rl -- 1 8 oS ; 4 Agr - To 1 - 2 EE ES ba October 3, 1925 WINNETKA TALK Arrange First Five Programs for League of Winnetka Voters The programs of the Winnetka Lea- gue of Women Voters from October to February have been mapped out by the program committee as follows: October 12--education committee, Mrs. Arthur Cushman, chairman, in charge; Prof. Arthur S. Terry of Northwestern university will speak on "Contemporary Europe." November 9--foreign affairs commit- tee, Mrs. William Hale, chairman in charge; subject, "The World Court." The speaker will be announced later. December 14--social hygiene com- mittee, Mrs. Gross T. Williams, chair- man in charge. January 1l--membership committee, Mts. Harold delay, chairman in charge. February 8--citizenship and elec- tions committee, Miss Elizabeth Gem- mell, chairman in charge. spending two or three weeks with the William C. Boydens until their own home on Rosewood avenue, which they rented for the summer, is available. DRESS ACCESSORIES! Well-dressed men realize the importance of the little things which go to make up a man's wardrobe. It's just that dash of color in a cravat, the fine texture of a high grade shirt, the correctness of handkerchiefs, which complete and distinguish the well dressed from the or- dinary. Our assortment em- braces everything of the newest and best in correct furnishings for men at prices that are op- portunely low. John H. Dethloff Men's and Boys' Furnishings 786 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 1077 QUALITY AUTOMOBILE PAINTING and a guaranteed job WINNETKA AUTO PAINTING CO. E. LYLE, Prop. 562 Lincoln Avenue Rear Wersted Motor Co. Phone Winnetka 165 [Begin Work on Modern a WINNETKA SHOE STORE new passenger station of the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee electric hoes of Qualit line at Elm street, the permit for which S y was issued some time ago. The new Quick Service For All the Family building will be of brick and will con- form to the Winnetka plan scheme in Wi its architecture. It will be much larger nn. than the present station and will be 694 H. Luensman, Prop. modern in every way. It is hoped to complete it by the first of the year. Hours 7 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. 804 septs 3 ps Saturday -- 7 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. Elm St. Mrs. James Flemming of 596 Maple avenue is in Atlantic City. "Wome Bank [or Winetka Feople" i Qficers and Directors | HENRY R. HALE Fresident ! L.B. KUPPENHEIMER Vice-/ resident JANBORN HALE Coskier ' CELEORGE W. MEAINNEY Asst. Casrkier | VICTOR £LTING CARLTON PROUTY ---- NOBLE HALE | Banking in Winnetka --at the WINNETKA STATE BANK---assures you the helpful friendly co-operation of men who are Winnetka people, who want to see our community continue to prosper, and who provide equipment and services to meet every banking need--business or personal--of Win- etka people. Carry your account with this strong home bank which is under State Government Supervision, and also an affilliated member of the Chicago Clearing House Associa- tion, and which always places the interests of the cus- tomer first. Open Saturday Evenings from 7 to 8 o'clock, in addition to regular daily hours. WINNETKA STATE BANK LIM ST. LAST OF LINCOLN AVE. | BANKING HOURS mer SATA CUT. Saturdays 8am. lo 12-30pm. ana 7 lo rm.