yy 4. WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1925 RAIL WORKERS PLAN PICNIC North Western to Have Out- ing August 22 The first annual picnic of the em- ploves of the Chicago and North Western Railway company and their families will be held from noon until late in the evening Saturday, August 22, at the Pyott (Niesen) ball park, Lake street and Kilpatrick avenue, Chicago. Fred W. Sargent, president, and other officials of the road, will be present. There will be a baseball game, races, and other athletic sports during the afternoon, and dancing in the eve- ning. In addition to the dance music, a special band will give a concert pro- gram during the afternoon and eve- ning. George B. Vilas is general chairman; WwW. I Towne, chairman of the recep- tion committee; John Ball, program and prize committee; M. R. Leahy, publicity and advertising; E. P. Marsh, grounds and decoration; C. H. Shir- cliffe, refreshments; Roy Miller, music and dancing; and E. B. Hall, athletics. . Much interest and enthusiasm is be- ing shown by all the members of the "North Western" family in this event, and all indications point to it being a great success. Employes on the north shore are regarding the event with pleasurable anticipation. Winnetkans Have Narrow Escape in Storm on Lake Frederick Rummler, son of E. A. Rummler of 1015 Starr road, Winnetka, and Fred Stoddard, also of Winnetka, had a narrow escape from drowning in the lake off the coast near Muskegon, Mich., late Wednesday night when a storm overtook the yawl "Seacall", owned and sailed by William R. Rumm- ler, Chicago patent attorney , with whom they were sailing, and drove it on the beach. The incident occurred seven miles from the city and coast guards had con- siderable difficulty in effecting a rescue. Heavy seas kept the rescue party from approaching the yawl and it was not until Hugo Kanitz, Jr, a Muskegon high school football star, swam out and retrieved a line and put it aboard that the party was taken off. William R. Rummler is a brother of E. A. Rummler of Winnetka, and has his offices at 7 S. Dearborn street, Chi- cago. His home is at 9237 S. Win- chester avenue. Mr. Rummler is a member of the Chicago Yacht club and had left for a cruise on Saturday. Mrs. Rummler and their four children, Ade- laide, 11 years old, Joseph, 20 years old, Madeline, 15 years old and Robert, 5 years old, were on the boat when the storm hit it. FARRAR'S EX-HUBBY IN FILM Lou Tellegen the former husband of Geraldine Farrar the 'much her- alded star of the Metropolitan Opera company in New York and who was recently remarried plays one of the principal parts in "After Business Hours," a Columbia Picture. The fea- tured player with him in the cast is Flaine Hammerstein. Others in the cast are John Patrick, Phyllis Haver, Otto Hoffman and Lee Moran. The picture was directed by Mal St. Clair. BULL MONTANA MILK FED Bull Montana, he of the cauliflower ear and the pugilistic mien, plays "Bully Boy" in the Tom Mix picture "Dick Turpin." Bull is a native of Voghera, near Milan, Italy, and re- mained in his beloved country until he was 20 years old. As a boy Bull worked on a farm and then as apprentice to a shoemaker for the munificient sum of three cents a week. After working for the shoe maker one year his salary was in- creased to eight cents. GLENWOOD SCHOOL BOYS GIVEN ANNUAL OUTING The annual outing for boys of the Glenwood Manual Training school graduating class, through the gener- osity of Edward B. Butler president of the school, promises to be an unusually happy event this year. Forty-four of the class left Glenwood Monday morning by auto bus for Ot- tawa and Starved Rock. Equipped with pup tents and a commissary de- partment the boys will camp Monday and Tuesday at Starved Rock, explor- ing the canyons and learning the his- toric traditions of the place from C. Baldwin, a pioneer and lifelong resi- dent in that locality. Through the courtesy of Judge Harry Reck of La Salle county, and Lee Car- roll, secretary of the Ottawa Chamber of Commerce, the boys will be enter- tained at dinner on Wednesday, at Ot- tawa by the Chamber of Commerce. Glenwood Training school is Chica- go's largest charity for underprivileged boys. Its work has been of particular interest to Rotary clubs. Ernest S. Ballard of Winnetka is a director of the school. 