WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1925 WANT CASH MONEY? USE A WANT AD =. TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. papers. "the line. No black face type used, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS y Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. MINIMUM CHARGE 50. Rates for Display type on application. Deadline for Insertions--Siuaiiss, sdgrtisements, wit be ae. the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001, 20 cents per line in all three Average of five words to 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR RENT--DOUBLE GARAGE. 633 Park Ave. Wilmette. 6LLTN48-1tc 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--HOME; 6 OR 7 rms.; ton to Glencoe. Must be excellent neighborhood. Thoroughly respon- sible family. Might consider pur- chasing after renting. Room 221, Hotel Evanshire, Evanston. TILTN48-1tp WANTED TO RENT--SMALL FURN- ished house; 4 or 5 rooms. For Sep- tember and October or longer. Win- netka, Kenilworth, or Wilmette. Cra- mer, 1853 Green Bay rd., Glencoe. 7T25-1tp For small fam- -- -- WANTED TO RENT--SEVEN ROOM house with 2 baths. 1 REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE ily. Either Beautiful English Home House with character, nestling among wonderful, old trees on a superb 5 acre, landscaped lot full of magnificient shrubbery; 9 com- modious rms.; 2 baths; h. w. ht; pretty break. and lge. open porches; ¢ car gar.; choicest N. E. sec. $23,500, terms. Might rent at $225 option to buy. In few yrs. ground alone will be worth value of entire property. Moving to New York. Delight- fully situated on over 10,000 square foot beaut. landscaped, wooded grounds is this charming stucco on metal lath; 7 large, light airy rms.; sun and slp. pches. with south east and west exposures; toi-lav. 1st fir.; h. "w. (oil) ht.; gar.; short walk to beach, grammar and high schools, trans. Can be bought for $22,000 with $10,000 cash. Substantial and in 'excell. cond. A homey home. Heinsen& Kroll, Inc. 720 Elm. St, Winnetka Phone Winnetka 254 1LTN48-1tc FOR SALE--111% ACRES NEAR DE- pot of new electric line at Willow street; other acreage. Call FF. H. Ward, Wilmette 3041. 1LTN46-tfc 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--SMALL COTTAGE, HUB- bard Woods; 5 min. from sta.; for 1 or 2 yrs.; nicely located; very comf. Phone Winn. 1096 for ap- pointment. 2LTN48-1tc FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSE; EARLY American; 1 yr.; 7 rms.; 2 baths; garage attached; % blk. from Skokie club. Phone Glencoe 790. 2LTN48-1te HIGHLAND PARK FOR SALE--NEW 5 RM. HSE. ON 60 ft. wooded lot; nr. school and sta.; built-in features; artistic; A-1. $2,000 cash. Bal. 'monthly. Write "Wil- mette Life A-639. 2LTN48-1tc FOR RENT--FOR 3 OR 4 MONTHS or longer; our new, attractively furnished home in S. E. Winnetka; 7 rooms; 2 baths; very efficient hot water heating plant. Address Wil- mette Life A-640. 2LTN48-1tc For Sale--Bargain S. W. Cor. Sheridan and Frank- lin roads, north end of Glencoe; 105x155, heavily wooded ; hedges; all assessments paid. $13,000; $5,000 cash, bal. time. S. YONDORF & CO. 56 W. Randolph St. State 7238 1LTN48--1tp North Shore's Finest ~ 2X nan L SER VET r 1 er S. E. Winnetka, sixteen lge. trees seventy-five to one hundred Years old, evenly located around edge of lot. 3 blks. from lake, 3 blks. from transportation, 1 blk. Winnetka Park. Surrounded by full grown bridal wreaths, many fine shrubs and flowers; lot 62x168 ft, east front, south exposure. Many other features make this the ideal high class homesite. Phone Winnetka 1226. 1LTN48-1tc --WINNETKA-- WEST 8 rm. brick on 60 ft. 5 bed rms.; 2 baths; 2 car garage. Built by present owner. 