> > Ns WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1925 19 USE THE COMMUNITY MARKET PLACE General Notices-- TALK or GLENCOE NEWS, papers. MINIMUM the line. No black face type used. Deadline for Insertions CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear who are regular subscribers to either 10 cents per line in one paper. Rates-- CHARGE Rates for Display type on application. Classified advertisements will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. in the telephone directory, or WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA 20 cents per line in all three 50. Average of five words to in 1 REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE Moving to Indiana A REAL BARGAIN WINNETKA HOME Six Room Modern Bun- galow, two car garage, 92 feet frontage, 190 feet deep, one lot is vacant; you can put up another bungalow. In choice neighborhood. Will sell all or part. Price $16,500, Terms A REAL BARGAIN Phone Winnetka 1471 Owner. 1LTN46-1tc FOR SALE--WHITE FRAME HOUSE, eight rooms, including large glazed heated sunparlor or breakfast room and sleeping porch, also large screened front porch; hardwood floors; hot water heat. Located 771 Grove St, Glencoe. Splendid estab- lished neighborhood, convenient to transportation, schools and Skokie Country club. Nicely wooded lot of oaks, shrubs, flowers and garden; all in splendid condition. Owner here from west to sell. Price $22,500, cash or satisfactory terms to responsible party who can make substantial cash payment. Inspec- tion by appointment only. Fred E. Blunden, owner. During week Su- perior 8861 or Sunday after ten a. m. Glencoe 1080. 1LTN46-1tc A HOMEY HOME $1500 DOWN PAYMENT BUYS THIS wonderful home with 7 lge., light airy rms.; toi.-lav. 1st fir.; oak firs.; ivory trim throughout, sleeping and break. pchs.; owner leaving town. Price $15,000. For Sale--Home in beaut. south- west sec, 8 rms., 5 bedrms., 2 baths, 1 car garage. $31,500. Heinsem & Kroll 720 Elm St, Winnetka Winn.254 1LTN46-tc OLD HOME ON LARGE LOT 8 ROOM STUCCO. THIS HOME beautifully situated; about 20 yrs. old. Has excellent layout, well- built, remodeled. Priced right to make this a real home and invest- ment when new work is finished. A real home as it is. Lot worth % of price asked for house and lot. Wooded and well landscaped. Over- looking golf course. Lot large enought for two homes. Call Winn. 828. 1LTN46-1tc VACANT BARGAINS 85x160 -- NORTHWEST WINNETKA, $85 per foot. 50x187--Winnetka Manor (3 lots) $60 to $65 per foot. 100x187--Indian Hill section (Re- stricted) at $135. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Winnetka 1800. 10 Carlton Annex 1LTN46-1te BARGAIN $11,000 GLENCOE LEAVING CITY--STUCCO AND CLAP- board house; 5 rms. 1st floor, 2 semi- finished; heated on second floor; large screened porch; garage; hot water heat. Lot 50x140; wooded, hedged; flower beds. Nice neighbor- hood; property values increasing. $3,000, balance easy terms. 474 Drexel Ave., (one block north Scott). Phone Glencoe 1071. 1TN23-1te FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH home just completed. Hot water heat, four bedrooms, two baths and lavatories. Heated garage, break- fast room, fireplace, arches, and other distinctive features, artistic and spacious, driveway, deep wooded lot near Sheridan road. Open for inspection. $27,500. 