: WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1925 USE THE COMMUNITY MA 19 PLACE Glencoe TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. papers. the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. MINIMUM CHARGE the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. i ; Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. or 20 cents per line in all three 50. Average of five words to papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES ¥OR RENT -- DOUBLE GARAGE; suitable for a plumbing, carpenter shop, etc. 633 Park Avenue. 6LTN47-1tp FOR RENT--GARAGE AT 511 BIRCH street; 2 blks. from depot. Phone Winn, 528-W. 6T24-1tc 7 WANTED T0 RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--6 OR 8 ROOM modern house in Wilmette or Win- netka. Small adult family. Long lease if possible. Address Wilmette Life A-632. TLT47-1te WANTED -- RESFONSIBLE UNIVER- sity professor and wife with care- ful maid wish small furnished house in Winnetka; having toilet and lava- 1 REAL ESTATE 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES ROOMY COIONIAL $1,500 DOWN PAYMENT BUYS THIS attract. home with 7 lge., light, airy rms.; toi.-lav. 1st fir; ivory trim; oak firs.; beaut. wded. lot, only $15,000. Beautiful English Home House with character, nestling among wonderful, old trees on a superb 1% acre, landscaped lot full of magnificient shrubbery; 9 com- modious rms.; 2 baths; "Th, "w. ht.; pretty break. and lge. open porches; 2 car gar.; choicest N. E. sec. $23,500, terms. Might rent at $225 with option to buy. In few yrs. ground alone will be worth value of entire property. Heinsen& Kroll, Inc. 720 Elm. St, Winnetka Phone Winnetka 254 WINNETKA FOR QUICK SALE--6 RM. STUCCO, S. E. Winnetka; h. w. heat; sun and slpg. pchs.; lot 50x150 ft.,, close to schools and trans. $14,500. Will take it. BUNGALOW N. E. Winnetka, 6 rms.; large screened porch; 1 car garage, $13,000. VACANT BARGAINS 100x180 ft.--Winnetka Ave., 1% blks. east of new electric extension, $40.00 foot. 50x190 ft.--1% blks. Hill station, $70.00 foot. 73x156 ft.--Hill Road, high class location, $110.00 .foot. 100x187 ft.--Winnetka Heights, $110.00 foot. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 10 Carlton Annex Winnetka 1800 BARGAIN--$11,000--GLENCOE LEAVING CITY--STUCCO AND CLAP- board house; 5 rms., 1st floor, 2 semi- Indian finished; heated on second floor; large screened porch; garage; hot water heat. Lot 50x140; wooded, hedged, flower beds. Nice neighbor- hood; property values increasing. $2,000, batance easy terms. 474 Drexel Ave., (one block nerth Scott). Phone Glencoe 1071. 1LTN47-2tc NEW 11 RM. COLONIAL HOME; 7 bdrms.; 4 baths; slpg. pch:; bricfst: rm.; study; 2 fireplaces; liv. rm. 18x28 ft.; lge. open screened pch.; 2 car garage; on 150 ft. lot; steel constr.; new development with re- strictions. Will sell at bargain or will rent. See at once and make offer. Call Winn. 1226, agent for owner. 1LLN47-1te 6 RM, STUCCO BUNGALOW WITH glazed sunparlor. Center of Glen- coe. $11,000. McGUIRE & ORR Glencoe office opposite station Telephone Glencoe 13 1LTN47-1t MY-T-FINE BARGAIN--119 FEET ON Milwaukee ave. in Libertyville; 6 room house. Price $10,000. Cash $4,000. Lerms. Charles F. Fitz- gibbons, Milwaukee ave. and St. Paul R. R. Phone 285-J. 1T24-2tc ON ACCOUNT OF FINANCIAL NEC- essity will sell my 100-ft. lot just off Hill road overlooking Indian Hill Golf club section. $20 per foot under the market. Address Wil- mette Life A-635. 1LTN47-1te FOR SALE -- PRACTICALLY NEW stucco house; 7 rms.; sun parlor, sleeping porch; h. w. heat; oil burn- er; lot 50x187. Location S. E. Win- netka; nr. school and transp. Price $22,000. 