Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 19 Sep 1925, p. 19

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1925 STUDY THE WANT ADS EVERY WEEK Glencoe TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. papers. the line. No black face type used. WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to inclusive whose names appear who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. MINIMUM CHARGE 50. Rates for Display type on application. y : Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. in the telephone directory, or 20 cents per line in all three Average of five words to o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. 1 REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE Check These Values We do not believe that they can be beaten. RAVINIA--LOT, NICELY WOODED, 2 blks., east of Braeside sta., 3 blks. to lake, ravine on two sides, one or two homesites, 158x125 at $50 per foot for immediate sale. 5-ROOM STUCCO FIVE BLOCKS from Xenilworth sta. stove heat; elect.; gas; lot 80x260; fruit trees. Unusual bargain for quick sale $6,600. Terms. KENILWORTH --OWNER LEAVING town will sell 2 yr. old, 9 room brick Dutch Colonial, 5 bedrms., 3 baths, att. garage, Nokol heater, beautiful trees and shrubs, lot 100x175 ter- raced. E.E.StultsRealty Co OAK STREET at R. R. EAST. Phone Winnetka 1800-1226 1LTN51-1te THOROUGHLY WELL-BUILT, ern, stucco house on brick founda- toin; tile roof; 10 rms.; screened porch; 2 slpg. pches.; 3 bathrms. on bdrm. fir.; lav. on main fir. 2 car garage with living quarters for man. Lot 200x150, partly wooded, fine shade trees. 3 blks. from Hubbard Woods sta. For sale on easy terms or would rent furn. for 6 months. Inquire at McGuire & Orr's. 1TN28-1te PLEASANT FURN. HOME WITH yard, beautiful landscaped, wooded. Large slpg. and brkfst. pches. Toilet and lav, 1st fl.; near schools and golf course. Only $1,500 down pay- ment. 8-RM. MOD- HOUSE IN CENTRAL GLEN- coe. Wooded and landscaped lot. Large rooms. Unusual possibility for remodelling. Heinsen & Kroll, Inc 720 Elm St, Winnetka Phone 254 1LTN51-1te FOR SALE--WINNETKA, 139 BERT- ling Lane. 7 rm. Colonial. Large living room; 4 slp. rms.; tile bath: encl. slp. porch. Lot 64%x150. Near high school and trans. Might ex- change for vacant or smaller house Immed. poss. Winn. 1805. 1T28-1tc Ravinia HIGH ON THE RIDGE, COMMANDING a sweeping view of the Skokie Val- ley for miles, also the Northmoor Golf grounds and yet only 3 blks. to Ravinia Sta. is is brand new Eng. brick, stucco and timber home of 6 rms. 3 bedrms., tiled bath and dressing room; lg. open porch; att., gar.; Oct. possession. Price $19,500. Terms. E.E.StultsRealty Co Exclusive Agents Oak St. at R. R. Winnetka 1226-1800 1LTN51-1tc Overlooking Skokie Golf WITHOUT CHANCE OF CONTRADIC- tion, this is the best value in the North Shore suburbs; a splendidly built old frame and stucco home of 9 rms, 5 bedrooms, 1 bath. Lot 150 ft. on Washington by 183 ft deep. Beautifully landscaped. Priced at very little over ground value. $26,- 500 for quick sale. E.E.StultsRealty Co Exclusive Agents 10 Carlton Annex Winnetka 1800 1LTN51-1te ROOM STUCCO; GLAZED SLEEPING and sun porches; 2 baths; hot water Nokel heat; instant water heater; 2 car garage; beau. garden; % blk. © from New Trier; 21% blks. from steam and electric service. 72 Ab- bottsford Rd., Winnetka. Phone Kenil. 657. 