563 Ash street. T23-1tp FOR SALE--175 ACRES ON BELVE- dere Rd.; 1% mile frontage on route No. 20; rm. house; elec. light; furnace heat; brick silo; good out bldgs. Motor buses from Waukeg- an to McHenry pass in front of the farm. Price $210 an acre for quick sale. Terms. Chas. F. Fitzgibbons, Libertyville, III. 1LTN46-1tp VACANT FOR SALE--$75.00 A FOOT for quick sale. $35.00 a ft. under adjoining lots. 4 blks. Kenilworth depot; 1 blk. Ind. Hill Golf Club. 50 or 100 ft. by 177 ft. deep. Wil- mette Life A-610, or call Sunn. 5528. 1LTN45-1te, FOR SALE--7 RM. STUCCO; H. W. heat; attic; 2 car gar.; 3 blks. from steam and elec. sta.; 3 blks. to bath- ing beach; close to grade and high schools. Price $15,000. Terms. 477 Elder Lane, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 1595. 1ILTN43-tfc FOR SALE--FIVE ROOM MODERN, semi-bungalow; splendid neighbor- 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES OR RENT -- SMALL STORE AN- nex No. 22. G. F. Gonsalves. Phone Winn. 62. 5T22-tfe FOR RENT--PRIVATE OFFICE FOR desk space; 2d floor over Adams' Pharmacy. Write Winnetka Talk A-626. 5T23-1tec 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT -- GARAGE, 164 WOOD- land Ave, 1543. Winnetka. Phone Winn. 6T22-1tc 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--UNFURNISHED for yr. or more; 7 or 8 rm. house for occupancy Sept. 1 or Oct. 1. Full particulars phone Wilmette 3120. TLTN46-1tc WANTED TO RENT--SIX OR SEVEN room house or bungalow; reliable family. Reply particulars to R. T. Means, % Evanshire Hotel, Evans- ton. TLTN46-1tp WANTED TO RENT--FURN. OR UN- hood; h. w. heat; large screened porch. Three blks. to Elm st. sta- tion; schools. West of track. Price $12,000; bargain. Write Winnetka Talk A-615. 1T23-1tc FOR SALE--SPANISH BUNGALOW; 6 rms.; nr. trans. golf and lake; modern and conv.; h. w.' heat. Shown by appt. only. Phone Winn. 932. 1TN23-1te FOR SALE--NEW BRICK VENEER house, 133 Glenwood Ave. Hubbard Woods; 6 rms.; 2 baths; pchs. Lot 55x200. Price $20,000. Terms. Phone Winn. 62 or inquire at 137 Glenwood Ave. 1LTN46-1tc FOR SALE--20 ACRES; 6 BLOCKS from depot in Deerfield; other acre- age This is a rare opportunity for subdivision. Call F. H. Ward, Wil- mette 3041. 1LTN46-tfc WANTED TO BUY WINN. HOME WITH 4 MASTER BD. rms, 2 baths, 2nd fl, servant quarters 3rd fl. Owner, phone Winn. 1226. 1LTN46-1tc 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--FURNISHED; 12 ROOM house, 615 Greenleaf Ave., Glencoe; 2 blks. from station; east and south; 5 large bedrms.; 2 baths; h. w. heat- ing. If interested phone Glencoe 41 and write owner, Mrs. C. H. How- ard, Saugatuck, Mich. 2LTN46-1tc FOR RENT -- GLENCOE--CHARMING location on the high bluffs overlook- ing the lake; 8 rm. stucco house and garage; prefer small family; no other such place for rent on the North Shore; large grounds; private bathing beach. Phone Glencoe 210 or Wabash 1258. 2LTN45-2tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED house for winter. Two baths, rage, beautiful location, large Two blocks from Winnetka Phone Winnetka 331. ga- lot. depot. 2T23-1tp FOR RENT--HOUSE FURNISHED OR unfurnished; September 1 to May 1; new six room home; two baths; sleeping porch: sun parlor; garage. Phone Winnetka 2154. 2T23-1tc FOR RENT--INDIAN HILL; OCT. 1: furn. or unfurn.; 6 rm. house with 2 glazed porches: h. w. heat; garage; near New Trier and trans. Phone Kenil. 307, 2T23-1tc FOR RENT--9 RM. MODERN HOUSE. 800 Rosewood Ave. Available Oct. 1. Apply to same or call Rogers Park 6950. 2T23-1tc FOR RENT FOR WINTER--SEVEN room furnished house near school and railroad. Low rent. Phone Winnetka 1910. 