4 blks. to trans- portation. Priced at $21,000.00 for quick sale. Call Winnetka 828 at once. 1LTN48-1tc BARGAIN--$11,000~GLENCOE LEAVING CITY--STUCCO AND CLAP- board house; 5 rms., 1st floor, 2 semi- finished; heated on second floor; large screened porch; garage; hot water heat. Lot 50x140; wooded, hedged; flower beds. Nice neighbor- hood; property values increasing. $2,000, balance easy terms. 474 Drexel Ave., (one block north Scott). Phone Glencoe 1071. 1LTN47-2te lot; Ravinia Vacant Bargain 3 BLKS. TO LAKE; 3 BLKS. TO EAST auto entrance Ravinia Park; 2 blks. to Braeside sta. Beau. wooded; ra- vine on 2 sides. A real bargain, $50 per ft. Size 157 x 125. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 10 Carlton Annex Winnetka 1226 1LTN48-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSE; 7 RMS.; BEAU- tifully located nr. grade school, high school, bathing beach, and sta- tion; 2 car garage; hot water heat; newly painted outside; will decorate throughout to suit party. $15,500. Terms. 477 [Elder Lane. Phone Winn. 1595. 1LTN47-2tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED OR UN- furnished: 7 rms.; 2 baths; lav.; ga- rage; sleeping and sun porches; 1 block school. Poss. any time. Glen- coe 805. 2TN25-1tp FOR RENT--6 RMS. AND BATH. Desirable location. Phone Winn. 58. 2T25-1tc ROOM BUNGALOW l-car garage. All im- Location Winnetka Inquire 927 Cherry St. Winn. 2T25-1tp FOR RENT--5 with bath. provements. Ave. 535-J. 3 FOR RENT-- APARTMENTS North Evanston EASTWOOD APARTMENTS -- ON EASTWOOD AT CENTRAL ST. CORNER, NOT COURT APTS. AC- CLAIMED BEST OF NEW APTS. IN EVANSTON. 4's and 5's with extra bed, closets. Reasonable rents; 11% blks. to C. & N. W.; 18 min. down- town. Sound-proof, large rooms; playrooms for children. No rear apts. Near public golf course. Own- er on premises. Phone Univ. 3713. 3LTN47-tfc FOR RENT--A COZY 5 RM. APT. 1ST floor; fireplace; h. w. heat; best neighborhood, nr. trans. 752 Sun- set Rd. Phone Winn. 573-R. after 6 P. M. or Sundays. 3T5-tfc FOR RENT--FURN. APT.; 4 ROOMS and bath; near all trans.; suitable for 2 or 3 teachers. Phone Winn. 2001. T 3T25-1tp FOR RENT--KITCHENETTE APT. IN Franklin Bldg.; in-a-dor bed. G. F. Gonsalves. Phone Winn. 62. 3LTN48-tfc FOR RENT -- 3 RM. APT. SEPT. 1. $65. 794 Elm St. Phone Winn. 2327. 3T25-1te FOR RENT--5 RM. FLAT; UNFURN.; garage. Lake ave. near Reinwald; 80 Locust Rd., Winn. 3LTN48-1tc 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- ROOM IN EXCELLENT home in Hubbard Woods, tearoom and all transportation conveniently near. Gentleman only. Address Wilmette Life 633. 4LLTN48-1tp FOR RENT -- LARGE FURNISHED front room; twin beds; block from trans.; next restaurant; over music store; 2 gentlemen. 556 Center St. Call Winn, 1588 after six. 4T25-1tc FOR RENT--WITH KITCHEN PRIVI- lege; light front room and very light back room. Near Woods station. Winn. 2053. 4TN25-1te CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. 4LT46-tfc SUITABLE FOR 725 Prairie Ave., FOR RENT--ROOM; one or 2; nr. trans. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 442. FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW HOUSE; 4LTN45-tfc 7 rms.; near lake, golf and trans- portation; large lot; price $21,000. | FOR RENT -- FURN. ROOM; CLOSE W. Otten, 96 County Line Rd., Glen- to trans.; suitable for business coe. Phone Glencoe 433. women. Phone Winn. 2176. 1LTN47-tfc 4T25-1tc FOR SALE--20 ACRES; 6 BLOCKS from depot in Deerfield; other acre- age. This is a rare opportunity for subdivision. Call F. H. Ward. Wil- mette 3041. 