560 Orchard Lane. 1LTN47-1tc FOR SALE--7 RM. STUCCO; H. W. heat; attic; 2 car gar.; 3 blks. from steam and elec. sta.; 3 blks. to bath- ing beach; close to grade and high schools. Price $15,000. Terms. 477 Elder Lane, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 1595. 1LTN43-tfc FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW HOUSE; 7 rms.; near lake, golf and trans- portation; large lot; price $21,000. W. Otten, 96 County Line Rd., Glen- coe. Phone Glencoe 433. 1LTN47-tfc FOR SALE--HOUSE; 7 RMS.; BEAU- tifully located nr. grade school, high school, bathing beach, and sta- tion; 2 car garage; hot water heat; newly painted outside; will decorate throughout to suit party. $15,500. Terms. 477 Elder Lane. Phoné Winn. 1595. 1LTN47-2tc FOR SALE--NEW BRICK VENEER house, 133 Glenwood Ave. Hubbard Woods; 6 rms.; 2 baths; pchs.; lot 556x200; price $20,000. Terms. Phone Winn. 62 or inquire at 137 Glen- wood Ave. 1LTN47-1te FOR SALE--20 ACRES; 6 BLOCKS from depot in Deerfield; other acre- age. This is a rare opportunity for subdivision. Call F. H. Ward, Wil- mette 3041. 1LTN46-tfe FOR SALE--NEW ENG. TUD. HOME; 3 bd. rms:; sun parl.; slp. pch.; tile kitch. and bath: h. w. heat. Good loc. nr. Indian Hill Golf Club. Ex- cept. offer. Owner on premises. 1710 Forest Ave., Wilmette. 1LTN47-1te FOR SALE--111% ACRES NEAR DE- pot of new electric line at Willow street; other acreage. Call FF." H. Ward, Wilmette 3041. 1LTN46-tfc WANTED TO BUY--WELL LOCATED 6 or 7 rm. modern house on contract basis. Responsible parties. Address Wilmette Life A-632. 1LT47-1tc WANTED TO RENT--OCTOBER 1st. Five or six room house or bungalow in Evanston, Highland Park or anv- where between--$100 or less. If you want to take a trip for a year or two and leave your place in care- ful hands, or if you want tenants who will keep things up properly, we can get together. Might pur- chase later if suited. Highest refer- ences. Phone Sheldrake 8238. Ben- nett. 2LTN47-1te FOR RENT FURNISHED -- BUNGA- low; 5 rooms and heated sun parlor; completely furnisaned; responsible people only; on Elm street, conven- ient to trans., stores, schools. For inspection telephone Haymarket 4043. 2LTN47-1tc FOR RENT -- UNFURNISHED; 1 YR. lease; 7 room new home; 2 baths; lav.; garage attached. Water heat; 1% block to schools. 4 blocks to trans. Choice location, Glencoe. $250. Phone Glencoe 805. 2LTN46-1tc FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVELY FURN. house; reas.; medium size; well heated; near Indian Hill club, schools and trans. Double garage. Phone Winn. 2230. 2LTN47-1tc FOR RENT FOR WINTER--SEVEN room furnished house near school and railroad. Low rent. Phone Winnetka 1910. 2LTN47-2tc FOR RENT--OUR PLEASANT FURN. home overlooking Indian Hill club; 1 blk. from station. Mrs. Frank R. Fuller. Tel. Winn. 197. 2T24-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED OR UN- furnished; 2 car garage. Corner Sheridan road. Phone Winn. 1833. 2T24-1tc 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS North Evanston EASTWOOD APARTMENTS -- ON EASTWOOD AT CENTRAL ST. CORNER, NOT COURT APTS. AC- CLAIMED BEST OF NEW APTS. IN EVANSTON. 4's and 5's with extra closets. Reasonable rents; 11% N. W.;18min.-down=- Sound-proof, large rooms; playrooms for children. No rear apts. Near public golf course. Own- er on premises. Phone Univ. 3713. FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS. Living room, bedroom, 2 clothes closets. Dining room and kitchen privileges. Family of 2 adults. Pleasant location. Hubbard Woods. Winn. 914. 3LTN46-1tc J. FOR RENT--FURN. AFPT.; 4 ROOMS and bath; near all trans.; suitable for 2 or 3 teachers. Phone Winn. 2001. 