1LTN51-1te FOR SALE -- CALIFORNIA SPANISH type bungalow; 6 rms.; 3 bedrms.; 2 baths, 1 with shower. Solarium patio with fountain. Lot 67x300. Fine location; nr. school and trans. Shown by appointment only. Phone Winn. 701 or 1703. 1LTN51-2te FOR SALE -- PRACTICALLY NEW Stucco house. 7 rooms. Sun parlor. Sleeping porch. Hot water heat. Oil burner. Lot 60 by 187. Location S. E. Winnetka. Near school and transporation. Price $22,000. 560 Orchard Lane. 1LTN51-1te FOR SALE--NEW BRICK VENEER house, 133 Glenwood Ave., Hubbard Woods; 6 rms.; 2 baths; pchs.; lot 55x200; price $20,000. Terms. Phone Winn. 62 or inquire at 137 Glen- wood Ave. 1LTN50-tfe WANTED--SMALL HOUSE IN GOOD FOR SALE--20 ACRES; 6 BLOCKS from depot in Deerfield; other acre- age. This is a rare opportunity for subdivision. Call F. H. Ward, Wil- mette 3041. 1LTN50-tfe 1% STORY BUNGALOW, MODERN, hardwood floors; h. w. heat; screened porch; laundry, etc. Near station. Desirable location. $11,000. Bargain 3 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE FOR RENT -- APARTMENT OVER private garage. 4 rooms and bath. 708 Prospect ave. Phone Winn. 68. 3T628-1tc FOR RENT--APARTMENT. FOUR rooms and porch. Phone Winnetka 122, 3T28-1tc WANTED--2 BUSINESS WOMEN TO share my modern apartment. Call Sunday or mornings before 10. Phone Winn. 2477. 3T28-1te FOR RENT-- UNFURN. 3-RM., KIT- chen and bath; first floor; including heat, light, and hot water. Front and rear porches. Also furnished one- room, kitchen and bath. Call Mrs. Berringer, Owner. Wilmette Imm 11th St. Vilmette 1568 3LTN5L1-1tp FOR RENT -- DESIRABLE APTS. ON new blvd. $40-$65. 615 Kenilworth Ave. Phone Kenil. 1146. 3LTN51-1te IN 726 KITCHENETTE APT. Bldg.; in-a-dor bed. Phone Winn. 62. FOR RENT Franklin Gonsalves. terms. Write Winnetka Talk A-667. 3LTN50-tfc FOR SALE -- FAMILY LEAVING | 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS town. 7 rm. stucco; 4 bdrms.;' 1 bath. Nr. schools: in prettiest part | pop RENT--FURNISHED ROOM AT of Winnetka. Write Winn. Talk $50 Pine St. Phone Winn. 2484. A-670. 1TN28-1tp 4T28-1tp WANTED TO BUY--MODERN HOUSE; 4 master bdrms. Winnetka or Ken- ilworth preferred. Price range $25,- 000-$50,000. R. H. Reid, 30 No. Mich- igan, Chicago. 1T28-1te FOR SALE--6 ROOM BUNGALOW. Fine condition. Large attic. Hot water heat. Beautifully located one block from lake. Terms. Winn. 2489. 1T28-1te FOR SALE--1 LOT AT $85 A FOOT. E. Willow St. Another at $110 a foot. Kuclid ave. Phone Winnetka 1966. 1TN28-1tp FOR SALE --BEAUTIFUL BUNGA- low; nr. lake, trans. schools and stores. Terms very reas. Private party. 164 Woodland ave., Winnet- ka. 1LTN51-1te FOR SALE--11% ACRES NEAR DE- pot of new electric line at Willow street; other acreage. Call F. H. Ward, Wilmette 3041. 1LTN50-tfe FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW HOUSE 7 rms.; near lake, golf and trans- portation; large lot; price $21,000. W. Otten, 96 County Line Rd., Glen- coe. Phone Glencoe 433. 1LTN50-tfc 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES WILL SHARE ATTRACTIVE SMALL modern home with two congenial business women or married couple. Cooperative meals optional. Piano, fireplace. Garage. Nr. trans. Send references. Write Winn. Talk A-674. 2T28-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED MODERN home. 5 rooms and sun porch; Stein- way piano; garage. Nr. 'trans. Available after Oct. 1 for 8 mos. or FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM; close to trans. Suitable for business woman. Phone Winn. 2176. 