WINNETKA TALK A Weekly News-Magazine for Winnetka VOL. XIV, NO. 38 WINNETKA, ILLINOI S, NOVEMBER 28, 1925 PRICE FIVE CENTS ARDEN SHORE ELECTS ITS NEW PERSONNEL Mrs. Arthur Farwell Tuttle Named President of Association at Annual Meeting At the annual meeting of the Ar- den Shore Encampment association held Friday, November 20, the follow- ing officers were elected to conduct the affairs of the organization: honorary president, Mrs. J. McGregor Adams of Highland Park; president, Mrs Arthur Farwell Tuttle, Lake Forest; first vice-president, Mrs. Norman W. Har- ris, Winnetka; second vice-president, Mrs. William J. Wardall, Evanston; recording secretary, Mrs Hayes Mc Kinney, Wilmette; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. Frederick G. Wacker, Lake Forest; treasurer, Mrs. E. D. Parmelee, Evanston; town chairman, Chicago, Mrs Lloyd Smith Shaw; Ev- anston, Mrs. Ernest Palmer; Wilmette, Mrs. Leslie F. Gates; Kenilworth, Mrs. Mark W. Cresap; Winnetka, Mrs. Marcus D. Richards; Ravinia, Mrs. Harry A. Sellery; Highland Park, Mrs. George A. Mason; Lake Forest, Mrs. William E. Casselberry; Lake Bluff, Mrs. gore Kreutzberg; Barrington, Mrs. George E. Van Hagen, Jr.; di- rectors at large--Mrs. William E. Clow of Lake Forest; Mrs Robert B. Gregory of Chicago; Mrs. Jay Spencer Glidden of Highland Park, Mrs. Frank Warner Kingsley and Mrs. Carl La- tham of Evanston, Mrs. Bruce Mac- Leish of Glencoe, Mrs. Grant Ridgway of Kenilworth, and Mrs. Joseph J. Siddall of Glencoe The annual meeting concluded 25 vears of successful and ever-increasing work of the Arden Shore association, and, because of the erection of cot- tages, 600 mothers and children have heen accomedated this summer instead of the usual 500, and the winter camp is caring for 53 boys instead of 40. Forty-two cottages have been erected during the last two years. Greeley School P. T. A. to Hear Willard Beatty There will be a meeting of the Greeley School Parent-Teacher asso- ciation Monday evening, November 30, at which Willard W. Beatty, principal of Skokie school, will speak on "The Hero Age in Children's Literature." Carleton W. Washburne, superintend- ent of schools will answer questions on school problems. All members of the association are urged to be present at this meeting. Northrop Is Acclaimed © "Dad"--Oldest Rotarian Winnastka Rotarians have a new "dad" in .the club. He is Police Magistrate Clark T. Northrop, who has displaced Elmer Adams, formerly post- master of the village. Mr. Adams was known as the dad of the organization for some time, but since Mr. North- rop has become a member it has been learned that he has the title cinched. He was born February 17, 1848, so he informed his friends, and so is the oldest man in the club and takes the title of "dad." Members are consider- ing calling him "grandad." "Mr. and Mrs. Heyliger A. deWindt entertained at a family dinner at their home on Chestnut street Thanksgiving | M day. President Mrs. Arthur Farwell Tuttle has been chosen pres.u of .n. Arden Shore associat'on which, at its Lake Bluff Rest camp, each year takes care oi hundreds of mothers and children from the Chicago tenement districts. Arden Shore is supported largely by the north shore communities. Visitor to Italy Says Nice Things About Us J. L. Hartzer, who styles himself "a former and future resident of Win- netka," and whose present address is Florence, Italy, comments glowingly concerning the appearance of the "new and enlarged edition" of Wix- NETKA TALK. "I have occasionally received copies of the WinnveErka TarLk," Mr. Hartzer writes, "and needless to say, myself and family found them very interest- ing in spite of the fact that by the time they reached 'us the news was "cold." This morning I received my first copy of the new and enlarged edition and, 'as they say in Italy, 'bravo buenissimo.'" Improvement Body Meets Friday Evening, Dec. 4 George F. Nixaqq, prominent real es- tate dealer will speak on "The Devel- opment of the North Shore" before members of the Hubbard Woods Im- provement association at their next meeting, to be held Friday evening, December 4, at 8 o'clock at the Hub- bard Woods school. Stanley P. Far- well, president of the organization will give his annual report at this time. During the evening Mrs. Orval Simp- son, soloist, will give several selections. At the end of the meeting there will be an informal discussion of various subjects, at which time members may bring up any matters.«in which they are interested. