h | December 12, 1925 WINNETKA TALK 43 Plans in Progress for Big K. of C. Xmas Party Preparations are going steadily for- ward for the big Christmas party which is to be given Monday evening, December 28, at the Wilmette Wom- an's club, by Ouilmette Council, Knights of Columbus. This will be the biggest holiday event in local Catholic circles, and is expected to be- come an annual affair. Entertainment during the evening will include bridge, danting and Christmas novelties. The affair is not being given for profit, but any pro- ceeds above expenses will go to a Christmas charity fund which the Ouil- mette council maintains. From this fund needy families are helped at Christmas time. The general com- mittee in charge of the party consists of F. J. Budinger, chairman, W. G. Obermeier, Mrs. Charles A. Board, Mrs. Peter Heine, F. J. Kreusch and R. E. McKay All members are urged to be present. Appealed Speed Case Brings Fine to Udell On a speeding case, appealed from the Wilmette court, B. B. Udell, Wil- mette publisher, was found guilty and assessed $34 to cover the fine and costs by Judge W. E. Taylor of the Criminal court of Chicago last week. Udell was arrested June 30, 1925, by Motorcycle Policeman Clement Iey of Kenilworth on a charge of speeding cn Sheridan road and on Kenilworth avenue. Police Magistrate D. M. Mickey heard the case and fined Udell $15 and costs. North Shore Line Boosts "Go to Church" in Ads In its general campaign of ad- vertising, the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee railroad has not over- looked one of the most important of north shore interests, namely, the churches. "Go to Church Sunday," reads the inscription on the latest "weekly events" advertising of the company, "The north shore is famed for its won- derful churches." AT CONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rice, 994 Spruce street, left Saturday, Decem- ber 5, for Winter Park, Fla., to attend the convention of the Investment Bankers' association. They are going to Cuba for a few days and will re- turn to their home the day before Christmas. About 300 bankers and their wives are in the party. Mr. and Mrs. Harland Fankboner of Rogers Park, formerly of Winnetka, have cards out for a dinner-dance Saturday, December 12, at the Sover- eign hotel in honor of Ernest Smith of California. Among the Winnetka guests will be Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Neubacher. Woman's Club Will Hear Talks on "Her College" The education department of the Winnetka Woman's club is offering to club members what promises to be a delightful program on Tuesday, De- cember 15. The subject will be "Her College," and talks will be given by Miss Mary Montgomery, Mrs. Wil liam B. Hale, Mrs. H. A. deWindt, Mrs. Harry Gottlieb, and Miss Olivia Fentress. These women represent eastern as well as middle west colleges and are to emphasize in what way their par- ticular college is different. Their talks should be most helpful to parents who must soon decide upon a college for | young daughters, and most entertain- |ing to other college women. Junior Hiking Club to Journey to Camp Howell Members of the Junior Hiking club of the Kenilworth Community center | will take their first big hike of the ! year Saturday. They will go to Camp Howell, in the Forest Preserve, west of Glencoe. Robert Townley, physical director at the community center, will be in charge and about 50 boys of the junior gymnasium classes will make the trip. Artistic Cards for Christmas and New Year's Day. We have on dis- play an unusually large and varied supply. They are in black and white and colors, and express very attractive sentiments. Also gifts appropriate for members of the family and friends--Books, beautiful Etchings, quaint old Maps. An inspection of our stock will give you many good suggestions. THE BOOK STORE Winnetka 1101 WINNETKA 724 Elm St. 270 Wl, rah (27S - A FACIAL MASSAGE and TONIC FACIALS for Sagging Muscles Hot Oil and Tonic Scalp Treatments Marcelling Water Waving Permanent Waving Swedish Massage ETHEL M. TAYLOR MARIA A. LAGERQUIST Props. 818 Elm Street Winnetka, IIL Eat Well and You Will Look Well! NOONDAY LUNCHEON... .60c DINNERS 60c and 75c--SUNDAY DINNERS 75¢ and $1 MOTHER'S HOME-MADE PIES CHAMBERS' CAFE 552 Center Street Phone Winnetka 1762 PALACE CASH rio NE MARKET P20 Univ. 2720 Univ. 2720 THE HOUSE OF GOOD MEATS 1559 Sherman Ave., Evanston 293c 22c 42¢ 42c Fresh Dressed Roasting i 381ic Chickens, Peacock Brand Hams Choice Cut of Pot Roast Fresh Prime Beef Tenderloin 3 to 5 lbs. Choice Cut Prime Rib Roast 42¢ Jack Sprat Bacon Sliced 3 Ib. pkg. Choice Cut of Sirloin Steak $1.25 Porterhouse Steak 48¢ This Week: SPICED ORANGES IN VANILLA ICE CREAM FOR SALE AT Adams' Pharmacy, 782 Elm St. G. Matteoni Bros. 742 Elm St. Division of National Dairy Products Corporation