- WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1925 5 ' EXCUSE ME IS Earl Weinstock Has Big | Kenilworth Starts New Task as Grounds' Expert Improvement Projects Earl Weinstock, chairman of the| Contracts for improvements were grounds committee of the Chamber of awarded two companies at a special Commerce, which is in charge of af-|meeting of the Kenilworth board of fairs on Win- |local improvements Wednesday eve- netka Day, ning. The Arcole Construction com- Thursday, Au-|Ppany was awarded the contract to gust 20, is faced |pave Roger avenue, Brier street, Mac- with a big job in lean _ avenue, Cummings avenue and getting in readi- | Virginia avenue. The bid was $62,040. ness the Elm |The Highways Construction company ° Bead Construction street park, | was Aearded a contract or i; exten- : 5 a 1 S ovement t at where the big sicn and mmprovemen o 1e water does it ~ ~ ~ picnic will be [mains in Kenilworth avenue and other held. It is |streets. planned to have the park suit- ably decorated and this presents a , rroblem, according to Mr. Weinstock. train speed from the start, when a fyohem, ac g A A ; Not every kind of decoration will har- young couple are taxicabing wildly b Chi aki f inist monize with a natural setting and care - about 1cago looking tor a minister) .,,.i; pe taken to see that the picnic mare, them, trough the ilriowly| roids present an atastive appear . . . ance, while, at the same time, the space in a Pullman train, to the sensational to be decorated is so large that it is finish when the nearly-weds catch the | jieylt to decorate without a heavy transport for the Philippines by way |f,a5cial outlay. The grounds com- of an airplane to San Francisco. mittee has also made arrangements - It's an out and out farce, with no|for accommodating the Chamber of : other object than entertainment. And |Commerce band for a street dance to it's sure-fire entertainment that will|be held in the evening. sweep any theater with gales of laugh- Rupert Hughes' Story at Community House Rupert Hughes' "Excuse Me" has been selected as the feature picture for next Friday's showing at Commun- ity House. One writer says: Earl Weinstock "Excuse Me" is the most moving pic- ture of the year; it moves with express BLE NERY HE new Kelly Tire has a real non-skid tread. So quiet it doesn't even purr. So tough and rugged, the new Kelly will out-mileage any tire we have ever known. [Ihe Sanifary Engineer] A new construction, exclusive with Kelly, makes the bead an integral part of the tire. 1 This gives the entire carcass a flexibility 3 without which the new easier-riding, longer- wearing Kelly tread could never have been achieved. ter. Written in 1910, it scored a record \ ; TAY alr We have the new Kelly Cord in all sizes. success on the stage, running for years Westmoreland Club Holds \ § A) | y with four companies playing it all over Exhibition Match Sunday WW AF kn the country. Published as a book, it Walter Hagen, world damous. goft ee SAL Le {| en ept up to the big selling standard of er lagen, wi 5 5 POST YOU ' Rupert Hughes's highly successful | er; and William Mehlhorn, Western Dont IN S ANS» ] novels. And now, elaborated, modern- Open champion, will play a 36-hole ex- PLUMBING PLANS, 3 ized, pepped up for motion pictures, it's | hibition match at the Westmoreland No need to wait more joyously amusing than ever." Goud, Sih Sunday, Sugust 18 The We'll quote the rate. ° "Our Gang" will appear on the same | IJ5t 15-00le round will start = a ON'T postpone your plumb- F l b l C 0 R D bill in "Every Man For Himself." Per- Ghclock hy Hs orig apd, ths Jorond D ing plans--Ilet us hear about e x l e formances start at 7:30 and 9 o'clock. |found will begin a Q Sips them at once. Don't worry WERSTED MOTOR CO. afternoon. The match