tA 26 WINNETKA TALK December 12, 1925 --_-- SOLVE RENT PROBLEM Florida City Adopts Teacher Housing Plan in Operation in Winnetka and 'Glencoe; Keep Rents Down A plan for housing teachers of the public schools, as worked out success- fully in Winnetka and Glencoe in recent years, has been adopted at Miami, Fla., with the aid of the.teal estate board of that city, according to word from the National Association of Real Estate boards. The board, a member of the Na- tional Association of Real Estate boards, was asked for aid in the housing problem that faced the Board of Education in the early part of No- vember when most of the instructors in the city schools would have been forced to pay much higher rents or move to undesirable districts. A committee of 'realty brokers ap- pointed to study the problem, rem= edied the situation by obtaining a newly built apartment house which was turned over to the city teachers. Bought by a holding company, com- posed of realty people, it was offered to the Board of Education at a rent that covers the carrying charges but allows no profit. | The building, which houses more | than 40 persons, is very much like a | club, being chaperoned and managed | by the mother of one of the teachers. | Other members of the national asso- | ciation have been active in relieving | housing shortage. The Lakeland, Florida, Real Estate | board is constructing a tourist camp to alleviate the congested condition of the district. In laying out the plans, provision "has been made for a com- munity center; playgrounds and parks. MAN OF THE HOUR The man who invented In-a-door beds has a future before him;.accord- | ing to' a suggestion that comes to the National Association of Real Estate Winifred Wilson Canvas Honors Departed Teacher Winifred Wilson, noted North Shore artist, has sold a large canvass entitled "Twin Oaks" which was purchased through the Evanston Woman's club by a jury selected to represent the school children of Evanston. The pic- ture will be hung in the new Lincoln school in the neighboring suburb as a memorial to a much beloved teacher who passed away some time ago. The picture has received much praise. It was exhibited at the Wilmette Wom- an's club exhibit last year and is now on exhibition at the fifth annual art exhibit of the Evanston Woman's club. Dorothy Straus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Straus, 887 Spruce street, gave a party Saturday, December 5, in. celebration of her eighth birthday Ghe WROUGHT IRO o8 I MANUFACTURERS o WROUGHT LAMPS, FURNITURE NOVELTIES. ETC 4248 N. KEDZIE AVE CHICAGO PHONE IRVING 9405 ART SHOPPE ARTISTIC. HAND- boards from the weekly pulletin of she | 'Miami Realty board. He's {He* very man to solve the all-American dawn- | town traffic problem. | Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them beautiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiates from them. Un- lesskeptalwayscleanand healthy, EYES lack this alluring lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par- ticles and keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. Our illustrated books on "Eye Care" or "Eye Beauty" are FREE on request. The Murine Company Dept. 33, Chicago RINE, or YOUR EYES Ri. -_.Sn" EY ME EI Haddorff Bush & Gerts W. L. Bush De Kalb Strohber Horner ing Machines, etc. The New DE LUXE Models, now on display. The Gift of Long Remembrance A Piano as a Christmas Gift, will carry the sentiment of the giver, for many years. Can you think of a more appropriate present? We handle only known and nationally advertised musical instruments, Radios, Talk- Complete line of Xmas Carol Rolls. DIO HORNER PIANO CO. Established 1907 1521 Sherman Ave. at Grove St. "HORNER'S CORNER" Greenleaf 464 Open evenings until Christmas Zenith Radiola Howard Colonial Sonora Crosley