WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1925 . 11 GIVE HINTS TO AUTO CAMPERS Vacationers Warned to Guard Their Health "Millions of our citizens will get out into the open country this year, and will pitch camps wherever they find themselves at the close of day," says Charles M. Hayes, president of the Chicago Motor club. "Thomas Edison recently said that he consid- ered motor camping one of the most beneficial results of the use of the automobile. "But it must not be supposed that the camper can acquire a store of health without taking the proper pre- cautions to guard against infection. "The country bristles with hazards to health. Learn those hazards and your camping expedition, will have no tragic conclusion. "The majority of people who go camping have very little experience in camp sanitation, and the radical change from life in the city or town to life in the wilds finds them with- out knowledge of the simple precau- tions necessary for health. Camp on a Slope "The amateur camper is likely to pick the first shady nook that appeals to him as a suitable spot for camping. If he pitches his tent in a valley he is likely to have an unpleasant experi- ence if it rains. The tent should be pitched on a slope with the front fac- ing south. "Be certain that the water you use comes from a safe source. Do your own chlorinating if its purity is sus- pected. "The babbling brook may be very beautiful, but it may be very deadly, and the old oaken bucket is no doubt better suited to poetry than to prac- tical use. It may harbor a colony of typhoid germs. "Less dangerous than impure water but annoying and painful is contact with poison ivy. When in fruit poison ivy is laden with cream colored ber- ries. It has three beautiful green leaves spinging from a common stem, and it runs along the ground unless provided with a support to climb. "Impure milk is another source of infection among campers. Milk should be cooled at once, and put on ice. "Remember, that no garbage wagon drives through the cool aisles of the forest. Rubbish and garbage should be burned or it will become a breeding place for flies." Dr. Herman N. Bundesen, Chicago commissioner of health, has issued some vacation "Dont's" quoted by Mr. Hayes as follows: "Don't go bathing on a full stomach; wait at least two hours after eating. "Don't continue to swim until you are exhausted. "Don't swim trouble. "Don't swim without accurate knowl- edge of the depth of the water. "Dont go canoeing unless you can swim. "Don't neglect the slightest injury. Remember the danger of lockjaw from neglected injuries. "Don't eat greasy foods. Make at least one meal of green vegetables and fruits." BEGIN [LLIN TICKET SALES First Grid Battle Scheduled for October 3 if you have heart Plenty of football tickets for the general public and a "painless" method of distribution is the reassuring news from the University of Illinois as the football ticket office makes ready to mail out application blanks and com- plete information on how to get the pasteboards qualifying one to observe Capt. Red Grange and his Illini in their fall performances. There isn't anything difficult about ordering tickets, the Illini say. They will begin to mail out all the dope the middle of August, to subscribers to the stadium and other fans whose names appear on the mailing list of the football ticket office. All one needs to do to get on the mailing list is to send in one's name and address. The Illini also plan to send applica- tion blanks to banks, clubs and other places. The three big games in the stadium for which seats will be reserved are Nebraska, October 3; Michigan, Oc- EVERGREENS, PERENNIALS, SHRUBS AND TREES Winnetka Landscape Company Not Inc. M. J. SULLIVAN, Prop. GRADING--SEEDING LAWNS--TRIMMING--FERTILIZER BLACK DIRT--MANURE Men for private grounds by the day | 882 Pine Street WINNETKA, ILL. Phone Winn. 1549 to blame. over and purity. Be Successful in cooking and baking! Perfect success in cooking and baking! How all mothers long for it! How often, alas, does your favorite recipe turn out just a little less than you had hoped for. was in the ingredients; BOWMAN'S MILK is the favorite milk of 200,000 Chicago housewives. famous cooks know it is the best. years BOWMAN Dairy Company's Milk has been of the same high standard of richness Try BOWMAN'S MILK next time and see what wonderful success will be yours. INSIST ON NDNOWMAN DAIRY COMPANY MILK For 50 years the standard of quality! Perhaps the fault perhaps the milk was These For 50 tober 24, and Chicago, November 7. Seats for Butler, October 10, and Wabash, November 14, will not be re- served. The seating capacity will be 67,000. The Illini kind of think that there will be a packed stadium for both the Michigan and Chicago games but they think that there will be tick- ets practically up th the last minute, so one is not to believe any early stories that "all seats are sold." _ Paid-to-date subscribers to the stad- ium have a running start on other fans in having their orders filled and this is no more than just; considering that their generosity made the stadium possible. Many subscribers, who have been dilatory with their payments, are hustling in their checks. But this need not worry the non-subscribers -- all they have to do to get the seats they want is to order reasonably early. The ticket office plans to begin mailing out tickets for all games on September 1. "No personal checks" is the edict that is going out--so the fans will have to use drafts or money orders. All tickets will be sent by registered mail, for which the fans are asked to enclose registry fee. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Whipple, daugh- ter Margaret, and son, David, 171 Woodland avenue, have gone to Stone lake, Wis. They will return in time for the opening of school. sein Qin Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Thorne, 474 Wil- low street, expect to leave on Septem- ber 1, for Charlottesville, Va., where they will visit their daughter, Mrs. Mabel Batchelder for a month. LET US SUPPLY YOUR RADIO NEEDS A complete line of high grade Radio Sets and Accessories. Horner Piano Co. Est. 1907 1521 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 464 "If it is good Radio we have it." Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Perrin and son, 85 Abbottsford road, have gone to Boulder Junction at Camp McKinley, Wis., for a vacation. --Q-- Miss Jean Forrest has gone to Land o' Lakes, Wis., to visit Miss Jeanette Hill. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Eason and chil- dren, Olive and Forrest, 565 Elder lane, returned this week from two weeks at Lac du Flambeau, Wis. --_--Q-- Mrs. W. R. Yates, 610 Ash street, has returned from two weeks at Trout lake, Wis. THURSDAY AUGUST 20th $ DAY Without doubt, our greatest $1 Day. Careful planning months ago has resulted in the presentation of undreamed-of $1 values. Thousands of $1 Values Table after table laden with scores of timely and interesting $1 items. Every department in the store has contributed hun- dreds of items of merit. Women who desire to earn a little vacation pin money may se- cure a position on our sales force for this one day. Apply Superin- tendent"s Office on the Third Floor. Thursday, August 20th. This Winter-- as always before-- the pace in Evanston's events will be set by the group who live at The Orrington. Welcome back from sum- mer travels. And do not forget to reserve ac- commodations. As each Orrington-ite tells his friends about the pleas- ant life here, more per- | sons seek us every season. "Twould be a pity if old friends delayed too long to obtain their favorite winter dwelling Tel. University 8700 | Evanston's largest and finest hotel. counts. itself. 1101 Chicago Ave. "Buy--Where Service Is Gold Siandard of Value Two Guarantees of Integrity OOK to the record of the motor car you buy. How long has it been in the field? a long successful past, growing better and better with the advance of modern engineering? newcomer, yet to be tried at the hands of the pur- chaser? REO needs no argument--no apology. It is indeed "'the gold standard of values." It has a background of successful performance and sound organization. That is your first REO guarantee. And the other, no less important, is the firm that sells it to you. may never have contact of any kind with it. It's your local representative in whom your faith And REO service on the North Shore has all the integrity of the parent organization You may never see the factory. REO EVANSTON COMPANY H University 6194 Qn Has it Isit a You andy"'