4T23-1te FOR RENT--TO SUITABLE APPLI- cant; room in private home; conv- located; with or without board. Write Winn. Talk A-671. 4T238-1te FOR RENT--BEAUTIFUL HEATED front bedroom in new up-to-date apartment. Half block from station. 814 Elm street, 3rd floor. Winnetka. 4T28-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM IN PRIVATE family. Nr. transportation. 1 or 2 young ladies. Phone Winnetka 23217. 4T28-1te FOR RENT -- LARGE FRONT ROOM. Patterson, 208 4th St, Wilmette. Teacher or business person. Call in- formation for telephone number. 4LTN51-1tp FOR RENT -- NICELY FURN. LARGE, front room; twin beds. Nr. trans. and school. Suitable for 2 teachers. Phone Winn. 1028. 4LTN51-1te FOR RENT--LARGE, LIGHT, WELL furn. room; priv. bath. Near trans. and New Trier H. School. Phone Winn. 1543. 4LTN51-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE, FRONT ROOMS; single or in suite. Fine location. East side... Phone Wil, 1940. 4LTN51-1te CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. 4LT50-tfc 2. UNFURN. ROOMS; FOR RENT , ite Winn. Talk A-675. elect.,, gas, heat furn. Call Wil lopees rite ip 2T28-1te 864-R. 4LT51-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED OR UN-|FOR RENT--ROOM; SUITABLE FOR furnished 6 room brick house. Glen- 2; near trans. Phone Wil. 3206. coe. Garage; oil heat; bath and, ay, 4LTN51-1tc Cony, trans. . Writs Wink tear |FOR RENT -- ROOMS: WA, TBANS : Phone Wil. 3566. 4 TN51-1tc FOR RENT--6 RM. HOUSE; NR. school and trans. Call Winn. 987. 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND 2TN28-1te OFFICES FOR RENT--8 RM. UNFURN. FARM OFFICES FOR RENT house, with 15 acres. On Avoca Rd, west Hibbard. P. W. Bradstreet, Excl. Agt. Phone Winn. 162. 2T28-1fc FOR RENT--IN WINNETKA. 7 RM. house; 2 glazed pches.; h. w. heat; 2 car garage. Nr. trans. Rent reas. Phone Greenleaf 939. 2TN28-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED OR UN- furnished, 7-rm. house. 739 Walden road, Winnetka. Large liv. room; 3 bedrms.; encl. slpg. porch; Lovekin water heater. Garage. Lease to suit renter. Phone Winnetka 566. 2LTN51-1tp FOR RENT--KENILWORTH; 3 MIN- utes from station, 8 rm. residence; 2 baths; Argo hot water furnace; heated garage. Rent $300. Long lease ' to desirable tenant. Write Wilmette Life A-644. 2LTN51-1te FOR RENT EAST SIDE, 8-RM. house, h. w. heat., gar.; 2 blks. from trans. Foss. October 1. Phone Wil. 2720. 2LTN51-1tc FOR RENT -- GLENCOE, FURN. OR unfurn. 6-rm. house; nr. transp. and school. Furn. $150; unfurn. $125. Avail. Oct. 1. Phone Glencoe 712. 2LTN51-1te FOR RENT OR SALE--BUNGALOW; 5 rms. and sunp. 274 Mary St., Hub- bard Woods. Phone Rogers Park 3364. 2LTN51-1te FOR RENT--7 RM. HOUSE. SLEEP- ing and dining porches; h. w. heat; garage. Inquire 839 Cherry St. Winnetka, 2L/TN51-1te GLENCOE. MODERN bungalow; newly dec. Foss. 315 Washington St. 2LTN51-1te FOR RENT -- 7-RM. FURN. HOUSE; 4-7 months. 936 Elm St.,, Winnetka. 2LL.TN51-1te FOR RENT 4-rm. Oct. 1. 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS condition in Wilmette or Winnetk a. Boos eash Sayment Tor, reasonable North Evanston rice. 1 S. rite Wil ] Life A-668. LT te [EASTWOOD APARTMENTS -- ON = BASTWOOD AT CENTRAL ST. FOR SALD790 RiCOMORD =n CORNER, NOT COURT APTS. AC- Kenilworth. 5-rm. stucee homa.| CLAIMED BEST OF NEW APTS. IN glass porch. Lot 75x150 neil WVANSTON. 