3T24-1tp FOR RENT--A COZY 5 RM. APT, 1ST floor; fireplace; h. w. heat; best neighborhood, nr. trans. 752 Sun- set Rd. Phone Winn. 573-R "after 6 P. M. or Sundays. 3T5-tfe FOR RENT -- 2 NICE FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. 310 Park Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wil 1958. 3LT47-1tc FOR RENT---3 FURNISHED ROOMS in Hubbard Woods $50 a mo. Gas, light, and h. w. heat included. Phone Winnetka 977. 3LTN47-1te FOR RENT--2 AND 4 RM. MODERN apartments; steam heat; janitor service. Phone Wil. 2399. SLTN34-tfc 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED room; all conveniences; nr. trans- portation. 629 Park Ave. Phone Wilmette 2345. 4T.T47-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. 41.T46-tfe SINGLE OR preferred; newly 1973. 4TN24-1tp FOR RENT--2 ROOMS, FURN. OR unfurn.; suitable for 2 men or young couple. Phone Winn, 182. 4TN24-1tp FOR RENT -- ROOM, double; gentleman furn. Phone Winn. 3LTN47-tfe Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. tory on first floor. Sept. to May. : Phone Winn. 50. TT24-1tp WANTED TO RENT -- HOUSE OR bungalow; 5 or 6 rms.; furn. or un- furn.; nr. station. $100-$125 per mo. Write Winn. Talk A-630. TT24-1tc WANTED TO RENT--IN WINNETKA, Wilmette or Glencoe; 6 or 7 room unfurn. house; garage; A-1 refs. if desired. Phone Sheldrake 1455. TTN24-1tp 9 WANTED TO RENT-- APARTMENTS WANTED TO RENT -- FURNISHED house or apartment for winter, by responsible people. Phone Wil- mette 1123. 9LT47-1te HELP WANTED--FEMALE 12 TELEPHONE OPERATING-- IS A DESIRABLE OCCUPA- TION FOR YOUNG WOMEN; THE WORK IS PERMANENT, INTERESTING AND NEAR HOME. OPERATORS ARE WELL PAID; THEY LIKE THEIR WORK AND ASSO- CIATES; VACATION WITH PAY IS GIVEN EACH YEAR; A LIBERAL BENEFIT PLAN IS PROVIDED. COME TO THE TELEPHONE OFFICE, AND TALK IT OVER WITH THE CHIEF OPERATOR, 740 ELM ST., WINNETKA. 12T24-1tp WANTED--NURSE MAID, CARE OF 2 children and assist with light hswk. Phone Winn. 2289. 12T24-1tc WANTED -- WHITE WOMAN FOR gen. hswk.; Swedish or German pre- ferred; with or without laundry. Phone Glencoe 851. 12TN24-1tc WANTED--EXP. GIRL FOR HSWK.; good wages and pleasant surround- ings; must have refs. Phone Winn. 1238. 12LT47-1tp WANTED -- COMPETENT GIRL FOR gen. hswk.; small family; permanent position. Phone Winn. 1698. 12LTN47-1tc WANTED -- NURSE, PROTESTANT, white. References. 5 year boy. Assist with updtairs Beach road, Glencoe, coe 278. 12LTN46-1tc work. 125 Phone Glen- WANTED--MALE FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--A NO. 1 COU- ple, first class in every respect. Best North Shore and Chicago refer- ences. Available Sept. 1. Address Wilmette Life A-636. 16LTN47-1tp 16 SITUATION AN RKET 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--A. B. CHASE GRAND, mah. aull finish case, medium size, that I am compelled to dispose of before moving. Fiano new 2 mos. ago. This is a rare bargain. Must be seen to be appreciated. F. 8. Moore, 968 Fig St. Phone Winn. 1824 for appointment. 17T24-1tc KOR SALE -- COMPLETE FURNISH- ings of interior decorator's own home. Oriental rugs at sacrifice. 1422 Scott Ave., Hubbard Woods. Phone Winn. 543-W. 17T24-1tp #OR SALE -- BUFFET; BRASS BED and box springs; writing desk; 2 rugs, 9x12 Wilton and other 9x15. Phone Glencoe 541. 534 Oakdale. 17T24-1te FOR SALE--DRESSER, BED, RUG, overstuffed settee and arm chair, garden hose, benches, bassinette, play-pen; also many baby things. All very reasonable. Winn. 1995. 17TLTN47-1te FOR SALE--MAH. DIN. RM. FURNI- ture consisting of table, 6 chairs and sideboard; also Wm. and Mary library table; chairs, antique gold mirror and kitch. cabinet. Phone Winn. 2161. 