rem 'transferred August 7 from the Central 18 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1925 NEWS OF INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING FIELDS OLD PROPERTIES LEAD TRANSFERS Economist Tabulates North Shore List North shore real estate transfers in The Economist this week seem to in- dicate a general clearing up of old real estate deals and obligations with a good sprinkling of new deals. In City Clerks' division, 102 feet of lot 9, block 2 of lot 61 and part of 60, s.e. 17, 42, 13 was transferred from John Buckingham to Harriet B. Met- calf, dated July 28. Glencoe, lot 4, block 39, except part, changed hands on August 4 from Fred- erick H. Cooper, et al, trustee, to Clif- ton C. Coldren and wife. Also in Glencoe, the north half of lot 11, all of lot 12 in block 42 was transferred August 5 from Stanley L,. Cole to Harry S. Marshall and wife. In Hubbard Woods Villas, lot 43, part of lot 42, of lots 1 to 5 and 11, n. w. 17, 42, 13 was transferred from Oscar C. Keckley to Robert M. Knox. Indian Hill subdivision on number 4, 28, 42, 13, was transferred from Mar- shall Forrest to Elizabeth Thorn An- drews. na cGuire and Orr's Kenilworth Beach subdivision, lot 4, un. w. 14 27, 42, 13, Trust company of Illinois, trustee, to Fred J. Classen and wife. In Wilmette, the south 45 feet, lot 1, block 18 and north 45 feet, south 90 feet lot 1, block 18 was transferred June 8 from Thomas I. Welch to Lewa G. Dorsey. In Winnetka, lot 25, block 2 of block 7 to 12, etc, from Harriett G. Kiess to James H. Deming and wife. Also, in Winnetka, the south 100 feet of lot 31, block 9 of block 7, etc, from Edward I. Leonard to Robert W. Howard. List Realty Speakers for Real Estate Boards The speakers bureau conducted by 'the National Association of Real Estate boards is now reorganizing its lists for the coming fall and winter period. The bureau lists for real estate boards with- in its membership speakers within their general territory who are competent to lcal with real estate topics and with topics of special interest to real estate operators. Some 450 names are included in the forthcoming list, which will be available to constituent boards in the formation of their programs for the coming fall and winter. National Realty Leader Dies at Dubuque, Iowa C. A. Voelker, Sr., Dubuque, Iowa, former vice-president of the Iowa As- sociation of Real Estate boards, and long actively associated with the work of the National Association of Real I'state boards, died at Dubuque, August 12, after a 10 days' illness. Mr. Voel- ker for the last 40 years has made a specialty of the building of homes for working men. Mr. Voelker served as mayor of Du- buque and as a representative in the lowa legislature. He was 74 years old. Chicago Druggist Buys Dominick Kollmer Home Dominick Kollmer has leased his residence at 246 Maple avenue, Wil- mette, to Andrew Maguire, prominent Chicago druggist and the Maguires took possession of their new home last Saturday. Hill and Wheeler were the brokers. Mr. Maguire is owner of the drug store at 6541 Sheridan road, Chicago, and is widely known as the manufac- turer of Maguire's cornplaster. He has long been prominent in Catholic circles of Chicago. BUILDS IN WILMETTE Howard J. Meaney of Glencoe has purchased lot 5 on 17th street, Wil- niette, through the agency of F. H. (athercoal, Wilmette real estate brok- er. He is planning to build on the lot next spring. American citizenship. Wealthy Chicagoan Buys Demand for Bathrooms Problem with Brokers The increasingly insistent demand for a large number of bathrooms in homes placed upon the market promises to force architects to plan houses, like hotels, having "every room with private bath." It is also hastening the growth of gray hairs on the scalps of local real estate dealers. "It's nothing uncommon for people to demand three bathrooms in a six- room house. But the older homes in Wilmette were not built that way," one dealer wailed. "The newer homes are not for sale and the parties don't want to build. What to do? What to do?" The parents, the children, the maids and guests must each have their own bathrooms. They must be on each floor, flank each hall, be convenient to every bedroom. They are to be found in garages, kitchens, basements and at- tics. Yet they must be so built into the house as to be convenient, but in- conspicuous; they must be everywhere, yet appear to be nowhere. It's a big problem, moan the dealers 44 Boys Get Diplomas at the Glenwood School Diplomas were presented to 44 boy graduates of Glenwood Manual Train- ing school at the graduating exercises held Sunday afternoon in Memorial hall on the school campus at Glen- wood, Ill, before a group of interested friends and patrons. In its 38 years' existence Glenwood Manual Training school, Chicago's largest single charity, has fostered more than 8000 boys who have honorably up- held the school's standards of good Edward B. But- president of the ler of Chicago, is school. The local Rotary club is vitally in- terested in the school. Residence at Kenilworth The Jennings residence at 337 Essex road, Kenilworth, is to be redecorated extensively by its new owner, Michael Espert, preparatory to its becoming the residence of his son-in-law, George Ortseifen and wife. Mr. Espert is head of the Monarch Refrigerating company at 40 E. Austin avenue, Chicago, and is also owner of the Sheldrake apartments and other valuable properties. Mr. Ortseifen is vice president of Wacker and Birk Brewing company. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Harrison, Jr. and their children, 1034 Fig street, are guests for several weeks at the attrac- tive summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Carter Harrison, Sr., at Hartford, Mich. I'T"S WORTH LOOKING OVER! WANT to buy? Want to rent? Want to buy mortgage bonds? Want to place a mortgage? Want rents collected? Want your property affairs managed? See us--NOW. GLENCOE REALTY COMPANY 665 Vernon Avenue Glencoe, Ill. Phone Glencoe 1158 The Home We Will Build For You! 109% Down Balance on Monthly Payments A complete service--plans, etc., all included in our price. See the homes we have built on the North Shore from Wilmette to Waukegan. Use that vacant lot. Lake County Construction Company 10 N. Clark St., Chicago, IIL You Want Phone State 8825 HOT SPELL HITS TRANSFER BOOM But Brokers Are Ready for Autumn Activity Hot weather cut down the expected large number of week-end visitors to local real estate offices, although a healthy condition of the general mar- ket for north shore property continued to be indicated, in spite of the fact that actual reported transfers were scarce. Once more the dealers are in a state of closing deals all along the line, but which are not yet ready for announce- ment. Last week's long list of transfers included a large number of deals which had been "hanging fire" more or less all summer. The majority of those upon which the brokers are now work- ing, however, seem to be the product of late summer inquiries and are new business. Both vacant and improved properties are finding a normally good demand and the approaching expiration of leases in the fall is stirring considerable activity along those lines. Hotel Wilmette's Better Homes For Sale ARE LISTED WITH Clore, Budinger & Smith 1177 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wil. 1750 Honest Investments Invest your money here where the principal will be safe and the high interest rate certain. Phone Univ. 285 or Rogers Park 0272 and ask for our securities list. SM2So EE 1580 Sherman Evanston. IIL dwellers are seeking winter homes and vacationists are planning to return so that those who have been leasing for the summer and have been won to the north shore as an ideal place of resi- Jonce seem likely to stay in good num- Ders. It is known that several important deals on some of the best properties along the shore are now pending, with settlements expected within the next few days. In many of these, some money has already passed and an air of expectancy pervades real estate row. With the filling up of the east edges of the towns along the lake, consider- able westward movement has de- veloped. It is not, however, a squeez- ing-out process--the new coming in to crowd out the old--but many new- comers are selecting properties farther and farther west. Among these are many well-to-do families who plan to build expensive homes. The older fam- ilies, in fact, cannot be dislodged easily from their accustomed neighborhoods : it is only that new sections of fine homes seem in process of development. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Everitt, 1035 Dinsmore road, have departed for New York where they sailed for the British Isles last Saturday. They will be away six weeks devoting their trip to busi- ness and pleasure. --e Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Reynolds and their family, 914 Burr avenue, will take up their residence in South Bend, Ind, August 26, where Mr. Reynolds will be located in business. A number of "farewell" parties have been given in their honor. 54% Money Have funds to loan on choice improved North Shore Suburban residence property at 5% % in- terest. See us on renewals E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 GLENCOE: 5-room bungalow, FOR RENT furnished, convenient to transportation. $110.00 garage, good location, Immediate possession. GLENVIEW: good location, 4-room apartment, all modern conveniences, garage, heat furnished. $40.00 land, 132x660, terms. 831 Ridge Avenue FOR SALE 5-room frame bungalow, hot water heat, 3 car garage, 2 acres of $15,000.00 J. H. SCHAEFER & CO. WILMETTE, ILL. Phone Wilmette 364 Linden Crest Apartments Linden Avenue and Fifth Street WILMETTE 424 Linden Ave. One of the Courts in the Linden Crest Why Not Many representative North Shore families are making the Linden Crest Apartments their home. You are invited to inspect the few choice apart- ments still remaining unoccupied. attracted by the apartments themselves, the de- lightful neighborhood, and the moderate rents. For Information Call E. E. Stults Realty Co. Office Open Sundays You'? You will be Wilmette 3450 baths. tion. FOR SALE porch, having glass doors and radiators. Lavatory, first floor, also in basement. Architect's instructions: A strictly quality home with every convenience provided. CARLETON MOSELEY, Owner 160 Prospect Avenue, Highland Park 1267 BROADVIEW AVE.--JUST COMPLETED (FIRST ROAD NORTH OF ROGER RUNNING EAST FROM GREEN BAY ROAD) 160-foot frontage--additional if desired. Ten large rooms and breakfast porch; also front Billiard room, third floor. Two-car garage. Three Old English style. "Supply the best." -MOSELEY RIDGE A Distinctive Section of Highland Park WILLIAMS-- Hollow tile construc- ro ¢ <3 * i! #1 " > te