4's and 5's with extra Station 16.01 x150. I blk. from bed, closets. Reasonable rents; 11 Damar Bade. Coll \Bovenswond fH Nt Na mn ahve JTN51-2te town, Sound-proof, large rooms; " = ~ layr s ildre h z FOR SALE Toy LINDEN AVENUE | LAL ONIS, fon children ® No reat rlencoe. Greatest bargain on North er on premises. Phone Univ. 3713 Shore, $16,500. Terms. 1LTN51-1te 3LTN50-tfe FOR SALE -- SMALL HOUSE. LOT FOR RENT--3 ROOM APT. HEATED; 50x300. 1331 Central Ave., Wilmette. light hskpg. Phone Wilmette 2399. 1LT51-1tp 3LTN50-tfc HOYBURN. 615 DAVIS ST., EVANS- ton. Elevator service. All outside offices. Liberal concession. Apply Mr. Harvey, New Evanston Theatre. 5LTN50-tfe FOR RENT--PRIVATE OFFICE OR desk space over Adams' Pharmacy. Fred'k B. Thomas & Co., Winnetka. 5LTN51-tfc FOR RENT -- STORE NO. 4 IN CARL- 70 i WANTED--REFINED WHITE GIRL for gen. hswk. Small house, pleas. room. Family going to Florida Dec. 1 for winter. Would take maid with them. Phone Glen. 224. 12LTNb51-1te WANTED -- EMPLOYED GIRL OR student to assist with dinner and breakfast and care of children in evening in exchange for board and room. Call Winnetka 1993. 12LTN51-1te COOK: | 'AND '1ST a week. Must be exp. and have refs. W. L. Benson, 671 Lincoln Ave.,, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 429. 12LLTN51-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE WANTED--GIRL; fir. work. $25 girl for gen. hswk.; small family; must be neat and good plain cook; $16 week without washing. Phone Winn. 1724. 12T28-1te WANTED--EXP. MAID FOR GEN. hswk. and cooking; no laundry; small family. Refs. required. Phone Winn. 2386. 12T28-11c WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR COOK- ing and first floor. Phone Winnetka 265 12T28-1te 260. SITUATION WANTED COOK OR gen. hswk.; (col); small family; no washing nor ironing. Phone Univ. 1696. 15TN28-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- 2 MAIDS; exp.; refs.; col. Place together or separate. Fhone Univ. 5711. 15TN28-1te SITUATION WANTED GIRL wishes to care for children evenings. Good references. Call Winn. 2145. Arter 6 o'clock. 15T28-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- DRESSMAK- ing. References. Phone Winn. 2106. 15TN28-1tp FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- terations call Miss Carlsten, Winn. 1389. 15TN27-tfc Caretaker CAPABLE REFINED WOMAN WILL look after home during owner's ab- sence for the winter for a nominal fee. Write Wilmette Life A-665. 15LT51-1te SITUATION WTD -- DAY WORK; Monday, Tues., Wed. and Fri. Wash- ing, ironing or cleaning, Mrs. R. C. Tallman, 1160 No. Clark St., Chicago. WANTED -- COMPETENT YOUNG Phone Lincoln 3153. 15LTN51-1tp white maid for gen. hswk. Refer- ences required. Best wages. Phone | WANTED---WASHING, TRONING AND Winn. 1001. 12TN23-1tp cleaning by the day. Swedish pre- ferred. Phone Wil. 2486. 15LT51-1tp WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE maid for cooking and downstairs | LANDRY WORK CALLED FOR AND work. Family of 4. Phone Winn. delivered. 1st class work. Refs. 68. 4 12TN28-1te Phone Univ. 2172. 15LTN51-4tc WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE WANTED > WASHING Gi DO wr | gen. k. Phone Winn. ome. No elivery. one il. $1 gon how 12T28-1tc 914-J. 15LT51-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN.| WANTED -- LAUNDRY TO TAKE hswk. and cooking; no washing. 4 home. Phone Wil. 2130. 