7 hi WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1925 PRICES CUT BY DODGE BROTHERS Increased Production Brings About Reduction Announcement of a reduction in the rrices of Dodge Brothers motor ve- hicles, both passenger and commercial, effective Monday. August 17, has been received by Wersted Motor Co., local dealer. New list prices, f. o. b. Detroit, are as follows: Standard Types Touring .. Ni... .0. 5%. 0 875 A-Sedan ...m.... i... e 1195 B= Sedans dv sim nel 1045 COUPE: 5 i is alnale vis Ae ne 960) Coach: veo ios Sa omnes 1035 Screen Commercial ...... 885 Panel Commercial ...... 960 Special Types Tori... inal S.. $ 975 A-Sedan o. 0.0 Dive. 1280 B-Sedan -...... vinnie. 1145 Cogpa. i... oh... 1060 COA en saan eos ne 1135 The price of the Roadster, $855, and that of the Chassis, $730, remain un- changed. "These new prices come at a time when Dodge Brothers product has reached the highest peak of mechanical perfection in its history," declares Mr. Wersted. "In an attempt to supply public demand, factory production has been stepped up since the first of this year from 900 cars a day to the present rate of over 1,100 and now Dodge Brothers are pushine as rapidly as pos- sible an eight million dollar expan- sion program to give them buildings and machinery for a production of 1,500 cars a day. "This price cut is just the applica- tion of Dodge Brothers policy of faith- fully returning to the buyer the sav- ing made possible by increased pro- duction. Since the first of this vear production has been steadily increased month after month. The first six months of 1925 were the largest in the factory's history--more than 11 per- cent greater than the first six months of 1924. The problem for Dodge Brothers executives has been, not to find a market for their product, but to increase production to supply a ready market. : "The constantly increasing, vet never satisfied, demand for Dodge Brothers Motor Cars is convincing evidence that a motor wise public is more and more appreciative of the greater value made possible by Dodge Brothers sound policy Ot constantly improving a basic design instead of bringing out a new model every year." DORCAS MEETING TUESDAY I'he Winnetka Dorcas society will hold its regular monthly meeting Tues- day, August 25, at the home of Mrs. A. Augdahl, 909 Cherry street. The meeting hour is 2 o'clock. Mrs. James Keenor, 623 Prairie ave- nue, has undergone a serious opera- tion at the Grant hospital and is there for a four weeks' stay. Mrs. S. B. Rogers, 467 Linden ave- nue, returned Sunday after an outing of about two weeks at Pottawatomie Lodge, Minocqua, Wis. Mrs. William Colvin, Jr, 797 Walden road, is expected home this week-end after a brief stay with her parents in St. Louis. Mrs. Florence Downs, 727 Foxdale avenue, and a friend from Evanston are spending a fortnight at the "Log Cabin", Minocqua, Wis. E will cooperate with you so that your home life may be a dream of joy. The proper plumbing conveniences mean ease and contentment--real rest after a hard day's work and a cheerful send-off in the morning. A Bath a Day Keeps You Fit Every Way VIC J.KILLIAN, Inc. SANITARY ENGINEERS in New Work and Remodeling. 874 Center St. Winnetka 1260 Specialists Next Week Saturday night, August 22--*""Ballo in Maschera"; Rosa Raisa, Giovan- ni Martinelli. Giuseppe Danise, Ina Bourskaya, Florence Macbeth, Vir- gilio Lazzari, Louis D'Angelo, De- sire Defrere. Giordano Paltrinieri. Conductor, Gennaro Papi. Sunday afternoon, Concert: chestra, ductor. soloist. concerts. August 23-- Chicago Symphony or- Eric Del.amarter, con- Alfred Wallenstein, 'cellist, All seats are free for these August 23--"Lu- cia": Elvira de Hidalgo, Mario Chamlee, Mario Basiola, Virgilio Lazzari, Giordano Paltrinieri, Phil- ine Falco. Louis Derman. Conductor, Gennaro Papi. Sunday night, Monday night, August 24--Con- cert: Chicago Symphony orchestra, Eric Del.amarter, conductor. Solo- ists: Marie Sundelius, soprano; Merle Alcock, soprano; Jacques Gordon, violinist. All seats are free for these concerts. night, Tuesday August 25-- "Aida": Rosa Raisa, Giovanni Mar- tinelli Ina Bourskaya, Giuseppe Danise, Leon Rothier, Louis D'An- gelo, Giordano Paltrinieri. Conduc- tor, Gennaro Papi. Wednesday night, August 26-- "Fa "Traviata": In Ravinia co, Giordano Paltrinieri, Louis D'Angelo, Paolo Ananian, Carlo Coscia, Louis Derman, Anna Cor- renti. Conductor, Gennaro Papi. Thursday afternoon, August 27-- Children's Concert and Entertain- ment; Chicago Symphony orchestra, Eric Del.amarter, conductor. Sec- ond half of program will present the child artists, Edith Mezur, pianist; Mildred Waldman, pianist; Law- rence Hay, soprano; Samuel Thaviu, violinist. Children under 12 years are admitted free to these concerts. Reserved seats are free for every- one. Thursday night, August 27--"La Tosca": Rosa Raisa, Giuseppe Dan- ise, Mario Chamlee, Louis D'Angelo, Giordano Paltrinieri, Paolo Ananian, Merle Alcock, Carlo