a i. December 12. 1925 WINNETKA TALK CHRISTMAS CAROLING MOVEMENT PROGRESSES Two Thousand Cities and Towns Revive Age-old Custom; Ob- serve Ceremony Here The revival of the old-time, Old World custom of Christmas Eve car- oling has made such rapid progress in the United States during the past decade, according to the statistics of the National Bureau for the Advance- ment of Music, that it will be organ- ized in probably more than 2,000 towns and cities this year, many of which are already recruiting and rehearsing their singers. Wilmette has been ob- serving the custom for several years. Among the first to announce its plans is Chicago, whose caroling com- mittee includes Mayor Dever as hon- orary chairman, Max Mason and Harry Pratt Johnson, president and president emeritus respectively of the University of Chicago, Frederick Stock, director of the Chicago Sym- phony orchestra, William McAndrew, superintendent of schools, and Mrs. James W. Morrison, president of the Illinois League of Women Voters. Hotel lobbies, schools, churches, thea- ters, clubs, homes, hospitals, jails and all public institutions where people are gathered will be visited by the group of carol singers, and their music will also be broadcast by radio. The committee plans to have every human voice in Chicago join in the singing on Christmas Eve and Christmas morn- ing. Collect for Needy In Detriot, where the caroling has been done on a larger scale each year since 1916, the head of the 1925 committee is Mrs. C. B. Chamberlain, chairman of the Fine Arts department, Detroit Federation of Women's clubs. The Camp Fire Girls and the Girl Scouts will furnish the caroling bands, or waits, for the residential districts. In this city, as in St. Louis, Atlanta and others, a charitable purpose has been combined with the social one of bring- ing the message of good will to all through the bright and charming tra- ditional melodies. In each of these places money collected by the carolers has gone toward the care of the city's needy children. The Music League of Philadelphia is organizing the caroling in that city as it has done for the past two years and is preparing 60,000 song sheets for the purpose. The rehearsing will be in the hands mainly of 150 song leaders, trained by Robert Lawrence, the well known music director of Washington, D. C. A special "re- membrance carol" will be sung where two candles in, the window signify that a member of the family is absent. Popular in Country One of the interesting later devel- opments of the movement has been its spread into the rural communi- ties, with the carolers conveyed by auto, or when there is snow on the ground, by sleigh, from village to vil- lage. In North Dakota the state uni- versity at Grand Forks, through its extension division, is giving impetus to this activity for the coming Christ- mas. For those who wish to organize caroling groups there is considerable information and assistance available, which may be obtained by writing to the National Bureau for the Advance- ment of Music at 45 West 45th street, New York, and which is free upon request in single copies. It includes the general descriptive booklet, "Christ- mas Eve Caroling Being Revived," out- lining the methods adopted in places of various sizes, a survey listing the 1,285 towns and cities, reports of whose caroling activity had been received up to last year, and a paper pattern of the hood and cape costume which is --1926~ Marmon Improvements Double Fire Ignition Chassis Lubrication 3 Way Oil Purifier Marmon North Shore Sales and Service 1008 Davis St. Greenleaf 1038 EVANSTON Open until 9:30 P. M. being widely used by the itinerant bands, and which adds so much to the color and picturesqueness of the scene. Those who organize the groups are most frequently school teachers, music teachers, Sunday school superintend- ents, club leaders and individuals gen- erally who enjoy working with young people and helping them to serve their community. Mrs. Benjamin C. Hawkes, 157 Ken- ilworth avenue, Kenilworth, entertain- ed Saturday at a small luncheon for her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Belnap Hawkes of Buffalo. Featuring Exclusively The Featured in BLACK SATIN and PATENT For Afternoon Wear Widths AAAA to D Lengths 4 to 10 Our scientific method of fitting insures permanent comfort Arch Preserver Shoe Shop New Carlson Building 630 Church Street, Evanston Give Comfort for Christmas WHAT GIFT could be more practical, or give greater happiness to everyone in the family, or be more lasting year in and year out than a HARDINGE Qil Burner for the home? It brings cozy warmth to those who occupy the house while you are at business--without other atten- tion than setting the thermo- stat. Warmth in every room for long winter evenings at home. Warmth on arising on the coldest mornings. Ask about the inexpensive new model Hardinge designed for homes. Its convenience and economy are a revelation. 508 Davis St., Evanston University 2132 [ops]. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN TO YOU We have had Hurry-up Calls from those that have allowed their fuel supply to run low, in fact run out. This would be a very unfortunate occurrence during Christmas. So if your coal supply is low, phone us at once and we will fill vour bins the "Nillesway." CC & MCs UNIVERSITY S200 WILMETTE 333 GLENCOE 1100 NORTHBROOK Vwi CENTRAL COAL & MA' TERIAL CO. ET -- There's one of our Coal Stations Near You