18 8 TKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1925 NEWS OF INTER IN REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING FIELDS TRANSFERS SHOW MUCH ACTIVITY Economist Reveals Many North Shore Changes Economist transfer listings for this week give only a hint of the very con- siderable activity in north shore real estate during the past week. Much of the business done has not yet been made available for publication, but some attractive properties are shown to have changed hands. In Glencoe, part of block 20 was sold to Dorothy S. Fleming by Walter S. Murray, dated August 7. Chicago North Shore Land Com- pany's subdivision, lot 23, part of lot 22, block 14, William G. Struggles to Marta B. Eiseman. Lot 10, Skokie view subdivision, SEL, SWYy, SWY, SW, 17, 42 13, on Aug. 6 transferred from Walter S. Bemis to Ida Schuman. In McGuire and Orr's Kenilworth Beach subdivision, lot 6, from Oscar B. Conklin to the Central Trust company as trustee, August 6. In Wilmette, lot 7 and 8, block 2, August 6, Deltef Hanssen to Hattie Seifert. Harry Hillman purchased the Rudolph Teucher property, Wilmette Dingee addition, lot 2, block 16 on August 14. Torrens system transfers list part of lot 8, block 21 in the Wilmette Lake Shore addition, transfered on August 20 from G. C. Leuthesser to N. N. Gantzell. McGuire and Orr Sell Skokie Heights Sites Three attractive properties changed hands this week through the agency' of the Wilmette office of McGuire and TT; The Howard E. Murphy home at 51 Crescent place, was purchased this week by C. H. Hawse of Chicago, who is planning to take up his resi- dence in Wilmette shortly. Mr. Murphy has purchased a home at the corner of Eastwood drive and Sunnyside avenue, Skokie Heights. The house has just recently been erected and is one of the most attrac- tive of its kind in that section. F. W. Kaempfer, owner of Kaemp- fer's Bird store at 24 FE. Randolph street, Chicago, has purchased property 110 by 200 feet in Skokie Heights. He was a resident of Winnetka until a few months ago. Paul Schroeder and Family Return from Sunny Florida Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schroeder and daughter, Margurite, recently returned to Wilmette from Florida, where they have been since last November. Mr. Schroeder, while in Florida, has been engaged in Miami and other real estate deals of considerable propor- tions and was elected vice-president of the All-States society, which is plan- ning the erection of a large office build- ing in the heart of Miami. Mrs. Delbert W. Poff and her little daughter, have returned to their home at 739 Walden road, after an extended visit in California. NOTICE OF APPLICATION Public notice is hereby given of the filing by the undersigned with the Illi- nois- Commerce Commission of an ap- plication for a certificate of conven- ience and necessity to construct and operate a water works system to serve the following villages and communi- ties adjacent to Chicago in Cook County and DuPage County, to wit: Kenilworth, Wilmette, Morton Grove, Niles Center, Des Plaines, Park Ridge, Franklin Park, River Grove, Elmwood, Oak Park, River Forest, Maywood, Melrose Park, Forest Park, Bell- wood, KEdward Hines, Jr., Hospital, Broadview, Brookfield, Riverside, Ber- wyn, Cicero and any other municipal- ities or communities adjacent thereto, located in territory north, west and south, now without an adequate filter- ed and soft water supply and desiring to take advantage of the water supply afforded by the facilities of your petitioner. Information as to the time and place of hearing upon this application may be secured by communicating with the Secretary of the Illinois Commission, Springfield, Illinois. Municipal Water Company of Illinois, By Harold H. Streight, Secretary. Miller, Gorham, Wales & Noxon Ryan, Condon & Livingston Attorneys for Municipal Water Company of Illinois. TN26-1tc Live in Ravine Forest, Lake Bluff, Nature's Beauty Spot Ravine and wooded lots. Turn left on Sheridan Rd. in Lake Bluff, to first street west of bridge, owner will show prop- erty on Sunday. Phone Canal 1858 after 6:30 P.M. or write N. H. LONDENBERG 1546 W. 13th St., Chicago, III. Bruce P. Owens Purchases Fred T. McLoney Property Bruce P. Owens, 824 Ashland avenue, has purchased the T. McLoney prop- erty at 714 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette. The sale was reported this week. R. M. Johnson and company, 340 Linden avenue, being the agents for the trans- action. Mr. Owens has been a resi- dent of Wilmette for the past two years. EXHAUST GASES WINTER PERIL Dangers of Carbon Monox- ide Poisoning Told When the first cool days of fall come, we may expect