| _. Es Ld WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1925 19 RAILWAY WINS POSTER AWARD North Shore and Rapid Tran- sit Companies Win in New York Exhibit GAIN LOFTY PRAISE Take Five Out of Six Poster Awards The North Shore line, together with two other companies of which Britton I. Budd is president, has attained an- other honor. Five out of six posters awarded highest honors in a recent poster display in New York city were produced by these three companies. These posters are placed at stations the first of each month pointing out, In a most artistic manner, points of beauty and civic interest in the ter- ritory served by the company. The posters named in the award are: "By the North Shore Line," Chicago. North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad company--by Erwin Metzl. "Federal Building," Chicago Rapid Transit company --by Willard F. Elmes. "The Peristyle," Chicago Rapid Transit company--by Erwin Metzl. "The Gateway to Chicago," Chicago Rapid Transit company--by Norman Erickson. "Power Must Always Flow," Public Service company of Northern Illinois by Oscar Rabe Hanson. None Are Commonplace In a letter to Britton I. Budd, presi- dent of these three companies, telling him of the awards, H. Sparks, chairman of the exhibition committee, said : "The traction companies of your City are entitled to the greatest credit for their enterprise in issuing the in- teresting set of posters which you sent for this exhibition for not one in the lot is commonplace, and several are exceptional. May their example be an inspiration to other companies in this country to do the same thing for 'the benefit of all concerned." "It is a collection of very, very stun- ning posters," said Burton Emmett, presidents The American . Institute of Graphic Arts, who served on the com- mittee on award, in a letter on the posters written Mr. Budd. "Their ef- fect on the citizens of Chicago cannot help but be to strengthen their civic pride, and the posters themselves can- not but add to the culture of the city." The Chicago, North Shore and Mil- waukee railroad and the Chicago Rapid Transit company were the pio- neers in artistic travel posters in the United States. Only recently have other transportation and public utility companies realized their worth and followed the lead of these Chicago companies. Of Interest Only to Our Advertisers | 1 What helps a business to grow? Advertising. What business almost always suc- ceeds? The one that advertises. What business grows most steadily? The one that advertises most per- sistently. How can I attract most attention? Say it in a Full Page Ad! Where should an intelligent adver- tiser be put? On the Full Page Roll of Honor. Here is the Roll to Date Hubbard Wds. Lumber & Coal Co. ..4 Winnetka Coal-Lumber Co. ........ 4 S: Rosenbatrt Core. -ivsairissics 21% 4 Lake Co. Construction Co...........2 R.M..Schell'#:«Co. i"... ~.......% 2 Skokie: Motor Co... .conivcve ins ssnns 2 Wilmette Shoe Store ............... 1 Plerce Radio Cos... lho 55 1 Meyer Coal & Material Co. ........ 1 John Evans Apt. Homes ....... ..... 1 A Stare Best... iu. ura cies 1 Kasia Bros," ico... divans 1 Wolll-Griflis -.....c oi 1 Hanson Motor:Co............. cc. iis 1 Crown Oil Burner Co. .............. 1 M.. Portenbauser: ..:......... och 1 Schultz & Nord ii... ..clihiid.. 1 Ayres Teflt Co. cc. iii vn: 1 RE. James & Co. ......0......0...0. 1 John M.. Smyth Co... vo... 1 DEATH TAKES VET RAIL MAN Charles O'Connor of Kenil- worth Dies in Wisconsin Charles O'Conneor, for the past 17 years station agent for the Chicago and North Western railroad at Ken- ilworth, died Sunday night, July 12, while on a visit to his boyhood home at Sparta, Wis. Death was caused by a fractured skull, which Mr. O'Connor received when he collapsed in a bank at Sparta Saturday after- noon. He had stomach trouble for the past two years and this was J Comfort Plus - New, immaculate, distinctive--a step ahead in travel luxury. Finest appointments--many inno- ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS vations. Endorsed and patronized by discrim- inating travelers. North Western Limited Chicago Ar. Evanston i Highland Park ** hd Milwaukee yi Ar. St. Paul Lv. * Minneapolis " (Standard Time) @@n=mm S3ZA8HR posses BpBBEB *--On receipt of advance information, agent will stop this train to receive passengers for Eau Claire and beyond. Roomy observation car; compartment, drawing- room and enclosed section sleeping cars; buffet- club-lounge car, and free reclining chair car. The famous North Western table d' hote dinner ready to serve a half hour before departure. 6 other daily trains between Chicago and the Twin Cities For tickets and reservations, apply to M. H. Lieber, Ticket Agent Winneta, Ill. Telephone 13 (Hicaco & NorTH WESTERN RY. thought to have brought about his collapse. Mr. O'Connor left for Wisconsin last Saturday, to visit friends in Spar- ta. He had complained at that time that he did not feel very well. His brother, Robert W. O'Connor, who lives at 807 Fifteenth street, Wilmette, had left on a fishing trip to Michigan, and could not be located at once. Sta- tion Agent Earl E. Orner sent tele- grams to the police of Lansing and Ludington, Mich., with a description of O'Connor's automobile and he was finally located and told of his broth- er's death. He left at once for Spar- ta. Funeral services were held Friday morning at 10 o'clock at the St. Fran- cis Xavier church, and burial was at Sacred Heart, Hubbard Woods, in the family plot, where his wife, who died 14 years ago, is buried. Mr. O'Connor is survived by a son, Charles, three brothers, Robert W., 807 Fifteenth street, Wilmette, John M. Black River Falls, Wis, and Thomas O'Connor of Minneapolis, Minn., and two sisters, Mrs. William Burns of West Allis, Wis., with whom his son stays, and Mrs. Laughlin of DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES WERSTED MOTOR CO. Telephone Winnetka 165 Black River Falls. Mr. O'Connor was well known to north shore residents. Before he came to Kenilworth he was telegraph oper- ator and clerk at the Winnetka sta- tion of the North Western road for eight years. 'DR. SOFIA HAAG NAPRAPATH Wishes to announce the opening of her. office at 342 Park Avenue. Glencoe, Il. 1 Phone Glencoe 1126 Hours 9-12 A. M. and By Appointment Important Works, 1133 Central Avenue Announcement Alfred Evers, announces that he has bought out the Retail Store of the Wilmette Glass & Paint 1133 Central Awvenue, Wilmette, where he will conduct his new business under the name of the WILMETTE WINDOW SHADE & PAINT WORKS Wilmette 3454 WILMETTE 0 Established 1867 Smyth ompan Bop FMMANUFACTURERS ~ RETAILERS ~IMPORTERS Mother Goose Sand Box and Umbrella Green and Orange. .......... Metal Chairs Green Finished, each. cc iin. lustrated above) At the Door of the North -- Exactly three blocks West of Northwestern Depot SS IN TER din vi i 7 Fibre Group $45 Cheerful and comfortable is this Putty colored Fibre group which is covered in gayly colored Cretonne of a Floral pat- tern; the 60-inch Davenport is roomy and $13.50 is equipped with loose spring cushions; as are also the chairs. To match this group are the Fernery and Table, both iliustrated above and priced below as $2.25 follows: Davenport. . .... sn ey el Lae oh 2a Chair. ......c0ns biekie a danas ese as ae sit 0-S0 Shore Rocker: .. .: Pe atealeln ain as an bain iris veh JO:50 Table. es Cee uate vee vera SOD Fernery. ... covmvonioviovic dv vvsiviie itt 4.00 $8 -.LEARS OF. COOD FURNITURE