2LTN46-1tc FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW HOUSES: 6 and 7 rooms; near lake, golf and transportation; large lots, price $16,000 and $21,000. W. Otten, Coun- ty Line Rd., Glencoe. Phone High- land Park 898-Y3. 1LTN26-tfc FOR SALE--150x185 FT. 8S. W. COR- ner of Rosewood and Pine. Will sell reas. Phone Winn. 515-W. 1LTN46-1tc FOR SALE--11% ACRES NEAR DE- pot of new electric line at Willow Street; other acreage. Call F. H. Ward, Wilmette 3041. 1LTN6-tfe FOR RENT--7 RM. HOUSE; FURN. or unfurn.; for 1 of Poss. after Sept. 1. Phone Wil. 1908. . 2LTN46-1te FOR RENT--HOUSE WITH 2 FLATS, 995 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods. Phone Winn. 128, 2TN23-1to FOR RENT--6 RM. HOUSE IN GLEN- coe. Sept. 1. Rent reas. Phone Glen. 808, 2TN23-1tc 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--A COZY 5 RM. APT. 1ST floor; fireplace; h. w. heat; best neighborhood, nr. trans. 752 Sun- set Rd. Phone Winn. 573-R. after 6 P. M. or Sundays. 3T5-tfe FOR RENT -- 2 NICE FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. 310 Park Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1958. 3LT46-1te FOR RENT--2 AND 4 RM. MODERN apartments; steam heat; janitor service. Phone Wil. 2399. 3LTN34-tfe 4 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--LARGE, FTTRNISHED, front room; twin beds; block from trans; next door 'restaurant; 2 gentlemen. 556 Center street. Phone Winnetka 1588 after six. 4TN23-1te CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms: for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. 4L.T46-1fc FOR RENT--ROOM: SUITABLE FOR 2; nr. trans. 725 Prairie Ave. Wil- mette. Fhone Wil. 442, 4LTN45-tfc FOR RENT--3 ROOMS AT 338 ADAMS St., Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 8X5. 4LTN35-tfc FOR RENT--FURN. RM.;: $6; NEAR all trans. Phone Wil. 27086. 4LTN46-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM. On block from station. 928 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods. 4T23-1tp FOR RENT--LARGE, FURN. ROOM; suitable for 2: 2 hiks. from trans. Phone Winnetka 730. 4T22-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM with bath. Price $50. Phone Glen- coe 805. 4TN23-1tn PHONE WIL- 4LTN46-1tc FOR RFENT--ROOM. mette 3206. 10 ROOM, 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS MALE NURSE WHO HAS BEEN training in Germany wishes position. Will give electric treatments with own machine if desired. Best ref- erences. Phone Wilmette 1070. 14LTN46-1tc N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple ., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. five, Divans 1SLTN19-tfc 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS SITUATION WTD. -- HGUSECLEAN- ing, window washing, floor waxing, lawn and garden work; odd jobs. Phone Wil. 3428. 14LT40-tfe SITUATION WANTED -- HOUSEMAN, gardener, etc.; young German; exp. rhone Winnetka 532-M from 5-7 F Mm 14TN23-1tp 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WOMAN OF REFINEMENT, RECENT- ly widowed, 16 years housekeeping experience, desires position as such with group of teachers, elderly couple, or family of adults. Good cook. Would also consider position as 'seamstress. Willing to leave city. Address Wilmette Life A-624. 15LTN46-1tp FUR GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER, remodeled and repaired. North Shore references. MADAME A. KORINEK Fur Shoppe 428 Linden Ave. Wilmette Concessions given on all work be- n ept. . tween now a p J9PN22- Ge Permanent Waving, $15 OIL SYSTEM; LARGE SOFT WAVES; no kinks. Wilmette Beauty Shop, 1200 Central Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 79. 