1LTN46-tfc NORTH EVANSTON 2526 HARRISON ST. FRAME COL.; 8 rms.; 4 bedrms.; 2 tile baths. Beau. grounds; choice location. 2 car garage. Price $16,500. MITCHELL BROS. 2546 W. Railroad Ave.. Evanston Phone Univ. 961 1TN25-1te FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE MODERN 5 room bungalow. Can arrange 2 rooms, bath, 2nd floor. 4 blocks Elm St. station. Large screened porch; fire place; large living room; h. w. heat; hard wood floors and finish. Laundry, etc. Lot 50x200. Splendid neighborhood. $12,500. Bargain. Terms. Address Winnet- ka Talk A-644. 1T25-1te MY-T-FINE BARGAIN--119 FEET ON Milwaukee ave., in Libertyville; 6 room house. Price $10,000. Cash $4.000. Terms. Charles F. Fitz- gibbons, Milwaukee ave. and St. Paul R. R. Phone 285-J. 1T24-2tc FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. ROOM; for young men; conv. to trans. Phone Wil. 717-R. 4LTN48-1tc Hubbard | furnished or unfurnish- ed; short or long term lease. where north of Kenilworth. Give details. Address Winntka Talk A- 638. 7T25-1te WANTED TO RENT--RESPONSIBLE party want unfurnished modern home in good location; either 5 bed- rooms, or 4 with htd. sleeping porch. Best references. Address Winnetka Talk A-642. 7T25-1tc WANTED TO RENT--4 OR 5 RM. HSE. in Winnetka; unfurn. Adults only. Nr. trans. Phone Winn. 1028. TT25-1te WANTED TO RENT--NORTH EVANS- Any- ton to Glencoe; 7-9 rm. house; un- furnished. Write Wilmette Life A-637. TLT48-1tp WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE OR bungalow; 5 or 6 rms.; furn. or un- furn.; nr. station. $100-$125 per mo. Write Winn. Talk A-630. 7T25-1tc preferably bungalow; Evans-. WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN. hswk.; no laundry. 882 Elm Street. Phone Winn. 2457. 12LT48-1tp WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN. hswk. Must be fond of children. Phone Winn, 2226. 12LTN48-1tc WANTED -- EXP. WHITE WOMAN; laundry and cleaning. Phone Winn. 58. 12LLTN48-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK.; no washing. Phone Winn. 764. 12LTN48-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hswk. Call. Winn. 860. 12LTN48-1te WANTED--EXP. LAUNDRESS; BEST refs. Phone Wil. 841-W. 12LTN48-1tp 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SIT. WANTED -- POSITION HALF feur with 5 years' exp., imported and domestic cars. A-No.-1 references. Willing to help with other work. Ludwig Marks, 4139 N. Albany Ave. Chicago. 14LTN48-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- FURNACES cleaned and taken care of by the month. House and garden work by the hour. Fall plantings, peren- nials. and shrubs. Victor Carlson, 188 Forest avenue. Winn. 486. 14T24-4tc FOR SALE -- GIVING UP HOUSE- keeping, will sell gas range; bed- room set; dining room set; and mis- cellaneous articles. All bargains. Phone Winn. 687 for appointment. 17T25-1te FOR SALE--KITCHEN TABLE, GAS stove, stool, chair. Living room chairs and tables. Maid's room fur- niture. Baby buggy, bed, etc. De- livery Sept. 15. Call Winn. 847. 17T25-1tc FOR SALE CHEAP -- LARGE SIZE mah. Victor victrola; 1st class cond. Phone Winn. 1785. 17LTN-1tc FOR SALE--FUMED OAK DINING table and 6 chairs; in good cond.; $30. Phone Glencoe 203. 17TN25-1tc FOR SALE--SIMMON'S 4-POST BED, excell. springs and mattress, com- plete $25. Call Winn. 530-W. 17TN25-1tc FOR SALE--SOLID MAHOGANY DIN- ing room set, $40. Upright mahog. Victor victrola, $25. Phone Winn. 500-M. : 17T25-1te FOR SALE -- SIDEBOARD, $18; dresser, $7; chair, $3; stand, $1; shirtwaist box, $2. Call Winn. 1236. 17TN25-1te FOR SALE--PIANO; ICE BOX; FRUIT jars and jelly glasses. Phone Winn. ; 17T25-1te CHAUFFEUR WITH 8 YEARS EX- perience desires position with pri- vate family in Winnetka or Glencoe. Address Winnetka Talk A-631. 