December 12, 1925 WINNETKA TALK In Scoutdom On Friday, December 4, Troops 2 and 3 met together. The first thing on the evening's program was an edu- cational moving picture showing the different animals and birds used by the French armies in the World war. After the movie Robert Hertel was: made patrol leader of a new patrol in Troop 3. A demonstration of the signalling codes, the Semaphor and the International, was then held, with practice for them both. To end up the evening all three troops met in the gym where several relay races, a tug o"war and an over and under race were held. Previous to the meeting in the gym, Troop 1 held its own meeting. They had signalling practice for the Inter- national Code, the whole troop taking part. This was possible because the assignment for the day was for every- one to know the code, and to have a flag. Gould Davies then proceeded to win another O'Grady drill down. A stunt by Silver Fox patrol was the last thing on the Troop's program. In this stunt each member of the patrol read part of an essay on reptiles. Next week in Troop 1 the Wolf pa- trol is to give a stunt. In two weeks, that is, on December 18th, a signalling contest in the International Code is to be held. This contest is to be be- twen one team of the first class scouts and another team of second class scouts and tenderfoot combined. HOLD XMAS SALE The Ladies' Aid society of the North Shore Methodist Episcopal church will hold a Christmas sale of fancy goods, dolls, lingerie, and miscellaneous ar- ticles at the William Edwards hard- ware store, 985 Linden avenue, Hub- bard Woods, 'Wednesday, December 16 from 9 o'clock in the morning until 5 in the afternoon. The Scandinavian Pleasure club will give its monthly dance on Saturday evening, December 19, at Community House. fo The Comfort Shop Phone 933 Winnetka TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT for your MARCEL AND WATER WAVING FACIAL AND SCALP TREATMENT SHAMPOO AND MANICURE EXPERT HAIRCUTTING for WOMEN AND THE CHILDREN Miss Jennie Anderson "Mrs. Chas. Stromgren" Meyer Bank Bldg. 797 Elm St. Winn. 933 Club Arranges for Children's Program The music department of the Win- 'netka Woman's club announces a pro- gram for the children, to be given by the children, Tuesday, December 29. The Skokie school is offering a pan- tomime. The New Trier High school orchestra will play, and the North Shore Country Day school pupils will sing Folk songs and unfamilar Christ- mas carols. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ehrlich and their son, 45 Warwick avenue, Win- netka, have returned from a brief stay at French Lick Springs, Ind. The weather was ideal for horseback riding and golf. nO Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Allen of 695 Ash street are spending this week-end at Rock Island. Hubbard Woods Electric and Hardware Co. Not Inc. -- SHOP NOW -- TOYS, TOYS and MORE TOYS Juddy "L" Line Skates, Tubular Shoe and Clamp Skates, Skiis, Sleds, Wagons, Coasters and Scooters Electric Appliances make dandy gifts 902-4 LINDEN AVE. PHONE WINN. 871 | "7 fome Bank /or Winnetka feople" Qficers and Directors | HENRY R. HALE Fresident L.B.KUYPPENHEIMER Vice~fresiaend JANBORN HALE Coskier ' CELORGE W. MEHINNEY Asst Cashier VICTOR ELTING CARLTON PROUTY ---- NOBLE HALE You Are Interested in a bank that grows, for it is a good bank to do business with. You know its facilities will take care of your banking requirements, and its progressive service will help your business to grow, too. In Winnetka, that bank is the WINNETKA STATE BANK, the financial ally and busi- ness friend of Winnetka's enterprises and in- dividuals for sixteen years. WINNETKA STATE BANK LIM ST. LAST OF LINCOLN AVE. { EEE ty BANKING HOURS iy S8A.M. lo 3 P.M. EE ---- 8AM Lo 12-30PM. ard 7 lo BRM i |