17TLTN47-1te FOR SALE--CHASE BROS. MAHOG- any upright piano and bench. $75. Phone Winn. 1560. 17TN24-1tp FOR SALE--LARGE WHITE EN- amel kitchen cabinet in fine cond.; very reas. Phone Winn. 1491. 17TN24-1tc 21° FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--BROWN MARE. HEIGHT. 15 hands and 3 inches. Good hunter. Ridden by woman for past year. Can carry 200 lbs. Will be sold at bargain. Very quiet and gentle. Apply to Brackendorf's farm, Wil- low road, Northbrook. 22 FINANCIAL SECOND MORTGAGES MADE ON IM- proved property. Frank J. Carroll, 111 . Monroe street, Chicago Phone Central 3058. 22LTN44-4tc 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST--DOG; IRISH TERRIER; TAN with white breast. Reward. 201 Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods. 24LTN46-1te LOST--IN WINNETKA ABOUT 10 days ago; child's smoked, blue checked gingham coat. Reward. Phone Winn. 1087. 471 East Hill Rd. 24T24-1tc LOST--DOG, WHITE FACE AND feet, brown body. Airedale breed, but looks like a collie. Reward. Winnetka 2470. 24T24-1tc LOST--ON MONDAY, AUGUST _ 17; Parker Junior fountain pen; in busi- ness section, probably on Elm street. Finder kindly return to 564 Lincoln avenue. 24T24-1tp LOST--AT WINNETKA BEACH OR between there and 862 Foxdale ave. black leather traveling bag marked E. A. Mansfield on latch. Finder please call Mrs. R. K. Ballard, Winn. 1215. 24T24-1te 26 GARDENING LANDSCAPE GARDENING, HAULING black dirt. Phone Glencoe 885. 26LTN28-tfc 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE FOR SALE--ICE BOX, WHITE EN- amel inside and out. Medium size. For quick sale, $15. 303 Fairview avenue, Winn. 17TN24-1tc FOR SALE--COMBINATION BUFFET- china closet in oak, $20; Ansonia mah. clock, $15, cost $40; 2 solid cherry office tables, $10 each. Phone Wil. 2149. 17LTN47-1te SEWING MACHINES All makes and motors repaired, $1.00 up: work guaranteed; North Shore references. Singer Drophead, like new, $25. Singer electric _port- able, $35. Free delivery. Phone Irving 1670. C. Skowron, 3040 No. Avers Ave. Chicago. 2TLTN45-4tp FOR SALE--GOOD VACUUM CLEAN- er with all attachments, 1st class condition. Phone Winn. 1385. 17LTN47-1te FOR SALE -- HAND HAMMERED Colonial living room chandelier, also dull silver dining room chandelier. Phone Lester Stern, Glencoe 1034. 17LTN47-1te FOR SALE--LIVING ROOM, DINING room and bed room furniture. 615 Greenleaf Ave. Phone Glencoe 41. 17LTN47-1te FOR SALE -- FIVE-PIECE IVORY painted bedroom suite in excellent condition. Call Winn. 640. 17LTN47-1tc FOR SALE--3 PIECE OVERSTUFFED 'living room suite; piano; 2 porch beds. Phone Wilmette 802-W. 17LTN47-1tc RED MA- FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL hog. library table, 54 inches, $25. Tel. Wil. 3439. 17LTN47-1tc 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTN24-tfc N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 18LTN19-tfe FOR RENT--FURN. RM. HSKPG. IF desired; close to trans.; suitable for business people. Phone Winn. 2176. 4T24-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE, FURN. ROOM; suitable for 2; 2 blks. from trans. Phone Winnetka 730. 4T24<1tc FOR RENT--ROOM; SUITABLE FOR one or 2; nr. trans. 725 Prairie Ave, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 442. ~ 4LTN45-tfe FOR RENT -- NICELY FURN. ROOM in east side home. Call Wil. 1940. : 4LTN47-1tec FOR RENT--3 ROOMS AT 338 ADAMS St., Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 885. 4LTN35-tfc FOR RENT -- ROOM IN EXCELLENT family in Hubbard Woods, tearoom and all transportation conveniently near. Gentleman only. Address Wilmette Life 633. 4LTN47-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST with hswk. and care of child. Ref. rea. Phone Wil. 3165. 