15LT51-1te week. Phone Glen. 1142, 12LLTN51-1te WANTED -- COOK, EXP, WHITE; cooking and downstairs work; 2d maid employed. Good wages; refs. req. Phone Glen. 154. 12LTN51-1te WANTED COMPETENT WHITE girl. Gen. hswk. Small house. No washing. $18. Telephone Winnetka 680. 12LTN51-1te WANTED -- NEW TRIER HIGH school girl or mother's helper to as- sist with light hswk. Phone Winn. 621. 12LTN51-1te in family. $18 per WANTED -- COOK AND 2D MAID; white; refs. 721 Lincoln ave. Win- netka. Phone Winn. 1964. 12LTN51-4tc WANTED--WOMAN TO DO LAUN- dry work at home. Must call and deliver. Winnetka 1783. 12LT51-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK.; good cook; also 2d maid. Tel. Mrs. Lindsay, Winn. 1450. 12LTN51-1tp TELEPHONE OPERATING IS A DESIRABLE OCCUPA- TION FOR YOUNG WOMEN; THE WORK IS PERMANENT, INTERESTING AND NEAR HOME. OPERATORS ARE WELL PAID; 'TEEY "LIKE THEIR WORK AND ASSO- CIATES; VACATION WITH PAY IS GIVEN EACH YEAR; A LIBERAL BENEFIT PLAN IS PROVIDED. COME TO THE TELEPHONE OFFICE AND TALK IT OVER WITH THE CHIEF OPERATOR. 740 ELM ST., WINNETKA. 12T27-tfe 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS Furniture for Sale --_---- The beautiful furnishings of my attractive Orrington Hotel apartment, including hand dec- orated bedroom suite, lamps, secretaries, grand piano, easy chairs, breakfast set, etc. Many pieces from Marshall Field & Co. All like new. Telephone Univ. 8700, Apartment 333. 17LTN51-1te GS OF 7 RM. FOR SALE--FURNISHIN house, including drapes, rugs, lamps: Queen Anne walnut din. davenport; mah, d - t mah. bed; i 3 ig Wi 'eye maple dresser; wal nut chest of CAAT itchen table; day bed; in overcoats, almost new. Cal i hestnut St. an 730. 447 Chesinul et rol-lie FOR SALE -- MoHATH DAVIN r reas.; mah. in. bit child's nursery table aa . chairs; tea-chair; table lamp; othe household articles very reas. igo 7 yr. old child's henna chine illa coat; orchid beaded evening gown, size 38-40, worn only 3 times, Jens. Phone Wil. 3398. T7LTN51-1te SALE--BEAUTIFUL, ALMOST hard carved, two toned, genu- dinihg room set, 9 pieces. Silence pads Mohaie 800. al en- Wass 17TN28-1te FOR new, ine walnut, square table. seat. $375. coe 843. t Bldg. AF ; WANTED--COOK AND GEN. HSWK. ton Bug C.F. Gonsalyoy JRONSL W aitl © Prone Winn, 1830. 13758-i%0 6 FOR RENT--G WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. GARAGES hswk.; 2 adults and 2 children in FOR RENT -- SUPERIOR PRIV. GA- family; refs. required. Mrs. F. rage; centrally located; east %ide; Holland, 1370 Scott Avenue. Phone north of Elm St. Address IL, Gen. Winn. 1954. 12T25-tfe Del., Winnetka. 6'T28-41c 8 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--6 OR 7 house; unfurnished; and Must be strictly modern; in high class neighborhood; anywhere near North Shore or suburban transporta- tion. Also interested in purchasing same on optional basis. Walt Bloeser, Tribune Tower, Chicago. Central 6432. TLTN50-1te COUPLE WANT TO SHARE HOUSE in select district. Strictly private family. 3 rooms and kitchen needed. Write Wilmette Life A-666. TLT51-1tp TO RENT -- UNFURN. AT- house; 2 baths. Family of Nr. lake. Not over $200 per rite Wilmette Life A-365. TLT51-1te ROOM garage. WANTED tractive 2 adults. ¢ Mo. WwW 11 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--SALESMAN OR WOMAN for Winnetka real estate office. Whole or part time. Experience not necessary. Good opportunity. Write Winn. Talk A-669. 