14TN24-2tp SITUATION WTD.--EXP. ACCOUNT- ant will keen small sets of books, evenings or Saturday afternoons; at reas. rates. Phone Kenil. 726-J. WANTED TO RENT--7 OR 8 ROOM | Box 351. 14LTN48-1tp Apfurnished house. October 1, Ph |57HATION WTD. - FOUSECLEAN- tinal a a ing, window washing, floor ating 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE Jann and pia aen work; 33d, Jovs TELEPHONE OPERATING-- IS A DESIRABLE OCCUPA- TION FOR YOUNG WOMEN; THE WORK IS PERMANENT, INTERESTING AND NEAR HOME. OPERATORS ARE WELL PAID; THEY LIKE THEIR WORK AND ASSO- CIATES: VACATION wirTH PAY IS GIVEN EACH YEAR; A LIBERAL BENEFIT PLAN IS PROVIDED. COME TO THE TELEPHONE OFFICE AND TALK IT OVER WITH THE CHIEF OPERATOR, 740 ELM ST. WINNETKA. 12T25-1tp WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl to cook, wait on table and care 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WTD.--NURSE OR 2D maid; col. For references call Winn. 1558. Phone Douglas 5579. 15T25-1te SIT. WANTED -- POSITION HALF days; no Sundays. Housework or maid. Address M. Lyle, Gen. Deliv- ery, Kenilworth. 15LT48-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- WOMAN would like position as helper or com- nanion in family of adults. Phone Winn, 919. 15LTN48-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- GERMAN GIRL; exp.; willing worker; housework; cook. Phone Irving 5512. 15LTN-48-1tc DRESSMAKING; PLAIN. SKIRTS and dresses tailor-made. Phone Wil. 2983. 15LTN48-1tp FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- terations call Miss Carlsten. Winn. 2213. 15TN10-tfe 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WANTED -- COUPLE. Competent. Cook, butler or house- man. Experience. Good references. Available Sentember 1. Phone Ken- wood 6318 after 6 p. m. Battiste. FOR SALE--SINGLE BRASS BED; new spring. Bargain. Phone Winn. 1075. 17T25-1tp FOR SALE--BABY BUGGY, $10. Phone Winn. 2388. 17T25-1tc IS WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY---SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, I11. Phone 189. 18LTN24-tfc WANTED TO BUY--WALNUT OR MA- hogany finish piano; preferably small grand. Must be in A-1 cond. Write Wilmette Life A-641. 18LTN48-1tp N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Mable Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 18LTN19-tfc 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS FUR GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER, remodeled and repaired. North Shore references. MADAME A. KORINEK Fur Shoppe : a 428 Linden Ave., Wilmette. Wil. 3527 Concessions given on al work be- now and Sept. . tween P 19TN22-6te Permanent Waving, $15 OIL SYSTEM; LARGE SOFT WAVES; nn kinks. Wilmette Beauty Shoo, 1200 Central Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 19LTN45-4te WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useiul wid ASh E t. New Store, 15 illow A §iToe 19LTS-tfe HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED AT Winnetka Shoe Shining Parlor, 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. for downstairs; refs. required. Mrs. 16T25-1tv 19TN17-tfc T. 1. Brantly,*1071"'V or inn. Y» 1071 Vine St, Winn | 7 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS |20 AUTOMOBILES N WANTED -- EXPERIENCED GIRL; (FOR SALE AT ONCE--13 PIECE JUST. THE CAR TO USE I afternoons by the week; for hsewk.; wicker sun porch furniture, newly DRIVING TO SCHOOL. small family; good cook. Till Oct. 8. Phone Winnetka 1810. 1082 Cherry St. 12T25-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hswk.; 2 adults and 2 children in family; refs. required. Mrs. J. F. Holland, 1370 Scott Ave. Phone Winn. 1954. 