- re a 18 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1925 poles at regular intervals at the curb- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright and Fred Jackson, Former Glencoe NEW LIGHTS SIGNALIZE ing of the yjnem pron this plan to ter Sry) Boor, i] Pa be repeated at a oliday occasions. who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Resident; Tells Quake Story | WILMETTE DAY FESTIVAL sci cncin » seach gens 737 nF Foe vn cluded in the early plans for the day. 'their home last Saturday. Annual Wilmette Day this year Predicts Day When Earth- of men and we also had another boat will probably take the form of a great oe % with a company of marines. So far as [jubilee in celebration of the "turning { : : quakes Will Be Harnessed I know we have had abgofutely Sno on" of the new municipal lighting Mr. Krauss says: "When in need of quality cleaning, and service unsur- 4 . looting and no trouble of any kind. |system early in August. 'hy not call a Master Cleaner, whose plant is right at your very to Give Power The public utility companies are Departing from the custom of other pasted, iy : ; ah ® ! working fine. The Southern Pacific |years, when the day was spent in door, instead of a tailor or other intermediaries? The Master Cleancr president wired that his gens officers | old-fashioned picnic style, the Cham- Service costs no more." 4 ~ Eprtor's Nori: The most interesting | Would remain in Santa Boa as ber of Commerce, sponsor of the ! jes long as we wanted them, and their Los | original plan, this year proposes to i depiction of the recent earthquake at Miah tol taioad : ye ; i Angeles office sent a whole trainload | combine the event with the starting Santa Barbara, Cal., to come to the 3 ; doctors 1 a. | th t ; itor ou. | Of water, another of doctors and nurses | of the new $289,000 lighting system < felention: of the ediior of Wiss and another of food and cots. We | with activities centered at the Cen. Faz s gastained me ates orpion "Yl were able to turn back the water and | tra] business area. red D. Jackson, former member of | 4, tors as we had plenty. We. were | A feature of the occasion: will 'be CLEANING & DYEING Zhe Glensop Park boars, 0 Jricnds | short 'of cooked food. The Edison [ihe introduction of the uniform flag + #he neiguporimg susurs, Mr. JUROR company of Los Angeles sent three of | decorat on scheme which contem- The Only Cleaning Plant in New Trier and his family cscaped injury in the | their fire companies and a large group plates the erection of 12-foot flag quake though their home was consider- | of men. g Phones: Wilinetic 3400--Creenleal 700 fiiy damaged. Masi of the droompony = 1215 Washington Avenue Wilmete, Illinois ' ing letter was written in the garden of Later. 8 p. m. ' Tis his home by the light of an old-fashioned "Yihavesn-vedl old-time barr Tentery : barn lantern. Mr. Jackson is a member of the Santa Barbara Park board and President of the Rotary club in the stricken city and has been actively en- gaged in relief work since the earth- quake. The letter reads: "Just as a matter, of resting I will try and set down a few lines to you, or, if I have time, more than a few of the events of the last two days, though it seems more like two weeks. You recall that we all sleep outdoors on our porches. Monday morning I looked at my watch at 6:40 and de- fixed so that some of the light falls on my keyboard. Another strenuous day, but now some of the population will sleep inside as we have had no shakes worthy of the name since about 7 o'clock this morning. Form Safety Board "This morning we formed a board of Public Safety of 10 men, and being one of the 10, I have been busy for a change. Also as park commissioner [ have been seeing that the people who are living in the parks are taken care of. It does seem as though there are an awful lot of helpless critters around. EE bi 'SuDS AND DUDS | Vai A , Y ~ / DURMENT Be ALIN EER WY WALKS, FLOORS and TERRACES Laid in straight or rustic style. Artistic and perfect work SLATE FLAGGING for IN ALL COLORS with a guarantee of satisfaction. WILLIAM L. WENTE Sided 29 ge o hut just then HY, bed |, "the other hand, we are really in- = \ and the whole house were lifted up c fiers slp. About Ti S . | 3 and apparently started down the hill. undated ith offers. of he D Jon or uds one creed | Sheet Metal Contractor - Sap and actually' sat the top 400 marines arrived tonight and we S otlessness sa a a a saw s a a iol f v) - . of the trees hit the ground. I saw the ny I ee joh o Sa |S Op tb >E1S-- : Phone Winn. 225 874 Center St., Hubbard Woods ground rise and fall like waves over of volunteer workers and Los Angeles He won by eS | six feet high. My bed was shot over nolice." 7 fied with less ( _ " to the wall and back again, up and |' 3 A down and sideways so that for a min- ute or two (which seemed hours) I could not get out of it. At last I man- aged to get out and ran through fall- ing plaster to my room and into the patio, just missing a large section of tile roof. My wife and daughter were there before me and my son was out on the grass at the other side of the house. Just then Mrs. S. came running up from her place and said the dam had broken. You remember a large reservoir towards the moun-|dress by Miss Edna Dean Baker, | 'J" h ° tains from me and fortunately 150 feet | president of the college; the presen- : A s JR below. - This went out with one shot |tation of various documents marking nN PAR for service and safety when it comes and the water rushed down the canyon | the history of the college since its to doing packing, hauling, moving and 2 like an enormous cataract and mak- | founding in 1886, and the placing of 4 = H r storing. Your goods are always safe ing more noise. the cornerstone. : Views Business Area "The quakes continued and the plas- ter, chimneys