Coscia. Con- ductor, Gennaro Papi. Friday night, August 28--"Lak- me" : Elvira de Hidalgo, Tito Schipa, Desire Defrere, Merle Alcock, Vir- gilio Lazzari, Philine Falco, Mar- gery Maxwell, Giordano Paltrinieri, Virgilia Grassi. Conductor, Louis Hasselmans. Saturday night, August 290-- "La Juive": Rosa Raisa, Giovanni Mar- tinelli, Leon Rothier, Florence Mac- beth, Armand Tokatyan, Desire De- frere, Louis D'Angelo, Paolo An- i Lucrezia Bori, Tito |anian. Conductor, Louis Hassel- Schipa, Mario Basiola, Philine Fal- | mans. Complete Exterior Work begin in the near future. Favorable on Administration Hall Roof girders on the new Administra- tion building were set in place this week and practically all the exterior stone work was completed. It is expected that the installation of plumbing will weather conditions have helped in the construction of the building and there is expected to be no delay in its com- pletion. Many favorable comments on the appearance of the new building have already been received by village officials. Phone Winnetka 32 16 PROUTY ANNEX WINNETKA TEAMING & SUPPLY CO. L. J. HAYES, Prop. GENERAL TEAMING AND EXPRESSING, BUILDING MATERIALS, DRIVEWAYS, GRADING AND BLACK DIRT Residence Phone 426 WINNETEKA, ILLINOIS itself 'The 551 Lincoln Avenue Be el RH COMFORTABLE would not mean a thing if the food | erly cooked. combination of everything that makes a restaurant popular with its patrons. Cameo Restaurani and Lunch Room COOL AND | were unwholesome and improp- Try the Cameo for a place where eating is a pleasure" | Joe Stoner & Co. IT'S USELESS TO USE WHAT IS VISIBLE TO THE NAKED EYE! A TELESCOPE TO SEE I have found so much fault lately with our meats that Mrs. Happy has put it up to me to decide what to serve for our dinner party to-morrow night, and now I am up against it. Phone Winnetka 920-21-22 PETERS MARKET Never mind that, Happy. Just go down to PETERS MARKET and let them solve your problem for you. They have some won- derful fresh dressed broil- ers and squabs and just received a shipment of lob- sters, crab meat. and shrimps. Just leave it to PETERS and your trou- bles will be over. Miss Irene Coffin of Blackthorne road, left this week to visit her cousin nn Menshota, Wis, for a fortnight's time. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Heyda and their daughter, June, 1139 Asbury avenue, left this week for a motor trip of three weeks to the Dells and Madison, Wis. There will be a stated meeting of the Winnetka chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, No. 942, Monday evening, August 24, at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. George H. Miller, 1433 Scott avenue, entertained at luncheon at her home Tuesday of this week for eight friends from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Coulter of 1065 "hatfield road, are entertaining for 15 guests this evening at the Skokie club dance. COLD BLANKETS A carload of blankets couldn't keep them warm, members of the Reginald Barker company who filmed "The White Desert" for Metro-Goldwyn- Mayer, at the top of the Continental Divide in Colorado, declared on their return. The picture was filmed in that vi- cinity in March and the frequent bliz- zards kept the weather below zero most of the time. The cast of the picture is headed by Claire Windsor and Pat O'Malley and includes Frank Currier, Robert Frazer, Mathew Betz, Trixie Friganza, Snitz Edwards, William Eu- gene, Sidney Bracey, Priscilla Bonner, Roy Laidlaw, David Dunbar, Sojin, Milton Ross, and Bert Sprotte. LAKE BLUFF DEFEATS LOCALS Winnetka's Playfield baseball team met its first defeat of the season re- cently when Lake Bluff scored a 5 to 4 victory in a thrilling ninth inning rally. Cadillac Stendard 7-Passenger Sedan NewCADILLAC is More, Groves More, Does More The new Cadillac is lower --superbly graceful, with the air of fleetness and agil- ity that is more than equaled by its brilliant performance. The chassis is lighter by 250 pounds, and more simple. Power is increased and flexi- bility and responsiveness augmented. Acceleration is remarkable, and sustained speed is, of course, avail- able in extraordinary degree and for any length of time. WY Product of Years The new Cadillac, throughout, bears the hali mark of supremacy. Squarely in line with the most advanced tendencies, is this new Cadillac. It is not a change in Cadillac's fundamental prin-* ciples of V-type eight-cylinder design. It is, rather, a development, a perfection of the appli- cation of those principles, due to a quick sense of the responsibility thatis upon Cadillac. Cadillac, today, as always, can be trusted to maintain its position as the standard of the world. 7. CADILLAC DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY CHICAGO BRANCH Division of General Motors Corporation 2301 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE 1810 Ridge Avenue, Evanston 5129 Broadway 6052 Cottage Grove|Avenue 4660 West Washington Blvd. Lt a