12T25-tfe WANTED--YOUNG WOMAN TO HELP swer phone and do light hswk. Ap- ply after Sept. 1. Hawthorn School, 654 Greenleaf Ave. Phone Glencoe 165. 12TN25-1tc WANTED--DENTAL ASSISTANT; EX- perience not essential; must be will- ing and thoroughly reliable. Phone Winn. 169. 12T25-1te WANTED -- YOUNG WHITE GIRL for general housework. Experience not necessary. Winn. 632-7. 12TN25-1tp painted and upholstered, $75.00; two mahogany book-cases, $10 and $15; davenport and two chairs, $65.00; rose painted dressing table, $10; white chest of drawers, $3.50; large mahogany phonograph with fifty records and Victor attachment, $35.00; 9 piece brown mahogany din- ing room set, $75.00; one extra brown mahogany dining table with glass top, $15.00; kitchen cabinet, Mrs. F. C. Mercer, 261 Haw- thorne Ave. Glencoe. 17TLTN48-1tc FOR SALE -- ANTIQUES. LOVELY old Georgian sideboard with four beautifully carved columns in front; claw feet, 4 doors, 61% feet long. Cannot be replaced. Excellent con- dition. 6 bow-back mahogany din- ing chairs, carved tops, slip seat upholstered in crewel embroidery in black. Perfect condition. Spinning wheel. Several old glass lamps. Phone Glencoe 1042. 17TLTN48-1tc WANTED--NURSE MAID; 2 CHILD- ren, 2 and 5; must have good refs.; good wages. Winn. 1669. 859 Burr Ave.,, Hub. Woods. 12T25-1te WANTED -- WOMAN EXPERIENCED in practical nursing; to take charge of 2 boys, 6 and 8. Phone Winn. 2283. 12T25-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE cook with references. Young, Prot- estant. Mrs. E. 8S. Rogers, 375 Chestnut St.,, Winn. 707. 12TN25-1tc WANTED--COOK, WHITE. REFER- ences. Phone Winn. 565, or apply 1173 Tower Rd., Hubbard Woods. 12TN25-1te WANTED -- NEW TRIER HIGH school girl to assist with housework. Very close to school. Winn. 1372. 637 Garland Ave. 12T25-1te WANTED -- EXP. GIRL FOR GEN. hswk.; small family: refs. required; enod wages. 690 Greenwood Ave, Phone Glencoe 561. 12L'TN48-1tc FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. ROOM in east side home. Call Wil. 1940. 4LTN48-1tc FOR RENT--3 ROOMS AT 338 ADAMS St.,, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 885. 4LTN35-tfc FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM, $6; NR. all trans. Phone Wil. 2706. . 4LTN48-1tec FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM. 928 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods. 4TN25-1tp FOR RENT -- FURN. FRONT ROOM; nr. trans. Phone Winn. 533-R. 4TN25-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. 1 block from Hubbard Woods station. Phone Winn. 2070. 4T25-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE FURN. ROOM; suitable for 2: 2 blks. from trans. Phone Winnetka 730. 4T25-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. 893 Elm st. Winnetka 1719. 4T25-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl for gen. hswk.; must be good enok; 2 in family; refs. reonired. Phone Wil. 2638. 12ILTN48-1te WANTED COMPETENT RELIABLE white maid; gen. hswk.; 2 in familv. $15. References. Phone Winn 389 12LTN48-1te WANTED--EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR zen, hewk. Small family. No wash- ing. Phone Winn. 1256. 12LTN48-1tc FOR GENERAL housework. No washing. Phone Winn. 1516. 12T25-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WAIT- ress. 730% Elm St. Winnetka 387. 12TN-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED STENOG- ranher for private school. Call Winn, 465 for apnpointment. 12TN25-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRT, FOR GEN. hewk references. Phone Winn. 1725. 