WU 20 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1925 | CITES AUTO AS HEALTH HAZARD Abuse of Its Comforts Called Dangerous A measure of comfort is found for the four persons out of every five in the state who have not yet bought an automobile, but who wish to own one, in a statement issued this week by Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state health direc- tor, who declares - that automotive transportation is not an unblemished blessing to humanity. With all of its benefits, says the director, the auto- mobile has its shortcomings, being re- sponsible for an average of more than 100 fatalities and 1000 injuries monthly in Illinois and tending to promote hab- its conducive to physical ills and criminal conduct. "With an automobile for approxi- mately every five people in the state", said Dr. Rawlings, "and the imminent possibility of that ratio being cut down 'as rapidly as the other four become financially able, it is a matter of public concern to know that a number of very definite hazards to health and life at- tach to this modern convenience of travel. In the first place automobiles are directly responsible for more than 1200 accidental fatalities and approxi- mately 12,000 more or less serious in- juries annually in Illinois, but that is not the whole story by any manner or means. "Carbon monoxide, a colorless, odor- less, poisonous gas is present in auto- mobile exhausts. Breathing this toxic substance, which is very easy to do when engines are run in closed garages, has a serious and sometimes fatal ef- fect on the body. - NOTICE VILLAGE OF WINNETKA Board of Appeals NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Appeals of the Village of Winnetka, pursuant to a resolution of the Council of the Village of Win- -netka designating said Board of Ap- peals as a committee to consider a petition filed with said Council by a certain property owner, will hold a public hearing for the consideration of a proposed amendment to the Zoning ordinance of the Village of Winnetka, which shall provide that the property described as (Except Street) Lots Three (3) and Four (4), in the Sub- division of Block Thirty-six (36), Winnetka, being a subdivision of the Northeast quarter of Section Twenty (20) and the north half of Fractional Section Twenty-one (21), in Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen 113) East of the Third Principal Meri- _dian, shall be changed from "A" Resi- ential District to '"C" Commercial District as described in said Zoning ordinance. The said public hearing will be held by the said Board of Appeals, as a committee of the Council, in the Coun- ¢il Chamber of the Village Hall, Winnetka, Illinois, on the thirty-first day of August, 1925, at eight o'clock P. M., at which time and place all par- ties interested may be heard. ROBERT KINGERY, CHARLES L. BYRON, CORAM T. DAVIS, SPENCER S. BEMAN, STANLEY P. FARWELL, Board of Appeals. 29 PAINTING AND DECORATING IF YOU HAVE ANY PAINTING OR decorating to be done, it will pay you to get in touch with E. M. Brandt. Best references. Phone Glencoe 971. 29TN4-tfc az KENNELS FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL YOUNG police dog; sire imported and most popular in America; Wolf-Gray, pedigree, registered A. K. C. Phone Edgewater 6873. 32TN23-1tp FOR SALE--BOSTON BULL PUP 3 yrs. old; beautifully marked; pedi- gree furnished; thoroughly house broken; gentle and playful. No reasonable offer refused. 608 Willow Street. Phone Winnetka 1671. 32T23-1te RUG BARGAIN OLD SAROUK ORIENTAL 141% by 10%; feet $1500 Value at a big reduction. Your car as part payment. Open Evenings F. C. HEANEY - Marmon North Shore Sales and Service 1008 Davis St. Greenleaf 1038 EVANSTON "More important still, perhaps, the automobile is conducive to physical indolence that tends to prevent exercise sufficient for reasonable health. Even the four or five million people in the state who have not yet purchased a car find opportunity more and more frequently to motor to and from work and to replace the healthful hike with a dash to the country on balloon tires propelled by six powerful cylinders. Lack of a reasonable amount of exer- cise in the open air favors the de- velopment of the degenerative diseases such as heart trouble, nephritis and many other complications which have increased as a cause .of mortality al- most phenomenally since the advent of petrol vehicles. "Another danger that the automobile has enhanced is the spread of con- tagious diseases. Motorists seem to insist upon drinking water found at indiscriminate places along the high- ways and upon bathing at convenient places to the road without regard to the possibility of polluted water. The result is that typhoid fever is not in- frequently a companion of the return trip home. Not only this but a person suffering from such contagious diseases as smallpox, measles, scarlet fever and so forth, can travel fast and furiously by automobile. "Of course, there are the ill health results of immorality which the motor car promotes and then there is the criminal aspect involved in theft. "Automobiles are wonderful assets to health and happiness when rightly used, but like every other good thing they are dangerous indeed when their use is abused. Pilots of airplanes are given very rigid mental and physical tests semi-annually and this practice has reduced enormously the number of crashes. Almost anybody is permitted to drive an auto and the death rate from accidents grows on from year to year." FIRST NATIONAL ROUNDUP AND CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO Grant Park Stadium, Chicago Aug. 15th to 24th, Inc. 1925 Low Excursion Fares in effect via Chicago & North Western Ry. Pro- gram includes hundreds of tanned and wiry cowboys and cowgirls from the Western plains. Lariat throwing, steer and calf roping, relay and free- for-all racing. Wild longhorn steers battling against the "bulldoggers" and many other spectacular events. Grant Park Stadium on the Lake Front is an example of the finest amphitheatre architecture in America. You cannot afford to miss this splendid opportunity to witness the most thrilling American sport, and visit the wonder city of the Middle West. For information regarding excursion fares, train service, etec., apply to any Ticket Agent, Chicago & North West- Adv. ern Ry. NO SMOKE + NO SOOT - FEW ASHES CHICAGO Solvay Coke Buy it-Bum it Joull Like it Mrs. Anna L. Smith County Agent, Cook County President, Illinois Woman's Democratie Club and Former National Committeewoman of Illinois No and 4 FIND that the Chicago Herald and Examiner supplies me with news relating to political and business activities of women in Chicago Illinois which represents, with Brisbane's and Hinman's columns, a complete daily digest of up-to- A the-minute developments in these fields." I CE TI TL -