and roofs continued to fall. Looking to the city I saw what I thought to be large masses of smoke but they turned out to be dust from the falling buildings. After a while Place Cornerstone at Kindergarten College The laying of the cornerstone for the new building of the National Kin- dergarten and Elementary college, 2770 Sheridan road, Evanston, will take place Saturday afternoon, July 18, at 4 o'clock. Arrangements have been made for a very simple ceremony, a brief ad- Following the service the alumnae, faculty and summer school students, will hold a picnic supper on the Wil- mette beach. Mrs. George D. Forrest of Glen- wood avenue, has as her guest her end at Lakeside, Mich. -- NE of life's greates. treats is the possession of well- laundered clothes. That's why Suds is making such a decided hit in this town, he pays par- ticular attention to every ar- ticle of clothing or household I'nen that is sent to him. He doesn't indulge in excuses--he does his work properly. LOOK FOR SUDS & DUDS 9 We've Won a Reputation when we haul them and you can be sure they'll arrive on time. Call us when you want to move, if you have anything to store, pack or ship; we're here to give vou service. The number is Winnetka 232. 4] we were able to enter the house and daughter, Mrs. Nelson Page of Balti- ; ¢ 4 pili Ha clothes but we got out- I more, who will remain until early fall. G&O0D PLUMBING --~ % { side as quickly as' we could to put ya ¥ them on. We had no water, gas or Mr. and Mrs. Lieber have returned MAKES YOUR HOUSE SCULLY STORAGE electricity and haven't yet, though we | from Canton, 0. where they spent A HOME --A PLACE are getting some water from the pipes [ast week-end with Mr. Lieber's & ! RANSFER CO ' 2 te Ley Lat were oyer the top brother and his family. () LJ i of the hill and couldn't flow back. Or emer TTT © HT 3 \ Sees a Woe we Jed some milk and Mrs. George W. Blossom of 995 I li i" ll i Hay Fire -Proof 1 bread an went down-town and dis- | Green Bay road is spending this week- : Hl f . covered the whole business section a ye * Mic $ : | \, ie | lorage * wreck. I haven't had my clothes off since but have been at work on most everything, water, gas, and electricity Zi \/ li WINNETKA ILE SCULLY TRANSFER CO PACKING supply, Red Cross food, doctors, etc., QUALITY : etc. One of my friends was at his office in the San Marcos building which AUTOMOBILE you will recall was the large six-story IT'S only a few steps to com- building on State street. One large PAINTING fort-- between this piumbing % section of it just crumpled up like shop and your home. Here ex- paper and he was taken out dead hours and a guaranteed job Jeno 5 Your Bs later, together with another man, Yer tactic" plumbers *e though a woman was taken ott alive ere ubrac Joa . Bi pn Dols Dre « and not seriously hurt. The tower rs TT re is Pl iin part of the Arlington fell and just WINNETKA AUTO mands. 18 Words mang how I cannot say but only two were killed. Others were killed while in their cars on State street by buildings falling on them. Had the quake come three hours later the loss of life would have been very large. House Is a Wreck "My house is a wreck. What plaster is still left, inside or out, will have to come off. Most of the roof is in the yard and some of the main walls are PAINTING CO. E. LYLE, Prop. 562 Lincoln Avenue Rear Wersted Motor Co. Value take on a new meaning alter we serve you. A Bath a Day Keeps You Fit Every Way VIC J. KILLIAN, Inc. SANITARY ENGINEERS in New. Work and Remodeling. Specialists SPECIAL Saturday Only Best White Potatoes, per peck badly sprung. The garden is also Phone Winnetka 165 874 Center St. Winnetka 1260 Nice Sweet Cantaloupe, 2 for aie eee Ee aia 25¢ 1 wrecked--walls tumbled down; the i four-inch re-enforced cement pools Tomatoes, per pound 19¢, 2 for............ 35¢ » cracked and broken like paper and even larger boulders split in two. There are many fissures in the ground that you can put your arm in. "The old mission is in very bad con- dition, one of the falling walls killing the old gardener there. "The business houses left will be un- able to open for a week on account of the dangerous condition of such build- ings as are left standing. Last night we got some electricity in the main street and will have more tonight. Before any light is turned 'on in any buildings a thorough inspection is necessary. Before the gas is turned on every meter in the cty (some under piles of debris) must be closed and then oil of pepper- mint will be forced through tke mains in order to detect any leaks. We. hope to have gas in a week. Fortunately our main water supply over the mountains is not injured and we had water in our fire mains three hours after the quake and we are fortunate in that we have only had two fires and those small ones. Everyone has responded with help. Los Angeles sent three fire companies with apparatus and more than 100 uni- formed officers. The army fliers came in from San Diego very soon looking for orders, as all our wires were down. We called out our Naval Reserve and the Legion for guard duty. Last night two destroyers came in with a bunch Phone Winnetka 32 | 16 Prouty Annex WINNETKA TEAMING & SUPPLY CO. L. J. HAYES, Prop. sENERAL TEAMING AND EXPRESSING, BUILDING MATERIAL, DRIVEWAYS. GRADING AND BLACK DIRT Residence Phone 426 Winnetka, Illinois 550 Center of all kinds. PAINT Rasmesen's FANT Phone Win. St. 344 Tubes and Special colors HELPFUL MONEY SAVING SERVICE FREELY GIVEN ON ALL YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS Painting and Decorating Tomatoes, per basket, Sweet Grape Fruit, 2 for Red Raspberries 19c, 2 for Sweet Oranges, per doz Peaches, per basket Plums and Apricots, per basket 746 Elm Street We carry everything in quality--fresh vegetables and fruits. FREE DELIVERY Winnetka Fruit House Phone 2470