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Weinstock and familv of 630 Walden road spent Thanksgiving and the week-end with rs. Weinstock's brother, R. C. Deily, at Evansville, Wis. Dundee Minister is Chosen as Associate Pastor in Winnetka Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin of [1l, has been called by the Winnetka Congregational church as as- sociate minister, Mr. Goodwin was chosen at a church meeting held Mon- day evening of this week. The question of calling a third min- ister caused the Congregational church The Dundee, || meeting, Monday evening, to be 'well attended. An interesting and complete- ly harmonious session resulted in a un- an'mous vote to extend the call to Mr. | Goodwin. If his acceptance is received, {as there is confident hope it will be, a more complete account of the meeting and particulars concerning Mr. Goodwin || will appear next week. Rev. James A. Richards, pastor of | the church, and other church officials have for a long time felt that the | growth of the village and the expan- sion of the church activities created responsibilities which could not be met without finding another minister to sup- plement the work now being done. The meeting last Monday, resulting in the call to Mr. Goodwin, was the culmina- tion of their efforts to adequately take care of the work in hand. Award Contract for New Light Plant Equipment The Westinghouse Electric company has been awarded the contract for the new 2,000 kilowatt turbo-generator which is to be installed at the electric light plant as emergency equipment, and take care of the peak loads at certain times. At the last meeting of the Village council the sum of $65,000 was appropriated for the purchase and installation of the new equipment, which includes, besides the generator, a condenser and exciter. This cost was $43,856 and the remainder of the money will be needed to install the equipment. Other bidders were the General Electric company, the Allis- Chalmers company, and the Brown, Boveri company. According to Village Manager H. IL. Woolhiser, the new equipment will be in service by Oc- tober 1, 1926. It will be delivered early next June. Seek Application for Postmastership Here Applications for examination for the position of Winnetka postmaster must be filed on or before December 8, it was announced this week by the Civil Service examination board. The position of postmaster is open in view of the resignation of Elmer EK. Adams, who has held the post since the beginning of the Harding adminis- tration and was also postmaster during President Taft's administration. Mr. Adams plans to return to the railway mail service in which he is a veteran of 19 years' experience. AT MANAGERS' SESSION Village Manager H. 1. Woolhiser attended the convention of city man- agers held at Grand Rapids, Mich. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of last week. While there Mr. Wool- hiser read a paper on traffic regula- tion before the gathering. REGIONAL PLAN BODY IN ANNUAL SESSION North Shore Leaders Prominent in Activities of Greater Chicago Association The third annual meeting of the Chicago Regional Planning association will be held at the Hotel Sherman, Chicago, December 2 and 3. Among the subjects to be discussed at the meeting are subdivision platting and zoning, public health, general surveys, recreation facilities in the Chicago region and highways in the region. Following each meeting open forum discussions on the subjects handled will be held, with speakers limited to two minutes. Hold Annual Election The business meeting will convene the night of December 3 in the Bal Tabarin room of the hotel, at which. time the officers and directors for 1926 will be elected. Following this, the annual dinner will be held in the Louis XVI room. Dwight H. Perkins will act as toastmaster. The four villages of New Trier town- ship are members of the Regional Planning association, as are also many individual residents in these commu- nities. Robert Kingery of Winnetka is secretary of the association; ang among the directors are such wel known north shore leaders as Fred- erick W. Penfield, Mrs. Harold L. Ickes, Samuel A. Greeley, Myron H. West, J. G. Wray, L.. H. Bouscaren, Herbert E. Fleming and Eugene Rummler. Mr. Penfield is scheduled as a speaker at one of the sessions, his subject to be, "Subdivision Control Through County Regulation." Richards to Give Sermon at Services This Sunday Rev. J. A. Richards will preach to- morrow morning at the Congrega- tional church on "The Life that is Christ." : The music for the morning worship will be: Organ Prelude--"A song of Praise" Rosseter Cole Processional--"Laudes Domini" Anthem--"Prayer of Thanksgiving"... Es Cay as a A nr es a Kremser Offertory Anthem--"Springs in _the Dessert" . Arthur Jennings Organ Postlude--"Exsultemus" 4° | Ralph Kinder Music Instructors to Give Recital Tuesday Richard Edmundson, pianist, and Lorentz Hansen, violinist, will present a special program at an assembly to be held Tuesday afternoon, December 1, at Skokie school. Edmundson is in- structor of piano at the school and Haryen is the violin instructor. The program is being given for the pur- pose of interesting the pupils of the school in the instruments. Principal W. W. Beatty announced that parents are invited to attend the assembly. HOLD ANNUAL MEETING The Winnetka Field Hockey club will Fold its annual business meeting for the election of officers for the vear 1926 at the home of Mrs. Dwight Green, 329 Chestnut street, Mc afternoon, November 30, at 3 o'clock.