12TN25-1te WANTED--GIRL OR SALE--MUST SACRIFICE AT once, eleg. furn. like new; Silk mo- hair parlor set; wal. dining and bed- rm. sets; 9x12 and small rugs; desk; beaut. lamps; chairs; tables; mirrors. Will separate. Sheldrake 0689. 7637 Greenview ave. near Howard L station. 17LTN48-1tp FOR SALE--FURNITURE; ORIENTAL rug; chenille carpeting; oil paint- ings; ivory brkft. set; wicker furn; 7 pce. brown mah. din. set, $50; elec. lamps of all kinds, $2, $3, and $4; odd chairs, $4; pedestals; forms; fernery; dishes. Phone Wil. 1070. 17LTN48-1tc FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL MAHOG- any writing desk. Sleeping porch set of 2 blue wicker chairs, 1 table, 2 beds with mattresses and springs, perfect condition. Mahogany drop leaf table, lyre base. Glencoe 1042. 17TLTN48-1tc FOR SALE -- ELECTRIC WASHER: kitchen cabinet: vacuum cleaner; antique cherry high-boy. All per- fect condition. Phone Winn. 543-W, 1422 Scott Ave., Hubbard Woods. 17LTN48-1te FOR SALE -- ANTIQUE CHAIRS (lady's): chests, beds: tables: rugs; glass of all kinds. Prints a spe- cialty. 808 Washington St., Evans- ton. 17LTN48-4tc odd 1924 STUDEBAKER L 6 SEDAN, OVERHAULED AND GUARANTEED; (00, Many more bargains. Sfudehanes Sales Cor ivia702 9 ingt ve. niv. 10238 Orrington 20LTN48-1tc FOR SALE -- WILLYS-KNIGHT DE luxe sedan; extra equipment; excep- tional condition. At sacrifice. No dealer. Phone Winn. 543-W. 1422 Scott Ave., Hubbard Woods 20LTN48-1tc FOR SALF--CHRYSLER. ABSOLUTE- ly new Crown Imperial six; perf. cond. Leaving city. Box 364, Kenil- worth. 20LTN48-1tp FOR SALE--DODGE SEDAN; GOOD condition. $300. Can be seen at 515 Oakdale Ave. Glencoe. Phone Glen. 1008. 20LTN48-1te FOR SALE--1921 CHANDLER SPORT in good ond, $150.00, wT a foes reni 2 upee Pl, ilm , Erenmas 5 4 20LTN48-1te FOR SALE--1918 MARMON ROAD- ster, Clover Leaf model. Phone 'Winn. 1118. 20T25-1te 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS KOR SALE -- BABY CARRIAGE, large size, dark blue reed. in good condition. Fairbanks baby scale, like new. Iron wood or coal basket for fireplace. Winn. 792. 21T25-1tp FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL STRING OF matched oriental pearls valued by leading Chicago jeweler at $1,500.00. Will sell for less. Write Winnetka Talk A-643. 21TN25-1te FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY CAROM and billiard table complete. Almost . h Glencoe 473. new; Phone Sue 21TN25-1te FOR SALE -- BOY'S PATHFINDER bicycle. Cheap for quick sale. Phone Ly 1279. 21T25-1te FOR SALE -- SEVERAL NICE dresses and coats. Reasonable. Winn. 1372. 21T25-1tc TUXEDO, SIZE 42. IN Phone Kenil. 1021. 21LTN48-1te FOR SALE perf. cond.; $5; FOR SALE--54 INCH, ROUND MAHOG. tahle; 6 cane-back blue mohair chairs. T.ike new. $55, Phone Winn. 1792. 17LTN48-1tc FOR QATRX--DOURLE BRASS BED, hair mattress and box springs; sin- gle brass bed and box springs. 403 Grove Ave. Phone Glen. 918 morn- ings 9-10. 17LTN48-1te FOR SALE--LEAVING CITY SEPT. 5. Will sell high grade dining and liv- ing rm. furniture; real sacrifice. Rogers Park 1114. 17TLTN48-1tp FOR SALE--PORCH FURNITURE, rugs, gas stove, twin beds, baby buggy, stroller, extension ladder, and other things. All bargains. Glencoe 557. 17TN-1tc FOR SALE -- BOY'S BILE IN d d. Phone Winn. " Lh Ca 21LTN48--1te FOR SALE--HORSES; SApDLE AND i : Glen. : driving Phone Sng | 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- WEDNESDAY BETWEEN Provident Ave. and Electric station, small package containing ivorv nail buffer and small pin-cushion. Finder nlease return to Winnetka Talk of- fice. Reward. 24T25-1te LOST--GOLTN WRIST WATCH. NEAR Skokie school, Aurust 20. Initials R. M. L. on back. Finder phone 2202, and receive reward. 24T25-1tc <r