19LTN45-4tc WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash street. New Store, 1500 Willow Rd. 19LT8-tfe WANTED--POSITION AS COOK OR Evanston; September 1 or 15 to De- cember 1. Phone University 3767 or 1519 Hinman avenue, Evanston. 9LT46-1tc 11 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED -- REAL ESTATE SALES- man to sell out of our Winnetka office--territory, Xenilworth, Win- netka and Glencoe. HEINSEN & KROLL, INC. 720 Elm St, Winnetka Phone 254 11LTN46-1tc WANTED -- WHITE MAN, HANDY about the place and house. Part time. Phone Winnetka 75. 11T23-1tp HELP WANTED--FEMALE 12 TELEPHONE OPERATING-- IS A DESIRABLE OCCUPA- TION YOUNG WOMEN; THE WORK IS PERMANENT, INTERESTING AND NEAR HOME. OPERATORS ARE WELL PAID; THEY LIKE THEIR WORK AND ASSO- CIATES; VACATION WITH PAY IS GIVEN EACH YEAR; A LIBERAL BENEFIT PLAN IS PROVIDED. COME TO THE TELEPHONE OFFICE AND TALK IT OVER WITH THE CHIEF OPERATOR, 740 ELM ST. WINNETKA. 12T22-2tp FOR WANTED -- EXPERIENCED, WHITE maid for general housework. No I~ washing. Christian Scientist pre- ferred." Apply Saturday evening or Sunday. 870 Foxdale Ave. Winnet- ka. Phone Winnetka 1781. 12LLTN46-1tp WANTED -- YOUNG WOMAN OF ability for management of gift shop in Glencoe. Reasonable salary and interesting work. Refs. required. Phone Glencoe 954. 12LTN46-1tc WANTED -- COOK, $20. SECOND maid and mother's helper, $18. Eight room house; six in family; washing sent out. 1111 Cherry street. Phone Winnetka 2085. 12T23-1tc WANTED--IN REAL ESTATE OF- fice in Winnetka; young woman to answer phone, do typing, ete. Write Winnetka Talk A-626. 12T23-1tc WANTED--COOK; SMALL FAMILY; permanent; refs Phone Glencoe 278 or call 125 Beach Rd., Glencoe. 12LTN46-1tc WANTED--COMPETENT MAID FOR gen. hswk.; also assist with chil- dren. Phone Winn. 1698. 12LTN46-1tc WANTED -- YOUNG COLORED GIRL, mother's helper; no cooking. Stay or go home nights; ref. 807 Linden Ave., Wilmette. 12LTN46-1tc WANTED -- GEN. HSWK. MAID, white. Family of 2. No laundry work. References required. Good wages. Phone Winnetka 1838. 12TN23-1te GIRL; EXPER. WANTED -- HSWK. neat, references; no laundry. Good home for right girl. Phone Winnet- ka 1889. 12TN23-1tc WANTED--EXP. WHITE MAID FOR gen hswk.; no washing; new house. 720 Greenleaf Ave. Glencoe. Phone Glen. 991. 12TN23-1tc 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WTD.--FIRST CLASS EX- verienced landscape gardener with best Wilmette references to take care of house and garden one or two days a week; will do all autumn garden work, planting, trees, shrubs and flowers at reasonable price. F. Koeberl, Box 158, Northbrook. Thione Wilmette 135. 14LTN46-1tp furn, 6 or 7 rm. house; take poss. general maid by young colored Sept. 1 to 15. Phone Winn. 281, woman with good references. 7T23-1tc Elizabeth Dixon. Phone Glencoe 446. 15TN23-1tc WANTED--SIX OR SEVEN ROOM house; good condition; near Tower SITUATION WANTED -- GENERAL road. Long lease or option to buy. housework. Middle-aged woman. Rental §100 to $150. Phone Rogers | Mrs, Padour, 1050 Oak street, Win- Park 2839. 7T23-1tD | netka. Phone Winnetka 3h ns 3 WANTED TO RENT -- GLENCOE OR Winn.; rm. house; garage; respon- 5 sible couple; no children. $100 to SITUATION. VID Co. Si1kla ler $125 per month. Phone Dearborn giass 200 or Bon Xo . S > 3700. 7TTN23-1te N raves, 383 ivingston ve., Akron, Ohio. 15TN22-2tp WANTED TO RENT--UNFURNISHED house; 4 bedrms.; nr. grade school. | SITUATION WTD. -- WHITE FIRST Oct.