* WINNETKA TALK a November 28, 1925 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--Sell--Exchange--New---Used Open daily, Mon.,, Wéd., Fri,, 8 P. M. 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212. 18LTN4-tfe WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, Ill Phone 189. 18LTN3-tfc N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1633 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 18SLTN3-tfc ------------ -- 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED -- TYPING AND COPYING to do at home. Wil. 3267. 19LT9-tfe WANTED -- SHOT-GUN; MUST BE good bargain. Phone Wil. 2376. 19LTN9-1tp 20 AUTOMOBILES WANTED -- OLD AUTOS AND ELEC- tries; any condition. Univ. 1986 or Greenleaf 598. 20LTN9-2te WHEN YOUR CAR IS LAID UP; For business or pleasurie rent a car, drive yourself. Touring cars 16¢c; closed cars 18c per mile. Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winn. 165 20LTNS8-tfe 24 LOST AND FOUND AIREDALE LOST--NAME "DOC" ON collar; Wilmette license No. 287. In- formation please call Hamilton, Wil. 3545 or police. Liberal reward. 24LT9-1te LOST -- SINCE SEPT. 18, STRING OF green jade beads with diamond clasp Reward. Tel. Kenil. 329. 24LTN9-1tc LOST--MALE, RED IRISH SETTER; reward. 826 Lincoln Ave. Winn, 2343. 24LTN9-1te LOST -- LAST FRIDAY, BLACK AND white Collie puppy, 4 mos. old, Call Winn. 519-R. 24TN38-1te LOST -- THURSDAY AFTERNOON enamel thimble with glass top; be- tween Linden and Elm. Winn. 670-W. 24T38-1te LOST -- NOV. 17; FEMALE WIRE- haired terrier; 8 mos. old. Reward. Winn. 1603. 24T38-1te LOST -- SPRINGER SPANIEL PUP- py, brown and white. Reward. Phone Winn. 1450. 24T38-1te -- er: 2¢ GARDENING LANDSCAPE GARDENING. BLACK manure for sale. Tel. Highland Park 2168. Matt Caretta. 26TN30-tfe fe ---" _ _- eee 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE Wilmette Upholstery Shop ATTENTION! FIRST CLASS UPHOLSTERING DONE at your home or at my shop. Prices reas. Work guaranteed. 3 Electric Pl. Tel Wil. 296. 27LTN9-1tp WALLS AND WOODWORK WASHED, windows cleaned, ete. by exp. men (white). Day or contract. F. W. Boyd, 14 No. Utica St, Waukegan. 27TN38-2tp NORTH SHORE WINDOW AND HOUSE CLEANING CO 10 Prouty Annex Winnetka 1994 27T38-tfe HOUSE AND WINDOW CLEANING: floor-waxing; furniture polishing. . Phone Wilmette 3428. 27LT9-tfc 31 HALLS & BALL ROOMS. FOR RENT--CLUB HOUSE, COM- plete facilities for Dances, Dinners, Bridges, ete. Exclusive use when rented. Address inquiries Mrs. Jessie IL. Page, Chairman House Comm., Kenilworth, Ill, Ph. 1535. Exclusive--Reasonable--Attractive. 31LTY9-4tc |! 32 BUSINESS SERVICE Ida A. Jeppson Lunches, Dinners, Teas, etc. 1321 Emerson St., Evanston - = Greenleaf 743 .- . . : . . 32LTS-4tp PUBLIC NOTICE Winnetka, Illinois, Nov. 19, 1925. Public notice is hereby given that the partnership of Johnson and Lance has been dissolved and that the under- signed will not be responsible for any HUNTER & JOHNSON. debts contracted by S. Lance. T37-3te WINNETKA SCHOOL FACTS Do you know that the average Winnetka teacher-- --has had over eight years of ex- perience? --has had over three years' ex- perience in Winnetka? --has had more than one and a half years' training beyond a standard two-year normal course? --has been selected after wide search and in preference to ten trained candidates who have applied for each vacancy? --does nearly twice as much out- of-schoo! preparation for her daily work as the ordinary public school teacher? --secures results in her classroom commensurate with this gener- al superiority? Big Art Exhibit Opens in Evanston Next Week From December 1 to 5, the fifth an- nual art exhibit of the Woman's club of Evanston, with artists from Chicago and the entire north shore as exhibi- tors, will be held at the club house. It will open with a reception to exhibiting artists Tuesday evening, and from 10 in the morning until 10 at night, Wednesday, December 2, the display will be open to the public. Among the artists from Winnetka who are exhibiting are Hugo von Hofsten, Allen Philbrick, Walter Mur- phy, Cora Gould Davies, Edna May Johansen, Sybelle Vennema, Anita Willets Burnham. A number of the pictures that hung at the North Shore Art league exhibit at Community House, Winnetka, are among those to be seen at Evanston. ANNOUNCE GUEST NIGHT The North Shore Dance club will have guest night December 5, at the Masonic temple. Special features have been planned and a new orchestra has been engaged which promises splendid music. ; pa a Mrs. Charles L.. Hammond is visit- ing at the home of her son, Robert S. Hammond, 1217 Asbury avenue. She will be here until Christmas time when che will leave for Florida to spend the rest of the winter. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Quincy L. Dowd, formerly of Winnetka, now of Lom- bard, III, and Mrs. Dowd's sister, Miss Parker, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. William Harding King of 672 Maple avenue. ---- Mr. and Mrs. William E. Davis of 1080 Private road motored to Cairo, Ill, to spend Thanksgiving with their son, Arthur Davis. They are remain- ing there for the week-end. ---- Mrs. Caleb Busick of 1408 Asbury avenue left the village Saturday, No- vember 21, with a party of friends, for g five weeks' motor trip to Orlando, a. w-- pi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Otto Butz of 622 Oak street returned this week from New Vork and Boston. They attended the Harvard-Yale game last Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rice, 994 Spruce street, will depart for Florida December 4, for a fortnight's visit in several cities. Christ Church Will Be Scene of Wedding When Miss Frances Dorothea Kemp