11TN23-1tc WANTED -- GROCERY CLERK; EX- nerienced. Steady position; good wages; 1% day week off. A. S. Van Deusen, Central ave. and 12th St, Wilmette... Tel. 510. 11LTN51-1te WANTED-- YOUNG MAN FOR GEN. office work. Good chance for ad- vancement. North Shore Gas Co., 732 Elm St., Winnetka. 11LTN51-1te WANTED--YOUNG MAN, WHITE; TO work in yard and clean. Glencoe 1020, 11LTN51-1te 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN TO AS- sist with work 4 mornings a week. Tel. Winn. 2330. 12T28-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hswk. and help with children. Only part cooking required. Phone Winn. 105. 12T28-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED for gen. hswk. Winn. 2062. MAID Two in family. Call 12TNZIs1te WANTED--EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR gen. hswk.; ref. req. Good home &nd wages; no laundry. hone Winn. 1725. 12TNZS8-1te WILL BELGIAN MAID WHO CAME to 38 Indian Hill road some time ago please call Winn. 2062 if not already settled in a place. 12T23-11c WANTED--WOMAN TO COOK DIN- ner every night. Phone Winn. 753. 12L'TN51-1te WANTED--GOOD COOK. $20. REF- erence. Protestant. Winnetka 941. 12LTN51-1te 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED -- CARE OF FURNACE, house, garden work, and odd jobs by reliable man. Can furnish best of references. Phone Winn. 639-W after 6. p. m. 14TN28-1tp SITUATION WANTED Tender, white man, 53. Excellent references. Talk A-672. FURNACE Trustworthy. Write Winn. 14TN28-1tp SITUATION WTD--WILL CARE FOR lawn, garden and car. Handy with all kinds of repairing around the house. 25 yrs. exp. Refs. Write Wilmette Life A-663. 14LTN51-1tp WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hswk.; family of 5; refs. Phone Kenil. 2051. 12LTN51-1te ' SITUATION WTD--A-1 CHAUFFEUR; practical exp. 15 yrs. A-1 refs. North Shore and city. Phone Glen. 639. 14LTN51-1tp LLE-- CHEAP. ICE-BOX, 100- yon ys Clark Jewel stove; Nap- anee kitchen cabinet; dark blue baby buggy and kiddy-coop. Other house- hold furnishings in good condition. Phone Highland Park 1551. 327 S. Green Bay Rd. 17TN28-1tp FOR SALE -- SINGER SEWING MA- ine; $5 11 Winn. 1184. chine; $5. ' Ca i Vunasitin FOR SALE -- FULL-SIZE MAH. BED, box spring and Mattress large dav- . h Glen. . enport Phone Jrpedeite BROWN MAHOGANY table, perfect condition. Scholle's, $12; also brown and cane wing rocker, $8. Phone Winnetka 983. 17T28-1te FOR SALE davenport bought at mahogany 1108 Elm St. FOR SALE -- 54 IN. JACOBEAN OAK dining room table and 6 chairs; ma- hogany and tapestry bed davenport; kitchen table; radio set. Phone Winn, 1483. 17T28-1te FOR SALE -- THOR WASHING MA- chine in good condition. Phone Winn. 1725. 17TN28-1te FOR SALE -- NEW MANGLE; NEVER been unpacked. Real buy. Cheap. Phone Winn. 1962. 17T28-1tc FURNITURE FOR SALE -- NEW taupe davenport and chairs; lamps and tables. Phone Winn. 315. 17T28-1te FOR SALE -- GAS RANGE, KITCHEN and dining furniture. One dressing table. Fhone Winn. 687. 17T28-1tc FOR 'SALE VICTOR VICTROLA; perfect condition; 40 records in- cluded. Phone Winn. 2462. 17T28-1tp FOR SALE -- FURNITURE OF 6-RM. house. Owner leaving village. 917 Vernon Ave. Glencoe. 17TN28-1te FOR SALE -- Odd PIECES OF FURN. from 8-rm. house; reas. Before Oct. 1. 153 Bertling Lane. Phone Win- netka 287. 17TN28-1tp More Want Ads on page 28 RR Sn RN RE

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