-May. Good refs. given. T. class laundress. Also cooking or Gallagher, 4455 No. Ashland, Chigo. cleaning. Write Wilmette Life A- Phone Ravenswood 8368. 7T23-1tp 625. 15LTN46-1tc 9 WANTED TO RENT--- SITUATION WANTED -- REFINED APARTMENTS Norwegian girl for general house- work; no cooking experience. Phone WANTED TO RENT -- FURNISHED Winnetka 904. 15LTN46-1tc five-room apartment or small house; Winnetka, Wilmette, or | DRESSMAKING, PLAIN; SKIRTS AND dresses tailor-made, $3.50 up. 1410 Hill St., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1983. 15LTN46-1te SITUATION WTD.--EXP. COL. GIRL for gen. hswk.; refs. Phone Ken- wood 0505. 15LT46-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- WASHING AND ironing to take home; exp. laun- dress. Will call for and deliver. Phone Wilmette 834-J. 15LT46-1tc SITUATION WTD.--LAUNDRESS DE- sires work at home; finished, rough dry; wet wash; will call for and de- liver. Phone Wil. 1351. 15LTN21-tfc SITUATION WTD. -- COLORED GIRL wants gen. hswk. or practical nurs- ing. Phone Glencoe 1015. 15LTN46-1tp GRADUATE MASSEUSE WOULD like residential appointments. Phone Winn. 2106. 15T23-1tp FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- terations call Miss Carlsten, Winn. 2213. 15TN10-tfc 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--LEAVING TOWN, MUST sell at once contents of home con- sisting of furn., carpets, ice-box, stove, baby bed, high chair, folding chairs, curtains, ete. 726 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette. 17TLTN46-1te FOR SALE MAHOGANY pieces; living room table; dining room table; upright Victor victrola; 9x12 green chenille rug. Phone Winnetka 500-M. 17TLTN46-1te FOR SALE--BOHN SYPHON REFRI- erator, A-1 condition, golden oak finish, porcelain enamel lined, gal- vanized ice chamber, capacity 75 lbs. A bargain at $25. Phone: Winn. 1491. 17 TN46-1tc FOR SALE--WHITE TILE ICE-BOX, opal lined; in very good condition, 85 1b. capacity. Worth $160 new. Will sell for $37. Crystal washing machine, A-1 condition, $35. Phone Winnetka 760. 17T23-1tc SOLID davenport; 1 FOR SALE--FULL SIZE BRASS BED HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED AT Winnetka Shoe Aaning, Pano, 10 Prouty Annex. one nn. v DAY 19TN17-tfe WA ED eS LOCINEDE FOR 5 Ls 1 1d; ch . one nn, 1792. Sl, ent Sear 19TN23-1tc 20 AUTOMOBILES RENT A CAR: DRIVE IT YOURSELF. New seven passenger touring cars. Go where you want, when you want, stay as long as you want. You pay only for the distance you travel; no charge when car is not driven. For prices and information phone Glencoe 1052. 20TN21-tfe PAIGE, ROADSTER R SALE--IN EXCELLENT MECH. YOR Sa Will hold 4 people. Ac- cessories, etc. Bargain only $275. Ride home from 1508 Elmwood Ave, . Barber. Evanston. Ask for Mr 20 IN 16-1tc LE--DODGE SEDAN IN GOOD rove cond.; good paint; practically w tires on wire wheels. For pot 8 sale $200. 120 Park Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 3153. 20LTN46-1tc RDNER COUPE, MODEL 1922 FOR SALE--RUN 17,000 MILES; GOOD running condition; newly painted) suitable for business or school. Wil ash. Phone Winn. elk. for: $300, cof 20LTN46-1t¢ FOR SALE--4 PASS. OLDSMOBILE coupe; 4 cyl; perf. mech. cond.; all 'accessories; new cord tires. Bar- rai inn. 453. gain. Phone Wi SoLTN4G-1te VE BUYER FOR USED DODGE rh 'What have you? Wersted Phone Winnetka Motor Company. 20TN23-1te 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS BIG BARGAIN 8 FT. CIGAR CASE; TOBACCO WALL- ase; 8 ft. candy case; 8 ft. wall- bey Must sacrifice. Pohn Bros., 1850 Sherman Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 4112. 