300 Members of Schaefer Family Enjoy Get-Together The third annual reunion of the Schaefer family of the north shore was celebrated last Sunday in the Glenview Forest Preserve with about 300 members of the well known "clan" in attendance. Field events, baseball games and picnic food featured the day's activ- ities. In the ball game the single men were pitted against the boys "of that married look," with the first named taking the contest in 10 innings 9 to 6. i The PEERLESS Six and Eight Immediate Orders Insure Immediate Delivery. NORTH SHORE AUTOMOBILE CO. 1735 Benson Avenue Evanston Phone Univ. 1048 EE --- ed a ----------] SKOKIE MOTOR COMPANY The only Authorized Ford Dealers Between Evanston and Highland Park. WINNETKA, ILL. 712-14-16 Elm Street nly days more to get this $65 Clock Thermostat FREE Just five days remain to get completely automatic heat--at a saving of $65. special Mid-summer offer expires August This Only a small deposit down will install Kleen-Heet monthly payments. in your home. Then easy You take no chance of 20th. That's the "deadline." Settle this oil burner question, not next week or next month, but TODAY! We're making it greatly to your advantage to act quickly. On orders now, we can give you installation ahead of the fall rush. You have the benefits of oil heating all through the early fall days when it's so hard to keep the house comfortable with coal. You want oil heat, of course. Nobody likes to shovel coal and carry out ashes. No- body likes coal, smoke and soot, dust and cinders. Nobody enjoys worrying over coal strikes and shortages. Now, Kleen-Heet's Special Mid-summer Offer gives you scienti- fic oil heat on what we believe are the most unusual terms ever offered. HEAT AS SURE AND TROUBLE-FREE AS YOUR LIGHTS AND WATER! In more than 20,000 homes--several thousand in Chicago and suburbs--Kleen- Heet has proved its unvarying dependability. For more than five years it has given trouble- free, economical service. Now we offer you this simplest, most effi- cient oil burner plus accurate clock control-- at a $65 saving! If you act immediately. Gasoline and Oils Tires, Tubes, Accessories Hood, General, Goodyear Jobbers for Wadham's Oils Three Stores BRAUN BROTHERS 723 Oak St., Winnetka 1565 621 Main St, Wilmette 3243 Ridge and Wilmette Aves. Wilmette 290 In the Interest of Truth-- The statement was recently pub- lished by another oil burner company that "In one year's time its burner outsold any other burner in this terri- tory two to one." Kleen-Heet has no controversy with other oil burners. interest to you as a prospective pur- chaser: During the twelve months referred to, 45 more Kleen-Heets have actually been installed in this same territory than the other burner claimed. Furthermore, while the other burner listed a total to date of 148 installa- tions here on the North Shore, Kleen- Heet's total is 384--far more than double the other's record! We shall be glad to have you talk with any of these Kleen-Heet users. But this fact is of Phone University 1139 (Open Evenings) disappointing delay if we are swamped by our fall rush. You make the change while your heating plant is idle and your coal bins empty. You are ready for the first cool days with even, controlled, clean heat--just the amount you want, when you want it. No disturbance of your present heating plant-- whether hot water, steam, vapor, or hot air. And there's a size of Kleen-Heet for every size home. SEE KLEEN-HEET IN A HOME NEAR YOURS Learn what users have learned about oil heat. See Kleen-Heet at work. Not in the showroom, but in a home near yours. We'll gladly arrange it. No obligation. And get full details of this Special Mid-summer Offer. Remember, it gives you, FREE, a stand- ard seven-jewel, eight-day de luxe clock ther- mostat, regularly sold at $65! The famous "Minneapolis" make, recognized as best for forty years. But you must act at once! Only five days left! Telephone or mail coupon to- day! Address North Shore Kleen-Heet Co., 705 Washington St., Evanston. (Tested and r= Wirt Oil A A Product of the WINSLOW BOILER %¥ ENGINEERING CO. The Underwriters' Only with accurate, dependable clock control like this can you have completely automatic heat --a "checked" fire at night, yet warm rooms in the morning, with no attention on your part. Once a week you wind the clock--that's all! -- Ween-Beet more B Chicag® ed in rod OL alon rs of a0Y combined oil hurne other -- listed as standard by Laboratories) 4 North Shore L 4 Kleen-Heet Co. 705 Washington St. Evanston Please send me full infor- about your Special Mid-summer Offer, with no obli- gation on my part. Name... srs reins sane Address iii ci aie r