 794 Elm Street Over Vollmann's market. I am in the new building and ready to serve .you as before with the very best made to order clothing; also cleaning and pressing. A specialty is made of Ladies' Tailoring and Fur work. Electric Cooker without your cooks attention labor savers attention. See Dadadeadadd l lL DL LE EE EE EE ET ELECTRICAL REPAIRING AND WIRING We repair everything Electrical that can be repaired. We other electrical work. 554 Center St. y [Rp ------------------ LL LT TT EL LT will be glad to furnish estimates on your wiring and We close at 1 p. m. on Saturdays during July and August NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC SHOP JOHN C. WELTER, Prop. Winnetka, Ill. If electrical and good, we sell it. Phone Winn. 44 | Tr | that your goods safe. are and convenience. HL SCUI LY AR lL NETKA ILE PACKING MOVING | SWwomc | 8) mr You Can Be Sure stored Our fire-proof storage unexcelled for safety, Make sure when you have goods to be stored that they are stored with us. It is to your interest to do so! SCULLY STORAGE & TaN SFER CO. Fire. Pro of with us are facilities cleanliness lorage Artist Gives Outdoor Lessons in Sketching Mrs. Pauline Graff Davis, 1080 Private road, 'Winnetka, will begin a series of outdoor sketching classes in the near future. She plans to accept only pupils who have had some train- ag, but may include others if there is 1 sufficient demand. Mrs. Davis has reen a pupil of Leon Kroll, John Nor- on and other artists, and is well known in Chicago art circles, where she took two prizes in the last exhibit of the Art Students' league. :xhibited in the American Artists' ex- hibition. She will also give private lessons. The classes will be held 'once a week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson and their family, 873 Cherry street, are spending a fortnight at Ludington, Mich., the summer home of Mrs. John- son's mother, Mrs. Finch. --Oa Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lowry and Mr. and Mrs. F. Grav Waggett, were holi- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Var- ney, 535 Cherrv street, over the Fourth of July. aa A Fuller Dean, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dean, 441 Willow road, accompanied by his uncle, has left for the East to sail from New York this week for a summer abroad. i Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Conway and their three children, 387 Linden street, left Friday for an outing of a month or six weeks at the Diamond G Ranch in Wyoming. She has also Little Betty Faxon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Faxon, 228 'Poplar street, was hostess to a number of her young friends last Thursday afternoon in celebration of her birthday. AG Mrs. Jack Blumenstock and her daughter, Ruth, and Miss Edna Born- stein of Indianapolis, left Tuesday night for an outing of a month's dura- tion at Banff and Lake Louise. ihe ded and Mrs. S. Kdwin Earle their daughter, 922 Tower road, nio- tored Monday to Castle Park, Mich., where they wiil spend 12 month's vaca tion. Mr. QUALITY AUTOMOBILE PAINTING and a guaranteed job WINNETKA AUTO PAINTING CO. E. LYLE, Prop. 562 Lincoln Avenue Rear Wersted Motor Co. Phone Winnetka 165 and Reeth Share's Greatest Ros enberqg 'S A Great are so unusual, that they can't last $ 4-95 mer . tically all colors. HA while. Clearing Our Appare Our Better Dresses Formerly $27.50--$29. 324-75 A limited but varied group of very pretty Summer Party dresses will be sold at this extremely low price while they last. clude Canton Crepes, Crepe de Chines, Prints and Georgettes. Wash Dresses-- Reduced $695 What a tremendous opportunity this sale offers for smart wom- en to outfit themselves with new tub frocks for the rest of the sum- Dresses are here in all the most desired tub fibrics and in prac- Dresses for the larger woman, too. SALE of SUMMER SWEATERS Most convenient for all is this selling of sweaters at one-half off. Every one is a recent model and this reduction is mighty worth your Apparel--Second Floor l Stocks Many of 75--$35--even higher Materials in- Values long. $8.95 L F! THE MORNING STRETCH in a suit of our comfortable and neat-fitting pajamas, is indeed a pleasure enjoyed by the wearer. And all ready for the bath trip in one of our handsome dressing gowns, afterwards putting on a light weight suit of our co.ify un- derwear, then to fancy shirt, col- lar, neckwear, sox, gloves--all from our haberdashery. John H. Dethloff Men's and Boys' Furnishings 786 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 1077 = ee CHRYSLER FOUR You Owe it to your- self to see this Great Value-- Strictly Chrysler in quality ASK ANY CHRYSLER OWNER WHAT THIS MEANS | EVANSTON MOTOR SALES W.D. REAGAN Mgr. 1017 Davis St. Phone Univ. 2277 .