= ------ HH ---------------- 18 WINNETKA TALK October 24, 1925 CHILDREN HEAD AUTO DEATH TOLL IN U. §. Secretary of State Emmerson Places Primary Responsibility with Parents Pointing out that a large percentage of the 19,000 deaths due to automobile accidents in the United States are chil- dren, Secretary of State Louis I. Em- merson urges the need of a better un- derstanding of highway safety on the part of parents and school teachers. Children can be trained in the schools in safety, he says, but the primary responsibility rests upon par- ents. He points out that a recent sum- mary shows that the tommonest types of automobile accidents to children are due to: Running into the street without look- ing in either direction. y Running into the street in front of, or behind, standing vehicles. Crossing the street in the middle of the block. Crossing the street diagonally. Crossing the street with an open um- brella obstructing the view. Running into the street after a ball Playing in the street. Using a coaster wagon or express wagon in the street. Chasing another child into the street. Hitching on the running board of an automobile. Getting into or out of a moving vehicle. Jumping on an ice wagon or huck- ster's wagon. Riding a bicycle in a crowded street. Mr. Emmerson believes that parents could help the children acquire safety habits by themselves obeying all traffic regulations at all times, thus setting a good example to children and teaching fundamental traffic rules to them and insisting upon strict observance. "Children should be warned," Mr. Emmerson says, "to cross the street only at regular crossings; wait until there is a clear space before crossing |. the street; to watch and obey the sig- nals of a traffic officer where there is one; to play only in safe places and to iol after thé safety of younger chil- ren." A. W. Hannah, 256 Woodstock ave- nue, Kenilworth, and George Taylor, 354 Kenilworth avenue, are spending the week traveling in Florida. -- Holden K. Farrar, 329 Sheridan road, has gone to California for a short stay. CITIES REDUCE ACCIDENTS Seventy-nine cities, ranging in popu- lation from 25,000 to 100,000 or over reduced accidents last year as com- pared with the previous year. This was in spite of the increase in the number of automobiles in operation in the streets. Most of this reduction is cre- dited to education in accident preven- tion. Mrs. E. G. Bentley has returned to her home at 804 Elmwood avenue after a month spent in the West. Her de- lightful trip included a stop at the Grand Canyon upon returning from her extended tour of the Pacific coast. --O Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Huck, 605 Essex road, Kenilworth, entertained at dinner last Friday evening. FOR RENT 1 and 2 Room KITCHENETTES New 8 Story Building $85.00 and up The New CLUXTON Hotel and Cafe 7450 Greenview Avenue Phone Sheldrake 8404 -- PATTERSON BROTHERS -- EASY PAYMENT HOUSE RADIO Pianos and Players Singer Sewing Machines Sonora, Columbia Washing Machines and Edison Phonographs Hoover, Hamilton Beach, Adjusting, Repairing, and Eureka Vacuum Tuning. Cleaners Repairing and Supplies OPEN TUES. THURS. and SAT. EVENINGS 816-818 CHURCH STREET, EVANSTON Between "L" and Post Office Tel. Univ. 654 Wilmette 526 | Chicago Store, 1950 Irving Park Blvd. Tel. Graceland 4950 HOLLAND BULBS Darwin Cottage, and Early Tulips, Hyacinths, Narcissi, Crocuses, etc., of exceptionally fine quality. Order early while assortment is complete. PEONIES Best varieties in strong clumps. PERENNIALS PHLOX and IRIS in Vigorous, Field-Grown Plants. New and choice sorts. Send to-day for our catalogue. FRANKEN BROTHERS, Deerfield, Ill. TEL. DEERFIELD 241 VISITORS WELCOME CC &M(e | CLEAN COAL CLEANLY DELIVERED [| unversity 5200 iy WILMETTE Ir is what we offer. Coal free from slate and dirt, deliveries made 3 pn 7) i with every possible care to avoid "mussing up the place." Bet- | 'N\\ NORTHBROOK | ter hurry up with your order is our advice. Don't order more than you'll need. But this is the proper season to fill coal L . cellars and you can conscientiously order now what you will i require this Fall and Winter. - iP eRe CFE ~(