to pick up our news- paper any day and read that some motorist has paid the penalty for his ignorance of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning. The accident pre- vention department of the Chicago Motor Club believes that instead of waiting until the cool weather is upon us, that ample warning of this menace to life should be broadcast now. Do you run your car in a closed garage? If you do you are courting death. Carbon monoxide is a poison- ous gas present in the automobile en- gine exhaust You cannot see it, smell it, nor taste it. This gas is the product of incomplete combustion. It has been found that the exhaust gases of auto- mobiles contain from four to eight per cent of carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide displaces the oxy- gen from its combination with the col- oring matter of the blood, which ab- sorbs oxygen from the air in the lungs and delivers it to the tissues of the body. Acute carbon monoxide poison- ing is evidenced by a feeling of illness, a throbbing of the blood vessels and a burning sensation in the face. Quick Relief Necessary Nausea, headache, dizziness and drowsiness are other symptoms. If re- lief is not at hand death results. Per- sons have been known to work all day exposed to this poisoning without any ill effects until they reached home, when severe symptoms developed. The Chicago Department of Health reports that in six years 1,426 cases of accidental gas asphyxiation occurred. Dr. Herman N. Bundeson, the commis- sioner of health, recommends the fol- lowing treatment for reviving victims: Call a physician, and in the mean- time remove the victim to fresh air, keep the patient at rest, lying down to avoid strain on the heart, perform arti- ficial respiration in this fashion: Patient lies with his face down, arms stretched in front. The operator strad- dles the patient about the hips and applies firm pressure over the back of the ribs, quickly withdrawing his hands. This maneuver expels the air in the lungs of the victim and the sud- den withdrawel of the pressure causes a sharp inhalation of fresh air. It is advisable at that time, too, to have someone simultaneously pull the tongue back and forth in rhythm with the ex- piration and inspiration. As soon as it can be obtained, a mixture of oxygen and five per cent dioxide should be administered for at least 20 minutes or more and the circulation must be aided over the period of low vitality by external applications of heat. Open Garage First In the newspaper accounts of car- bon monoxide poisoning we often read that the victim was found scated at the wheel, while the engine was still running. Evidently, continues the ac- cident prevention bulletin, the motor- ist started his car with the intention of opening the doors after his engine warmed up. This teaches us a lesson in common. REALTY ROW'S ABUSY MART Last Minute Buyers Want Early Occupancy "Busy!" is the word on real estate row this week. With a good number of deals actu- ally consummated, it was discovered this week that an even larger number of properties were under process of transfer and buyers were listing their needs in larger numbers each day. Besides the transferes reported this week, 11 other deals are known to be practically completed, some money having been passed in many of the cases and written acceptances filed on others. Five of these are known to be for consideration of $30,000 or over. Last minute buyers, whose vaca- tions of summer languors have resulted in postponements, have harassed the real estate men all week for properties with early occupancy demands. Some of these are inquiries for $30,000 or better values. Buyers, however, still demand a good value for their money. They are people seeking the property for residence, and not for speculative purposes. This is clearly indicated by the fact that, though bungalows in the village are scarce, one which is well built and in a good location has been seeking a buyer for almost a year with no re- sults. Too high a price still is possi- ble in Wilmette. The excessive heat Sunday sent people to the beaches instead of to the real estate dealers and other days of the week have been busier as a result. Many of the deals are being handled through letters and telegrams from va- cationing or out-of-town owners and buyers and this has, of course, slowed up the transfers somewhat. F. P. Whitely Purchases Home on Elmwood Avenue F. P. Whitely, an official of the Howard Paper company of Chicago, who has been residing at the Orring- ton hotel, Evanston, has purchased the Colonial residence at 816 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, through the E. E. Stults Realty