21LTN46-1tc FOR SALE--TWO, SIX-INCH, FINE pear trees, good bearers, laden with fruit. Call and see them. Price reasonable. 1170 Scott ave. Phone Winnetka 1170. 21T23-1te FOR SALE--BARGAIN; LARGE SAFE, 3 ft. square, 4 ft. high. Price $60. 'H. H. Hanson, 506 5th St., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 3314. 21LTN46-1te FOR SALE--HUDSON SEAL COAT with large iia 1 Sujtanie oe 4 irl; 5. one en, % yoru 21LTN46-1tc re ---------- FINANCIAL SECOND MORTGAGES MADE ON IM- 22 and springs, S500; Birds wo manta | 170" PORE, Eramk, J: Sarr dresser, $5.00; Thor washing ma- d . y icp: chine, $10.00. 1205 Scott Ave. Phone Thana Central 3058. 22LT Winn. 1341. 17T23-1tc 7% PERSONAL FOR SALE--EXCEPTIONALLY HIGH grade mahogany book case or china cabinet; colonial mahogany hall seat. 454 Washington Ave., Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 74. 17TLTN46-1tc LADIES--WEAR A SAMPLE DRESS and mail in the orders that come to vou, For Daiiiedlars Write a Magnolia Ave. ic 5 Hicks, 4537 Mag SI FOR SALE--WALNUT CANE SET- tee; triple mirror dressing table; new sanitary couch; 75-1b. ice box; 1'r. brown velour portieres. Phone Glen. 1087, 17TLTN46-1tc FOR SALE--ITAL. HAND-CARVED walnut mirror; Wm. and Mary arm- chair; mah. end table. Phone Glen. 8. 17TLTN46-1tc FOR SALE -- UNIVERSAL STOVE, white porcelain top, legs and splash- ers. Phone Glen. 1087. 17LTN46-1tc FOR SALE--DINING ROOM TABLE and 6 chairs; large buffet. Cheap. 1501 Forest Ave., Wilmette. 17TLTN46-1tp FOR SALE piano; KIMBALL UPRIGHT beautiful carved mahogany case. Price $100. Phone Winnetka 331. 17LTN46-1tp FOR SALE--FUMED OAK DINING table and 6 chairs; in good cond.; $30. Phone Glencoe 203. 17TN23-1te 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST PLATINUM WRIST WATCH with jewel in stem; grey silk band; Thursd»2 morning about 10:30 be- twaen Manle, Elm ud the oaauon, Ob 1 e call nn. A I'inder pleas oi23.1te FOUND--BICYCLE ON MY PREM- ises. Owner nay Lave some i ing. Write nne ienijiying > 24T23-1te LOST--MALE AIREDALE SATURDAY night in Kenilworth; reward. H. O. Edmonds, 37 Kenilworth Ave. Phone Kenil. 96. 24L.TN46-1tc LOST--TORTOISE SHELL GLASSES. Winnetka 642-M. Reward. Phone in 24T93-1tc 26 GARDENING LANDSCAPE GARDENING, HAULING dirt. Phone Glencoe 885. 4 Dlagk aie 26LTN28-tfc , 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE FOR SALE -- COMBINATION COAL and gas range. Call Winn. 1681. 17TN23-1tc FOR SALE--MAH. DROP-LEAF EX- tension table; 3 chairs to match; good cond. Phone Winn. 1252. 17TN23-1tc FOR SALE--DRESSER; CHEST OF drawers; side-board; serving table. Phone Winn. 1236. 17LTN46-1tc FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL VICTROLA; cheap. Phone Winn. 2226. 17LTN46-1tc 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS SEWING MACHINES All makes and motors repaired, $1.00 up: work guaranteed; North Shore references. Singer Drophead, like new, $25. Singer electric port- able, $35. Free delivery. Phone Irving 1670. C. Skowron, 3040 No. Avers Ave. Chicago. 27LTN45-4tp NO. SHORE WINDOW AND HOUSE Cleaning Co. Yes, we have men for anything that is to be done .around the house. Place your order now. Prompt service. 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994 27T6-tfe WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, TI. Phone 189. 18LTN24-tfc 28 PIANO TUNING EXPERT TUNING--GRAND AND po REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. GUAR- anteed. IL. W. Foster, 1306 Wil. Ave, Wil. Phone Winn. 509-J. BE