12LTN47-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED -- FURNACES cleaned and taken care of by the month. House and garden work by the hour. Fall plantings, peren- nials and shrubs. Victor Carlson, 188 Forest avenue. Winn. 486. 14T24-4tc CHAUFFEUR WITH 8 YEARS EX- perience desires position with priv- ate family in Winnetka or Gléncoe. Address Winnetka Talk A-631. 14TN24-2tp 14 Painting--Decorating Carl Frankell Phone Wilmette 3104 14L.TN47-2tp SITUATION WANTED--CHAUFFEUR; 5 yrs'. exp.; Chicago reference. John Bowden. Phone Drexel 2551. 14L/TN47-1tp -- HOUSECLEAN- window washing, floor waxing, lawn and garden work; odd jobs. Phone Wil. 3428. 14L.T40-tfc SITUATION WANTED--EXPERIENC- ed chauffeur; references. Phone Monroe Bass, University 7416 or Greenleaf 1730. 14 TN47-1tp 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--NURSEMAID. SITUATION WTD. ing, Will help with light housework. Likes children. $15. Phone Pali- sades 1670. 15TN24-1te SITUATION WTD.--COL. MAID FOR gen. hswk. Refs. Phone Glencoe 987. 15TN24-1te SITUATION WANTED--DAY WORK. Laundry, sewing, or general clean- ing. References. Glencoe 347-7J. 15TN24-1tc SITUATION WTD.--LAUNDRESS DE- sires work at home; finished, rough dry; wet wash; will call for and de- liver. Phone Wil. 1351. 15LTN24-tfc SITUATION WANTED--BY YOUNG girl as typist; can do general office work and take some dictation. Ex- perienced. Tel. Wil. 2093. 15LTN47-1te SITUATION WANTED -- GENERAL housework. No washing. Good cook. Phone Calumet 3695. 1524-1tp FOR RENT--SMALL FRONT ROOM; FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- centrally located. Phone Wilmette terations call Miss Carlsten, Winn- aRR_\ 4T,TN47-1tc 2213. 15TN10-tfe 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE OFFICES AND FEMALE FOR SALE--150x185 FT. S. W. COR- ner 'of Rosewood and Pine. Will sell reas. Phone Winn. 515-W. 1LTN47-1te FOR RENT--PRIVATE OFFICE OR desk space over Adams' Pharmacy. Fred'k. B. Thomas & Co.,, Winnetka. S5LTN47-1te SITUATION WANTED--COL. COUPLE, position in private family: houseman and maid or cook. References. Phone Oakland 0772 16LTN47-1tp 16 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS FUR GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER, remodeled and repaired. North Shore references. MADAME A. KORINEK Fur Shoppe 428 Linden Ave., Wilmette Concessions given on all work be- tween now and Sept. 15. 19TN22-6tc Permanent Waving, $15 OIL SYSTEM; LARGE SOFT WAVES; no kinks. Wilmette Beauty Shop, 1200 Central Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 19LTN45-4tc WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash street. New Store, 1500 Willow Rd. 19LT8-tfe HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED AT Winnetka Shoe Shining Parlor, 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. 19TN17-tfe 20 AUTOMOBILES Paige Roadster SALE--IN EXCELLENT MECH. condition. Will hold 4 people. Ac- cessories, etc. Bargain, only $275. Ride home from 1508 Elmwood Ave. Evanston. Ask for Mr. Barber. ' 20LLTN47-1tp FOR SALE--CADILLAC MODEL 55 town-country, convertible; has had good care. Never been out of the family, good for many more thou- sand miles. $280. Phone Winn. 1178. 20LTN47-1te FOR FOR SALE--CHEVROLET 5 PASS. tour, 1924 model; excellent cond. $250 cash--$300 on time. Tel. Winn. 1665. 20LTN47-1te FOR SALE--1922 CHEVROLET SE- dan; A-1 mech. cond.; $200. 1104 fheridan Rd... Wilmette. 