becomes the bride of Egbert H. Spencer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Spencer of Highland Park, she will be attended by Miss Berta Maxcy of Houston, Tex., as her maid of honor, and by Miss Anne Bridgers of New York City and Miss Dorothy Brown of Rhinelander, Wis., as bridesmaids. Frederick Spencer of Highland Park, will serve his brother as best man, and George Moseley, Gorton Fauntle- roy, Edward A. Small, Jr., of Geneva, Ill, Paul Harper of Evanston, and Robert Whiting of Chicago, will usher. The service will be read at Christ church at 8:30 o'clock, and will be fol- lowed by a reception at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Edward M. Kemp of 765 Sheridan road. CHURCH SOCIETY LUNCHEON The Rock River Conference of the Woman's Home Missionary society is giving a luncheon December 3 at the Edgewater Beach hotel in honor of the national corresponding secretary, Mrs. May Leonard Woodruff. Mrs. Hughes, wife of Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes, will also be a guest of honor. All members are urged to be present at this luncheon. ---- WEDDING CARDS ARE OUT Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Plowman, 421 Linden avenue have issued in- vitations to the marriage of their dauchter, Miss Harriet, to Dan Dana McCullough, Monday evening, Decem- ber 21, at 8 o'clock. at Christ church. --Q-- Following the marriage of their daughter, Miss Martha Blair Mamm, to Rush Clark Butler, Jr., of Winnetka, Wednesday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Hamm of Kenilworth en- tertained at dinner Thanksgiving day. Their guests were the members of the Hamm and Butler families, and rela- tives of the bride and groom who de- parted on their honeymoon Wednes- day. --C-- The first of the Sunday evening musicales and suppers given by the Musical Guild of Chicago during the winter season, took place Sunday, No- vember 22. Mrs. Louise Harrison Slade, popular soloist of the Winnetka Congregational church, gave a song recital. saponin Mrs. William Sherman Hay, 645 Sheridan road, is in charge of a table at the annual Christmas bazaar given by the Woman's auxiliary of Grant hospital at the Parkway hotel, Tues- day, December 8, for the benefit of Grant hospital. --Cn Mrs. John C. Cobb, 615 Elm street, was elected treasurer of the mid-west province of the Girl's Friendly so- ciety, Episcopal Girl's Friendly order. The election took place Friday, No- vember 20, during the national con- vention held in Cincinnati. ---- Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Rogers, 375 Chestnut street, returned last Friday from a trip to Washington and the East. They attended the Yale-Prince- ton game and visited Mr. Swan, dean of tne Law school at New Haven, from there going on to New York. ---- Mrs. Charles Wahl and her little son, who had been the guests of Mrs. Wahl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Morse, of Provident avenue, for the past four months, sailed from New York for the Canal zone, on the Christobel, November 16. ---- Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart and their family have closed their home in Hubbard Woods and have taken an apartment at the Lake Shore Drive hotel for the winter months. 35 NEXT WEEK IN WINNETKA Monday, November 30 Open Tuesday, December 1 Afternoon-- Winnetka Woman's club, 2:30 p. m. : Motion pictures, Community House, 4 p. m. Evening-- Motion pictures, "The Man in Blue," at Community House, 7:15 and 9 p. m. Village council, Village hall, 8 p. m. Masons, Masonic temple, 8 p. m. Wednesday, December 2 All day-- Women's society, Community House. Thursday, December 3 Open Friday, December 4 Noon-- Rotary club, Community House, 12:15 p. m. Afternoon-- Motion pictures, Community House, 12:15 p. m. Evening-- Motion pictures, "Don Q, Son of Zorro," at Community House, 7:15and 9 p. m. Band concert, New Trier, 8 p. m. H. S. Congregation, Skokie school, 8 p. m. Saturday, December 5 Morning-- Christmas Bazaar, New Trier. Afternoon-- Motion pictures, "Don Q, Son of . Zorro," at Community House, 7:15 and 9 p. m. High School Play, New Trier, 8 p. m. Editor's Note: Community House has announced its willingness to serve as a bureau for the sched- uling of future events, the purpose in mind being to avoid, in so far as possible, conflict of dates in the instance of activities that attract considerable numbers of villagers. A call to Community House offices | may avoid such unfortunate cir- | cumstances and makes for larger | attendances at meetings. ] Open Frigidaire Display on Michigan Avenue Stover and company, distributors of Frigidaire, who have maintained a branch office at 1122 Central avenue, Wilmette, are opening a handsome central showroom in the Bell building, 313 N. Michigan avenue, Chicago, it was announced this week. The showroom will display a com- plete line of electrically operated re- frigerators. W. F. Hyde, who has operated in Wilmette for three years iin charge of Frigidaire sales, has been promoted to the supervision of the Michigan avenue central showroom and has succeeded in arranging it so that it is a delight to the eye of the householder, it is said. Mrs. Walter S. Johnson : Taken by Death Nov. 25 Mrs. Walter S. Johnson, 386 Fair- view avenue, died at her home Wed- nesday of this week after a long ill- ness. Funeral services were held Fri- day afternoon, Rev. James Austin Richards officiating, and burial was at Rosehill. Mrs. Johnson is survived by her husband and a daughter, Eva May. Mrs. Johnson was a member of the Winnetka Congregational church, the Community Drama club and many other organiations. She had been a resident of the village for several years. : ;