company. The home is an unusually attractive one, consisting of seven rooms, having a stucco finish and modern through- out. Miss Nettie Dyer was the former owner. Mr. Whitely is to have pos- session about September 15. Mr and Mrs. Fred Wild and daugh- ter, Miss Julia, of 628 Greenleaf avenue, returned this week from a short trip in- to Michigan. . Village Speed Law Signs May Soon Be Memories The old warning signs interpreting the speed law as dictated by the wish- es of the various village authorities are to be a thing of the past, accord- ing to the Chicago Motor club. The state highway department, under the new law has the right to exercise au- thority over roads through towns if such roads are part of the state sys- tem of highways, and to erect suit- able signs setting forth the various speed limits in the business, residential and outlying districts. According to word received by the club from Springfield, the highway department is now considering the erection of such signs. The depart- ment has been given jurisdiction over the traffic on these state highways through towns, and motor club officials believe that this will be a strong ac- cident deterrent, and will tend to elim- inate the speed trap evil. HAROLD IS DIFFERENT "Now Or Never" is as different from other comedies as the difference be- tween the sleeping sickness and the woman who -talked eight days with- out stopping--as different as the dif- ference between Harold Lloyd and other comedians. Miss Ruth Rice is visiting friends and relatives in St. Louis. 514% Money Have funds to loan on choice improved North Shore Suburban residence property at 5% 9% in- terest. See us on renewals E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 WANDA FAINTED Overcome by smoke and terrorized by the nearness of the flames with which she was encompassed, and which have crept so close to her as to singe her hair, Wanda Hawley, who is playing one of the leading roles in "Barriers Burned Away," the all-star Encore Picture adapted from E. P. Roe's story of the Chicago fire, fainted during the portrayal of her most im- portant scenes. New Houses For Sale Wilmette 6 Rms. Frame Col. H. W. Heat rs $12,000 5 Rms. Stucco--Sun rm. Small 'cash... avd Jive 13,500 7 Rms. Stucco--H. W. Gar. Good loc. 6 Rms. Slp. Pch. H. W. Heat, Gar. 5. eet 5h 14,000 5 Rms. Br. Bung. Garage.. 14,000 6 Rms. Yellow Brick att. gar fisip peti il, 15,500 5 Rms. Brick. Oil Heat. i Nr. bakeia nl Lo boda 17,000 6 Rms. Colon. East, nr. Transp ULLAL. iis 20,000 8 Rms. 2 car gar. Nr.<Sheridan ~v..... 00 23,000 7 Rms. Greenwood Drive. Gar. H.W. H, 7.5.0 29,500 7 Rms. 2 Baths. Nr. Lake-- deal iHome 0... 0 0000, 35,000 10 Rms. 3 Baths. Sheridan Rd "Beautiful. .... .....: 3,000 Clore, Budinger & Smith 1177 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wil. 1750 to us? 69) Money to Loan on residences, in Wilmette, Winnetka and Glencoe and other North Shore Villages. In the last 41 years we have served many thousands of borrowers. terms are reasonable--why not come INC Established 1884 H. H. Banford, Mgr. Loan Dept. Real Estate--Property Management--Loans--Insurance 40 North Dearborn St., Chicago 1571 Sherman Ave., Evanston Our Honest Investments Invest money here where the principal will be safe and the high interest rate certain. Phone Univ. 285 or Rogers Park 0272 and ask for our securities list, your BROLEE 1580 Sherman Evanston. Ill The Home Wilmette to Waukegan. We Will Build For You! 109, Down Balance on Monthly Payments A complete service--plans, etc., all included in our price. See the homes we have built on the North Shore from Use that vacant lot. Lake County Construction Company 10 N. Clark St., Chicago, IIL. You Want Phone State 8825 Not 882 Pine Street EVERGREENS, PERENNIALS, SHRUBS AND TREES Winnetka Landscape Company M. J. SULLIVAN, Prop. GRADING--SEEDING LAWNS--TRIMMING BLACK DIRT--MANURE Men for private grounds by the day WINNETKA, ILL. Inc. FERTILIZER Phone Winn. 1549 Have Glencoe, Ill. doh That Ideal North Shore Home We Will Design, Finance and Build It for You. You Purchased Your We Know Where the Good Ones Are. BROWN and RUSTON Builders of North Shore Homes 665 Vernon Ave. Lot? Glencoe, Ill. inden Cres! Apartments Linden Avenue and Fifth Street WILMETTE 424 Linden Ave. One of the Courts in the Linden Crest Why Not You? Many representative North Shore families are making the Linden Crest Apastments their home. You are invited to inspect the few choice apart- ments still remaining unoccupied. attracted by the apartments themselves, the de- lightful neighborhood, and the moderate rents. For Information Call E. E. Stults Realty Co. Office Open Sundays You will be Wilmette 3450