20TN24-1te 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS PROTECT THE SURFACE OF YOUR table with an asbestos heat proof cover. One side covered with wash- able fabrikovid, reverse with green flannel for card playing. Will call to show sample, measure any table, and quote price without obligation to buy. Phone Keystone 9231. Geo. Hutt, 4117 Belle Plaine avenue, Chi- cago. 21LTN47-1tp FOR SALE -- 3 PIECE CHAISE Jounge. $20; imported old rose Chenille rug, 9x12, at $25; ladie's imported tan suit, size 36 or 38, $15. 1040) Pine street, Winnetka. Phone 752. 21LTN47-1tc FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL DARK northern muskrat coat with coon collar and cuffs; 40 in. long: good cond.; suitable for high school girl; cheap. Phone Wilmette 1655. 21LTN47-1te NO. SHORE WINDOW AND HOUSE Cleaning Co. Yes, we have men for anything that is to be done around the house. Place your order now. Prompt service. 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. 27T6-tfc PIANO TUNING EXPERT TUNING--GRAND 28 and REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. GUAR- anteed. L. W. FOSTER, 1306 Wil Ave., Wil. Phone Winn. 509-J. 28LTN44-tfc 29 PAINTING AND DECORATING IF YOU HAVE ANY PAINTING OR decorating to be done, it will pay vou to get in touch with E. M. Brandt. Best references. Phone Glencoe 971. 29TN4-tfe TUTORING COLLEGE STUDENTS WILL in high school and college subjects; French, Spanish, Latin, mathematics, history, elementary Greek and German; all college-board subjects. D. Chapman, Wil. 1678; W. Tencher, Wil. 1834. 30LT47-1tp 30 TWO tutor 21TN24-1tp Your Insurance Edited By F. J. Budinger AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE The Difference between Insurance and Indemnity-- Automobile owners who buy Liability Insurance should ex- amine carefully the wording of their policies and know just what their poli- cies provide for. Some policies provide to indemnify while others insure the palicy-holder. There is a distinct dif- ference between the word indemnify and the word insure, viz, indemnify means to compensate for loss sustained while insure means to protect against loss or expense imposed. This is of material consequence when we con- sider the following: Assume that you are carrying an automobile insurance policy providing to indemnify you for any loss sustained as the result of lia- bility imposed as a consequence to an accident. Assume that a judgment of $10,000 is rendered against you and your resources to cover or pay this judgment are limited to $5,000 and you pay this amount. Unless your policy provides for such contingency, then your insurance company, if they choose to do so can satisfy their liability to you by reimbursing you for the $5,000 that you actually paid. If such be the case, you would then have a $5,000 bal- ance of the original judgment to satis- fy as you acquired future assets. If you acquired real estate this unpaid judg- ment would show against it, all de- spite that fact that you carried Auto- mobile Liability insurance which you expected would protect you against lia- bility imposed. Provisions for the Assured's Bank- ruptcy--Very many of the policies is- sued by the old line companies, while they provide indemnity, they at the same time provide that if the assured is bankrupt at the time a judgment is rendered, or becomes bankrupt in his efforts to satisfy the judgment, then the Company will assume the total lia- bility of the judgment. Seldom does an insurance company take advantage of these technicalities, however com- panies that so word their policies, do so for their own protection. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Anderson, 565 Willow road, and their sons left Tues- day, August 18, to motor to Ashland, Wis., then on to Bents' camp at State Line where they have taken a cottage for three weeks. They will return the middle of September.