will be open to . i : the public, with an admission charge. Miss Laura E. Fisher, assistant treas- | This will be the first time that Hagen about the cost until you know what it is going to be. You can Complete Automobile Service urer at the Winnetka Community [has appeared in these parts in four afford the plumbing fixtures that 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka house, left Monday to spend a few days | years and officials of the club are pre- you need and we can prove it. at Winona Lake. paring for a crowd of more than 1,000 You'll find dependability here. spectators. A Bath a Day Mrs. Donald Murray of 832 Bryant 3 1 , Keeps You Fit Every Way avenue has gone to Michigan to spend Mr. and Mrs. John Dix and family some time as the guest at the Wil- are spending the week at Green Lake, VIC I, KILLIAN, Inc. lard Beatty summer home there. Wis. SANITARY ENGINEERS ALI I TTT ELLE EEL EEL EEL LE LL LL LLL LLL LLL LLL LL] a Specialists in New Work and : 3 Remodeling. .¢ > 874 Center St. Winnetka 1260 L 3 LJ LJ | -- : Hot August Days--~ * Ld ' Bee Thin, ig lh .. ~ HR . -_t H : * STAN Nz Bs -- * Can always be made more endurable if you H ¥ it v ® F . ' * : 3 patronize our Fountain, where you will find * SECC CCCCCRR [EER ISSSSSSSECCRRN ho the most refreshing Drinks, Sundaes, Ices, 3 * - Ice Creams, etc. : : : * ] &* H Community Pharmacy : i ™ * * ¢ L : EA : A High Grade Public x "Smiling Service : i 750 Elm Street Phone Winn. 164 ite : : Utility 1 : : utit t t i 5 ook ob ode ode oe oe ode ode oe oe ob of oe of oe oe oe ole eo ob of of of ole of of oe ole oboe oe ob oe oe of oe oe eo oboe le oe ok obo ole oo oF 1 1 Vy nves men Phone Winnetka 32 Residence Phone 426 WINNETKA TEAMING & SUPPLY CO. L. J. HAYES, Prop. Safeguarded by well-established and constantly growing demand for service. This high grade and steady dividend paying investment can be had in the pop- ular and well known 7% cumulative pre- ferred shares of this company. GENERAL TEAMING AND EXPRESSING, BUILDING MATERIALS, DRIVEWAYS, GRADING AND BLACK DIRT These shares are free from the Normal Federal Income Tax and exempt from Per- sonal Property Tax to residents of Illinois, and they can be had for $100.00 per share, either on a cash or a monthly saving basis. 16 PROUTY ANNEX WINNETKA, ILLINOIS COOL AND COMFORTABLE would not mean a thing if the food itself were unwholesome and improp- erly cooked. Try the Cameo for a combination of everything that makes a restaurant popular with its patrons. We shall be glad to explain these very attractive opportunities in the investment of the 'The place where eating is a pleasure" NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY | Cameo Restaurant and Lunch Room | 551 Lincoln Avenue Joe Stoner & Co. ASS | - EN -- ELECTRICAL REPAIRING AND WIRING We repair everything Electrical that can be repaired. We 1 | 1 ut COUPON will be glad to furnish estimates on your wiring and Gentlemen : Will be interested in receiving literature describing your customer ownership plan. other electrical work. We close at 1 p. m. on Saturdays during July and August NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC SHOP JOHN C. WELTER, Prop. 554 Center St. Winnetka, IIL Phone Winn. 44 If electrical and good, we sell it. NNN AN AN ANN NN ANN AN NNN NN NN NR NNN NNN NNN NS ES SNES ESE SN SS NN AN ee NNN A NNN A NN NN RN NN AN NAN AN AN AN NN NN NN NN NEN NN NAA NAA AAA A NEN A ARERR NN NN NN ALN ANNAN 1 ] ] ] 1 1 1 ] 1 " 1 1 1 ] 1 ] 1 ] ] 1 ] ] 1 1 1 ] 1 ] ] |] | ] 1 ELL LL EEL EP PE EE EE EE Er EE] ] L} 1 1 ] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] ] ] ¥ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L} |] 1 1 ] 1 1 1 1 ¥ \ A \ \ PNCNFNEACAL AEN AN NNN NN ANN NANA ANN A TN NN NN NN CNN NSN NN NUN NN NCEA NN